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I can only speak for myself and my wife, but we successfully used MMS1 to

shorten the length of the flu. We found that continuing to take MMS1 when well

produced no observable benefit. I suspect that taking MMS1 on a continual basis

may actually be deleterious to health, as it removes certain minerals and

vitamins from the body.

I tried using MMS1 (sodium chlorite + activator) on brown spots, but it did

nothing, even at 27 drops. The skin only turned red; nothing more. Next, I tried

Cansema salve (from www.altcancer.com), and it pulled out the brown spots, which

turned out to be the tips of fungus tentacles. Beneath the brown spots is the

white fungal mass, which I have gotten rid of completely by the salve plus the

internal Cansema tonic, in addition to 50 mg/day of Lugol's iodine. At present,

I am now fighting internal fungus (doctor's call it cancer) of the tongue and

mouth. Ironically, I discovered the mouth fungus by munching on dried banana

chips; the chips irritated the fungus beneath the surface of my tongue. I am now

using clove tincture to help with the pain, and gargling with hydrogen peroxide.

This is only my third day since I discovered tongue " cancer " , so I know it will

be a few more weeks before I can see a resolution of this problem. In the case

of skin " cancer " , it took me seven months to get rid of all of it 100%. I am

quite certain that surgery could not hope to be as complete in getting rid of

" cancer " .

Other internal antifungal substances I am taking include burdock root, tumeric,

cat's claw, ginkgo biloba, barberry, elecampane, raspberry, oleander, Pau d'arco

and graviola. I just ordered some papaya leaf as I read that it is also

antifungal. Of course I won't be able to know just exactly which substances got

rid of the cancer, but my main interest is just to get rid of the fungus. As far

as I've been able to discover, none of the antifungals above conflict with each


I haven't tried MMS2, and I'm not convinced that it would be of any benefit for

me, as I'm only interested in antifungals at present. I may look into it later,

as I have read that hydrogen depletion is a factor in aging. Along these lines,

I also want to investigate H3O put out by www.altcancer.com.

from Israel

--- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@...>




> So folks, does this mean a " no " to my questions or just a no response.

<chuckle>. Does ANYBODY do the suggested daily 6 (MMS) drops for maintenance?


> TIA,


> Gail

> --- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@>


> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> >

> > Any comments?

> >

> > Gail

> >


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What Foods in the Stomach Harm MMS Benefits? People often inquire about the

foods they should avoid when taking MMS. Jim's reply in general was " don't worry

about it. " If one food or another diminishes the MMS benefit by 5% or 20%, who

cares? The next dose will make up for it. And now that we recommend small doses

to be taken often, the food issue matters even less.

BUT IF YOU MUST KNOW, undigested meat would be the primary culprit. Remember,

ClO2 is attracted to whatever has electrons available to be ripped away. Normal

living cells are nicely encapsulated and they present no attraction to ClO2. But

dead cooked meat is attractive to ClO2 ions and gas. And since you asked, junk

foods diminish MMS NOT AT ALL. Potato chips, donuts, peanuts, and rich icings on

double rich chocolate fudge cake won't harm the effectiveness of MMS. (Sorry,

but truth-seekers among us would not allow this information to be withheld,

however damaging it might be on the nutritional side.)

The basis for the lower dosage suggestions are in Jim's most important web page

here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-fundamentals.htm If everyone understood Jim's

clear teaching on this page, you would be able to design and test your own

dosage strategies without dependence on others. Please read Jim's clearest and

latest writing at his web site.


--- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@...>



> Hello All,


> When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.


> Any comments?


> Gail


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A friend of a relative took MMS1 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He worked up to

15 drops, 2 times a day. His Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has disappeared, and he

is now taking the 6 drops a day.

--- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@...>



> Hello All,


> When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.


> Any comments?


> Gail


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Hi ,

Thank you for sharing your testimony.Sounds like you are doing a great job.

I am interested in the Cansema product. What exactly is it or made from? Is it

very expensive?

You may want to reconsider MMS2 as it produces hypochlorous in the body and

builds the immune system. Have you seen Jim's site on MMS2?


I will pray for your healing. :)

May you be blessed with healing


> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> > >

> > > Any comments?

