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Sherry, If you decide to get an advocate (and one that has experience, and knows the public school system) to support you, and educate you on your rights/laws of our schools. not only would you be more aware and know what to ask for to help your son progress and be safe. You will be amazed how much bullshit stops. they won't be playing these games (like passing you around) to different people with different titles to stall time till school ends. then, like you said, this September, school will be closed and your son will be in a different school (with different problems). { I think I read you saying that the new school will be temp. until they finish renovating the school he's in now } [then back to "that" school] If you had an advocate, That game they are playing will cease ASAP. Have you called to check out that 1-800 # I sent

you? I'm hoping they can help. Do you find yourself going in a complete circle, and getting no where? If that were me, I would get that advocate, call a meeting - with everyone present - and bring up all your concerns from the bullying to the accident in his pants in his classroom, include the harassment on the school bus, to noticing his grades dropping from over a month ago that was only brought to your attention now. and explain this Hugh black & purple bruise on his ear now reached my limits. (word that better). When you get an advocate, you won't be as stressed, because she/he can help document everything - put them in the limelight - { like Roxanna's letter } and they have to respond. Even if its a phone call, document that call and send it to them stating: Letter to the Superintendent, On

February (date) you phoned me stating that I need to address my concern with my son being bullied with my school, b/c your not aware of the bullying issue that I am describing. You mentioned the other issue w/my son Josh falling is being addressed. I did advise the principal and other staff members about the bullying from when my son was being harassed on the school bus, and its still continuing. Your question with the teacher, if you feel its considered like a hinderance to Josh learning??? IMO it doesn't matter if its with a child with a DX or NT, if the child is having problems learning and falling behind, they should have called you and let 'you' know the child needs extra help with???, provide testing, and start with a program to help the child progress. *maybe resource, a tutor, an aid, etc... whatever needed. Also, IMO, the school year is almost over, we are going into March, than 3 more months and schools out. You have be bringing up these same concerns that weren't dealt with and new ones that still aren't dealt with for over a month now. your getting passed around from the guidance councilor to the principal, the teacher, the superintendent, now back to the principal.. to who every else. I would also include in any letter, with the last sentence to read. Who do I hold personally responsible for my son's safety while at school !. Sherry, I know parents that are awesome advocates for their children, know their rights with the school system and still go with an advocate 'in case the miss anything' or to help take notes or even just for support. You are doing an awesome job...while this is all out, request a progress report for you son for each week so the teacher will have to notice everything... I want to read from others to see what support they shared to help you with this concern. No one, should be bullied at school.... <superchick0770@...> wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not

aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to

recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where

he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his

grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Rose thanks , yeah i do wnat to be prepared for the next meeting, they keep catching me off guard so i can't think of what it is i want, which 800 number? i am not sure, i called the parent education network she sent me a whole packet of info.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, If you decide to get an advocate (and one that has experience, and knows the public school system) to support you, and educate you on your rights/laws of our schools. not only would you be more aware and know what to ask for to help

your son progress and be safe. You will be amazed how much bullshit stops. they won't be playing these games (like passing you around) to different people with different titles to stall time till school ends. then, like you said, this September, school will be closed and your son will be in a different school (with different problems). { I think I read you saying that the new school will be temp. until they finish renovating the school he's in now } [then back to "that" school] If you had an advocate, That game they are playing will cease ASAP. Have you called to check out that 1-800 # I sent you? I'm hoping they can help. Do you find yourself going in a complete circle, and getting no where? If that were me, I would get that advocate, call a meeting - with everyone present - and bring up all your concerns from the bullying to the

accident in his pants in his classroom, include the harassment on the school bus, to noticing his grades dropping from over a month ago that was only brought to your attention now. and explain this Hugh black & purple bruise on his ear now reached my limits. (word that better). When you get an advocate, you won't be as stressed, because she/he can help document everything - put them in the limelight - { like Roxanna's letter } and they have to respond. Even if its a phone call, document that call and send it to them stating: Letter to the Superintendent, On February (date) you phoned me stating that I need to address my concern with my son being bullied with my school, b/c your not aware of the bullying issue that I am describing. You mentioned the other issue w/my son Josh falling is being

