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So sorry to hear this news...I know we will be thinking about you.


Radmila Turanjanin wrote:

> Hi,


> Some of you may remember me from before (like a few years ago) when I

> was a regular member of this list, posting a lot of messages... But

> for the others (many) who don't know a single thing about me I'm just

> going to say that I am Radmila from Bosnia (ex Yugoslavia republic),

> 22 years old, SMA type 2. The reason I'm writing now is because my

> dear brother (also SMA type 2) died 7 days ago.


> Even though I haven't written regularly here... and it's been so long

> since my last post, I felt compelled to share this sad news with

> people on this list too, because my brother used to read the posts on

> this list, although he never said anything on the list.


> Well, you may imagine how hard it is for me these days...... He was

> not only my brother, but also my very best friend on the whole planet

> Earth. He will be terribly missed... He was only 20.... he would have

> been 21 in december this year :(((( He died due to the serious

> pneumonia and breathing problems....


> I'm sad that nobody got to meet him on this list... I'm sure you would

> have loved him.


> Radmila




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I remember you very well and even remember yrs ago when you first

joined the list...the wonderful stories you would share with

me/others about your brother. I am very sorry to hear of your

brother (and best friends) passing. I really cannot imagine the

hurt you may be feeling right now, but I am glad you felt you could

come to this list for support. Take care, and let us be here to

support you in any way.

> Hi,


> Some of you may remember me from before (like a few years ago)

when I was a regular member of this list, posting a lot of

messages... But for the others (many) who don't know a single thing

about me I'm just going to say that I am Radmila from Bosnia (ex

Yugoslavia republic), 22 years old, SMA type 2. The reason I'm

writing now is because my dear brother (also SMA type 2) died 7 days



> Even though I haven't written regularly here... and it's been so

long since my last post, I felt compelled to share this sad news

with people on this list too, because my brother used to read the

posts on this list, although he never said anything on the list.


> Well, you may imagine how hard it is for me these days...... He

was not only my brother, but also my very best friend on the whole

planet Earth. He will be terribly missed... He was only 20.... he

would have been 21 in december this year :(((( He died due to the

serious pneumonia and breathing problems....


> I'm sad that nobody got to meet him on this list... I'm sure you

would have loved him.


> Radmila




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Dearest Radmila,

My wife Vickie {vic549@...} used to speak of you all the time. She and

her brother also had/have SMA type 2, and she marvelled at the struggle you and

your brother had in your country. I remember stories about having to get down

stairs in your apartment building - what an effort to go anywhere.

I understand your pain only too well. Vickie died exactly as your brother on

July 12th. I was with her, holding her hand, but it was still unexpected. She

was MY best friend, and I am scarcely better able to cope today than two months

ago. The only one I could talk to about her was my own brother - we exchanged

emails and phone messages and then only 4 days after Vickie'd death, I received

the news that he also had died, of an unexpected heart attack. I am just numb. I

spend much time with Vickie's brother with SMA, one of her sisters, and mother,

but nothing seems to help. If you need someone, who understands to talk to - I

am here.

My love and prayers to you and your family,


C Manning Jr

PO Box 1248

Decatur GA 30031-1248

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Hi e,

Thank you for your nice words. Yes, really brothers are the best. How I miss

mine.... no words can describe how much I miss him... And still it seems unreal

that he's gone. Today it's 8 days since his death... And still somehow I think

like this is just a bad dream... and when I wake up next morning he will be here

like he used to. Definitely nobody was a better friend to me than him. Nobody.

e, I've been following your posts throughout the years... and I've been

following almost every discussion on this list, even though I wasn't really

writing. My life has changed so much since 2003... for the better... up until

last week. When I say " changed for the better " I mean that I got a new

accessible apartment in 2003, with elevator inside the building and a wheelchair

accessible exit and entrance to the building... So, I've been spending so much

time outdoors... and I got engaged with some other work projects... So, I've

been really active and busy since 2003 up until now.

But now... suddenly my life seems broken... like a piece of glass...

But I am aware that life must go on...

Thank you,



I'm so sorry.... That must be so hard. I have a brother two years younger

than myself with SMA 2 also, and I can only imagine what you must be going

through. Brothers are the greatest, aren't they? I wish I could say something


would help, but for what it's worth, I'm thinking about you!

I miss hearing from you! I used to love emailing with you and reading your

posts on the list. If you ever want to chat--about your brother or anything

else--send me an email.

Love ya,


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Thank you, Missy. Yes, he really was a great guy... not because he was my

brother, but really everyone who had a chance to meet him they loved him. He was

a very optimistic, positive person... with such a great sense of humor... He

used to joke a lot and he loved life... He was just full of life.


I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and

prayers. I am sure we would have loved him also. Just from the little bit you

desctibed here I bet he was/is a great guy. Hugs,


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Hi Angie,

Thank you for your nice, comforting words. I am sorry to hear about your father.

I know the pain very well... I just know my brother is in heaven... like your

father too.



Losing any family member is difficult. I lost my father, 2001 October 21 to a

rare brain tumor. Like you, he was my bestest friend and I miss him greatly.

All I can say is keep those happy thoughts of your brother with you and life

will slowly make its way back to a liveable state.

I don't know who you are, but we all know heartache and we'll be as supportive

as you need us to be.

Take care,


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Thank you, Alana.

Yes, I have many more pictures of him. His name is Milos... but we all called

him Miso. I know... A very weird name for you.

I will try to put some more of his photos in the album soon. I will

let you know when I do it.


Dear Radmila,

I'm very sorry about your brother. I'm glad you thought to come here for

support. Do you have any pictures more pictures of him? I like the one of you

and him that you have up in the photo album. What's his name?

Please feel free to chat on or off the list.