> > >

> > > Gail

> > >

> >


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Hi again ,

Just wanted to mention that Grapefruit Seed exract is a good anti-fungal. It is

anti-bacterial, I think anti everything.


> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> > >

> > > Any comments?

> > >

> > > Gail

> > >

> >


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" g " , the Cansema product comes in various formulations, and the primary active

ingredient is zinc chloride. Sometimes bloodroot is added, which is also an

escharotic. I understand there are some disreputable sources of this product out

there, but I can vouch for the effectivity of the products offered by


from Israel

> > > >

> > > > Hello All,

> > > >

> > > > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a

try. That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the

list) if there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured

whatever ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several

tried and then eventually quit.

> > > >

> > > > Any comments?

> > > >

> > > > Gail

> > > >

> > >

> >


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" g " , Thanks for your encouragement and suggestions. I have tried grapefruit seed

extract, but it did nothing for me when I had the flu.

from Israel

> > > >

> > > > Hello All,

> > > >

> > > > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a

try. That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the

list) if there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured

whatever ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several

tried and then eventually quit.

> > > >

> > > > Any comments?

> > > >

> > > > Gail

> > > >

> > >

> >


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How long did he stay at the 15 x 2? Also, did he take the recommended cal/mag,

and if so, how much of each? I'm have a lot of cramping so I know something is

off balance. Thanks in advance, Gail


> A friend of a relative took MMS1 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He worked up

to 15 drops, 2 times a day. His Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has disappeared, and

he is now taking the 6 drops a day.


> --- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@>


> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> >

> > Any comments?

> >

> > Gail

> >


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Gail I have reached the end of my protocol today in fact the second protocol I

incorporated the MMS2 into the final step, and yes I feel cured if not totally

symptom free of lyme and some type of fungal or other infection. I started Nov

of 2008 it has been a long hard road but well worth it. I will be retested for

lyme the first of Nov. Marie


> A friend of a relative took MMS1 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He worked up

to 15 drops, 2 times a day. His Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has disappeared, and

he is now taking the 6 drops a day.


> --- In , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@>


> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> >

> > Any comments?

> >

> > Gail

> >


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On 10/4/2009, healinghope (mfrreman@...) wrote:

> Gail I have reached the end of my protocol today in fact the second

> protocol I incorporated the MMS2 into the final step, and yes I feel

> cured if not totally symptom free of lyme and some type of fungal or

> other infection. I started Nov of 2008 it has been a long hard road

> but well worth it. I will be retested for lyme the first of Nov.

> Marie

Wow, Marie, thats awesome! Congrats...

Any chance you could write up a simple summary of what you did that made

the most difference?

Do you attribute your healing primarily to the MMS? If not, what other

things were you doing that you feel had the strongest impact?

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Well if you can do it, I can do it. LOL

I think it was you??? Maybe or maybe not that posted the link that said it's

better to take it thoughout the day, more effect. Well, anyway, whoever post

it, thank you. I started as soon as I read it.

Now again some questions for you: Did you take supplements while doing the

protocol? If so, what dose of what supplement?

Are you saying you've been on the protocol since nov. of 08, or are you saying

you did it once and then stopped and started again a second time? If so, how

long did you do the protocol and how many drops did you take daily and for how


My but ain't I just full of questions? I am reading more, but I really like to

hear people's personal storied too.

Thank you,


> > >

> > > Hello All,

> > >

> > > When we were first aware of MMS, most everybody just had to give it a try.

That was quite a while ago. I'm wondering (haven't been following the list) if

there is anybody who has been using the MMS from the beginning, cured whatever

ailed them, and continue to use the drops to maintain? I think several tried

and then eventually quit.

> > >

> > > Any comments?

> > >

> > > Gail

> > >

> >


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I supplemented with anti oxidants every other day or away

> from MMS.

Hi again, Meredith.

What kind and dose of anti oxidants did you use.

I've decided to try breaking up my doses by 3 in the AM and 3 in the PM. One at

7,9 & 11, then 1,3, & 5. I figured then I could take some C by 9pm. I haven't

been taking any since starting on the MMS but when I saw your post stating you

took antioxidants every other day, I just had to ask about it.



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