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You can study computer engineering, computer

programming, computer science, many

universities/colleges also offer a lot of video game

making related degrees and courses now - look around

and you'd be surprised at what you'll find.

You need to pick an aptitude, decide what your child

is good at, there is a job for every string in the

bow. Figure out what you are interested in and focus

on that facet (if you try and be a jack of all trades

it won't work). Does he want to program the AI or is

he interested in creating graphics?

If he's undecided, buy books about game creation and

the games industry on Amazon there are tons to choose

from. If he needs inspiration I wholeheartedly

recommend buying a book called:

The Masters of Doom - it's about the people who

created the game Doom and the millions they made. It

might be good for your son to read about Carmack

(one of the creators) He's definitely on the Spectrum

and it shows how people with AS can make it bigger

than big.

Good luck,


--- Toni <kbtoni@...> wrote:

> What kind of education/schooling do you need to get

> into that field?

> Toni

> Re: ( ) Re: Wondering





> Again, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Both my

> DH

> and I work in entertainment, much of it digital,

> and

> never before in my life have I seen so many Aspies

> in

> one career environment!


> a


> --- jennifer_thorson <jennifer_thorson@...>

> wrote:


> > My husband most likely has Asperger's, although

> I

> > only recently

> > discovered this. He was a computer programmer

> until

> > recently and

> > worked long hours. He would miss meals because

> he

> > was so into

> > programming. Then he would come home and get on

> the

> > internet. Even

> > today he is always sitting at the computer.

> > Computer jobs do not

> > require much social skills or professionalism.

> He

> > wore jeans and a

> > shirt to work with long hair and a beard. He did

> > not interact with

> > clients and only had to deal with co-workers

> which

> > was still not

> > always good. He is very intelligent and loves to

> > mix music when he

> > is not surfing the internet or listening to

> music.

> > He has friends

> > but they are mostly like him. He does not make

> very

> > good eye

> > contact and does not have the best coping

> skills.

> > He was laid off 5

> > years ago and had to make a job change. He now

> brew

> > beer and has

> > the same work situation as before regarding

> social

> > engagement. I

> > think there are a lot of careers that are good

> for

> > people with AS.

> > For our children, we are encouraging computers

> and

> > music because

> > both of them seem to have a natural talent and

> > interest. This goes

> > against what the pyschologist said for my

> daughter

> > with autism. We

> > address social skills but also believe in

> helping

> > our children

> > develop their talents.

> >

> > Jen

> >

> >

> > > >

> > > > Hi Mark,

> > > >

> > > > You know when I read your post regarding

> your

> > son

> > > > being into computers I thought about how

> like

> > minded

> > > > computer people get together... have you

> ever

> > thought

> > > > about hunting down a lan party?

> > > >

> > > > They can be excellent fun, hundreds of

> people

> > get

> > > > together hook up their computers and just

> play,

> > people

> > > > of all ages can go, including parents.

> > > >

> > > > Also - Xbox live is fun, you can put on a

> > headset,

> > > > join a team and speak and play with kids

> from

> > all

> > > > around the world.

> > > >

> > > > The computer is an awesome thing to be into

> for

> > a guy

> > > > of 19 - currently the gaming industry makes

> more

> > than

> > > > the movie industry every year now and it's

> > basically

> > > > the future of entertainment.

> > > >

> > > > My DH, who is very aspie LOL works

> frequently in

> > the

> > > > video game industry and they pay him a

> king's

> > ransom.

> > > >

> > > > Best,

> > > >

> > > > a

> > > >


=== message truncated ===


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EXCELLENT advice and I so appreciate it. The funny thing is now that I have

thought about it some: when I get totally fed up with the way they treat me and

I am short and precise with my answers and don't 'volunteer' to do things for

them and kinda 'ignore' them, they are all over me trying to do for me and

hugging on me and can I do this or that, but that is after what I would consider

being almost rude to them that they are nice. I know that doesn't make sense.

when I say to myself ok , I'm not doing anything for them anymore I will take

care of me and they can take care of themselves is when it is yes ma'am, please,

thank you. It's almost like I have to be mean to get any respect. Your advice is

true and appreciated and I am going to save it to go back and read it.I am going

to be kind but firm and I guess B knows that saying the suicide word around here

gets us both in a panic and he gets what he wants by threatening that and we

have unconsciously re-enforced that because we are so afraid that he will and

then we will have to live with the consequences. Thank you, Tami, for taking the

time to 'coach me. I know you are overwhelmed yourself and I wish you and your

son much luck in homeschooling if that is ultimately what you decide to do.

