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I have had quite a few emails asking me basically the same question so I

chose one and am sending my answer to all the lists as I think it will

answer everyone in one email :-)

Donna :-)

< Pardon me for being blunt here,>

Of course :-)

<but if this guy is just going to send you to Dr. Amy anyway, why don't

you just call up her office and make an appointment? Why go to all this

trouble just to get his approval?>

Several reason's:

1. I live very far away from Dr. Amy. I live in Ohio. Traveling to

Louisiana will only be a one or maybe 2 time possibility.

I need someone to supervise locally in case we have problems. I want that

person to be familiar with my child. He is a good doctor. He has always

listened and learned.

2. Insurance reason's

My insurance MIGHT pay in part IF I have a referal from my son's

pediatrician. We have private insurance as well as a medicaid waiver. The

waiver will not cover an out if state Dr. (at least that's what I am told)

He also wants to be able to consult with Dr. Amy IF and WHEN we start

chelation. He has never done this before. He is at least willing to learn

and run the tests. He wants to learn more IF he decides he is OK with doing

this he wants to be able to ask Dr. Amy questions. . Due to the laws

governing medical practice Dr.'s can only CONSULT on patients they have

actually seen.

SO we HAVE to see Dr. Amy to get her expertise. He also wants someone who

has done this write a protocol for us to follow so that he has a " road map "

on what he is supposed to do, what side effects to watch for, what tests to

run, what supplements to give, when to do additional testing etc.

I really need him to order all the test OR I can't do this.

We are already struggling so much financially. My husband works 2 jobs and

we still can't pay all the monthly bills let alone pay for medical services

and supplements.

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  • 1 year later...
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- Sorry, I don't have advice, but I do have a question. It sounds like

you have successfully implemented a very healthy low carb diet, with good

results. Why did you say that you stopped eating nuts? I thought they were

high in all the " good things " .


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> my question: does it seem like this problem is due to the oral

chelation and

> mercury


> or is it a

> powerful return of the candida from taking those antibiotics a month


Half right. Powerful return due to mercury.


> md is on vacation. i live in nyc. anyone have a good doctor with


> in this? i have noone guiding me (except, of course, all the


> people on the lists i belong to) and it's getting so overwhelming.

(and i

> work a demanding job). i don't know what to do.

Take digestive enzymes with each meal. Eat a VERY LIMITED diet until

you find a few things you tolerate, then expand slowly. Look at the

" neutrophils " file in the files section for yeast treatment ideas, and

try a bunch of them stacked together. Take activated charcoal to keep

the yeast ick under control. . .. . .

>my symptoms are getting less

> and less manageable. i need to eat, i am so thin already. haven't

gotten my

> period in almost 4 months. i have an appt with holistic gyno on wed.

See if they will Rx some prednisone or hydrocortisone. Beg and plead.

Even a short course of that is likely to help A L

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I will email you some.


> Hi,

> I can't seem to find a doctor. I've been to two doctors and they


> refused to give me antibiotic treatment. Can anyone suggest a


> I live in Louisville Kentucky but I can drive other places.

> Thanks for any help.

> Sincerely,

> Rose Pressey

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  • 1 month later...
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Your situation is similar to what happened to me, when the minocin stopped


1- First of all, stop the flare. Use whatever you need to get it stopped.

I my case, I used 10 mg of prednisone

every other day, and on the non prednisone days took an NSAID. In addition, a

lot of natural anti-inflamatories, such as bromelain,

boswella, curcumin, ultrainflamx by Metagenics etc.

2- Then try to find out why the minocin

failed. Additional tests may be necessary. In my case I had hypercoaguability

in which bacteria uses

fibrin to protect themselves. For more

information go to:


Also, I tested positive for a nanobacteria infection, and was treated

for it. For information go to:


You may find other things wrong, but whatever it is, you need to find and

correct them.

And I'am sure other experienced people

in our group will have good suggestions

for you to consider.



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Your situation is similar to what happened to me, when the minocin stopped


1- First of all, stop the flare. Use whatever you need to get it stopped.

I my case, I used 10 mg of prednisone

every other day, and on the non prednisone days took an NSAID. In addition, a

lot of natural anti-inflamatories, such as bromelain,

boswella, curcumin, ultrainflamx by Metagenics etc.

2- Then try to find out why the minocin

failed. Additional tests may be necessary. In my case I had hypercoaguability

in which bacteria uses

fibrin to protect themselves. For more

information go to:


Also, I tested positive for a nanobacteria infection, and was treated

for it. For information go to:


You may find other things wrong, but whatever it is, you need to find and

correct them.