addressed. I did advise the principal and other staff members about the bullying from when my son was being harassed on the school bus, and its still continuing. Your question with the teacher, if you feel its considered like a hinderance to Josh learning??? IMO it doesn't matter if its with a child with a DX or NT, if the child is having problems learning and falling behind, they should have called you and let 'you' know the child needs extra help with???, provide testing, and start with a program to help the child progress. *maybe resource, a tutor, an aid, etc... whatever needed. Also, IMO, the school year is almost over, we are going into March, than 3 more months and schools out. You have be bringing up these same concerns that weren't dealt with and new ones that still aren't dealt with for over a month now.

your getting passed around from the guidance councilor to the principal, the teacher, the superintendent, now back to the principal.. to who every else. I would also include in any letter, with the last sentence to read. Who do I hold personally responsible for my son's safety while at school !. Sherry, I know parents that are awesome advocates for their children, know their rights with the school system and still go with an advocate 'in case the miss anything' or to help take notes or even just for support. You are doing an awesome job...while this is all out, request a progress report for you son for each week so the teacher will have to notice everything... I want to read from others to see what support they shared to help you with this concern. No one, should be bullied at school.... <superchick0770 > wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose

<beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks

Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at

school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the

school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call

the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours

i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Sherry, I don't know how you're holding up! You've got my head spinning, I can't imagine how your head is right now! Most likely, it's probably ready to explode! Nothing is easy anymore. I know I'm just so worn out from dealing with issues. No matter what aspect of my life, everywhere I turn there are issues. Red tape. Politics, Passing the buck. People dodging responsibility. People being non committal. No one making a decision. No one following thru with what they promised or with what they are supposed to do. I am soooooooo tired of the lip service. All the news reports say "it's about the children" and they always say they need more money to provide services in the schools, well, I really don't see how it helps. <yes... I am starting to ramble! lol!) Anymore, I feel like I have to keep a cut-throat lawyer on

retainer so I can call on him to deal with issues. Heck, I only wish I could afford to do that! If I could, I'd send him your way, too. Stay strong! You're doing a great job. I think getting the advocate is a wonderful idea. I hope that works out well and takes some of the stress off you, and gets a speedy resolution. Hugs Mimssherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this

school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying

to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this

much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims,

well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels

he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Sherry, at meetings, they would always catch me off guard with questions too !. I wonder if they (the team) all "roll play" the meeting, before we meet LOL the 1-800 number was from the parent to parent site. they can help you with locating an advocate. good lucksherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Rose thanks , yeah i do wnat to be prepared for the next meeting, they keep catching me off guard so i can't think of what it is i want, which 800 number? i am not sure, i called the

parent education network she sent me a whole packet of info.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, If you decide to get an advocate (and one that has experience, and knows the public school system) to support you, and educate you on your rights/laws of our schools. not only would you be more aware and know what to ask for to help your son progress and be safe. You will be amazed how much bullshit stops. they won't be playing these games (like passing you around) to different people with different titles to stall time till school ends. then, like you said, this September, school will be closed and your son will be in a different school (with different problems). { I think I read you saying that the new

school will be temp. until they finish renovating the school he's in now } [then back to "that" school] If you had an advocate, That game they are playing will cease ASAP. Have you called to check out that 1-800 # I sent you? I'm hoping they can help. Do you find yourself going in a complete circle, and getting no where? If that were me, I would get that advocate, call a meeting - with everyone present - and bring up all your concerns from the bullying to the accident in his pants in his classroom, include the harassment on the school bus, to noticing his grades dropping from over a month ago that was only brought to your attention now. and explain this Hugh black & purple bruise on his ear now reached my limits. (word that better). When you get an advocate, you won't be as stressed, because she/he can help document everything - put them in the limelight - { like Roxanna's letter } and they have

to respond. Even if its a phone call, document that call and send it to them stating: Letter to the Superintendent, On February (date) you phoned me stating that I need to address my concern with my son being bullied with my school, b/c your not aware of the bullying issue that I am describing. You mentioned the other issue w/my son Josh falling is being addressed. I did advise the principal and other staff members about the bullying from when my son was being harassed on the school bus, and its still continuing. Your question with the teacher, if you feel its considered like a hinderance to Josh learning??? IMO it doesn't matter if its with a child with a DX or NT, if the child is having problems learning and falling behind, they

