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Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

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Wow! Sounds like a good day, Trisha! Sorry I didn't pop in to say hello sooner - I struggle with water intake, too. I do have a "real" soda a few times a week - but only one and I have just started to buy the 100 calorie size cans - this way it is even less "damaging" - Coke (real coke) is a big treat for me. I figure that one can a few times a week is not too bad - especially if the rest of the time I'm drinking water or seltzer. Oh - water with lime in it is good - I used that "trick" for awhile to drink more of it.

Take care,


From: Trisha Brandt <wilbty1@...>Subject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 7:04 PM

thanks nancy.i feel great today i did an hour of total body strenghthing with gilad and walked 20 min with petey this morning. then we went to a ball game no workout there just some much needed sun and distraction. i just got back from a 45 min walk with petey and i had 2 bottle of water while walking, but i did cave and buy a bottle of pepsi as a reward for my focus today. i have only eaten 2x so far, no mindless snaking yet and i am making dinner now. so far good. untill i can get a calorie king book any suggestions on a website i can use?


From: "nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net" <nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net>Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:26:09 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

water... add lemon juice, use mix-ins like Crystal Light (if you can handle artificial sweeteners), put some herbs in it over night and then take them out before you drink it, put in a wine glass or some other pretty glass that makes you feel special when you drink it, if you like challenges you can challenge yourself (I tell myself I have to drink 2 glasses of water before I can have a diet coke each day... I used to do that anyway and just started doing it again today). Tea is good too as long as you're not adding tons of sugar.

Pilates is great for core strengthening, just not a calorie burner. Definitely don't give up the pilates if you enjoy it because it is great for you, but add in cardio and other strength training.

Journaling: Do whichever you are most comfortable with and think you'll have the most success with. You might want to start with just a journal of everything you eat just so you can assess where your strengths are (healthiest meal and snack choices & times of day) and where you might struggle more. Then you can start adding in more healthy foods wherever you can. If you feel like you can just jump in and start eating healthier foods (you know what you're eating now including all the mindless nibbling so many of us do) then do that. Whatever you are going to do best with is best.

Go for it, Trisha!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

hi trisha!! i would like to make a few comments to your post... please know that im writing from my own experience on these issues and i hope that something i write may be helpful to you...- smoking cigs increase your metabolism and when you quit smoking, you will probably experience a slowness in your metabolism (the speed at which your body uses calories consumed). this is normal and frustrating and will pass as your body adjusts... it takes time and patience.- you may want to ask your dr about the side effects of your asthma meds... one of them might be contributing to weight gain, or to a reluctance to lose weight.- you may want to ask your dr if your asthma meds are increasing the presence of yeast/candida in your body. a yeast overgrowth will produce an uncontrollable desire for sugar.- doing pilates for exercise is great... but it wont make you lose weight on its own as pilates

does not normally burn many calories. what burns the most? cardio... walking, running, anything that gets your heart pounding and you breathing fast. what also burns alot of calories? creating muscle on your body through strength training. just basic exercises like squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder raises, etc... with a full water bottle in each hand will do for a start. muscle consumes calories just to exist because it is active, living tissue. unlike fat which just sits there and does nothing. as a group, im sure we can help you with an exercise program to start out with, along with some workout video recommendations.- be mindful to properly fuel your exercise. if you dont eat properly, you wont be able to exercise properly, and you will not lose weight. if you starve yourself, your body will slow your metabolism even more. this is not what you want to accomplish. you want to increase

your metabolism through eating properly and exercising.- to help yourself feel full so that you do not binge on food, drink alot of water, all day long. binge on water instead of food.- there are a few easy ways to adjust your food intake and produce weight loss.... one is to continue to eat what you want (but please do try to pick healthy foods like fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, low fat meat and whole grains) and cut your portions right in half. if you pick a healthy food, then you can have a full normal serving.- another is to journal every single thing that you eat and drink (no matter what it is, no cheating!) for a week. review your journal to see what you can easily do without each day. for example, one might want to eat a bowl of ice cream every evening for a treat. cut that out and save, like, 250 calories which equals half a pound of weight lost a week (as long as one doesnt

replace that decrease with some other fattening food). combine this tactic with exercise that burns 250 calories a day and end up with a total of 3500 calories which equals one pound of weight lost per week.:*carolyn.

