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Re: 2 things....

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 12:08:43 AM Central Daylight Time,

kingibexx@... writes:

> I mean if

> someone was going down the street and said " hey look at that gimpy crip in

> the wheelchair! " Would that be alright? I guess it also has to deal with

> the

> porn sites that are out there. " Criptease, Cripplexxx, Gimpsex " There is

> nothing sexual about those names of those sites, it is derogatory. It makes


> it sound freaky not sexy

I knew I fell in love with you for a reason... ;) Anyway, as we've already

discussed - I completely agree. I'm a goddess because I'm beautiful and

talented, not because I can't walk. If anyone ever referred to me as a gimp

or cripple, I'd probably laugh and call them an ignorant asshole. So yeah,

rock on with your non-gimp self, Will! =)


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I am a Gimp Goddess because I am perfect in my imperfection. I am an Ableist

because I live my life doing the same things that AB's do without making a

big deal about it. It's no big deal that I work two jobs, have two degrees,

own my house and a vacation home on the coast, travel extensively, and am

legally married; yet I've never walked or peed without someone putting me on

the pot......not to mention grooming, dressing, feeding, etc. In the '80's

and '90's, I'd probably be labeled a " Super Crip " . But, in my opinion, I'm

just an average 44 yr. old woman. I don't let the fact that I have SMA Type

I/II prevent me from pursuing the American Dream any more than I would let my

eye color. I have personal expectations for myself. These expectations (or

values for success) were taught to me by my parents. They threw me into the

deep end of the pond at age 5 when they sent me to public school (without any

Personal Aides or IEP's or Special Ed classrooms). I learned to overcome.

And, in doing that, I grew up believing that I could go as far as my

imagination and determination would take me. I had no disabled peers, so my

goals in life where the same as my AB friends. I think that being an Ableist

is positive when it illustrates that one's disability can take the back seat

to one's potential. In my day to day interactions at work or with friends, my

SMA never comes up. I've integrated into who I am.


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In a message dated 9/18/2002 10:28:27 AM Central Daylight Time,

VickiLJurney@... writes:

> I think that being an Ableist

> is positive when it illustrates that one's disability can take the back

> seat

> to one's potential. In my day to day interactions at work or with friends,

> my

> SMA never comes up. I've integrated into who I am.


That is good, some people never accept themselves. I've got a cousin who

broke his back. He is a complete hermit, and tried to kill himself recently.

It is sad. Now he spends his day doped up on meds for pain. never leaves,

bought a house in the woods so he didn't have any neighbors. We have tried to

get him off of the mountain, but it is no use.

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 2:09:10 PM Central Daylight Time,

lynnie53@... writes:

> first of all ppl on this list are " disabled " i am crippled, deformed,

> crunched to the side from scoliosis, my legs nor arms work, and im very

> vulnerable. thats the facts of life. crippled sex you ask why? why not? i

> love love love sex! and my life without something so natural as sex would

> be abnormal for me. my hunny helps me acheive many sexual desires of

> mine. my hands dont work. i cannot masterbate, therefor someones gotta

> release my tension. right? for many many years i've been trying to figure

> out a way around the partner thing, i'd prefer to do it myself and,

> unfortionatly i cannot. xxxcripsex rock on! i wish there were more

> books/websites ect. accessible for those of us who are out of ideas

> because being disabled limits options for position and techniques, it is

> humane to have sex, make love, or just plain fuck, life would be boring

I think you misunderstood me, I am not downplaying the sex part just the

name's of the sites, not very sexy names.

> if otherwise...


> and why is it so offensive to use the word gimpy/crip?

> we are! if you are not d/a and use those words in a mean hurtful way your

> wrong, but being gimpy i've got rights to the word.




it is offensive to me because if other people used the terms it would be

offensive. Its not cute to toss around gimp and crip. The same thing as black

people tossing around nigger to themselves. I mean think about it, I'm going

to start a web site called " niggersex.com " doesn't sound all the nice does

it? Homesexual's use fag. dOesn't make it right. Its offensive.

We are what we are. HUMAN

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In a message dated 9/18/02 12:08:43 AM Central Daylight Time,

kingibexx@... writes:



It's like two gay men calling eachother Fags.... If a strange hero guy of the

street calls a gay guy he doesn't know a fag it is seen as negative. But when

two gay men call eachother a fag or a close friend of a gay man it is seen as

okay to most. Or haven't you ever seen to black people call eachothe niggers?

Or Bro's? Now if I said that as a white person I'd be seen as racist....

In my GLBT class we learned that homosexuals have " taken back " terms (like

fag, queer.) and symbols (triangle used by nazis) that were used as away to

label or criticize them and turned the power around. I think many groups have

done this women, blacks ....

Of course not all gays agree on if they like the word fag or queer so you

should wait and see before tossing those terms around. Same goes for gimp and


I use gimp a lot but I don't like it coming from a stranger. From strangers I

like disabled. I cringe and handicapped and cripple.

