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Re: ~*Welcome new member !*~

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hey katie welcome to the group. i have a six year old son with cystic fibrosis and asthma. we probally go through a lot of the same stuff. anytime you need an ear i am here. we are actually facing another hospitalization right now. keep your fingers crossed. hope to hear from you soon. evelyn Management <@...> wrote: 1) Name: katie2) Location: Cambridge MA3) Personal Info : I have a 4yr old son dx with autism,\SID\CP\asthma\serious GI prob. He just got out of his last hosp. stay on 11-29 he had been iun for over a

month this time, it was his 19th stqaay this year, he was in a coma for a couple days, but everyday i have him is a gift they told me he wouldnt live past 2--im luckier than most ive had hi for 4 yrs and i treasure every one f them, althugh its exhausting, and frustrating at time i wouldnt trade ry for anything!!4) Interests :i used to have many, like reading, writing, going out with friends, now my main interest is advovcating for ryan and taking care of all my boys (i have a 14 and 17 yr old sons as well)5) Email :yes6) myryguy2001@... & kdarcy64@...7) Webpage (if you have a personal webpage and would like it listed say yes and list the URL)-dont have one8) Birthday ryans b-day is 8/23/01 and mine is 7/12/68 ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and

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