should have called you and let 'you' know the child needs extra help with???, provide testing, and start with a program to help the child progress. *maybe resource, a tutor, an aid, etc... whatever needed. Also, IMO, the school year is almost over, we are going into March, than 3 more months and schools out. You have be bringing up these same concerns that weren't dealt with and new ones that still aren't dealt with for over a month now. your getting passed around from the guidance councilor to the principal, the teacher, the superintendent, now back to the principal.. to who every else. I would also include in any letter, with the last sentence to read. Who do I hold personally responsible for my son's safety while at school !. Sherry, I know parents that are awesome advocates for their children, know their rights with the school system and still go with an advocate 'in case the miss

anything' or to help take notes or even just for support. You are doing an awesome job...while this is all out, request a progress report for you son for each week so the teacher will have to notice everything... I want to read from others to see what support they shared to help you with this concern. No one, should be bullied at school.... <superchick0770 > wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue

w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be

able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This

documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions

whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think

now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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LOL OK Rose, i'll contact the parent to parent, i hadn't done that yet.Thanks SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, at meetings, they would always catch me off guard with questions too !. I wonder if they (the team) all "roll play" the meeting, before we meet LOL the 1-800 number was from the parent to parent site. they can help you with locating an advocate. good lucksherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Rose thanks , yeah i do wnat to be prepared for the next meeting, they keep catching me off guard so i can't think of what it is i want, which 800 number? i am not sure, i called the parent education network she sent me a whole packet of info.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, If you decide to get an advocate (and one that has experience, and knows the public school system) to support you, and educate you on your rights/laws of our schools. not only would you be more aware and know what to ask for to help your son progress and be safe. You will be amazed how much bullshit stops. they won't be playing these games (like passing you around)

to different people with different titles to stall time till school ends. then, like you said, this September, school will be closed and your son will be in a different school (with different problems). { I think I read you saying that the new school will be temp. until they finish renovating the school he's in now } [then back to "that" school] If you had an advocate, That game they are playing will cease ASAP. Have you called to check out that 1-800 # I sent you? I'm hoping they can help. Do you find yourself going in a complete circle, and getting no where? If that were me, I would get that advocate, call a meeting - with everyone present - and bring up all your concerns from the bullying to the accident in his pants in his classroom, include the harassment on the school bus, to noticing his grades dropping from over a month ago that was only brought to your attention now. and explain this Hugh black &

purple bruise on his ear now reached my limits. (word that better). When you get an advocate, you won't be as stressed, because she/he can help document everything - put them in the limelight - { like Roxanna's letter } and they have to respond. Even if its a phone call, document that call and send it to them stating: Letter to the Superintendent, On February (date) you phoned me stating that I need to address my concern with my son being bullied with my school, b/c your not aware of the bullying issue that I am describing. You mentioned the other issue w/my son Josh falling is being addressed. I did advise the principal and other staff members about the bullying from when my son was being harassed on the school bus, and its still continuing.

Your question with the teacher, if you feel its considered like a hinderance to Josh learning??? IMO it doesn't matter if its with a child with a DX or NT, if the child is having problems learning and falling behind, they should have called you and let 'you' know the child needs extra help with???, provide testing, and start with a program to help the child progress. *maybe resource, a tutor, an aid, etc... whatever needed. Also, IMO, the school year is almost over, we are going into March, than 3 more months and schools out. You have be bringing up these same concerns that weren't dealt with and new ones that still aren't dealt with for over a month now. your getting passed around from the guidance councilor to the principal, the teacher, the superintendent, now back to the principal.. to who every else. I would also include in any letter, with the last

sentence to read. Who do I hold personally responsible for my son's safety while at school !. Sherry, I know parents that are awesome advocates for their children, know their rights with the school system and still go with an advocate 'in case the miss anything' or to help take notes or even just for support. You are doing an awesome job...while this is all out, request a progress report for you son for each week so the teacher will have to notice everything... I want to read from others to see what support they shared to help you with this concern. No one, should be bullied at school.... <superchick0770 > wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!!