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 2:09:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

lynnie53@... writes:

> Vicki-


> you go girl!


> you rock!



Thanks! But hey, I'm just like any other middle-aged married professional. I

just work to pay bills and try to find time to spend " quality time " with my

husband. Pretty normal life!


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In a message dated 9/18/02 2:44:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

kingibexx@... writes:

> I am not downplaying the sex part just the

> name's of the sites, not very sexy names.



Do most trashy porn sites have sexy names tho?

Is " Big Hooters " sexy?

SeXXXy teens?

Farm F*cking?

Big Dicks In Small Chicks?

Hairy Muffs?

Cock Shots?

Anal Asian Action?

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In a message dated 9/18/02 2:44:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

kingibexx@... writes:

> . I mean think about it, I'm going

> to start a web site called " niggersex.com " doesn't sound all the nice does


But they have sites like that ......they are not just targeting disabled.

The nature of a lot of porn is degrading....

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 3:11:33 PM Central Daylight Time,

MsBYGthoughts@... writes:

> It's niggA, used more as a slAng. Even Puerto Ricans call each other " Nigga "

> it's how u say it.

> ~s, the unique princess~



is there a ghetto dictionary somewhere, i have a few words I would like to

look up

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 2:09:39 PM Central Daylight Time,

lynnie53@... writes:

> are you disabled? and why is it so offensive to use the word gimpy/crip?

> we are! if you are not d/a and use those words in a mean hurtful way your

> wrong, but being gimpy i've got rights to the word.


No, he isn't disabled - his wife (me) is. =P However, I am neither a " gimp "

or " crip " and find it a tad ridiculous to label someone with a name of such

negative connotations. You say you have rights to the words... well, no,

sorry I disagree. I'd be as offended, if not more, if a disabled person

called me either.


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I totally agree, Amy!


In a message dated 9/18/02 4:18:42 PM Central Daylight Time,

blueyedaze@... writes:

> No, he isn't disabled - his wife (me) is. =P However, I am neither a " gimp "


> or " crip " and find it a tad ridiculous to label someone with a name of such


> negative connotations. You say you have rights to the words... well, no,

> sorry I disagree. I'd be as offended, if not more, if a disabled person

> called me either.


> -Amy


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In a message dated 9/18/02 4:53:29 PM Central Daylight Time, esma1999@...


> So, we each have our own standards. So, yes I have the right to call

> myself a gimp goddess. And you have the right not to!



Why can't you just call yourself a goddess? A goddess is a goddess! Why

does it have to be qualified with the word gimp?


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first of all ppl on this list are " disabled " i am crippled, deformed,

crunched to the side from scoliosis, my legs nor arms work, and im very

vulnerable. thats the facts of life. crippled sex you ask why? why not? i

love love love sex! and my life without something so natural as sex would

be abnormal for me. my hunny helps me acheive many sexual desires of

mine. my hands dont work. i cannot masterbate, therefor someones gotta

release my tension. right? for many many years i've been trying to figure

out a way around the partner thing, i'd prefer to do it myself and,

unfortionatly i cannot. xxxcripsex rock on! i wish there were more

books/websites ect. accessible for those of us who are out of ideas

because being disabled limits options for position and techniques, it is

humane to have sex, make love, or just plain fuck, life would be boring

if otherwise...


are you disabled? and why is it so offensive to use the word gimpy/crip?

we are! if you are not d/a and use those words in a mean hurtful way your

wrong, but being gimpy i've got rights to the word.


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In a message dated 9/18/2002 5:54:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

Grassberry@... writes:

> Why can't you just call yourself a goddess?

I call myself a Gimp Goddess because I'm perfect in my imperfection. I am the

embodiment of grace, beauty, intellect, charm, feminine sexuality, wit, and

compassionate spirituality; however, I use a wheelchair and am (and always

have been) dependent on others for my care. Still, I embrace my disability

and love the person it has made me.


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In a message dated Wed, 18 Sep 2002 2:44:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, esma1999


> . Or haven't you ever seen to black people call eachothe

> niggers

It's niggA, used more as a slAng. Even Puerto Ricans call each other " Nigga "

it's how u say it.

~s, the unique princess~

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Whatever floats your boat and gets you through life!

In a message dated 9/18/02 7:03:24 PM Central Daylight Time,

VickiLJurney@... writes:

> I call myself a Gimp Goddess because I'm perfect in my imperfection. I am

> the

> embodiment of grace, beauty, intellect, charm, feminine sexuality, wit, and


> compassionate spirituality; however, I use a wheelchair and am (and always

> have been) dependent on others for my care. Still, I embrace my disability

> and love the person it has made me.


> Vicki


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In a message dated Wed, 18 Sep 2002 3:22:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, kingibexx


> is there a ghetto dictionary somewhere, i have a few words

> I would like to

> look up

What r da words? I probably know what they mean.