And I'am sure other experienced people

in our group will have good suggestions

for you to consider.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 4/1/03 5:28:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sudajl@... writes:

> He has been screaming during

> lesson time and making strange noises. They put him in time

> out which I do not appreciate as I know he can not help doing

> this. The behavior continued. I need to know why he is

> screaming and what I could tell the teachers to do to help

> him. thanks.


You need to request a " functional behavior assessment " and have a

professional in autism come in to assess the behavior and why he's doing it.

--> <A HREF= " http://www.air.org/cecp/fba/Default.htm " >Functional Behavioral


Also, about the strange noises, have you considered TS? --> <A

HREF= " http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/index.htm " >Tourette Syndrome

" Plus " Home Page</A>

Roxanna ô¿ô

Autism Happens...

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> In a message dated 4/1/03 5:28:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> sudajl@n... writes:


> > He has been screaming during

> > lesson time and making strange noises. They put him in time

> > out which I do not appreciate as I know he can not help doing

> > this. The behavior continued. I need to know why he is

> > screaming and what I could tell the teachers to do to help

> > him. thanks.

> >


> You need to request a " functional behavior assessment " and have a

> professional in autism come in to assess the behavior and why he's

doing it.

> --> <A HREF= " http://www.air.org/cecp/fba/Default.htm " >Functional

Behavioral Assessment</A>


> Also, about the strange noises, have you considered TS? --> <A

HREF= " http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/index.htm " >Tourette Syndrome

> " Plus " Home Page</A>

> Roxanna ô¿ô


> Autism Happens...

This may sound insulting, but I honestly don't mean it too.

Sometimes we overlook the obvious. Have you asked him why he is

screaming? Roxanna's advise is excellent if you have and haven't

been able to get an explanation from him as to what is causing him to

behave that way. It sounds like something is stressing him out



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I'm wondering what the classroom is like? Could he have some sensory

issues? It could be anything from there's just " too much " in the

classroom (pictures, stuff hanging from ceilings) to too much going

on at one time, etc. And if it's during lesson time, meaning when

all are in their seats supposedly quiet, perhaps the inactivity

bothers him or does know just what he should be doing, etc. Someone

else also mentioned Tourettes Syndrome, that crossed my mind also.

If you think it might be sensory, have him evaluated by an

occupational therapist.

Also, got this info from one site:

" Some students with autism may exhibit excessive passivity, while

others display patterns of disruptive or even destructive behaviors.

Years ago, the common response to these behaviors was punishment,

time out, or exclusion to stop or suppress the behavior problems. The

currently preferred approach is known as positive behavior support

(PBS), a proactive, constructive educational approach for resolving

behavior problems. It is based on extensive research as well as

principles regarding the rights of all students to be treated with

dignity and to have access to educational opportunities. The PBS

approach is supported by the discipline regulations of the

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

PBS involves a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and the

subsequent development and implementation of an individualized

behavior support plan. The FBA process gathers information about the

purpose or " function " of the behavior and the circumstances

associated with its occurrences and nonoccurrences. The results of

the FBA contribute to the individualized behavior support plan, which

usually includes procedures for teaching alternatives to the behavior

problems, and alterations to the environmental and instructional

circumstances most associated with the problems. Such alterations can

involve aspects of the curriculum, instructional techniques, social

milieu or other feature linked by the FBA to behavior problems. The

PBS intervention helps prevent problems from occurring, and helps the

student acquire more effective, desirable ways for interacting with

the environment. "

I got the above from the site below. But also at this site, check

out the advocacy page, lots of great stuff there.


> Hi my name is and I have a 7 year old son who has AS.

> He is main streamed in the public school system but is

> in some special ed classes. He has been screaming during

> lesson time and making strange noises. They put him in time

> out which I do not appreciate as I know he can not help doing

> this. The behavior continued. I need to know why he is

> screaming and what I could tell the teachers to do to help

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In a message dated 4/2/2003 6:19:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, pkeefe@...


> Ask for an SIPT (sensory integration and praxis test). It can only be done

> by an OT who is SIPT certified. Such an ot will be knowledgeable about

> sensory integration and will probably have many good suggestions

This is a great suggestion as well as the others. , My son Joe screams

when he is overwhelmed...not sure if its sensory stuff or just brain overload

as he has processing challenges. Obviously, they don't know what to do for

him and you really need to tell them that time out is not what will help.

That just adds more stress which we all know just makes the problem worse for

these guys. There is the Balancing the Tray article (I believe its on the

website) that would be good to read and give to his teacher if you feel it

fits. Its not always the last thing that happened that is a result of the

behavior, its usually culmuative. Let us know what they find out!


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Hi ,

My son used to do this and it turned out he had sensory integration

problems. He experienced the noise of the classroom, the fluorescent

lights, the milling around of the students far more intensely than the nt

kids. He may be screaming because he is in pain, and it looks like

oppositional behavior, but it is a neurological/physical problem that is

not being addressed, and that he cannot articulate because he doesn't

understand it.