You're a sweetheart!


Re: ( ) Wondering

Lol, I know what you mean... I have to use guilt to get my 6'1 " , 210 lb, 14 yo

baby to take out the trash. He has been getting better. I take the cords to his

beloved computer and video games when he is grounded. He makes threatening

noises towards me, but he will not touch me. He used to throw things, but I told

him next time I will call the cops, because he will not intimidate me in my own

home. He stopped. He doesn't lie to me, tho. Never has. sometimes he sees things

differently than most everyone else does, thinks people are picking on him when

they aren't or thinks people are out to get him, or hate him just because they

say certain words... etc. But for the most part, he is respectful to me... just

keeps saying he " forgets " to do his chores.... even though I left him a note in

huge letters right on the computer screen. I always give him an opportunity to

earn things back. I have learned that if I just take it away and don't give him

an opportunity to redeem himself, that makes his behavior much worse. It may

seem like I am not teaching him anything, but to me, I think it teaches him that

it's not the end of the world if you forget something, but you can't just not do

it, and when you do do it, you get to do the thing you want to do right after.

It's hard because I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends, and I usually leave him

a note saying feed the dog, put the dog out, take out the trash, and feed your

little animals. If I come home and it isn't done, I unplug the computer and make

him do it all, then I plug it back in. Whatever you do, don't let them

intimidate you!! PLEASE!! It's your house, if they refuse to do something you

request, TAKE THEIR CORDS TIL IT " S DONE!! If they threaten you, tell them you

have a right to call the police. That's what happens in the real world. Take

control of your house, it is YOUR house!!! If you told them if they miss school,

they lose the right to play on their games, and they miss school, take those

cords and don't give them back til they go to school the next day. You will be

SHOCKED how fast they start getting their butts to school. I PROMISE YOU!!!

HUGS!!! Tami


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One of them is interested in digital art and design. we took them to Full Sail

in Orlando which would be excellent for his interests but it is 60,000 for two

years and they don't have dorms and I can't see him living on his own at this

time. I think they are more interested in the video game industry than just

programming. If we could find a job that pays people to play games, that would

be the ticket! ;(


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering





> Again, I agree wholeheartedly with this. Both my

> DH

> and I work in entertainment, much of it digital,

> and

> never before in my life have I seen so many Aspies

> in

> one career environment!


> a


> --- jennifer_thorson <jennifer_thorson@...>

> wrote:


> > My husband most likely has Asperger's, although

> I

> > only recently

> > discovered this. He was a computer programmer

> until

> > recently and

> > worked long hours. He would miss meals because

> he

> > was so into

> > programming. Then he would come home and get on

> the

> > internet. Even

> > today he is always sitting at the computer.

> > Computer jobs do not

> > require much social skills or professionalism.

> He

> > wore jeans and a

> > shirt to work with long hair and a beard. He did

> > not interact with

> > clients and only had to deal with co-workers

> which

> > was still not

> > always good. He is very intelligent and loves to

> > mix music when he

> > is not surfing the internet or listening to

> music.

> > He has friends

> > but they are mostly like him. He does not make

> very

> > good eye

> > contact and does not have the best coping

> skills.

> > He was laid off 5

> > years ago and had to make a job change. He now

> brew

> > beer and has

> > the same work situation as before regarding

> social

> > engagement. I

> > think there are a lot of careers that are good

> for

> > people with AS.

> > For our children, we are encouraging computers

> and

> > music because

> > both of them seem to have a natural talent and

> > interest. This goes

> > against what the pyschologist said for my

> daughter

> > with autism. We

> > address social skills but also believe in

> helping

> > our children

> > develop their talents.

