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on 6/1/03 3:10 AM, Mark Risen at risen@... wrote:

> DANA, I read you comments on acidophilus helping with constipation, how does

> this help and where do you get it and how much do you give. My son has chronic

> constipation and we have tried everything? Thanks Alisha-Zeb's mom





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I use Lacto-Plus by Nutri-West. It comes in pill form and apparently doesn't

require refrigeration although I keep my bottle in the fridge just to be

safe. I take 3 pills a day with food and know that it's a good product

because when I've tried others, I immediately develop diarrhea. I've never

had a problem while on Lacto-Plus. Nutri-West sells through medical

professionals rather than health food stores so you'll need to go to their

website to find a distributor or seller in your area. Here's a link to

their site:




rheumatic acidophilus

> Does anyone use a good acidophilus/probiotic product in capsule

> form? I'm looking for something I can take with me to work, on

> trips, etc..

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Hi a! Geoff here.

You wrote:

" I use Lacto-Plus by Nutri-West... "

According to the Nutri-West, Lacto-Plus only contains these 3 probiotics:




out of the list of 20 we're looking at right now under the " probiotics "

thread. I am kind of wondering if the problems you experienced with the

other brands you tried were due to unlisted or carrier ingredients, such as

dairy, etc. I do know of people who have had problems with some probiotics

that were NOT dairy-free, including me. Just a thought.


soli Deo gloria

www.HealingYou.org - Your nonprofit source for remedies and aids in fighting

these diseases, information on weaning from drugs, and nutritional kits for

repairing damage; 100% volunteer staffed.

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Hi Geoff,

All I can tell you is I was pointed towards this particular probiotic by

someone else who had always found it beneficial to take while on

antibiotics. Prior to using it, I'd tried a number of other, reportedly top

quality dairy free probiotics and continued to have significant stomach

problems, to the point where I almost had to stop the AP, despite carefully

restricting my diet. I'd also had a couple of yeast infections. Since going

on Lacto-Plus, I haven't had any problems. I even went off it for a short

trial and went back on another probiotic and things started acting up

immediately. So, for me, this is a great probiotic because it not only

works, it is easy and convenient as it comes in pill form.



rheumatic Re: acidophilus

> Hi a! Geoff here.


> You wrote:

> " I use Lacto-Plus by Nutri-West... "


> According to the Nutri-West, Lacto-Plus only contains these 3 probiotics:

> Acidophilus

> Bulgaricus

> Bifidus

> out of the list of 20 we're looking at right now under the " probiotics "

> thread. I am kind of wondering if the problems you experienced with the

> other brands you tried were due to unlisted or carrier ingredients, such


> dairy, etc...

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Sounds similar to my mother's experience with Borage & Flax Oil. If she's

off it for two weeks her skin becomes dry and greyish, she develops

psoriasis, etc., two weeks back on and it's supple and normally colored

again, psoriasis is gone, etc. But only one brand works for her, others

just don't do it. I don't understand all of the nuances; I do know

different manufacturers use different " inert " ingredients and we can all

react differently to those. For instance, bovine gel caps vs. veggie gel

caps, and different sources within those, e.g., corn gel caps, soy gel caps,

etc. To me it remains just another hurdle to get over in the very long



soli Deo gloria

www.HealingYou.org - Your nonprofit source for remedies and aids in fighting

these diseases, information on weaning from drugs, and nutritional kits for

repairing adrenal damage; 100% volunteer staffed.

rheumatic Re: acidophilus



> > Hi a! Geoff here.

> >

> > You wrote:

> > " I use Lacto-Plus by Nutri-West... "

> >

> > According to the Nutri-West, Lacto-Plus only contains these 3


> > Acidophilus

> > Bulgaricus

> > Bifidus

> > out of the list of 20 we're looking at right now under the " probiotics "

> > thread. I am kind of wondering if the problems you experienced with the

> > other brands you tried were due to unlisted or carrier ingredients, such

> as

> > dairy, etc...



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Acidophilus is a probiotic bacteria. This type of bacteria normally exists

in our intestines, but it's easily thrown out of balance by things like

antibiotics, alcohol, stress, other meds... Probiotics promote good

digestion and increases immune functions by increasing the acidity in the

intestine, thus increasing resistance to infection. Acidophilus is

commonly used for poor digestion, to prevent bacterial overgrowth (yeast

infections) and to rebalance bacteria levels in the intestines. It's

generally good to take it combined with other probiotics for a more

complete balance. I take a brand called Megadophilus. It actually stopped

my vomiting when I was on I.V. meds. I just sprinkled a 1/4 tsp. on food

whenever I ate. Don't cook it and keep it refrigerated. You can buy it in

powder, liquid or pill form. If it's not stored in the refrigerator at the

store, don't buy it no matter what the staff says. The powder has no taste.

