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Poor kid, one of my children's pediatrician said, the Last Judgment

would get postponed for a migraine, let alone exams. He gave my

daughter a note to come to school late after first period study

hall. Let me guess...they have fluorescent lights in the school,

right? The flickering light may be setting off the migraines--put

his hat back on. Twelve years old was when my daughter's migraines

started sparking grand mal seizures. It is definitely worthwhile

looking into dietary connections (there is a specific anti-migraine

diet) as well as B6 (Dana is right, the doses don't have to be so

high as to be toxic) and other interventions.


Kathy E.


On Aug 14, 2005, at 10:50 AM, Emma wrote:

> My 12 year old has been getting migranes for awhile now (atleast a

> year)

> They finally did an MRI and found nothing. He cries because they

> hurt him so

> bad. Couple years ago we kinda decided it was the lights in

> school that got

> to him so he started wearing a hat in class.

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Oh, well, Kandi, that was the other thing that happened one month

before my daughter had grand mal seizures start from her migraine--

she had her mumps vaccine! (separately, at that time, they had just

come out).


Kathy E.


On Aug 14, 2005, at 10:53 AM, Kandi wrote:

> Don't know if I can help, but here's a few thoughts...Has he been

> vaccinated? I know kids are supposed to get additional MMR before

> 6th grade.

> My son started a headache within a month of that dose that didn't

> go away

> for 3 months. He had a CAT scan, too, that showed nothing.

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Since it coincides with school starting- he may not be getting enough to drink,

and may be somewhat dehydrated. They can't just get into the fridge and get a

drink while there....Or- there are plenty of new germs he has to contend with-

we found allergy meds help the first few weeks of school


My 12 year old has been getting migranes for awhile now (atleast a year)

They finally did an MRI and found nothing. He cries because they hurt him so

bad. Couple years ago we kinda decided it was the lights in school that got

to him so he started wearing a hat in class. Well now hes in middle/senior

high and last week was the first week of school and he loves it, cept they do

NOT have lockers so he has to carry his backpack all day. I dont know if

its the lights bothering him again, the weight of the backpack or what. He

goes back to the ped tomorrow. Anyone know anything that could help? Hes


for his age but an awesome kid with lots of friends and very popular with

the girls so I doubt its peer problems and like I said been going on for a


years. THANK YOU! Tylenol did nothing to help him Friday morning and he

wasn't feeling too good the night before then woke up with a splitting

headache all the way across the forehead.




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> How much GSE do u recommend for a 70lb 12 year old?

Start with one drop in the morning, to see how he tolerates the GSE

and any die off. You can then increase it to 3-5 drops 2-3x per day

if required.


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> After a few years on anti-seizure drugs she discovered that taking

> high doses of B6 every day was sufficient to control her migraine.

There is a good B6 story at the bottom of this page


> She's 37 now and is a Board Certified Small Animal Internal Medicine

> specialist (cannot resist brag),

Brag away!

>>she can't touch chocolate, or red wine, or bananas or

> avocadoes,

All of these foods are high amine, she sounds amine intolerant. You

can pass along these sites, if you want



> I guess this is OT but I also found that B6 is excellent for

> pregnancy nausea. The OBs use it IV when they have patients with

> uncontrollable vomiting, but it works by mouth too.

B6 works for car/sea/motion sickness also.


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Have you seen a chiropractor?

cbfllady@... wrote:My 12 year old has been getting migranes for awhile now

(atleast a year)

They finally did an MRI and found nothing. He cries because they hurt him so

bad. Couple years ago we kinda decided it was the lights in school that got

to him so he started wearing a hat in class. Well now hes in middle/senior

high and last week was the first week of school and he loves it, cept they do

NOT have lockers so he has to carry his backpack all day. I dont know if

its the lights bothering him again, the weight of the backpack or what. He

goes back to the ped tomorrow. Anyone know anything that could help? Hes


for his age but an awesome kid with lots of friends and very popular with

the girls so I doubt its peer problems and like I said been going on for a few

years. THANK YOU! Tylenol did nothing to help him Friday morning and he

wasn't feeling too good the night before then woke up with a splitting

headache all the way across the forehead.