~s, the unique princess~

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 7:14:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

Grassberry@... writes:

> Whatever floats your boat and gets you through life!


LOL.......Funny you should say that because this Saturday my boat is leaving

on a 5-day cruise to Cozumel. Want to come?

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In a message dated 9/18/02 8:12:17 PM Central Daylight Time,

VickiLJurney@... writes:

> LOL.......Funny you should say that because this Saturday my boat is leaving


> on a 5-day cruise to Cozumel. Want to come?


Thank you, but I'll decline this time. :-) Have a nice cruise.

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But gimp is slang so is fag and queer.....

I'm just saying it's only negative when used by an outsider..

> In a message dated Wed, 18 Sep 2002 2:44:25 PM Eastern Standard

Time, esma1999 writes:


> > . Or haven't you ever seen to black people call eachothe

> > niggers


> It's niggA, used more as a slAng. Even Puerto Ricans call each

other " Nigga " it's how u say it.

> ~s, the unique princess~

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You say you have rights to the words... well, no,

> sorry I disagree. I'd be as offended, if not more, if a disabled


> called me either.


> -Amy


Well, I find the words cripple and handicapped offensive. I hate

signs that say " handicapped parking, door... " . I don't like cripple

or handicapped because most who use it are " older " and still see the

disabled as " special " or poor things. Or because Jerry uses

those words LOL

I don't like PC terms much better like physicaly challanged. Because

many who use it like politicians use it to look like they care and

understand what my life is like. When they don't.

If you don't know me well call me disabled, physicaly disabled or

just !

So, we each have our own standards. So, yes I have the right to call

myself a gimp goddess. And you have the right not to!

I never heard gimp used to mean " disabled " till a disabled person

used it. To me most of my life gimp was used to make bracelets at day

camp lol I bet many TABS don't know what a gimp is...Unlike cripple...

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If that is an Ablest then what's wrong with that? Don't we all want

our disability to be seen as nothing more than our eye color etc? I

guess nicole will answer....;)

I was thinkintg an ablest was someone who thinks you need to walk/ " be

normal " to be happy. Like reeves or lewis?

> I am a Gimp Goddess because I am perfect in my imperfection. I am

an Ableist

> because I live my life doing the same things that AB's do without

making a

> big deal about it. It's no big deal that I work two jobs, have two


> own my house and a vacation home on the coast, travel extensively,

and am

> legally married; yet I've never walked or peed without someone

putting me on

> the pot......not to mention grooming, dressing, feeding, etc. In

the '80's

> and '90's, I'd probably be labeled a " Super Crip " . But, in my

opinion, I'm

> just an average 44 yr. old woman. I don't let the fact that I have

SMA Type

> I/II prevent me from pursuing the American Dream any more than I

would let my

> eye color. I have personal expectations for myself. These

expectations (or

> values for success) were taught to me by my parents. They threw me

into the

> deep end of the pond at age 5 when they sent me to public school

(without any

> Personal Aides or IEP's or Special Ed classrooms). I learned to


> And, in doing that, I grew up believing that I could go as far as


> imagination and determination would take me. I had no disabled

peers, so my

> goals in life where the same as my AB friends. I think that being

an Ableist

> is positive when it illustrates that one's disability can take the

back seat

> to one's potential. In my day to day interactions at work or with

friends, my

> SMA never comes up. I've integrated into who I am.


> Vicki




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In a message dated 9/18/02 5:54:39 PM Central Daylight Time,

Grassberry@... writes:


> Why can't you just call yourself a goddess? A goddess is a goddess! Why

> does it have to be qualified with the word gimp?



Well, I'm not ashamed of being a gimp. Or a woman, or polish German American,

or Aries, or white, or auburn, curly haired.....

Why not just call us human? Let's stop using all labels huh? Like

heterosexual, homosexual, fag, gay, woman, man, chick, guy, black, white,

African American...we are all just human!

But we use labels all the time... everyday... no one will ever agree on

what's ok and what's not. That's why I said don't call a stranger a gimp, fag

or whatever till you know how they feel. Just respect others views. I don't

think you have a right to say to me that calling myself a gimp is wrong

anymore than me telling you to use the word gimp.

I know more disabled who " accept " or use gimp or crip than don't....

It's not like I go around yelling I'm a Gimp! Looky I'm a Gimp! lol

I use it where most will understand how I mean it. Or I use it with non

disabled and most smile when I call my self a " gimp goddess " cuz it shows I'm

fine with my disability and not denying or hiding it. It also shows that I

feel I am still as much a woman/sexy even though I'm disabled.

It also lets some tension when people are afraid to ask about my disability

or when they struggle to find a term say about being disabled (handicapped,

uniquely able, differently able...) It's an ice breaker that's all.

It's not so much what term you use but who uses it and how.....

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