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Wow! Sounds like a good day, Trisha! Sorry I didn't pop in to say hello sooner - I struggle with water intake, too. I do have a "real" soda a few times a week - but only one and I have just started to buy the 100 calorie size cans - this way it is even less "damaging" - Coke (real coke) is a big treat for me. I figure that one can a few times a week is not too bad - especially if the rest of the time I'm drinking water or seltzer. Oh - water with lime in it is good - I used that "trick" for awhile to drink more of it.

Take care,


From: Trisha Brandt <wilbty1@...>Subject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 7:04 PM

thanks nancy.i feel great today i did an hour of total body strenghthing with gilad and walked 20 min with petey this morning. then we went to a ball game no workout there just some much needed sun and distraction. i just got back from a 45 min walk with petey and i had 2 bottle of water while walking, but i did cave and buy a bottle of pepsi as a reward for my focus today. i have only eaten 2x so far, no mindless snaking yet and i am making dinner now. so far good. untill i can get a calorie king book any suggestions on a website i can use?


From: "nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net" <nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net>Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:26:09 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

water... add lemon juice, use mix-ins like Crystal Light (if you can handle artificial sweeteners), put some herbs in it over night and then take them out before you drink it, put in a wine glass or some other pretty glass that makes you feel special when you drink it, if you like challenges you can challenge yourself (I tell myself I have to drink 2 glasses of water before I can have a diet coke each day... I used to do that anyway and just started doing it again today). Tea is good too as long as you're not adding tons of sugar.

Pilates is great for core strengthening, just not a calorie burner. Definitely don't give up the pilates if you enjoy it because it is great for you, but add in cardio and other strength training.

Journaling: Do whichever you are most comfortable with and think you'll have the most success with. You might want to start with just a journal of everything you eat just so you can assess where your strengths are (healthiest meal and snack choices & times of day) and where you might struggle more. Then you can start adding in more healthy foods wherever you can. If you feel like you can just jump in and start eating healthier foods (you know what you're eating now including all the mindless nibbling so many of us do) then do that. Whatever you are going to do best with is best.

Go for it, Trisha!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

hi trisha!! i would like to make a few comments to your post... please know that im writing from my own experience on these issues and i hope that something i write may be helpful to you...- smoking cigs increase your metabolism and when you quit smoking, you will probably experience a slowness in your metabolism (the speed at which your body uses calories consumed). this is normal and frustrating and will pass as your body adjusts... it takes time and patience.- you may want to ask your dr about the side effects of your asthma meds... one of them might be contributing to weight gain, or to a reluctance to lose weight.- you may want to ask your dr if your asthma meds are increasing the presence of yeast/candida in your body. a yeast overgrowth will produce an uncontrollable desire for sugar.- doing pilates for exercise is great... but it wont make you lose weight on its own as pilates

does not normally burn many calories. what burns the most? cardio... walking, running, anything that gets your heart pounding and you breathing fast. what also burns alot of calories? creating muscle on your body through strength training. just basic exercises like squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder raises, etc... with a full water bottle in each hand will do for a start. muscle consumes calories just to exist because it is active, living tissue. unlike fat which just sits there and does nothing. as a group, im sure we can help you with an exercise program to start out with, along with some workout video recommendations.- be mindful to properly fuel your exercise. if you dont eat properly, you wont be able to exercise properly, and you will not lose weight. if you starve yourself, your body will slow your metabolism even more. this is not what you want to accomplish. you want to increase

your metabolism through eating properly and exercising.- to help yourself feel full so that you do not binge on food, drink alot of water, all day long. binge on water instead of food.- there are a few easy ways to adjust your food intake and produce weight loss.... one is to continue to eat what you want (but please do try to pick healthy foods like fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, low fat meat and whole grains) and cut your portions right in half. if you pick a healthy food, then you can have a full normal serving.- another is to journal every single thing that you eat and drink (no matter what it is, no cheating!) for a week. review your journal to see what you can easily do without each day. for example, one might want to eat a bowl of ice cream every evening for a treat. cut that out and save, like, 250 calories which equals half a pound of weight lost a week (as long as one doesnt

replace that decrease with some other fattening food). combine this tactic with exercise that burns 250 calories a day and end up with a total of 3500 calories which equals one pound of weight lost per week.:*carolyn.