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  • 1 month later...

> Is headache a side effect of high estrogen? Or is it a direct side

> effect of exogenous testosterone?


> Taddeo

Could be remember the old addage " Honey, I have a headache. "

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  • 1 month later...

You may want to look into TMJ as a possible source of your headaches.


I am so tired of taking tylenol, problem is if I dont take a huge dose (2

tylenol 3's at least) at the first hint of a head ache, they progress to

scull splitting migrains. I've tried feverfew but it doesn't seem to help,

is there something else I could try?


Mrs. () Siemens

Mommy to Zack and Liddy...so far

no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no claim,

only Christ

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Well, just to toss this idea in, EFT?


Take care,

Alice - HSing mom to Alice (DS) born Thanksgiving Day 1995 :-)

Hopewell Junction, NY




I am so tired of taking tylenol, problem is if I dont take a huge dose (2

tylenol 3's at least) at the first hint of a head ache, they progress to

scull splitting migrains. I've tried feverfew but it doesn't seem to help,

is there something else I could try?


Mrs. () Siemens

Mommy to Zack and Liddy...so far

no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no claim,

only Christ

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I only get migraines when I eat gluten or milk. Have not had any in a

while, but when I have gotten them, I can trace it to

accidental " glutenization " .

Connie H.


> I am so tired of taking tylenol, problem is if I dont take a huge

dose (2

> tylenol 3's at least) at the first hint of a head ache, they

progress to

> scull splitting migrains. I've tried feverfew but it doesn't seem to


> is there something else I could try?


> --

> Mrs. () Siemens


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I get one kind of migrane when I eat sodium and/or sulfite based preservatives.

I get another kind of migrane when I get Vitamin A deficient.


On 11/29/05, Connie Hampton <connie@...> wrote:

> I only get migraines when I eat gluten or milk. Have not had any in a

> while, but when I have gotten them, I can trace it to

> accidental " glutenization " .


> Connie H.

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> >

> > I am so tired of taking tylenol, problem is if I dont take a huge

> dose (2

> > tylenol 3's at least) at the first hint of a head ache, they

> progress to

> > scull splitting migrains. I've tried feverfew but it doesn't seem


> help,

> > is there something else I could try?

> >

> > --

> > Mrs. () Siemens

> >


I think it take awhle for feverfew to work. ALso I read in Science

News awile back that many migranes are associated with a problem in

the heart where there is a leak between the chambers that did not

close at birth, and this allows some blood to the brain that is not

properly filtered or something.


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What I'm gping to do is start a headache journal. Everytime I start to feel

a headache comming on I will write down what I ate so far. I can't pin point

it now but hopefully after a few I'll see a pattern


Mrs. () Siemens

Mommy to Zack and Liddy...so far

no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no claim,

only Christ

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> What I'm gping to do is start a headache journal. Everytime I start

to feel

> a headache comming on I will write down what I ate so far. I can't

pin point

> it now but hopefully after a few I'll see a pattern


> --

> Mrs. () Siemens

, It can take 2-7 days for a gluten induced headache to show up

sometimes. A food journal is a wonderful idea, but don't count on the

headache to show up within a couple of hours after a gluten ingestion.

Connie H.

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> I think it take awhle for feverfew to work.

To see if feverfew helps your headaches, you should consistently take

a small dose every day. After a few weeks or a month, you'll be able

to tell if it reduces their frequency. It usually does not help if you

take feverfew when you already have a headache.


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Thank you all for the advice on headaches. I don't think gluten is the

problem, thankfully gluten does not seem to cause me any trouble, but I know

of other things that do. I seem to recall hearing myself that feverfew must

be taken regularly. Well what I'll do is do the journal for a while to at

least try to pinpoint the problem, then at least I can avoid it. Then once

have an idea (or if I can't figure it out) I'll start taking the feverfew

regularly. Thanks all for the imput.