Ask for an SIPT (sensory integration and praxis test). It can only be done

by an OT who is SIPT certified. Such an ot will be knowledgeable about

sensory integration and will probably have many good suggestions. You can

also ask for an evaluation of the classroom environment to determine what

sensory problems it presents for your son.

Part of the solution for my son was incredibly easy and inexpensive. We

got a large appliance box and put it in an out of the way quiet area, and

put a big pillow and a blanket in the box. Whenever he is feeling

overwhelmed, he can go to the box and shut out the world (eliminate the

excess sensory input) by crawling in and putting the blanket over the

opening. He also goes there when he is having trouble concentrating. He

can produce more and better work in the box than he can in the classroom.

At 07:53 PM 4/1/03 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi my name is and I have a 7 year old son who has AS.

>He is main streamed in the public school system but is

>in some special ed classes. He has been screaming during

>lesson time and making strange noises. They put him in time

>out which I do not appreciate as I know he can not help doing

>this. The behavior continued. I need to know why he is

>screaming and what I could tell the teachers to do to help

>him. thanks.




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Hello , might be because he is overwhelmed or an asperger thing. Mine

growls. I agree he should not be punished for this. Does he have an IEP? Have

them put " Not to be punished for noises because of his dx's " or something like

that. Take care,Betty

fatpianoplayer45 <sudajl@...> wrote:Hi my name is and I have a 7

year old son who has AS.

He is main streamed in the public school system but is

in some special ed classes. He has been screaming during

lesson time and making strange noises. They put him in time

out which I do not appreciate as I know he can not help doing

this. The behavior continued. I need to know why he is

screaming and what I could tell the teachers to do to help

him. thanks.

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  • 3 months later...
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Hi & welcome!!

DON'T FEEL STUPID!!! Please don't! You said yourself, you had no idea this could happen, pretty much none of us in this group knew of plagio BEFORE our babies developed it!! This is such a growing epidemic today, you're not alone!

YES, the DOCband definitely works wonders!! You'll be very pleased with getting your son banded and you'll be very very pleased with the results it will produce! Your ped mentioned neck exercises, does your son's head have a tilt to it? If so, that's torticollis and might be in need of physical therapy. Torticollis is a leading cause of plagio....one of our expert tort parents will chime in here I'm sure.

Have you been to Cranial Techs website? www.cranialtech.com Has your son been casted yet? Good to have you with us...again, you're NOT STUPID!! Big hugs..... Debbie Abby's mom DOCgraduate Michigancathynugz <catherinehessom@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said it was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could happen.....BUT I HAD NO CLUE THIS COULD HAPPEN. If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.Thank you,For more plagio info

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Hi :

You are definitely not stupid. I didn't know what plagiocephaly was

until my son developed it, also. on was fitted for the doc

band about 4 1/2 weeks ago and he is doing wonderful and rounding out

really nicely. He started the band at 5 months and we are expecting

him to be in for another 8 weeks...for a total of 12 weeks. He is in

the photo section if you want to compare head shapes. I will be

updating it with progress photo(s). Welcome to the group...this is a

wonderful group that can guide you and your family. All questions

are answered and if you need support you'll get that, too. Good luck

and keep us posted regarding your son's journey to a rounder noggin.

Lori and on doc banded 6/23/03

> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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Same situation here. My daughter had the vacuum used on her, as

well. Actually, both of my daughters did. The difference was

this: My first daughter was born in a great hospital in NC under a

great doctor, and I had commercial insurance. Her head had a

swollen spot for a couple of weeks after she was born, then it went

away. My 2nd daughter, who is now 8 months old, was born in a

crappy hospital with a crappy doctor, and I was on Medicaid. Her

swollen spot was there for about 2 months, and now the right side of

her head is higher up than the left, actually the left side is

depressed, and her plates overlap on one spot, causing a ridge that

is visible on her head. She's been in the DOCBand since May 23, and

is about to get a 2nd band, because the first was no longer fitting

her well. So far, it hasn't done a whole lot for the height of her

head, mostly has rounded out a flat spot on the right side of her

head that was caused by her sleeping with her head on my arm. They

did point out to me today that there is some correction with the

height of her head, in that the left side, which is depressed, is

looking a little higher, because they are putting pressure low on

that side, allowing it to grow upward some. I didn't think she had

torticollis, but she apparently has a little, and I'm supposed to be

doing exercises with her, but haven't been diligent with it. I'm

told this can help tremendously.

