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Drinking Water

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hello all,

I used lemons in my water all the time... but never thought of quenching my

thirst... I used the lemons to help with the digestions. A lot of people in

the south do this way. Always with water with lemons or tea with lemons. ;



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Hello !

Have you tried squeezing a lemon wedge into the glass of water and then placing

the wedge in the glass, giving it a stir before drinking?? It may help.


adamsrj@... wrote:

> Hi all,


> I am new to this group, and was reading some of the posta about water. I like

to drink water (i do not drink soda), but when i am thirsty, water does nothing

to quench my thirst... it makes me thirstier... i feel like it drys out my mouth

more! Any one else have this problem???



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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Everyone:

Do any of you have information regarding the use of a Brita or PUR water

system which filters out lead, and micro organisms from the water? I was

contemplating the purchase of one of these systems which is designed to

filter water through a carbon filter and captured into a pitcher. You then

put it into the refrigerator and drink it when chilled.

I am a bit concerned whether the carbon block may aggravate thyroid symptoms

either hypo or hyper. What are your thoughts or experiences?

Thank you. :>)

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I am using a Brita system and don't seem to have any problem with it>at least

I don't think so. Anxious to hear if anyone is affected by it. I am Hypo-T

.. Chris

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I am using Amway Water Treatment System...... They are designed to filter out

almost all of the continimants in the water. National Foundations S....

(Can't remember the third name) says... that Amway's Water Treatment System

is the best kind to use. I used to drink tap water all the time.... I used

to get real sick all the time...ever since I started using those...I stopped

being sick all the time. It was a real improvement. Just to let you know

of my experiences.


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Hello All,

I have always drank well water to avoid the chlorine and other harmful

things in the water. I filtered it for pesticides, chlorine and ammonia

and other harmful chemicals all the minerals were left in the water. Or

I would drink glacial spring water that I bottled my self this water contained

all the minerals. I only tried the hotspring water once and stopped because

it gave me gas. I think that minerals are important but even with an all

I could get I still became hyper.


BU007@... wrote:

In a message dated 8/2/99 11:32:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

DearEsther@... writes:

<< I was diagnosed with HyperT after drinking bottled water for about a year


a half. I worry about the fact that it's stored in plastic bottles which

have estrogens...wonder whether that has affected my hormones and endocrine

system in some way. >>

Hi Everyone,

I had been drinking distilled water from the soft one-gallon plastic

bottles for at least 10 years prior to getting hyperT. I switched to the

large hard 5-gallon bottles of regular spring water during my recovery. I

have a feeling that distilled water is very bad and probably contributes to a

mineral loss as well as not providing any minerals.

When I was very sick I purchased a small home water distiller and when I

drank that water I got much sicker. I suspected at the time that it was from

the aluminum heating element, but perhaps it was from drinking purer water or

from the plastic boiling container (plastics are very volatile and would

transfer through the condenser into the condensed distilled water.

I would suggest that anyone who is drinking water from the soft

one-gallon containers to switch to a bottled water company that delivers the

hard 5-gallon containers or to try tap water for awhile.

AntJoan wrote:

One thing that doesn't quite fit this theory, however: prior to my

recovery, and ever since, I have continued to drink the same filtered water.

Maybe I was doing a lot of things that contributed to hyperT, w/the water

being one of them, and have reversed enough of those things that the water no

longer "tips the balance." In other

words, maybe lots of factors, imbalances, etc., contribute to hyper/hypoT,

and a certain amount of rebalancing is enough to induce wellness. AntJoan

I agree with Joan's assessment, that many factor contribute and perhaps

correcting half of them may be enough to reverse the process. I have a

feeling that drinking distilled or mineral depleted water is just one

contributing factor and taking mineral supplements should negate the effects

of drinking mineral-poor water.



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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated Thu, 28 Sep 2000 6:39:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Louise

<louisej@...> writes:

<< I am becoming more and more aware of how much drinking water helps with

candida. When I don't drink water, I feel depressed and have no energy, I

don't feel like eating, nowadays I get headaches... the difference between

yesterday and today for me is huge! I've had probably 50 ounces of water

today, compared to maybe 10 yesterday and it's like night and day. My

sinuses even feel better.