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hey np not msging soner. we all r busy! i feel i did good yeserday i drank 2 bottles of water when normally i'd have drank none! and like i said a 12-24 pk of pepsi down to 1 bottle is SUPER good for me. i just worry about the caffeine headach this will cause but i'll work through it. the make pepsi thrown back with a better fatless\less fat sugar and less calories and suppossed to be better for u but i haven't tried it yet i have to as an end of the week reward or something. though i do have to admit that when i quit smoking i turned to pepsi it's what gets me through stressful days at work as a teacher. so i will have to fine something else i guess.i have discovered a product called true lemon, it's a small packet of a very subtle lemon flavor to add to ur water so it's like u added a

lemon. they also make orange and lime. they are pretty good but... they make me wanna add sugar to it. i haven't yet but i want to! i do like some of those drink packets u add to bottled water thats how i get my son to drink bottled water. i buy the koolaid ones for him and wyler's lite (they have 5 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar) kinds for me thy make em in a ton of different flavors.but in my mond that changes it from water to "juice" so i don't count it as water. that's just me and my OCD! thanks for the imcouragement! i need all i can get! good luck with ur efforts i hope u too do better with ur water intake and keep fighting the Coka-a-cola while i fight the pepsi. lol have a great day! TrishaFrom: Donna M-P <donna112520@...> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:10:41 AMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

Wow! Sounds like a good day, Trisha! Sorry I didn't pop in to say hello sooner - I struggle with water intake, too. I do have a "real" soda a few times a week - but only one and I have just started to buy the 100 calorie size cans - this way it is even less "damaging" - Coke (real coke) is a big treat for me. I figure that one can a few times a week is not too bad - especially if the rest of the time I'm drinking water or seltzer. Oh - water with lime in it is good - I used that "trick" for awhile to drink more of it.

Take care,


From: Trisha Brandt <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 7:04 PM

thanks nancy.i feel great today i did an hour of total body strenghthing with gilad and walked 20 min with petey this morning. then we went to a ball game no workout there just some much needed sun and distraction. i just got back from a 45 min walk with petey and i had 2 bottle of water while walking, but i did cave and buy a bottle of pepsi as a reward for my focus today. i have only eaten 2x so far, no mindless snaking yet and i am making dinner now. so far good. untill i can get a calorie king book any suggestions on a website i can use?


From: "nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net" <nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net>Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:26:09 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

water... add lemon juice, use mix-ins like Crystal Light (if you can handle artificial sweeteners), put some herbs in it over night and then take them out before you drink it, put in a wine glass or some other pretty glass that makes you feel special when you drink it, if you like challenges you can challenge yourself (I tell myself I have to drink 2 glasses of water before I can have a diet coke each day... I used to do that anyway and just started doing it again today). Tea is good too as long as you're not adding tons of sugar.

Pilates is great for core strengthening, just not a calorie burner. Definitely don't give up the pilates if you enjoy it because it is great for you, but add in cardio and other strength training.

Journaling: Do whichever you are most comfortable with and think you'll have the most success with. You might want to start with just a journal of everything you eat just so you can assess where your strengths are (healthiest meal and snack choices & times of day) and where you might struggle more. Then you can start adding in more healthy foods wherever you can. If you feel like you can just jump in and start eating healthier foods (you know what you're eating now including all the mindless nibbling so many of us do) then do that. Whatever you are going to do best with is best.