> >

> > Jen

> >

> >

> > > >

> > > > Hi Mark,

> > > >

> > > > You know when I read your post regarding

> your

> > son

> > > > being into computers I thought about how

> like

> > minded

> > > > computer people get together... have you

> ever

> > thought

> > > > about hunting down a lan party?

> > > >

> > > > They can be excellent fun, hundreds of

> people

> > get

> > > > together hook up their computers and just

> play,

> > people

> > > > of all ages can go, including parents.

> > > >

> > > > Also - Xbox live is fun, you can put on a

> > headset,

> > > > join a team and speak and play with kids

> from

> > all

> > > > around the world.

> > > >

> > > > The computer is an awesome thing to be into

> for

> > a guy

> > > > of 19 - currently the gaming industry makes

> more

> > than

> > > > the movie industry every year now and it's

> > basically

> > > > the future of entertainment.

> > > >

> > > > My DH, who is very aspie LOL works

> frequently in

> > the

> > > > video game industry and they pay him a

> king's

> > ransom.

> > > >

> > > > Best,

> > > >

> > > > a

> > > >


=== message truncated ===


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That's awesome, that shows you that they do value your attention... that's

great!! Now use that to your advantage. Only give positive attention. Do not

let them draw you into argueing or yelling, when you argue or yell, they can

pass the blame to you. I see it all the time, no matter what someone does, if

you react negatively, they automatically blame you for everything because you

were drawn down to their level. I hear, " Well, if he can't control his temper,

why should I? " It's unfortunate, but it's human nature. Just smile and

ignore... works like a charm, if you aren't yelling, they lose the excuse to

keep yelling. It de-escalates alot quicker. Just say this is your consequence,

follow through and drop it. Whatever you do, I read this in alot of psychology

books, do NOT bring up past bad behavior. Every day is a new day, and a chance

for them to be better people. Try to focus on the positive and stay in the here

and now. I love psychology... it's awesome. It really works, but you have to

have faith and be consistant:) ALL THE BEST!!! Tami

Re: ( ) Wondering

Lol, I know what you mean... I have to use guilt to get my 6'1 " , 210 lb, 14 yo

baby to take out the trash. He has been getting better. I take the cords to his

beloved computer and video games when he is grounded. He makes threatening

noises towards me, but he will not touch me. He used to throw things, but I told

him next time I will call the cops, because he will not intimidate me in my own

home. He stopped. He doesn't lie to me, tho. Never has. sometimes he sees things

differently than most everyone else does, thinks people are picking on him when

they aren't or thinks people are out to get him, or hate him just because they

say certain words... etc. But for the most part, he is respectful to me... just

keeps saying he " forgets " to do his chores.... even though I left him a note in

huge letters right on the computer screen. I always give him an opportunity to

earn things back. I have learned that if I just take it away and don't give him

an opportunity to redeem himself, that makes his behavior much worse. It may

seem like I am not teaching him anything, but to me, I think it teaches him that

it's not the end of the world if you forget something, but you can't just not do

it, and when you do do it, you get to do the thing you want to do right after.

It's hard because I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends, and I usually leave him

a note saying feed the dog, put the dog out, take out the trash, and feed your

little animals. If I come home and it isn't done, I unplug the computer and make

him do it all, then I plug it back in. Whatever you do, don't let them

intimidate you!! PLEASE!! It's your house, if they refuse to do something you

request, TAKE THEIR CORDS TIL IT " S DONE!! If they threaten you, tell them you

have a right to call the police. That's what happens in the real world. Take

control of your house, it is YOUR house!!! If you told them if they miss school,

they lose the right to play on their games, and they miss school, take those

cords and don't give them back til they go to school the next day. You will be

SHOCKED how fast they start getting their butts to school. I PROMISE YOU!!!

HUGS!!! Tami


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You are a wise little thang, I will remember the not bringing up the past as I

do that alot(hanging my head) to illustrate a point I'm trying to make!! And

boy, I *do* know about the blame game. I get blamed for everything around here.