the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school

to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I

understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the

teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit

from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks Alot Mims, That means alot. U know we have enough to deal with on our own w/out this horse crap from schools and what not. had a really rough afternoon, but said school was fine, i couldn't get him to stay on his hw he kept fidgeting and moving and spinning, he is always spinning anymore, this didn't use to be a big issue but everytime i turn around now he is spinning himself and i am scared he is gonna fall again and get hurt but he won't listen. I know that something is going on in his head b/c his symptoms are more prodominant now than they were, i used to tell people he has very mild aspergersb/c he didn't show alot of the symptoms, but now omg it is really really , he spins, he talks nonstop and alot of times i don't know what he is talking about or why he is, he claps his hands, he hums or sings (commercial jingles usually while he is playing) he spaces out alot more than he used to, do u think the stress is trigger the onset of this or do u think it is

just aperger's progressing? I know that these are issues we will face for along time if not forever but it just seems like so much more of it now. I am sorry , i went totally off with you, thanks for your ear.SherryMims Batts <mimsnj@...> wrote: Sherry, I don't know how you're holding up! You've got my head spinning, I can't imagine how your head is right now! Most likely, it's probably ready to explode! Nothing is easy anymore. I know I'm just so worn out from dealing with

issues. No matter what aspect of my life, everywhere I turn there are issues. Red tape. Politics, Passing the buck. People dodging responsibility. People being non committal. No one making a decision. No one following thru with what they promised or with what they are supposed to do. I am soooooooo tired of the lip service. All the news reports say "it's about the children" and they always say they need more money to provide services in the schools, well, I really don't see how it helps. <yes... I am starting to ramble! lol!) Anymore, I feel like I have to keep a cut-throat lawyer on retainer so I can call on him to deal with issues. Heck, I only wish I could afford to do that! If I could, I'd send him your way, too. Stay strong! You're doing a great job. I think getting the advocate is a wonderful idea. I

hope that works out well and takes some of the stress off you, and gets a speedy resolution. Hugs Mimssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed . This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to

joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems

in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around

services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now

the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking

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{{{Sherry}}} Oh, you need a hug! I hear and feel your pain. How long do you think it's been that 's symptoms have been progressing as you described? As I look back with my son, we would go thru periods where things were going well in general. He'd have his usual quirks, but for the most part there would be smooth sailing. Then, wham! He'd have a meltdown. Stress was a big trigger for him He would stress out with change. If something was happening at school, be it a bully or other peer issue, or if we were planning a party or preparing for a holiday event.... his behavior and "quirks" would worsen. He'd be more difficult to manage. I grew to dread the holidays or any sort of celebration because he would get in a funk. At a time when you are looking forward to some fun and festivities, he'd get in a mood, sulk and

generally be miserable. For years we thought perhaps he was just being a spoiled brat. Let's not even discuss the onset of puberty!! LOL! With all that has been going thru, I wouldn't be surprised if the changes you are noticing are a reaction to the stress he's feeling. He probably can't figure out how to handle these issues. He doesn't know how to verbalize all that's going on and doesn't know what to make of it all. This may be his form of release. At one point, we tried holding firm to strict parenting tactics during these periods, but I think that just made it harder for him. What worked best for my son was to give him a little extra space, less nagging, less demands and extra TLC. Not that we coddled him or gave in all the time, but we loosened the reins a bit. It's not easy. I feel like a tightrope walker trying to

balance things! Hang in there! Mimssherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks Alot Mims, That means alot. U know we have enough to deal with on our own w/out this horse crap from schools and what not. had a really rough afternoon, but said school was fine, i couldn't get him to stay on his hw he kept fidgeting and moving and spinning, he is always spinning anymore, this didn't use to be a big issue but everytime i turn around now he is spinning himself and i am scared he is gonna