A good link:


At 09:52 AM 5/6/04 -0400, you wrote:

>Could someone please tell me more about acidophilous. Exactly what is it and

>is it taken daily or just when you have a stomach infection? I was told,


>ago, to take Metamucil every night to regulate myself, but all that water

>bloats me. I sometimes get constipated because I have to take iron pills


>so I do take supposiries every morning. The downside of that is that health

>aides are not allowed to give them, some will, some won't, but the health

>agencies tell them not to.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Acidophilus would be beneficial while you have an infection. It

would not interfere with anything else you are taking.

About Gynatren, anyone who claims a " one all " vaccine has been

created makes me suspicious. There is a candida allergy medicine I

took when I had candida that helps build up antibodies against

candida, boosting the immune system response. It was developed Dr.

Orion Truss and was made up in my doctor's office by a nurse - it had

varying strengths. This vaccine may be similar, I don't know for

sure. If it is then there should be varying strengths. Sorry I'm

rushed for time right now. Maybe I would need more information about

it. If you have time check into Dr. Truss' allergy shots.



> Hi Bee,

> Should I not take Acidophilus while having an infection? Should I

> wait until it is treated? Also, I talked to a Dr. in Germany who

> told me that Gynatren is a vaccine comprised of various acidoph.

> bacteria. Supposedly, the success rate is at about 80%. Have you

> heard of it? I read the article you sent me (about vaccine). It

> seemed to me that this one is different.

> One more thing. I have read about Acidophilus suppositories. What

> do you think of those?

> Thanks for all your help.

> Chris

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  • 1 year later...

I don't know if you can take it too long but you can develop an imbalance of

different types of probiotics. I once had a lab test that showed I had too

much acidophilus vs. the other probiotics.


> Hi Ladies,


> Does anyone know if you can take acidolphllius to long? I have been taking

> it everyday for almost 2 years and someone told me I should quit taking it

> for a while. Just wondering if anyone knew anything about this?


> Thanks so much,

> stacie



>> From: " Cherie " <cheriesut@...>

>> Reply-


>> Subject: Re: Breast Implants- advice

>> Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 01:21:36 -0000


>> Ginger

>> I will be praying for you this week and especially on Friday. Do

>> you have a husband or support person to be with you?

>> Cherie



>>>>> Hello ladies,

>>>>> I am currently considering saline implants, but was

>> researching

>>>> for

>>>>> pros and cons and found this group. I am sorry to hear about

>> the

>>>>> complications.

>>>>> I am still unsure if I should get them as I know of many women

>>> who

>>>> are

>>>>> quite happy with their implants. Regardless, PS has

>>> complications

>>>> and

>>>>> reading the stories makes me think twice. Can anyone share

>> their

>>>>> stories with me? What they felt before and what makes them

>> want

>>> to

>>>>> have explants?

>>>>> Thanks for your help/advice.

>>>>> Yenny


>>>> Yenny,

>>>> You are so smart to be objective about breast implants. I had

>>>> tunnel vision 3 years ago and nothing would stop me from getting

>>>> them! I wouldn't have believed anyone if they would have told

>> me

>>>> that 3 years down the road I would be spending the Christmas

>>>> holidays recovering from having them removed!

>>>> I have my surgery this Friday. I am nervous and would rather

>> put

>>>> this money towards a new car that my whole family can enjoy!

>>>> Before I even made the connection that it was the implants were

>>>> making me sick, my friend and I were talking and we both agreed

>>> that

>>>> if we had to do it all over again, we wouldn't. They are

>>>> uncomfortable, you can see them through your skin, sensation is

>>> lost

>>>> and always in the back of your mind, you wonder if they are

>> going

>>> to

>>>> leak or deflate. Heaven forbid you get in a wreck! Lying on

>> your

>>>> stomach comfortably is a thing of the past.

>>>> My health is now an issue. My family and friends want me to

>>>> healthy. Why risk all of these things happening to you?

>>>> God made you perfect the way you are. Don't change!

>>>> I hope this helps!

>>>> Ginger












> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

> Is this acidophilus ok? It contains dextrose though.

Dextrose is sugar. :( (With VERY few exceptions, anything ending in -ose

is a sugar.) It can be really hard to find something that suits our needs.


in IN

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> Bee,


> Is this acidophilus ok? It contains dextrose though.