That candida cookbook I recommended has a lot of info in the front, and one

of the things they talk about is a researcher who looked at candida and

dehydration. His recommendation was 1 ounce of water per 2 pounds you weigh,

sipped through out the day rather than gulped all at once or with meals. I

am hereby setting that as a goal. I KNOW I'll feel better!! (Although I

might have to work up to 120 ounces of water a day...)

Yes, Louise, I have to agree with the benefits of water! I know I don't drink

enough, and for my weight that would mean about 50 gallons a day-- what a drag.

But I know what you mean about feeling better when you have more of it.

Conversely, for me, the LESS FOOD I EAT, the better I feel. I had a pelvic

ultrasound this morning to check on what might be causing some pain of late-- no

results till next week-- but it could be nothing more than the damn yeast. So

I'm drinking and drinking and drinking!


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In a message dated 9/28/00 6:10:20 PM Central Daylight Time,

AnagramAce@... writes:

<< Conversely, for me, the LESS FOOD I EAT, the better I feel. >>

I feel this way, too, but I am breastfeeding, so I have to keep up my

calories. I have already lost about 10 lbs, and I don't want to lose much

more. Also, I don't have enough energy as it is!




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On 28 Sep 00, at 15:37, Louise wrote:

> I am becoming more and more aware of how much drinking water helps with

> Candida

I couldn't agree more!! I try to drink at least 2 litres a day (not sure

how much that is in ounces) but I'm so thirsty all the time that

most days I probably drink quite a bit more (and yes, I've been

tested for diabetes!). With that and all the herbal tea I drink, I'm

basically a human water-balloon!!

Ann :)


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In a message dated 9/29/00 10:44:36 AM Central Daylight Time,

ann.williams@... writes:

<< I snack on rice cakes and oat cakes, which are probably too

carbohydrate-y to be strictly good for me, but I'd waste away

altogether otherwise!! What I REALLY miss is being able to grab a

banana for a quick energy fix. >>

Can you eat nut butters? They are pretty fattening and might slow down the

carbs in rice cakes. I can eat avacados with no problems and they are full

of fat and fiber, too. Also, there are some low-carb/high protein bars that

haven't given me any problems if I don't eat more than one a day. Try Atkins

bars (check ingredients - I have had the praline and brownie) or Biochem Lo

Carb bars. You can find them on the 'net or at Whole Foods or GNC.




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If I don't eat I get weak and nauseous and I get a like a sinus headache...

I've been tested for hypoglycemia and found negative, but the symptoms sure

describe how I feel! I snack on almonds a lot. I know they aren't strictly

on the diet but I have to have SOMETHING easy.


Re: drinking water

In a message dated 9/28/00 6:10:20 PM Central Daylight Time,

AnagramAce@... writes:

<< Conversely, for me, the LESS FOOD I EAT, the better I feel. >>

I feel this way, too, but I am breastfeeding, so I have to keep up my

calories. I have already lost about 10 lbs, and I don't want to lose much

more. Also, I don't have enough energy as it is!




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On 29 Sep 00, at 7:56, Louise wrote:

> If I don't eat I get weak and nauseous and I get a like a sinus

> headache...

Yuck!! I feel dreadful if I don't eat, but I feel dreadful if I DO eat too,

and I'm constantly ravenous. I've already lost 14 pounds on this

diet. I snack on rice cakes and oat cakes, which are probably too

carbohydrate-y to be strictly good for me, but I'd waste away

altogether otherwise!! What I REALLY miss is being able to grab a

banana for a quick energy fix. I miss fruit far more than sweet stuff

now. Ah well. C'est la vie.

Ann :)


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In a message dated 00-09-29 05:14:14 EDT, ann.williams@... writes:


I couldn't agree more!! I try to drink at least 2 litres a day (not sure

how much that is in ounces) but I'm so thirsty all the time that

most days I probably drink quite a bit more (and yes, I've been

tested for diabetes!). With that and all the herbal tea I drink, I'm

basically a human water-balloon!!