So I shall stop stooping to their level and trying to argue my points. Am I an

idiot , you can't successfully argue with two aspies and " win " anyway...It is an

endless, useless battle.

Re: ( ) Wondering

Lol, I know what you mean... I have to use guilt to get my 6'1 " , 210 lb, 14 yo

baby to take out the trash. He has been getting better. I take the cords to his

beloved computer and video games when he is grounded. He makes threatening

noises towards me, but he will not touch me. He used to throw things, but I told

him next time I will call the cops, because he will not intimidate me in my own

home. He stopped. He doesn't lie to me, tho. Never has. sometimes he sees things

differently than most everyone else does, thinks people are picking on him when

they aren't or thinks people are out to get him, or hate him just because they

say certain words... etc. But for the most part, he is respectful to me... just

keeps saying he " forgets " to do his chores.... even though I left him a note in

huge letters right on the computer screen. I always give him an opportunity to

earn things back. I have learned that if I just take it away and don't give him

an opportunity to redeem himself, that makes his behavior much worse. It may

seem like I am not teaching him anything, but to me, I think it teaches him that

it's not the end of the world if you forget something, but you can't just not do

it, and when you do do it, you get to do the thing you want to do right after.

It's hard because I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends, and I usually leave him

a note saying feed the dog, put the dog out, take out the trash, and feed your

little animals. If I come home and it isn't done, I unplug the computer and make

him do it all, then I plug it back in. Whatever you do, don't let them

intimidate you!! PLEASE!! It's your house, if they refuse to do something you

request, TAKE THEIR CORDS TIL IT " S DONE!! If they threaten you, tell them you

have a right to call the police. That's what happens in the real world. Take

control of your house, it is YOUR house!!! If you told them if they miss school,

they lose the right to play on their games, and they miss school, take those

cords and don't give them back til they go to school the next day. You will be

SHOCKED how fast they start getting their butts to school. I PROMISE YOU!!!

HUGS!!! Tami


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Don't be hard on yourself... it happens to EVERYONE!! And, u are right, you

can't win with aspies anyhow... You are not an idiot, we don't come with all the

tools we need for every situation. It takes time and practice!! Hugs!! Tami

Re: ( ) Wondering

Lol, I know what you mean... I have to use guilt to get my 6'1 " , 210 lb, 14 yo

baby to take out the trash. He has been getting better. I take the cords to his

beloved computer and video games when he is grounded. He makes threatening

noises towards me, but he will not touch me. He used to throw things, but I told

him next time I will call the cops, because he will not intimidate me in my own

home. He stopped. He doesn't lie to me, tho. Never has. sometimes he sees things

differently than most everyone else does, thinks people are picking on him when

they aren't or thinks people are out to get him, or hate him just because they

say certain words... etc. But for the most part, he is respectful to me... just

keeps saying he " forgets " to do his chores.... even though I left him a note in

huge letters right on the computer screen. I always give him an opportunity to

earn things back. I have learned that if I just take it away and don't give him

an opportunity to redeem himself, that makes his behavior much worse. It may

seem like I am not teaching him anything, but to me, I think it teaches him that

it's not the end of the world if you forget something, but you can't just not do

it, and when you do do it, you get to do the thing you want to do right after.

It's hard because I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends, and I usually leave him

a note saying feed the dog, put the dog out, take out the trash, and feed your

little animals. If I come home and it isn't done, I unplug the computer and make

him do it all, then I plug it back in. Whatever you do, don't let them

intimidate you!! PLEASE!! It's your house, if they refuse to do something you

request, TAKE THEIR CORDS TIL IT " S DONE!! If they threaten you, tell them you

have a right to call the police. That's what happens in the real world. Take

control of your house, it is YOUR house!!! If you told them if they miss school,

they lose the right to play on their games, and they miss school, take those

cords and don't give them back til they go to school the next day. You will be

SHOCKED how fast they start getting their butts to school. I PROMISE YOU!!!