fall again and get hurt but he won't listen. I know that something is going on in his head b/c his symptoms are more prodominant now than they were, i used to tell people he has very mild aspergersb/c he didn't show alot of the symptoms, but now omg it is really really , he spins, he talks nonstop and alot of times i don't know what he is talking about or why he is, he claps his hands, he hums or sings (commercial jingles usually while he is playing) he spaces out alot more than he used to, do u think the stress is trigger the onset of this or do u think it is just aperger's progressing? I know that these are issues we will face for along time if not forever but it just seems like so much more of it now. I am sorry , i went totally off with you, thanks for your ear.SherryMims Batts <mimsnj > wrote: Sherry, I don't know how you're

holding up! You've got my head spinning, I can't imagine how your head is right now! Most likely, it's probably ready to explode! Nothing is easy anymore. I know I'm just so worn out from dealing with issues. No matter what aspect of my life, everywhere I turn there are issues. Red tape. Politics, Passing the buck. People dodging responsibility. People being non committal. No one making a decision. No one following thru with what they promised or with what they are supposed to do. I am soooooooo tired of the lip service. All the news reports say "it's about the children" and they always say they need more money to provide services in the schools, well, I really don't see how it helps. <yes... I am starting to ramble! lol!) Anymore, I feel like I have to keep a cut-throat lawyer on retainer so I can call on him to deal

with issues. Heck, I only wish I could afford to do that! If I could, I'd send him your way, too. Stay strong! You're doing a great job. I think getting the advocate is a wonderful idea. I hope that works out well and takes some of the stress off you, and gets a speedy resolution. Hugs Mimssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: You guys won't believe this stupid phone call i just got, this school district stinks!!!!! the superintendent calls and basically told me i need to address these issues with the prinicpal, i explained i have done this and am not satisfied, he said well u need to address it with ur school, b/c i am not aware of the bullying issue u are describing, but the other issue w/ josh falling is being addressed .

This is ridiculous and when they find out i am filing a formal complaint with the district and the department of education ohhhhh they will definitely know. I have a question though, the incident w/ the teacher is that considered like a hinderance to joshua learning, do u guys think? i just need help especially when i have to file the formal complaints. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: WOW Roxanna, we now need to have a PhD in writing skills and also be a lawyer when trying to write a letter to a school to help our children get a safe appropriate education... love your letter !!! RoseRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: ROFL. This is funny that she can't talk to you about an aide but then goes on to say he needs one. Right there is prime documentation that you have to get down on paper! Write a follow up note, "Thanks Mrs. H for talking to me about the problems is having in your class on the phone yesterday. I understand you do not feel (child) would trip but in looking at his injury, the doctor and we all feel he had to have been pushed to sustain this much damage. I understand you do not think it was too much trouble for him to finish his work before going to the bathroom but will need to be allowed to go to the bathroom the minute he says he has to go. His ability to recognize the need to go is not well developed yet and he will be able to focus on his classwork if he

isn't thinking about how much he has to use the bathroom. From our discussion, you said he is having the following problems in class: (List all the problems she said he has.) Thank you for letting me know what is happening for him at school. I understand that you want to know if his wrap around program will give him an aide at school but as I explained, they only do that when...(reason). It is clear that he does need some help with behaviors at school. Thank you very much.....name/address/phone/email This documents the discussion and also notes that

she says he needs an aide without pinning it on her head. If you say, "YOU said he needs an aide!" she will deny that because it will get her in trouble. SOmetimes it is easier to note she asked about getting one from wrap around services. This does show she feels he needs one and then will help you advocate to get one in your meetings with the school. So document this and send it in!! RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she

said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called

superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Having a kid trip him in class so that he falls and bruises his ear is definitely a hinderance to his learning.

So is not being allowed to use the bathroom when he has to go.

Does your school have someone who is in charge of the special ed?