A human water balloon-- Yes, I can relate to that!


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Listmates

I've been out of touch for the last few months, but I wanted to report

something interesting and perhaps important. During our holiday travels I

bought a bottle of " Smart Water " by Glaceau. My PDD girl was drinking it and

liked it and drank and drank. In about 1-2 days she seemed somehow more

" whole " -- better in a profound way. We don't know if it is the water, but

we think there may be something to it. The water is distilled and has

calcium (5 mg/l), magnesium (2.2 mg/l) and potassium (4.6 mg/l) and

electrolytes added. The pH level is 7.1. I've called the company and they

told me that I'm the fourth parent of an autistic kid to report such a

finding. Anyone drinking this stuff and noticing anything in their kids? We

have stopped giving our daughter any tap water except for her bath.


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Actually I've been looking for it since I saw it mentioned on the Today show. I

figure it's an easy way to get some vitamins/minerals in him. There is


one with the B vitamins available as well.

ComposerEM@... wrote:

> Hi Listmates


> I've been out of touch for the last few months, but I wanted to report

> something interesting and perhaps important. During our holiday travels I

> bought a bottle of " Smart Water " by Glaceau. My PDD girl was drinking it and

> liked it and drank and drank. In about 1-2 days she seemed somehow more

> " whole " -- better in a profound way. We don't know if it is the water, but

> we think there may be something to it. The water is distilled and has

> calcium (5 mg/l), magnesium (2.2 mg/l) and potassium (4.6 mg/l) and

> electrolytes added. The pH level is 7.1. I've called the company and they

> told me that I'm the fourth parent of an autistic kid to report such a

> finding. Anyone drinking this stuff and noticing anything in their kids? We

> have stopped giving our daughter any tap water except for her bath.


> Elise



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Have you checked out EcoWater machines? I have a water purifier in my home

that polishes the water as they say. What that means is it takes the

filters the water, AND takes the chlorine out of it. I got it from a local

dealer. Maybe they have one in your area. http://www.ecowater.com




Drinking water

The same way our food supply is contaminated, so is

our water supply.

I am drinking vegetable juices only now since I don't

want any fruit. Not juiced or whole. I am going

through stages of cravings that I am just following

and not questioning...today for lunch I am eating

spare ribs. I know when I'm satiated, I'll go to

something else.

Back to water, I want some and don't drink it from the

tap because the chlorine kills good bowel bacteria.

We have a machine here that filters water, and I don't

like the taste of that water either. I'm sure it's

not safe to drink from by Dr. 's standards. Even

water from the refrigerator is not safe...

And in Texas we have MTBE contamination in the

drinking water. I won't drink bottled water, so I am

just wondering what and where I am supposed to get

something to drink!

There's no goats or cows around! And no coconuts!

I looked up Pentahydrate...more plastic bottles.

Can I make that tradeoff?

Donna, can you tell us more about Crystal Energy?


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Dear ,

Can you please tell me what MTBE contamination is?



Les & Deborah Patton

Nikken Independent Distributors



Creating Balance for a Lifetime

Drinking water

> The same way our food supply is contaminated, so is

> our water supply.


> I am drinking vegetable juices only now since I don't

> want any fruit. Not juiced or whole. I am going

> through stages of cravings that I am just following

> and not questioning...today for lunch I am eating

> spare ribs. I know when I'm satiated, I'll go to

> something else.


> Back to water, I want some and don't drink it from the

> tap because the chlorine kills good bowel bacteria.

> We have a machine here that filters water, and I don't

> like the taste of that water either. I'm sure it's

> not safe to drink from by Dr. 's standards. Even

> water from the refrigerator is not safe...


> And in Texas we have MTBE contamination in the

> drinking water. I won't drink bottled water, so I am

> just wondering what and where I am supposed to get

> something to drink!


> There's no goats or cows around! And no coconuts!


> I looked up Pentahydrate...more plastic bottles.