HUGS!!! Tami


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I was looking on that website and Maine requires 875 hours per year... CRAZY,

EH?? That's alot. How am I going to do that??? can he work over the summer as

well?? EYEYEYEYE!!! OMG, that is rediculous...

Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

> >

> > My son didn't want to read the books by aspies

> > either... My son sounds alot like yours.

> Computers,

> > video games, that's his love, well, besides me.

> I

> > called the place I worked to see about getting

> > respite care while I am at work even, and they

> never

> > called me back!! Nice, huh? And they deal with

> lots

> > of kids with developmental disorders... I guess

> only

> > if you don't work there. If I go out, I try to

> get

> > him to go with me, but half of the time he says

> no.

> > Then, if I am gone a bit longer than he thinks I

> > should be, he calls my cell phone about 20

> times.

> > Which is an improvement over him calling the

> poilce

> > a year ago! That was fun. I tried calling him

> like

> > 10 times, and he wouldn't answer the phone, then

> he

> > finally answered the phone when the police were

> > there, and I got to talk to them. My son goes

> out of

> > his way sometimes to offend people. Last year,

> in

> > 8th grade, the school had issues with him

> writing a

> > report in which he depicted Hitler as a great

> > person, which he did to upset them. I was

> mortified,

> > tho... that was awful. He hasn't done anything

> like

> > that this year... but they have informed us that

> if

> > he misses more than 6 days of the school year,

> > excused or not, he will fail 9th grade no matter

> > what his grades are. Which, for a kid with

> > Asperger's is totally unreasonable. I had to

> keep

> > him home 3 thursdays in a row because I had to

> work

> > 7 am to 6 pm in Auburn, which is an hour drive,

> and

> > I had no way to get him to school or get him

> home

> > and they refused to put him on a bus, then said

> to

> > me, that my job was no excuse for him missing

> > school. Then, he broke his glasses, and i had to

> > take him to the eye doctor... he can't see

> without

> > them, so what's the point of sending him? I did

> that

> > last year, and all the school did was complain

> to me

> > that he refused to do anything because he

> couldn't

> > see. On top of that, he was sick with a fever a

> few

> > weeks ago, and I kept him home. So that is 5

> > already, and he is having a route canal on

> November

> > 3rd, which he will miss school for, so that

> means he

> > fails 9th grade??? How rediculous! I may have to

> > homeschool him. I have 3 and 1/2 days off a

> week...

> > I don't know if that is enough time to

> homeschool

> > him...AHHHH!!!

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: Dawn

> >

> > Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:14 AM


=== message truncated ===


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Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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Toni, we have dealt with very similar situations with our son. We have

found that letting the school deal directly with school issues and getting

outside help (therapist, social worker etc) in setting some


has helped. It is unfortunate but the " further away " we seem from the

actual rule/limit setting with our son the better. Pam :)

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Toni have you accessed the department of disabilities in your state or ORS

(Office of Rehab Services)? It sounds like your sons would be good candidates

for inhome and on the job support/training. Also, when you file for SSI if

they are 18 it would be their income alone and I think they would qualify.

Pam :)

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Update, My son burned his hands last night cooking soup.. I put them under the

cold tap right away, put ice on them and took him to the hospital. He has

second degree burns on both hands and he is out of school for two days, both

hands bandaged up. :-(

Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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I can totally understand that.Thanks, Pam

Re: ( ) Wondering

Toni, we have dealt with very similar situations with our son. We have

found that letting the school deal directly with school issues and getting

outside help (therapist, social worker etc) in setting some


has helped. It is unfortunate but the " further away " we seem from the

actual rule/limit setting with our son the better. Pam :)

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We FINALLY have an appt with the vocational Rehab man Nov 7. I hope that he can

come up with some answers, I'm running out of answers, possibilities. I just got

a letter today saying they did NOT qualify for disability benefits because they

don't have enough work credits... HUH? How can you get work credits if you can't

work?? I thought that was the whole reason for getting disability. I don't

understand SS and their reasoning...


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Toni have you accessed the department of disabilities in your state or ORS

(Office of Rehab Services)? It sounds like your sons would be good candidates

for inhome and on the job support/training. Also, when you file for SSI if

they are 18 it would be their income alone and I think they would qualify.