Go for it, Trisha!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

hi trisha!! i would like to make a few comments to your post... please know that im writing from my own experience on these issues and i hope that something i write may be helpful to you...- smoking cigs increase your metabolism and when you quit smoking, you will probably experience a slowness in your metabolism (the speed at which your body uses calories consumed). this is normal and frustrating and will pass as your body adjusts... it takes time and patience.- you may want to ask your dr about the side effects of your asthma meds... one of them might be contributing to weight gain, or to a reluctance to lose weight.- you may want to ask your dr if your asthma meds are increasing the presence of yeast/candida in your body. a yeast overgrowth will produce an uncontrollable desire for sugar.- doing pilates for exercise is great... but it wont make you lose weight on its own as pilates

does not normally burn many calories. what burns the most? cardio... walking, running, anything that gets your heart pounding and you breathing fast. what also burns alot of calories? creating muscle on your body through strength training. just basic exercises like squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder raises, etc... with a full water bottle in each hand will do for a start. muscle consumes calories just to exist because it is active, living tissue. unlike fat which just sits there and does nothing. as a group, im sure we can help you with an exercise program to start out with, along with some workout video recommendations.- be mindful to properly fuel your exercise. if you dont eat properly, you wont be able to exercise properly, and you will not lose weight. if you starve yourself, your body will slow your metabolism even more. this is not what you want to accomplish. you want to increase

your metabolism through eating properly and exercising.- to help yourself feel full so that you do not binge on food, drink alot of water, all day long. binge on water instead of food.- there are a few easy ways to adjust your food intake and produce weight loss.... one is to continue to eat what you want (but please do try to pick healthy foods like fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, low fat meat and whole grains) and cut your portions right in half. if you pick a healthy food, then you can have a full normal serving.- another is to journal every single thing that you eat and drink (no matter what it is, no cheating!) for a week. review your journal to see what you can easily do without each day. for example, one might want to eat a bowl of ice cream every evening for a treat. cut that out and save, like, 250 calories which equals half a pound of weight lost a week (as long as one doesnt

replace that decrease with some other fattening food). combine this tactic with exercise that burns 250 calories a day and end up with a total of 3500 calories which equals one pound of weight lost per week.:*carolyn.

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hey np not msging soner. we all r busy! i feel i did good yeserday i drank 2 bottles of water when normally i'd have drank none! and like i said a 12-24 pk of pepsi down to 1 bottle is SUPER good for me. i just worry about the caffeine headach this will cause but i'll work through it. the make pepsi thrown back with a better fatless\less fat sugar and less calories and suppossed to be better for u but i haven't tried it yet i have to as an end of the week reward or something. though i do have to admit that when i quit smoking i turned to pepsi it's what gets me through stressful days at work as a teacher. so i will have to fine something else i guess.i have discovered a product called true lemon, it's a small packet of a very subtle lemon flavor to add to ur water so it's like u added a

lemon. they also make orange and lime. they are pretty good but... they make me wanna add sugar to it. i haven't yet but i want to! i do like some of those drink packets u add to bottled water thats how i get my son to drink bottled water. i buy the koolaid ones for him and wyler's lite (they have 5 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar) kinds for me thy make em in a ton of different flavors.but in my mond that changes it from water to "juice" so i don't count it as water. that's just me and my OCD! thanks for the imcouragement! i need all i can get! good luck with ur efforts i hope u too do better with ur water intake and keep fighting the Coka-a-cola while i fight the pepsi. lol have a great day! TrishaFrom: Donna M-P <donna112520@...> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:10:41 AMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

Wow! Sounds like a good day, Trisha! Sorry I didn't pop in to say hello sooner - I struggle with water intake, too. I do have a "real" soda a few times a week - but only one and I have just started to buy the 100 calorie size cans - this way it is even less "damaging" - Coke (real coke) is a big treat for me. I figure that one can a few times a week is not too bad - especially if the rest of the time I'm drinking water or seltzer. Oh - water with lime in it is good - I used that "trick" for awhile to drink more of it.

Take care,


From: Trisha Brandt <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 7:04 PM

thanks nancy.i feel great today i did an hour of total body strenghthing with gilad and walked 20 min with petey this morning. then we went to a ball game no workout there just some much needed sun and distraction. i just got back from a 45 min walk with petey and i had 2 bottle of water while walking, but i did cave and buy a bottle of pepsi as a reward for my focus today. i have only eaten 2x so far, no mindless snaking yet and i am making dinner now. so far good. untill i can get a calorie king book any suggestions on a website i can use?