> http://www.vitacost.com/CountryLifePowerDophilus


> I am having trouble finding one with enough units that doesn't

contain other crappy ingredients.

==>You only need 10-15 billion units per day so I recommend getting one

with lower units per capsule otherwise you need to divide up the

capsules. Taking more is a waste. But otherwise it's okay; there is

so very little dextrose in these capsules it won't make any difference.


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Dear ,

The very small amount of sugar in those acidophilus capsules wouldn't

affect a person dramatically. Sometimes you have to choose which is

better - to take it or not. I say it's better to take it.


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Guest guest

> Dear ,

> The very small amount of sugar in those acidophilus capsules wouldn't

> affect a person dramatically. Sometimes you have to choose which is

> better - to take it or not. I say it's better to take it.

I totally understand. I had to make that choice with my fenugreek

supplements. One does (2 capsules) has 1g carbohydrate (from the

fenugreek itself - not from any additives). For me, I'd rather have 6

carbs a day from the supplement rather than not taking it at all because

its benefits to my milk supply outweigh the 6 carbs that I get from the


I was just trying to point out that dextrose is sugar. Not everybody

knows about the -ose thing, and it can help when reading labels.

in IN

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Thank-you kindly.

>From: " Bee Wilder " <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

>==>You only need 10-15 billion units per day so I recommend getting one

>with lower units per capsule otherwise you need to divide up the

>capsules. Taking more is a waste. But otherwise it's okay; there is

>so very little dextrose in these capsules it won't make any difference.



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  • 5 months later...


> Hi Bee,

> I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but to treat constipation you

> said to take 5 billion active units of acidophilus every 30 minutes.

> Approximately how many capsules is that each time?

==>The number of capsules depends upon how many units are contained in

each capsule in the product you buy. They all differ. Sometimes you

need to dump out part of a capsule because it contains too much - just

mix it in good non-chlorinated water and drink it.

> I can't seem to find it anywhere. Also, I am a little worried about

taking a pill every 30 minutes, it kind of scares me... but it's

definitely okay, right? I trust you!!!

==>No worries. Dr. Mercola recommends even more billions of units be

taken - go to www.mercola.com and search probiotics to see what he

says. When you get loose stools you stop taking that much.

==>Maybe ask the group where to get good probiotics without soy, dairy,

sugar, FOS, inulin, wheat, etc. per the description in my article.

Just put " Where to Buy Probiotics? " in the subject line.

Luv, Bee

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Acidophilus is a non-colonizing probiotic so it is safe and beneficial to

take it in very large amounts. I have found it hard to find one with no

fillers in a tablet, but you can normally order straight acidophilus in its

powdered form


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Thanks for the info! I take The Ultimate Acidophilus by O'donnell Formula. Does

anyone know how to figure out how many billion active ingredients are in a

capsule? I've been trying to figure it out for so long--can't find it



[ ] Re: Acidophilus

Acidophilus is a non-colonizing probiotic so it is safe and beneficial to

take it in very large amounts. I have found it hard to find one with no

fillers in a tablet, but you can normally order straight acidophilus in its

powdered form


WIN up to $10,000 in cash or prizes – enter the Microsoft Office Live

Sweepstakes http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/aub0050001581mrt/direct/01/

Please trim your messages - see the Candida Group Information Folder.

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> Thanks for the info! I take The Ultimate Acidophilus by O'donnell

Formula. Does anyone know how to figure out how many billion active

ingredients are in a capsule? I've been trying to figure it out for so

long--can't find it anywhere!!!

==>Hi SG. The product you bought is in milligrams, so there is no way

of knowing how many billion units of probiotics it contains. For that

reason alone I wouldn't buy it again. In the meantime take 2 capsules

of your product every 1/2 hour - it has help until you can buy a better

product. Or try one of the other constipation remedies, i.e. megadoses

of vitamin C or magnesium.

Luv, Bee

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Hi Bee,

when you say to megadose on magnesium as well, do you mean cal/mag---or JUST

magnesium? I am also just a little confused about this because I always

thought-or so I was told- that cal/mag can cause constipation??


[ ] Re: Acidophilus


> Thanks for the info! I take The Ultimate Acidophilus by O'donnell

Formula. Does anyone know how to figure out how many billion active

ingredients are in a capsule? I've been trying to figure it out for so

long--can't find it anywhere!!!

