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Another chatty month - and some notes

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Hi Everybody:

Well, we had almost 1000 posts you guys, and they were substantive

and helpful, as usual. I see some other groups and they have a lot of

posts, but it's mostly chatty interactions of the members, not really

educational stuff, and y'all are to be commended for keeping the

standards of communication up here. Thank you for your efforts in

keeping on-topic.

1 A word to newbies: jump in, introduce yourself, and if you don't

get immediate answers, ask again. Sometimes the question that is

burning to you is cool here because it's been answered a zillion

times. This group has HUGE archives of messages, I suggest you look

there first. Maybe you'll need to ask in a different manner, or more

focused, but keep at it, and you'll get the answer either from the

archives or one of us. This past month I saw many new topics

introduced, and much dialogue. I saw some old, frequently-asked

topics posted and ignored.

2 With a rare exception, all of the natural perfumes I have sampled

have absolutely knocked my socks off. They're as sophisticated as

Carons, Guerlains, Chanels, Malles, Lutens, etc. -- and they come

from nature, not a test tube :-)

3 I'll be cutting back on my participation due to other obligations

that I've ignored. Sometimes the management of this group can take a

few hours a day, and so, to alleviate the pressure on me, all the

great moderators will focus on discrete areas of management and I'll

go play, er, work. If you write me privately, I may have to forward

it on to one of them, so please understand the new focus and stay

attached to the group, maybe not so much to me. Mama is kicking the

little birds out of the nest, lol!

Finally, on a lighter note:

4 What's one of the reasons we're here in this group?


A natural perfume would NEVER do that ;-)

Anya McCoy

Anya's Garden of Natural Perfume http://anyasgarden.com

Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild http://artisannaturalperfumers.org

Natural Perfumers Community Group


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