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Thanks, Mike. I remember you very well too. I've been following your life

through this mailing list... and I think you got married recently. So, I wish

you to have a very good life and much happiness!



Please accept my condolences! Sure, we remember you. Wish I had the

words to say, but just let you know that you and your family will be in

my thoughts.

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Hi ,

I remember you very well too... You and e (PurpleGirl) somehow left the

biggest mark or impact on me... on my memory, so to say... although there were

many other great people too whom I remember very well from this list.

Thank you for your comforting words.



I remember you very well and even remember yrs ago when you first

joined the list...the wonderful stories you would share with

me/others about your brother. I am very sorry to hear of your

brother (and best friends) passing. I really cannot imagine the

hurt you may be feeling right now, but I am glad you felt you could

come to this list for support. Take care, and let us be here to

support you in any way.

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Miso is a very sweet name. Not too weird for me here because I live in a very

international community. Funny...here miso is a Japanese fermented grain paste

used mostly for soup broth. Makes sense and sounds quite affectionate to call

Milos " Miso. "

I know you can't imagine life without him. I still feel that way about my

father who passed away 8 years ago. Don't be hard on yourself. Take the time

you need to be as sad as you feel. Healing will come.

My heart,


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Hi Radmila,

Although I have not had the pleasure of knowing you and I am more of

a reader than a writer in this wonderful group, I felt the need to

express my most sincere sympathy for your loss. All of us who have

felt the pain of losing a loved one know that there is not much

anyone can say that will make us feel better but just know that you

are in my thoughts and prayers.


> Hi,


> Some of you may remember me from before (like a few years ago)

when I was a regular member of this list, posting a lot of

messages... But for the others (many) who don't know a single thing

about me I'm just going to say that I am Radmila from Bosnia (ex

Yugoslavia republic), 22 years old, SMA type 2. The reason I'm

writing now is because my dear brother (also SMA type 2) died 7 days



> Even though I haven't written regularly here... and it's been so

long since my last post, I felt compelled to share this sad news

with people on this list too, because my brother used to read the

posts on this list, although he never said anything on the list.


> Well, you may imagine how hard it is for me these days...... He

was not only my brother, but also my very best friend on the whole

planet Earth. He will be terribly missed... He was only 20.... he

would have been 21 in december this year :(((( He died due to the

serious pneumonia and breathing problems....


> I'm sad that nobody got to meet him on this list... I'm sure you

would have loved him.


> Radmila




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I am sorry to hear about your father. Thank you for your nice and comforting




Miso is a very sweet name. Not too weird for me here because I live in a very

international community. Funny...here miso is a Japanese fermented grain paste

used mostly for soup broth. Makes sense and sounds quite affectionate to call

Milos " Miso. "

I know you can't imagine life without him. I still feel that way about my

father who passed away 8 years ago. Don't be hard on yourself. Take the time

you need to be as sad as you feel. Healing will come.

My heart,


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Thank you for your nice words, na!


Hi Radmila,

Although I have not had the pleasure of knowing you and I am more of

a reader than a writer in this wonderful group, I felt the need to

express my most sincere sympathy for your loss. All of us who have

felt the pain of losing a loved one know that there is not much

anyone can say that will make us feel better but just know that you

are in my thoughts and prayers.


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Dear Bob,

I wrote you on private mail a few days ago but it kept telling me that it can't

be delievered to you...

I just wanted to say thank you for your nice words. Of course I remember your

wife Vickie and I am so sorry to hear that she passed away. I am sad that I

didn't know about that before, only now I found out from you...

It must be so hard for you, I know that. It's horrible when we lose our loved

ones... But we need to be strong. Life must go on.


Dearest Radmila,

My wife Vickie {vic549@...} used to speak of you all the time. She and

her brother also had/have SMA type 2, and she marvelled at the struggle you and

your brother had in your country. I remember stories about having to get down

stairs in your apartment building - what an effort to go anywhere.

I understand your pain only too well. Vickie died exactly as your brother on

July 12th. I was with her, holding her hand, but it was still unexpected. She

was MY best friend, and I am scarcely better able to cope today than two months

ago. The only one I could talk to about her was my own brother - we exchanged

emails and phone messages and then only 4 days after Vickie'd death, I received

the news that he also had died, of an unexpected heart attack. I am just numb. I

spend much time with Vickie's brother with SMA, one of her sisters, and mother,

but nothing seems to help. If you need someone, who understands to talk to - I

am here.

My love and prayers to you and your family,


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Radmila, I'm so sorry to hear about Milos! Sounds like you had a very

special bond, it's going to be rough without him.


Radmila Turanjanin wrote:

> Hi,


> Some of you may remember me from before (like a few years ago) when I

> was a regular member of this list, posting a lot of messages... But for

> the others (many) who don't know a single thing about me I'm just going

> to say that I am Radmila from Bosnia (ex Yugoslavia republic), 22 years

> old, SMA type 2. The reason I'm writing now is because my dear brother

> (also SMA type 2) died 7 days ago.


> Even though I haven't written regularly here... and it's been so long

> since my last post, I felt compelled to share this sad news with people

> on this list too, because my brother used to read the posts on this

> list, although he never said anything on the list.


> Well, you may imagine how hard it is for me these days...... He was not

> only my brother, but also my very best friend on the whole planet Earth.

> He will be terribly missed... He was only 20.... he would have been 21

> in december this year :(((( He died due to the serious pneumonia and

> breathing problems....


> I'm sad that nobody got to meet him on this list... I'm sure you would

> have loved him.


> Radmila




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  • 3 years later...

I'm so sad...


Sad news

I've been mostly lurking on this list, but I'm the sister of Taya Heinonen.

I'm sad to inform you she passed away last night while on a work-related trip in

Tanzania. I don't have all the details yet, so I'll send another message when I

know more.

- Venla


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