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) update on

I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours

i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry

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WE have learning support teachers but i am not sure who is in charge at the school, i have been in contact w/ the director of the whole district who got in touch w/ school pscyhologist for me, now i am to call on monday she wants to have a staff meeting to address my concerns. so hopefully they will test him, there is so much going on w/ him and i just don't understand why the school didn't refer him for testing before now. But i am not going to take no for an answer. SherryRoxanna <madideas@...> wrote: Having a kid trip him in class so that he falls and bruises his ear is definitely a hinderance to his learning. So is not being allowed to use the bathroom when he has to go. Does your school have someone who is in charge of the special ed? RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now

the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking

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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Sherry, I think what Roxanna was asking you, if there is a person in charge of the Special Ed? in our school that person is called a 'chair person' the team that you are meeting with, ask who is in charge of that team. (the person in charge of the school is a different person from the Special Ed team. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: WE have learning support teachers but i am not sure who is in charge at the

school, i have been in contact w/ the director of the whole district who got in touch w/ school pscyhologist for me, now i am to call on monday she wants to have a staff meeting to address my concerns. so hopefully they will test him, there is so much going on w/ him and i just don't understand why the school didn't refer him for testing before now. But i am not going to take no for an answer. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Having a kid trip him in class so that he falls and bruises his ear is definitely a hinderance to his learning. So is not being allowed to use the bathroom when he has to go. Does your school have someone who is in charge of the special ed? RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and

said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being

in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Oh Okay i don't know who that would be, i will have to find out. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, I think what Roxanna was asking you, if there is a person in charge of the Special Ed? in our school that person is called a 'chair person' the team that you are meeting with, ask who is in charge of that team. (the person in charge of the school is a different person from the Special Ed team. Rosesherry

burford <superchick0770 > wrote: WE have learning support teachers but i am not sure who is in charge at the school, i have been in contact w/ the director of the whole district who got in touch w/ school pscyhologist for me, now i am to call on monday she wants to have a staff meeting to address my concerns. so hopefully they will test him, there is so much going on w/ him and i just don't understand why the school didn't refer him for testing before now. But i am not going to take no for an answer. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Having a kid trip him in class so that he falls and bruises his ear is definitely a hinderance to his learning. So is not being allowed to use the bathroom when he has to go. Does your school have someone who is in charge of the special ed? RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very

concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues

like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Wow, that is a big problem then!! Write a short letter of request stating that you want him given a full educational evaluation and put in there any areas of suspected problems that you want addressed (such as PT, OT and ST for pragmatic language.) You will be able to hand them this letter at your meeting. They have so many days to test him after you have requested testing - I think 60 days. Is it 60 days? Pam? I am not good at remembering timelines - only that they exist. lol.

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) update on

I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours

i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry

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I already wrote the letter, with all that included, and i do believe you are right about the 60days, thank you for your input, do you know that noone from the district or school has bothered to mention that i need a request in writing, so i will make sure they get it so they cant deny him any longer. thanks alot Roxanna.SherryRoxanna <madideas@...> wrote: Wow, that is a big problem then!! Write a short letter of request stating that you want him given a full educational evaluation and

put in there any areas of suspected problems that you want addressed (such as PT, OT and ST for pragmatic language.) You will be able to hand them this letter at your meeting. They have so many days to test him after you have requested testing - I think 60 days. Is it 60 days? Pam? I am not good at remembering timelines - only that they exist. lol. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) update on I took him to the dr today she is very upset says his ear looks like some one may have pushed him, to call the principal and tell him she would like to know what happened and why as she is very concerned about this, that this does not look like an injury sustained in just a trip and fall incident. so i called school he didn't even know what happened or at least so he claims, well any way the teacher called and said he was running and she only seen him trip and fall so i told her what the dr says, but she still insists this other child wouldnot do that, so anyway the incident where he peed she said he only had to finish two problems or questions whatever and she would let him go she said IHO that he would not have made it anyway as he peed in his pants right after she told him he had to finish what he was doing. Now she is having aproblem w/ getting him to sit still, stay in his seat not running and focusing, he has always been a quiet boy but now

the last few weeks he is not the same. can i discuss w/ our agency(wraparound) about extended TSS hours to include school hours i told her that they won't approve because he doesn't have major behavior issues like with aggression, that i feel he needs an aid or TSS or someone there to assist him she said she cannot discuss an aid or need of one with me it is against the law, but she feels he would benefit from someone being in there w/ him part of the day at least to keep him focused and on track as his grades are rapidly declining, which the ones of you who read my post before know that his grades were of great concern to me a month ago, anyway i just think now they know i went to dr. called superintendent and they are trying to cover their tracks, i still haven't heard from the school pscychologist but haven't read all my emails yet so we will see. i will keep u all informed and thanks for all the wonderful support. Sherry Looking