From: "nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net" <nancydewolf@ sbcglobal. net>Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:26:09 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

water... add lemon juice, use mix-ins like Crystal Light (if you can handle artificial sweeteners), put some herbs in it over night and then take them out before you drink it, put in a wine glass or some other pretty glass that makes you feel special when you drink it, if you like challenges you can challenge yourself (I tell myself I have to drink 2 glasses of water before I can have a diet coke each day... I used to do that anyway and just started doing it again today). Tea is good too as long as you're not adding tons of sugar.

Pilates is great for core strengthening, just not a calorie burner. Definitely don't give up the pilates if you enjoy it because it is great for you, but add in cardio and other strength training.

Journaling: Do whichever you are most comfortable with and think you'll have the most success with. You might want to start with just a journal of everything you eat just so you can assess where your strengths are (healthiest meal and snack choices & times of day) and where you might struggle more. Then you can start adding in more healthy foods wherever you can. If you feel like you can just jump in and start eating healthier foods (you know what you're eating now including all the mindless nibbling so many of us do) then do that. Whatever you are going to do best with is best.

Go for it, Trisha!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

hi trisha!! i would like to make a few comments to your post... please know that im writing from my own experience on these issues and i hope that something i write may be helpful to you...- smoking cigs increase your metabolism and when you quit smoking, you will probably experience a slowness in your metabolism (the speed at which your body uses calories consumed). this is normal and frustrating and will pass as your body adjusts... it takes time and patience.- you may want to ask your dr about the side effects of your asthma meds... one of them might be contributing to weight gain, or to a reluctance to lose weight.- you may want to ask your dr if your asthma meds are increasing the presence of yeast/candida in your body. a yeast overgrowth will produce an uncontrollable desire for sugar.- doing pilates for exercise is great... but it wont make you lose weight on its own as pilates

does not normally burn many calories. what burns the most? cardio... walking, running, anything that gets your heart pounding and you breathing fast. what also burns alot of calories? creating muscle on your body through strength training. just basic exercises like squats, lunges, bicep curls, shoulder raises, etc... with a full water bottle in each hand will do for a start. muscle consumes calories just to exist because it is active, living tissue. unlike fat which just sits there and does nothing. as a group, im sure we can help you with an exercise program to start out with, along with some workout video recommendations.- be mindful to properly fuel your exercise. if you dont eat properly, you wont be able to exercise properly, and you will not lose weight. if you starve yourself, your body will slow your metabolism even more. this is not what you want to accomplish. you want to increase

your metabolism through eating properly and exercising.- to help yourself feel full so that you do not binge on food, drink alot of water, all day long. binge on water instead of food.- there are a few easy ways to adjust your food intake and produce weight loss.... one is to continue to eat what you want (but please do try to pick healthy foods like fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, low fat meat and whole grains) and cut your portions right in half. if you pick a healthy food, then you can have a full normal serving.- another is to journal every single thing that you eat and drink (no matter what it is, no cheating!) for a week. review your journal to see what you can easily do without each day. for example, one might want to eat a bowl of ice cream every evening for a treat. cut that out and save, like, 250 calories which equals half a pound of weight lost a week (as long as one doesnt

replace that decrease with some other fattening food). combine this tactic with exercise that burns 250 calories a day and end up with a total of 3500 calories which equals one pound of weight lost per week.:*carolyn.

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Hi Trish, get rid of the mints and try chewing sugar free gum or go brush your teeth when you have sugar or salt cravings. Drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses) this will fill you up. Eat my fruit and vegetables. I think maybe you should consider going to a nutritionist if you really don't know how to eat. For exercise, do what you enjoy.My two cents, JenFrom: trishdb00

<wilbty1@...>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questions Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,

i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active, sweating, and the weigh was

melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way.

everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.

i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.

i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.

can anyone help me PLEASE!

thanks trish

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Hi Trish, get rid of the mints and try chewing sugar free gum or go brush your teeth when you have sugar or salt cravings. Drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses) this will fill you up. Eat my fruit and vegetables. I think maybe you should consider going to a nutritionist if you really don't know how to eat. For exercise, do what you enjoy.My two cents, JenFrom: trishdb00

<wilbty1@...>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questions Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,

i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active, sweating, and the weigh was

melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way.

everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.

i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.

i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.

can anyone help me PLEASE!

thanks trish

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usually i don't have a problm with food not the last couple years anyway but the past monh i just kinda went hay-wire and ca't seem to control things like i usally can.