> Can I make that tradeoff?


> Donna, can you tell us more about Crystal Energy?




> __________________________________________________


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Hi, !!!

As you know, Dr. holds reverse osmosis filters in contempt because

they usually contain ytterbium and thulium. had reverse osmosis

devices tested by a Syncrometer tester; this tester found two devices that

were apparently contaminant-free. One of them is the Nimbus Watermaker Mini

that the Association sells. I have it. It is a real pain to use, since it

must be attached, and water must be made daily. But I feel that it is safe.

Do you know about this, and have you considered it?

Have you found out anything more about the new carpeting situation? I

empathize with your plight. It has happened to me, too!!

Take care.


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At 10:18 AM 6/28/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>The same way our food supply is contaminated, so is

>our water supply.


>And in Texas we have MTBE contamination in the

>drinking water. I won't drink bottled water, so I am

>just wondering what and where I am supposed to get

>something to drink!

I am using the Nikken filtration water bottle. On the info sheet it says it

reduces MTBE by 99.8% and a long list of other things including chlorine,

giardia and cryptosporidium.

Information sheet - http://www.e-nikken.com/info/pdf/water.pdf

The water tastes great and the filter is good for 200 gallons or 800

refills @ 32 oz. ea. It's portable so you can take it anywhere.

You can order it from

http://office.nikken.com/cgi-bin/myProductsUS/cap.cgi?pickstore=y & pwp=y & distid=8\


under Water Products.


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Hi all,

Just for you information, I've ordered the Nikken water bottle and I use it

at work. The water here has a strong chlorine taste but I don't taste it any

longer with this filter. It tastes great.


>From: gdraft@...

>Reply-bowel cleanse

>bowel cleanse

>Subject: Re: Drinking water

>Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:43:22 -0700


>At 10:18 AM 6/28/2001 -0700, you wrote:

> >The same way our food supply is contaminated, so is

> >our water supply.

> >

> >And in Texas we have MTBE contamination in the

> >drinking water. I won't drink bottled water, so I am

> >just wondering what and where I am supposed to get

> >something to drink!


>I am using the Nikken filtration water bottle. On the info sheet it says it

>reduces MTBE by 99.8% and a long list of other things including chlorine,

>giardia and cryptosporidium.


>Information sheet - http://www.e-nikken.com/info/pdf/water.pdf


>The water tastes great and the filter is good for 200 gallons or 800

>refills @ 32 oz. ea. It's portable so you can take it anywhere.


>You can order it from

>http://office.nikken.com/cgi-bin/myProductsUS/cap.cgi?pickstore=y & pwp=y & distid=\


>under Water Products.






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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I am quite certain that it is enough to drink a whole lot less water than 4

liters IF you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. The point is that you

need the properly structured living water as contained in living plants. The

4 liters per day is for people living on bread, pasta, and meat diets ...


Re: Re: drinking water

> g, thanks for your response. I may try it. But here's the deal: My

doc says to drink 3-4L per day, which far exceeds what you recommend, which

comes to 1.89L. (Does s recommend only 8 glasses?) Dr. Mercola

recommends 1 quart per 50 lbs. body weight, which at around 150, means 3

qts. a day or 2.83L plus more if in summer or exercising. He and my doc



> Do others agree with 's statement that drinking too much water (at any

time) is problematic?


> Best,

> (in Palestine)


> jcgre <johngrellner@...> wrote:

> I was drinking way too much water thinking it would help wash out

> toxins. not only is this hard on the kidneys, it also leaches out

> needed minerals and interferes with digestion. somehow i also manage

> to get in the suggested 8 full glasses of water a day without a

> problem.



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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Each one has its advantages/disadvantages. Distilled has absolutely

no minerals, so you definately need to supplement, but spring could

contain things like fluoride. You just have to go by the brand. We

personally use Reverse Osmosis water because I can have control over

the filters and how often they are changed.

Best to you,


> drinks only water...no juice nor milk. What is the best

> choice...distilled, spring, ?????????


> Zevnik

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