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friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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They have 60 calendar days to complete the evaluations and hold an eligibility meeting. Pam :)It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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Thank you Pam, i emailed the school psychologist and informed her that they have 60 days and i expect it to be done. sherryppanda65@... wrote: They have 60 calendar days to complete the evaluations and hold an eligibility meeting. Pam :) It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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Pam, if anyone doesn't agree with the school evaluation, could they request (in writing) an outside evaluation at public expense. (because they disagree with the school evaluation)?.ppanda65@... wrote: They have 60 calendar days to complete the evaluations and hold an eligibility meeting. Pam :) It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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Yes, that is the definition of an IEE.

RoxannaAutism Happens

Re: ( ) update on


if anyone doesn't agree with the school evaluation, could they request (in writing) an outside evaluation at public expense. (because they disagree with the school evaluation)?.ppanda65aol wrote:

They have 60 calendar days to complete the evaluations and hold an eligibility meeting. Pam :)

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  • 11 months later...

Hi !

Sorry but I must have missed your earlier post. I am glad to hear you have some

people backing you who care about your case and know how to work the system. I

agree that it is sad that anyone in your/our position should have to go to this

length to get the aid and coverage they/we justly deserve under these

circumstances. Just wish that these in the positions to help would see that most

of us would rather be out there working and making a contribution to the

community (and our own coffers) instead of being forced to sit around at home

and see Dr after Dr, fill out form after form and have surgery after surgery

just to try and get some relief from the pain and disability that plagues us

each and everyday.

Enough of my soapbox.... I hope everything works out well for you. I will

definitely say a few extra prayers for you on the 24th. Keep us updated, please.

Sending warm wishes and healing thoughts your way!




>Hey Y'all,


> I have the MRI scheduled for Thursday at 8am. I have an appointment with

> Social Services on Feb. 24th at 1pm. I have one US Representative and

> one US Senator that are now asking questions on why I've been turned

> down so many times!!! I am afraid to wish or get hopeful, but it seems

> that things are moving very quickly now!!! I hope it continues to move

> like this!!! I'll take all the help that I can get at this point!!!


> I hope that everyone is doing well! I'm headed back to bed now! Maybe

> tomorrow I will feel like getting up and reclining at the computer!




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  • 1 year later...
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From boy:::: Finished my finals for the semester, but don't think I got above a "C". This damned shoulder, and the "doctor" put me on percocet, which gave me hideous night terrors. Couldn't get rid of the pain or lessen it with anything I tried... . So now I'm on vicoden for the pain, but only at night. I'm still waiting for being scheduled for surgery, and that's kind of distracting too.


List Owner


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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Reminds me of the guy who told the doctor " It hurts when I hold my arm

up like this " . Doctor replies " Well then don't do that " .

It's the catch 22 of a body. It hurts so you don't move, you gain

weight, you need exercise but it hurts to move... and on and on.

Poor wife, was an RN. Knees went out. Doctor said no walking, sit in a

wheelchair. Had they given her new knees, she could still be an RN,

never would have gained the weight, never went for the weight loss

surgery, never would have spent 7hr yesterday getting it fixed.

Could have, would have, should have.


No sig line is too small.

Facebook is evil.

Rent this space.

[ ]<--write your complaint in the complaint box.-<<

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 15:24 -0600, evelyn bailey wrote:



> Oh, shoot. What a drag. I know I am looking at another rotator cuff

> repair, myself, but fortunately, if I don't actually DO anything, I

> don't experience much pain.


> Healing energy to ....




> Ev

> " A hundred million miracles are happening every day! "


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I just went to an energy healer today about my shoulder. She said I'm funneling grief and anger through there coming from my liver and it's very, very old. I actually feel much better than I did when I went in. Think I'll go see her again before I let them take a knife to me.


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7 hours seems like a very long time to be under anaesthesia, which is a dangerous cocktail of chemicals, I'm going to have to pray extra for your wife.