i am proud to admit i haven't eaten a mint in 2 days, i just refused to buy them.

i will consult with a nutri. in a couple weeks if journalng does help. i kinda feel like it does, i can clearly see what i am doing wrong and tying to adjust as i see the problem. i have noticed that i don't drink NEAR enough in a day and i am trying to fix that, it's giving me a stomach ache forcing myself to drink so much i feel all shloshy but i can do it.

thanks!! Trisha

From: from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:35:21 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

Hi Trish, get rid of the mints and try chewing sugar free gum or go brush your teeth when you have sugar or salt cravings. Drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses) this will fill you up. Eat my fruit and vegetables. I think maybe you should consider going to a nutritionist if you really don't know how to eat. For exercise, do what you enjoy.My two cents, Jen

From: trishdb00 <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active,

sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i

can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all

foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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usually i don't have a problm with food not the last couple years anyway but the past monh i just kinda went hay-wire and ca't seem to control things like i usally can.

i am proud to admit i haven't eaten a mint in 2 days, i just refused to buy them.

i will consult with a nutri. in a couple weeks if journalng does help. i kinda feel like it does, i can clearly see what i am doing wrong and tying to adjust as i see the problem. i have noticed that i don't drink NEAR enough in a day and i am trying to fix that, it's giving me a stomach ache forcing myself to drink so much i feel all shloshy but i can do it.

thanks!! Trisha

From: from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:35:21 PMSubject: Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

Hi Trish, get rid of the mints and try chewing sugar free gum or go brush your teeth when you have sugar or salt cravings. Drink a lot of water (8 to 10 glasses) this will fill you up. Eat my fruit and vegetables. I think maybe you should consider going to a nutritionist if you really don't know how to eat. For exercise, do what you enjoy.My two cents, Jen

From: trishdb00 <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active,

sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i

can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all

foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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You can increase how much water you drink slowly so you won't have to go back and forth to the bathroom every 5 minutes!LOL, Jen aka

From: trishdb00 <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active,

sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i

can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all

foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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You can increase how much water you drink slowly so you won't have to go back and forth to the bathroom every 5 minutes!LOL, Jen aka

From: trishdb00 <wilbty1 (DOT) com>Subject: hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active,

sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i

can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all

foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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You're doing great, Trisha! Keep it up!

hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active, sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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You're doing great, Trisha! Keep it up!

hi i'm new and i have questionsDate: Friday, July 24, 2009, 4:36 PM

hi everyone,i'm trisha, i'm newer to the group, and have questions. this may be a little lengthy, sorry. and for like the first time i am going to be extremely honest. i am a teachers aid am my local elemaentary school. i am a very superficial person, weight is a huge huge thing for me. i have always been the bigger sister, that i'm ok with only because i am forced to because it's reality. i am a stress eater and my life is packed full of stress, which i am sure only half of it justified the rest i bring on myself but ne way 2 years ago i got HUGE really close to 200lbs. i typically run 130-140lbs. when it really hit me how big i was size 18 in womens i "woke up". something had to give there. Luckily for me i found gardening and forced myself to do that. I forced myself to wake up every morning and spend the whole day out side only coming when i needed a drink or to take care of something for my son. i rarely ate if at all, i was active, sweating, and the weigh was melting off with the sweat it was great i was below my target weight in no time. I KNOW I KNOW that's extremely dangerous unhealthy, and what but it's what i have always done when i needed weight off. not eating works everyone says oh u gain weight doing that but i don't i lose weight. it shrinks my stomach, i eat less, i weight less. i don't know how else to shink my actual stomach that's why i do it this way. everything was going get until last winter my asthma (from cigarette smoking) got really bad i couldn't sleep or breath by may i had enough and decided to quit smoking i did it in 3 wks (with the help of these wonderful little pills) no problems except the OVERWHELMING cravings for salt and sugar, and for some reason i just can't ever get enough to eat. i've gined 15lbs since may. this is when i relized how much i depended on the cigarettes. before may if i felt the need to eat something i'd smoke instead. i can't do that now. i was walking ALL the time if i felt that nag to eat something i'd leash up my yorkies lace my sneakers and pound the pavement. but to many thing interfear with that now so i can't just go walking or running ne more.i tried mints at first that worked at 1st but now i am eating 5 packs of tic tacs and 2 can of Altoids a day. all summer i have worked out with my 2 dvds and whatever on fit tv but it's not working. i love pilates btw and i do them as often as i can. i could do it all day but it's not working! i don't know what to do to make myself full or to curb the cravings. i am lost here.i have never been a calorie counter it always seemed to much work to me, but i think i may have to start i don't know how to do that either i guess. i don't know how many calories i should have, what the difference between energy making calories vs, fat calorie or which ones to avoid. starches and carbs, sat fats, any of it's all foreign to me. also i don't know what exersices and routines burn how many calories.can anyone help me PLEASE!thanks trish