Pam :)

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Bless his heart. I hope he heals soon. Burns are SO painful! See , things happen

and I CANNOT for the life of me understand how the school can say he can only

miss X amount of days or he will fail!


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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I too have a shirt chewer--you are definately not alone. I have not found a

solution but have noticed he does it when he is stressed or excited.

( ) Wondering

I was wondering if my message was sent to the group yet. I haven't

heard anything for a little while. Please let me know if it was



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I know... I haven't been on since friday morning... he can't use his hands very

well til Sunday, when we can take off the bandages. I had to take Fri sat and

sun off work, thankfully I have two weeks paid vacation and two weeks sick per

year... this will make 4 days I have used since I have been there... but luckily

my work is so supportive of me... I just had to wrap plastic bags around his

hands and help him take a bath, and he was very upset with me, he kept saying,

you are going to look at me. I told him, " I am not looking and if I did see

something, it would be an accident and anyhow, I used to be a CNA for 8 years

and I have seen alot of naked bodies... and I used to change your diapers... but

he was still so upset with me. He practically had a panic attack when he

couldn't reach the towel and I had to open the door and hand it to him. AHHH!!!

I am glad that is over... but only glad for him, I didn't mind it at all. At

least I know he is clean!! lol, Thanks for the support!! Tami

Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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OH MY! I can just imagine.. The horror of mama seeing you na-kid. I'm SO glad

your work is supportive of you, at least you don't have *that* added stress.

Bless you Tami


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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I know... That's why I put bubbles in the tub, let him take off his clothes,

after I unbuttoned them, and get in the tub before I came in. And I only washed

his back and underarms and hair... I let the bubble bath do the rest!! I even

told him if he took a bath, I would take him to Auburn tomorrow to see his

cousins... black mail, well I was planning to go anyway, but not if he was

stinky. Well, I survived it!! That's one good thing!! Bless u 2! Tami

Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Request that your son have a Functional Behavior Assessment. They would

have to come up with strategies as a group as to how to deal with the extended

absences and why they are occuring. They would also have to determine whether

they are a function or due to his disability. Use the IEP process for any

further discussion of the situation. We have the complete opposite situation

here, my son was absent 16 days last year without any excuse. We never once

received a phone call or any comment from the school. Go Figure. Pam :)

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My ds started missing school a lot last year and we finally had his LRE changed

to tutoring. He doesn't go to school now, he goes to the library and works with

a tutor. If he has an IEP, they need to start caring. You should find an

advocate in your area or spend some time over at www.wrightslaw.com


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Geez, a good case of chicken pox will make you miss that much



On Oct 26, 2006, at 2:15 PM, Tami Ober wrote:

> They told me that they don't care if he has a doctor's note, if the

> absences are excused or not, 6 absences and he fails 9th grade...

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Thanks... but I decided to homeschool, I am meeting with someone to set up his

cirriculum(sp) tomorrow. I just can't take it anymore... at least this way, I

can make sure I know what he's doing and that he gets it done... because he did

have a habit of telling me he has no school work when he does, or that he

already did it, which he did but just the bare minimum. I am going to have to

homeschool him and make sure he passes the 9th grade.. after that, I will have

to decide then... this isn't going to be easy, I can tell already... I asked him

to write me an essay about why he wants to be homeschooled, and what he thinks

the benefits will be and he refused and practically had a meltdown...


Re: ( ) Re: Wondering

Geez, a good case of chicken pox will make you miss that much



On Oct 26, 2006, at 2:15 PM, Tami Ober wrote:

> They told me that they don't care if he has a doctor's note, if the

> absences are excused or not, 6 absences and he fails 9th grade...

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Welcome to the group, ! Am I correct in assuming you have already read Iodine Basics?


Iodoral seems to be a good form of iodine for most people.

The Iodine Loading Test is a good basic test to determine what your iodine levels are. In an ideal world, it would be given before supplementing with iodine and then 3 months later to make sure you are absorbing the iodine. I'm not sure how often after that would be useful.