On 11/30/05, alangaud <alangaud@...> wrote:


> > I think it take awhle for feverfew to work.

> To see if feverfew helps your headaches, you should consistently take

> a small dose every day. After a few weeks or a month, you'll be able

> to tell if it reduces their frequency. It usually does not help if you

> take feverfew when you already have a headache.


> Jan


> Mrs. () Siemens


> Mommy to Zack and Liddy...so far


> no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no

> claim, only Christ


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  • 4 months later...
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My Physical Therapist tried cranial-sacral therapy on me and I also felt dizzy

and out of balance afterwards.

Supposedly non-CMTers can also experience these symptoms but I didn't want to

try it again because I'd felt so bad afterwards.

Are you still doing the cranial-sacral and are you seeing any benefits?


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I get little dizzy,when get off table, then sit in chair few minutes

then totally fine. Sometimes I get headache after treatment, but

eventually goes away. you can sure feel they did something to you, but

I don't know if it helps. First one I went to told me if I didn't feel

any relief by third visit then maybe it wasnt for me.

Two doctors say I just have headaches, want to fix with painkillers.

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  • 1 month later...
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Speaking of the foot pads . . . there are

recommendations to use them elsewhere . . . Really, do

a websearch and see what you think!

However, a stiff neck alone can cause a headache. If

you can get a good THERAPUTIC massage it may help you


I get theraputic massages every two weeks. I wouldn't

want to do without them!


--- GMCLADY98@... wrote:

> I have headaches so bad I feel as though I'm going

> to throw up...does anyone

> else have this ? And my neck gets real stiff and

> arms hurt...do you think

> the infection is going to my brain ? I'm

> scared.


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I had very bad headaches when I had implants, and also during that

time developed a neck problem, which I'm still going to physical

therapy for. You'll go through times where you feel worse and times

where you feel better, so please don't panic, the stress of worrying

about that won't help. About a month before explant I was sure I

wasn't going to live to see my explant because I felt so horrible, but

I made it through.



> I have headaches so bad I feel as though I'm going to throw

up...does anyone

> else have this ? And my neck gets real stiff and arms hurt...do you


> the infection is going to my brain ? I'm scared.


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I am so sorry.....

Luckily at least for now..I don't have these.

Hopefully someone will post that has had these as a sympton.....

I do think Headaches is on Dr. Kolbs list of symptons somewhere.

I emailed my supplement list....to you.....


> I have headaches so bad I feel as though I'm going to throw

up...does anyone

> else have this ? And my neck gets real stiff and arms hurt...do you


> the infection is going to my brain ? I'm scared.


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Guest guest

> >

> > I have headaches so bad I feel as though I'm going to throw

> up...does anyone

> > else have this ? And my neck gets real stiff and arms hurt...do you

> think

> > the infection is going to my brain ? I'm scared.

> >


Hello there, I'm a new member just recently and noticed your message

regarding your bad headaches.First I'm so sorry to hear and hope they

get better.I'm not sure exactly what your entire story is regarding

" implants " but the way you described how you feel when you have a

headache if you honestly feel like throwing up,have you considered that

it might be a migraine headache non-related? I'm not a doctor but I have

suffered severely from being diagnosed with migraine & clusted headaches

and they are horribly painful.One of the worst symptoms many times is

vomiting and aura's.Thank goodness I do not have these though,I have

been seeing a Neurologist for over 7 years and I have tried almost

everything and I'm even on preventive meds and vitamin type OTC's to

help.Possibly anyone in your family suffer with migraine headaches? In

research, migraine suffer's travel hereditary in famailies just

wondering...I hope you get to feeling better,God Bless.Sincerely,April

in Arkansas.

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No no one in family has headaches and mine just started after implants and seem to be gettig worse..I have vicodin I may try but I hate taking meds. I'm on my period so maybe that's why I feel so much worse.

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