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Trisha Brandt wrote:

>usually i walk an hr in the morn, 30-60 in the afternoon, and 2

> hr at night

wow! thats a ton of walking, trisha! it will really help alot

if you can get back into doing just some of that. walking is

awesome, i would weigh alot more than i do if i did not walk

regularly. im glad that you have your doggie to walk with, mine

will bug me if i try to get away without taking him out walking,

so he helps to get me going quite often.

> and i know another prob i have too--- i HATE water!

water is not my favourite either, but one thing that i do is

drink it just one cup at a time.

i will measure out 8 ounces, chug it down and will be good for an

hour until it is time for another cup.

also it helps me if the water is at room temperature.

> the yeast thing i DID NOT KNOW! wow that could totally explain alot!

it depends on what kind of asthma inhaler you use and if you use

it on a daily basis.

i take advair every day and it will give me yeast overgrowth if

im not careful.

it doesnt sound like you are using much med for your asthma, but

it is still good to see if the dr can advise you about a yeast

overgrowth in case that is causing you to crave sugar

uncontrollably. (yeast thrives on sugar and it can definitely

drive you to consume it so that it can grow)

> i can agree with u on the pilates i never really feel that burn that

> must be why i want to do them all day and like them so much. but it's

> not the only thing i do i really like workout with gilad and doing

> strength training and full body workout, i can feel the burn immediately

> with him.but i can't give up the pilates i just feel idk relaxed or

> comfortable or something with them. so i guess i can use pilates as fun

> instead of a workout. and i'm ok with that! :-)

i really like gilad too and also enjoy doing his 'total body

sculpt' tv shows and dvds.

i dont like his old bodies in motion tv show anymore... it is

just too out-dated and he has so many newer dvds out now, and his

body sculpt dvds/tv show, there is not much reason to do bodies

in motion any more.

i would never tell you to stop doing pilates. i think that

pilates is great... excellent for building strength in the core

of your body (abs and back). you get some flexibility training

when you do pilates too. just keep adding on the cardio

(walking) and strength training (gilad) to your pilates and you

will be doing great!

> and on the journal thing i was thinking i should just eat like i have

> been for a week so i can see where i am going wrong and curb it from

> there. what do u think, should i do that or throw myself into a healthy

> diet?

i agree with your first option of journalling... it really will

open your eyes to what you are consuming. it will be easy to

pick out some things that you can get rid of each day, and

portions that you can cut in half. after a period of time goes

by while you do that, then start making healthier

substitutions... change the pepsi to diet pepsi, use splenda in

your tea instead of sugar, munch on carrots instead of


i used to be addicted to coca-cola for many years and finally

transitioned off of it to diet coke and, now, to coke zero...

now i think that the full sugar coke tastes awful! so know that

if i can do it, you can too... you have decided to not be a

slave to nicotine anymore, know that you dont have to be a slave

to sugar either.


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Trisha Brandt wrote:

>usually i walk an hr in the morn, 30-60 in the afternoon, and 2

> hr at night

wow! thats a ton of walking, trisha! it will really help alot

if you can get back into doing just some of that. walking is

awesome, i would weigh alot more than i do if i did not walk

regularly. im glad that you have your doggie to walk with, mine

will bug me if i try to get away without taking him out walking,

so he helps to get me going quite often.

> and i know another prob i have too--- i HATE water!

water is not my favourite either, but one thing that i do is

drink it just one cup at a time.

i will measure out 8 ounces, chug it down and will be good for an

hour until it is time for another cup.

also it helps me if the water is at room temperature.