~Katy Sheep to the right; His Lamb

Zeal for your house consumes me-Ps 69:9

http://orchardhouseheirlooms.com/product_info.php/cPath/157_163/products_id/199 survival seeds

Christian-homesteaders/?yguid=227010598 biblical survival

-- RE: Update on

Reminds me of the guy who told the doctor "It hurts when I hold my armup like this". Doctor replies "Well then don't do that".It's the catch 22 of a body. It hurts so you don't move, you gainweight, you need exercise but it hurts to move... and on and on.Poor wife, was an RN. Knees went out. Doctor said no walking, sit in awheelchair. Had they given her new knees, she could still be an RN,never would have gained the weight, never went for the weight losssurgery, never would have spent 7hr yesterday getting it fixed.Could have, would have, should have. -- No sig line is too small.Facebook is evil.Rent this space.[ ]<--write your complaint in the complaint box.-<<On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 15:24 -0600, evelyn bailey wrote:> > > Oh, shoot. What a drag. I know I am looking at another rotator cuff> repair, myself, but fortunately, if I don't actually DO anything, I> don't experience much pain.> > Healing energy to ....> > > > Ev> "A hundred million miracles are happening every day!">

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It is a long time. I once heard that while under anesthesia you are as

close to being dead as yo can get without being dead.

A day later she has slept most of it, on and off. I'm thinking her body

is putting all it's energy into healing after such an invasion.

Thank you, and everybody for the prayers.


No sig line is too small.

Facebook is evil.

Rent this space.

[ ]<--write your complaint in the complaint box.-<<

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 22:11 -0400, webriter wrote:



> 7 hours seems like a very long time to be under anaesthesia, which is

> a dangerous cocktail of chemicals, I'm going to have to pray extra for

> your wife.





> ~Katy

> Sheep to the right; His Lamb

> Zeal for your house consumes me-Ps 69:9



survival seeds

> Christian-homesteaders/?yguid=227010598 biblical






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I would be really interested to find one and have a consult about mine.I just thought it was from coming off my horse - but that was years ago and it was never much of a problem until I decided this year that I had to reinstate push-ups into my exercise routine.???????Ev"A hundred million miracles are happening every day!"

I just went to an energy healer today about my shoulder. She said I'm funneling grief and anger through there coming from my liver and it's very, very old. I actually feel much better than I did when I went in. Think I'll go see her again before I let them take a knife to me.


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What is malic acid and how does it help? I have FML and when it is added to issues occurring after I had broke my back, movement is hard for me. I take Lyrica because without it I need the HEAVY pain meds. I've tried lost of different remedies over past 5 years and keep coming back to Lyrica. My husband and my animals are what keep me moving...slowly and not far..but I do still move.

Doctors have NO clue what FML is...nor do they really know how to deal with long term injuries. If I hear one more time that I need to be tested for MS, I will scream. Yes I have restricted movement and feeling on my left side...but geez, could that be because I broke my back in 1982...mid vertebrae on the left had side...and my neck top two discs on the right hand side. Whenever I mention that, they get a blank look on their faces. GEEZ. Then when I developed issues with my ankle in 2007, they really started hitting me with the MS diagnosis. I just looked at them and said, please see that I slipped and fell in the rain coming down a ramp...retore my achilles tendon in my left ankle, ripped all the tendons and ligaments from the side of the ankle and that time everything showed that there was extensive nerve damage (I can't tell where it is at..the nerves are dead). Injuries were the cause of the issues not MS.

Now if I could just figure out what turned my nerves on for pain then I can deal with the FML without the Lyrica:(

Thanks, Sheila

RE: Update on

Not moving is not an option for me. My brain won't handle that, and I live with animals who must have food and exercise.Good thing, really; it gets me up when alone I might just choose to languish. Fibromyalgia can be insidious in its persuasion....but I've already lived the discovery of that lie, and while some movement might be difficult, NOT moving is ~very quickly~ much worse.So -"I like to move it, move it! I like to move it, move it!..."And speaking of fibromyalgia - anyone out there with the issue should seriously look into malic acid. Seriously.Ev"A hundred million miracles are happening every day!"

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