Other useful test are to monitor thyroid function; e.g., TSH, T4, free T3, TPOab and TGab (thyroid antibodies). Ideally, your doc will know how to monitor the thyroid.


----- Original Message -----

From: alameaow

I am new here and was wondering how you guys feels about Iodoral,and what kinds of test do I need to have the dr run on me to keep checked?And how often? S

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good Idea. Take it away.....

Minga Guerrero DC

In a message dated 11/22/2006 10:34:51 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, dro@... writes:

Members of the List,

I am wondering if we might solve the ongoing, much belabored, philosophical discussions regarding irritation(mostly of listserve members)/fixation/subluxation/yada-yada by making another list serve group where the discussion can go on ad infinitum for those who are interested in that much detail.

Or perhaps my logic is circular in which case I may be chasing my own irritated, fixated, subluxated tail.

Larry L. Oliver, DC

408 NW 7th

Corvallis, OR 97330


voice 541-757-9933

fax 541-757-7713

The information contained in this electronic message may contain protected health information which is confidential under applicable law and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the recipient of the message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received the communication in error, please notify Heresco Chiropractic & Associates, 408 NW 7th St, Corvallis, OR 97330, 541-757-9933 and purge the communication immediately without making any copy or distribution

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested positive a month ago in Family Drug Court. It was false. They did a GCMS test and that showed that it was a false positive, that's what they did here in Arizona, don't know what they do in California, but I'm pretty sure it involves giving half your stuff to whoever was the last person you spoke to in a bar, sort of like the divorce laws there! Chrisjhartman32001 <jhartman32001@...> wrote: I have noticed that there hasn't been any recent posts of people with

false positve etg. I am currently not being tested while waiting for enforcement/probation in ca. I still truly believe my positives are related to liver metabolism and tylenol/seroquel/any meds effecting the liver. But wouldn't doubt if I will ever know. Is any body recently tested positive? I hope nobody has, I wish this test would just disappear. I dread being tested again, since I never had more then a month without a positive. I am still paranoid about using products, even though I am not being tested. Just wondering

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What is a GCMS, are you sure it was etg or etoh?

--- Conlan <christopherconlan@...>


> I tested positive a month ago in Family Drug Court.

> It was false. They did a GCMS test and that showed

> that it was a false positive, that's what they did

> here in Arizona, don't know what they do in

> California, but I'm pretty sure it involves giving

> half your stuff to whoever was the last person you

> spoke to in a bar, sort of like the divorce laws

> there!


> Chris


> jhartman32001 <jhartman32001@...> wrote:

> I have noticed that there hasn't been any

> recent posts of people with false positve etg. I am

> currently not being tested while waiting for

> enforcement/probation in ca. I still truly believe

> my positives are related to liver metabolism and

> tylenol/seroquel/any meds effecting the

> liver. But wouldn't doubt if I will ever know. Is

> any body recently tested positive? I hope

> nobody has, I wish this test would just disappear. I

> dread being tested again, since I never

> had more then a month without a positive. I am still

> paranoid about using products, even

> though I am not being tested. Just wondering








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GC/MS is 'gas chromatography mass spectrometry'. It is the

method/machine they use for identifying and measuring the EtG

concentration in a particular medium. The immunoassay EtG test is much

cheaper but, because these types of tests yield false positives, they

are used as screening tests and they must be CONFIRMED using GC/MS,

which looks at the actual molecule (and therefore doesn't yield false


> > I have noticed that there hasn't been any

> > recent posts of people with false positve etg. I am

> > currently not being tested while waiting for

> > enforcement/probation in ca. I still truly believe

> > my positives are related to liver metabolism and

> > tylenol/seroquel/any meds effecting the

> > liver. But wouldn't doubt if I will ever know. Is

> > any body recently tested positive? I hope

> > nobody has, I wish this test would just disappear. I

> > dread being tested again, since I never

> > had more then a month without a positive. I am still

> > paranoid about using products, even

> > though I am not being tested. Just wondering

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Access over 1 million songs - Music

> Unlimited.








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