> the yeast thing i DID NOT KNOW! wow that could totally explain alot!

it depends on what kind of asthma inhaler you use and if you use

it on a daily basis.

i take advair every day and it will give me yeast overgrowth if

im not careful.

it doesnt sound like you are using much med for your asthma, but

it is still good to see if the dr can advise you about a yeast

overgrowth in case that is causing you to crave sugar

uncontrollably. (yeast thrives on sugar and it can definitely

drive you to consume it so that it can grow)

> i can agree with u on the pilates i never really feel that burn that

> must be why i want to do them all day and like them so much. but it's

> not the only thing i do i really like workout with gilad and doing

> strength training and full body workout, i can feel the burn immediately

> with him.but i can't give up the pilates i just feel idk relaxed or

> comfortable or something with them. so i guess i can use pilates as fun

> instead of a workout. and i'm ok with that! :-)

i really like gilad too and also enjoy doing his 'total body

sculpt' tv shows and dvds.

i dont like his old bodies in motion tv show anymore... it is

just too out-dated and he has so many newer dvds out now, and his

body sculpt dvds/tv show, there is not much reason to do bodies

in motion any more.

i would never tell you to stop doing pilates. i think that

pilates is great... excellent for building strength in the core

of your body (abs and back). you get some flexibility training

when you do pilates too. just keep adding on the cardio

(walking) and strength training (gilad) to your pilates and you

will be doing great!

> and on the journal thing i was thinking i should just eat like i have

> been for a week so i can see where i am going wrong and curb it from

> there. what do u think, should i do that or throw myself into a healthy

> diet?

i agree with your first option of journalling... it really will

open your eyes to what you are consuming. it will be easy to

pick out some things that you can get rid of each day, and

portions that you can cut in half. after a period of time goes

by while you do that, then start making healthier

substitutions... change the pepsi to diet pepsi, use splenda in

your tea instead of sugar, munch on carrots instead of


i used to be addicted to coca-cola for many years and finally

transitioned off of it to diet coke and, now, to coke zero...

now i think that the full sugar coke tastes awful! so know that

if i can do it, you can too... you have decided to not be a

slave to nicotine anymore, know that you dont have to be a slave

to sugar either.


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You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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I had to laugh when I read your post. My girls would do the same thing, or jump so you could "hear it." My youngest still does things like that lol :-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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I had to laugh when I read your post. My girls would do the same thing, or jump so you could "hear it." My youngest still does things like that lol :-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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My 7 year old daughter loves to be sloshy! She lays down and wiggles or walks around wiggling and listening to her stomach!! Weird kid!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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My 7 year old daughter loves to be sloshy! She lays down and wiggles or walks around wiggling and listening to her stomach!! Weird kid!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Yep, that would be what Miriam does too! So silly!!


Re: hi i'm new and i have questions


I had to laugh when I read your post. My girls would do the same thing, or jump so you could "hear it." My youngest still does things like that lol :-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Yep, that would be what Miriam does too! So silly!!


Re: hi i'm new and i have questions


I had to laugh when I read your post. My girls would do the same thing, or jump so you could "hear it." My youngest still does things like that lol :-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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tht's so funny my 9yr old son does kinda the same thing, he's lay down and roll side to side so him tummy will bubble. :-) TrishaFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 4:33:48 PMSubject: Re:

hi i'm new and i have questions

My 7 year old daughter loves to be sloshy! She lays down and wiggles or walks around wiggling and listening to her stomach!! Weird kid!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Guest guest

tht's so funny my 9yr old son does kinda the same thing, he's lay down and roll side to side so him tummy will bubble. :-) TrishaFrom: "nancydewolf@..." <nancydewolf@...> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 4:33:48 PMSubject: Re:

hi i'm new and i have questions

My 7 year old daughter loves to be sloshy! She lays down and wiggles or walks around wiggling and listening to her stomach!! Weird kid!

Re: hi i'm new and i have questions

You have already made some VERY positive changes in a very short time! Good job.

The water thing is funny:-) Just break it up a little more through the day and you should be fine not so sloshy:-)

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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