==>Hi SG. The product you bought is in milligrams, so there is no way

of knowing how many billion units of probiotics it contains. For that

reason alone I wouldn't buy it again. In the meantime take 2 capsules

of your product every 1/2 hour - it has help until you can buy a better

product. Or try one of the other constipation remedies, i.e. megadoses

of vitamin C or magnesium.

Luv, Bee


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> Hi Bee,

> when you say to megadose on magnesium as well, do you mean cal/mag---

or JUST magnesium? I am also just a little confused about this because

I always thought-or so I was told- that cal/mag can cause


==>Hi SG. The details about taking magnesium are in the Constipation

article in the Digestion Folder. Magnesium is even used in hospitals

for constipation; my sister is a nurse and she provided the amounts

that I put in that articles. How could cal/mag cause constipation?? I

think that is false information.

Luv, Bee

P.S. SG would you please trim your messages; see our Candida Group Info

folder. Thanks.

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Hi Bee,

Sorry for not triming my messages; I didn't realize I was doing that.

I just have some really quick question:

1)I know in the folder it says to increase magnesium to help constipation, but

by that do you mean increase CAL/MAG pills? or JUST magnesium (I.e.: buy

seperate magnesium pills)???

2) I'm a student and I am extremely stressed out with school, and my Candida

problem, and other issues. I have been taking Relora--which deffinitly works to

decrease my stress; but is that okay on your program???? I know you say you

shouldn't take any other suppliments other than the ones in your list, but this

is related to a different issue, so I thought I would ask.


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> Hi Bee,

> Sorry for not triming my messages; I didn't realize I was doing


> I just have some really quick question:

> 1)I know in the folder it says to increase magnesium to help

constipation, but by that do you mean increase CAL/MAG pills? or JUST

magnesium (I.e.: buy seperate magnesium pills)???

==>Yes, you buy magnesium separately anyway, like my article

recommends, or see the Candida Supplements Folder. The Constipation

article states how much magnesium to take per day.

> 2) I'm a student and I am extremely stressed out with school, and

my Candida problem, and other issues. I have been taking Relora--

which deffinitly works to decrease my stress; but is that okay on

your program????

==>What is Relora? If it is for depression or anxiety, see the

article about it - " Depression & Anxiety, Help For " in the Treatment

Folder in our Files.

Would you please put your name at the end of your messages, mainly

for our blind member, Maddalena. Thanks. It is easier for Maddalena

if you put your first name, Sacha, rather than your initials.

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was it Culturelle Lactobacillus GG?

That is what the pedi gastro told me to give for my son's intestinal

fungal overgrowth

- from Ct


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Sue Clayton

Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 1:25 PM

Subject: Acidophilus

A few months ago, there was a discussion on this list (I think)


acidophilus that I can't find in the archives. There was a brand


recommended. I remember looking it up (it was expensive and only

available online or at exclusive pharmacies). It had to be


Does anybody remember the brand? I'm ready to get some, but of


can't find where I wrote down the name. Thanks a lot!

Sue in Phoenix

Mom to (CVID, asthma, celiac)


" Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a

fire. " -- Yeats

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Was it Culturelle Lactobacillus GG?

That is what the pedi gastro told me to give for my son's intestinal

fungal overgrowth

- from Ct


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Sue Clayton

Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 1:25 PM

Subject: Acidophilus

A few months ago, there was a discussion on this list (I think)


acidophilus that I can't find in the archives. There was a brand


recommended. I remember looking it up (it was expensive and only

available online or at exclusive pharmacies). It had to be


Does anybody remember the brand? I'm ready to get some, but of


can't find where I wrote down the name. Thanks a lot!

Sue in Phoenix

Mom to (CVID, asthma, celiac)


" Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a

fire. " -- Yeats

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No, this wasn't it. But it looks good! Thanks! -- Sue

" Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " --


Ladden wrote:


> Was it Culturelle Lactobacillus GG?


> That is what the pedi gastro told me to give for my son's intestinal

> fungal overgrowth


> - from Ct


> ________________________________


> From: <mailto:%40>

> [mailto: <mailto:%40>] On

> Behalf Of Sue Clayton

> Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 1:25 PM

> <mailto:%40>

> Subject: Acidophilus




> A few months ago, there was a discussion on this list (I think)

> about

> acidophilus that I can't find in the archives. There was a brand

> name

> recommended. I remember looking it up (it was expensive and only


> available online or at exclusive pharmacies). It had to be

> refrigerated.

> Does anybody remember the brand? I'm ready to get some, but of

> course

> can't find where I wrote down the name. Thanks a lot!


> Sue in Phoenix


> Mom to (CVID, asthma, celiac)


> --

> " Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a

> fire. " -- Yeats







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