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Re: MSG sensitivity - kombucha OK?

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I am not totally sure about this but I know KT is supposed convert alcohol

to amino acids and I believe MSG is a naturally occurring amino acid in small

amounts but as I hear it there is a very large amount of it in your average

meal when you eat out. I read an article about it the other day where they had

checked around and it was supposedly used in eateries that swore they didn't

used it on account of the fact that they didn't add it directly but that it

was an ingredient of an ingredient so to speak. It is also said to be used

under many different names in food. I can't remember where but I think they have

a list online of the different things they call MSG so as not to tip people

off to it's use in whatever the product like say a sauce or a tv dinner or

something like that. If I can find the site I read that on I will send it to

you. I don't know if it's right or not though because I haven't seen it

anywhere else to back it up.

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The authors of Nourishing Traditions drink kombucha.

EVERYONE has a sensitivity to MSG because it is a poison. Some folks just

notice it more than others, and therefore either label themselves

" sensitive " or are labeled as such.

MSG sensitivity - kombucha OK?

> Hi everyone:


> I'm asking this question on behalf of someone who's interested in

> getting a kombucha culture but has heard that lacto-fermented and

> naturally fermented foods should be avoided by people w/ MSG

> sensitivity. This caution is reportedly based on info

> from " Nourishing Traditions " or a discussion group based on that

> book. Has anyone heard of this contraindication? I've advised her to

> ask on the kefir_making list, too, but no definitive answers so far.


> Thanks for any info,

> Nori







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Don't hold me to fire on this but my understanding from my nursing days

(long time ago) was that the methods to produce the actually crystalline MSG

is what makes it toxic to sensitive people, along with the concentrated

amounts that are consumed when you sprinkle on food.

-- Re: MSG sensitivity - kombucha OK?

I am not totally sure about this but I know KT is supposed convert alcohol

to amino acids and I believe MSG is a naturally occurring amino acid in


amounts but as I hear it there is a very large amount of it in your average

meal when you eat out. I read an article about it the other day where they


checked around and it was supposedly used in eateries that swore they didn


used it on account of the fact that they didn't add it directly but that it

was an ingredient of an ingredient so to speak. It is also said to be used

under many different names in food. I can't remember where but I think they


a list online of the different things they call MSG so as not to tip people

off to it's use in whatever the product like say a sauce or a tv dinner or

something like that. If I can find the site I read that on I will send it


you. I don't know if it's right or not though because I haven't seen it

anywhere else to back it up.

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Oh yes, I realize that Sally Fallon and her co-authors endorse

kefir, kombucha, and other traditional fermented foods, and it's

wonderful that so many have learned about these foods from their

book. Apparently, though, there was a discussion thread about free

glutamates in these fermented foods that might be a problem for

those w/ particularly severe MSG sensitivity. The person I talked

w/ says she experiences ringing in ears, numbness in limbs, etc.,

after consuming kefir and fermented cabbage -- both naturally

fermented w/o the toxic processing into crystalline form as someone

else posted. And so she was wondering if kombucha might have a

similar effect.

Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts.


> The authors of Nourishing Traditions drink kombucha.


> EVERYONE has a sensitivity to MSG because it is a poison. Some

folks just notice it more than others, and therefore either label

themselves " sensitive " or are labeled as such.


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