How old is your son? Hope it works well for you! It's not as bad

and traumatic as it may seem. My daughter hardly notices when her

band is on. She fusses a little when we put it on, but once it's

on, she acts like nothing's different. These folks here are

wonderful encouragement, too! I don't get in here as much as I'd

like, but they're wonderful, so be sure post and questions or

concerns. Lots of support here, I've found!

Caro, Mom to Baby Mo, 8 months old, DOCBanded 5/23/03, Dallas, TX


> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! There is NO WAY this is your fault. How could

you have prevented a condition that you didn't even know existed!

The DOCband is an excellent product and you will be in the very best


Did your ped say if your baby had torticollis, it's a tight/twisted

muscle in the neck. That's the only reason I can think of that he

would recommend exercises. Does your son only like to look to one

side? Or does he keep his head titled?

Do you have a casting date set yet? Have you checked out Cranial

Tech's web site? If not and you'd like to the web address is


Please keep us posted.

> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. Don't feel stupid or guilty, we certainly

can't prevent something that we don't even know can happen.

Sometimes you can't even prevent it when you know it can happen! We

use the DOCband too and have had great results. There are progress

pictures of my daughter in the " Hannah B " folder. What clinic

location will you be using? How old is your son? He will be on the

road to a rounder head in no time!

, mom to Hannah (7 mos today!) DOCbanded 5/12 and ??

Cape Cod, Ma

> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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I am so glad to be a member. He actually gets casted tomorrow. I

am now a lot more confident. My ped didnt tell me anything. She

talked to me like I am stupid. I think we are going to be looking

for a new one. Thanak you

- In Plagiocephaly , " stripes6060 " <taime@o...> wrote:

> Hi ,

> Welcome to the group! There is NO WAY this is your fault. How


> you have prevented a condition that you didn't even know existed!

> The DOCband is an excellent product and you will be in the very


> hands!

> Did your ped say if your baby had torticollis, it's a


> muscle in the neck. That's the only reason I can think of that he

> would recommend exercises. Does your son only like to look to one

> side? Or does he keep his head titled?

> Do you have a casting date set yet? Have you checked out Cranial

> Tech's web site? If not and you'd like to the web address is

> http://www.cranialtech.com

> Please keep us posted.



> > Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> > going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> > about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?

> >

> > I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made


> > large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used


> > laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she


> it

> > was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> > that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> > pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could


> >

> > If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> >

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Welcome to a very special group. What you are going through is very

scary and difficult. No one knows what our kids heads will look like

years from now so you have to go with " Mom's gut " . Everytime I find

it hard to make a difficult decision, I go with what my gut is saying

and I never look back. Every time I second guess myself, I end up

regretting it. Go with the DOC band. It may be expensive and a

hassle, but it will not make the situation worse. The flatness will

only get better.

You can go to Cranial Technolgies website and find an office near

you. Also, if you are near two offices, call both. One may be able to

take you sooner.

I was very mad in the beginning as well. My son has tort. and the

doctor never told me to keep him off his back while awake or move his

sleeping positions. You have every right to be mad. As the days go

by, the anger will slowly leave you as you see a beautiful head


Good luck and I look forward to hearing all the updates.

Angie and Dominic DOC banded (San Diego CT) 7/7

In Plagiocephaly , " cathynugz " <catherinehessom@h...>


> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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My son wore a DOC band from approx. 5-8 months and he rec'd about 90% correction. It resolved all facial and ear misalignment. I would also ask CT to give you some information regarding stretches- I'll attach a link to give you an idea as well. Good luck and let us know when the casting and/or fitting is going to happen.

Welcome to the group :)




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, I wanted to welcome you to the group! This is surely a

wonderful place to be with extremely smart and wise parents. I see

you have many replies so far but my daughter too is a DOC Grad and we

saw wonderful results from her treatment.

Dustie, mom to , DOC Grad '03

> Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?


> I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could



> If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.


> Thank you,



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I just got him casted today. He is three and a half months old too. It was

not aws bad as I thought and everyone there is so nice. I got it done in

ndale va. I really hope it works becasue he has severe plagio. Let me

know how Xavier is doing on it.

mom to

>From: " Donna " <djs611@...>



>Subject: Re: I need help

>Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:22:44 -0000


> -

>There are alot of people here who LOVE the DOCband! And all the

>Cranial Tech clinics are great too where are you located? I am in

>Arizona and just got my 3.5 month old son casted last week for the

>DOCband are getting it this Friday and I am very excited to get

>started. I am sure you weill be very happy w/ Cranial Tech and the


>Donna momma to Xavier


> > Hi, my name is , and my son has positional plagio. We are

> > going to get him fitted for a DOC helmet. I dont know anything

> > about the results. Does anyone know if these work well?

> >

> > I am so worried. When he was born a vacuume was used which made a

> > large bump on the right side of his head, so he has gotten used to

> > laying on the left side. When we asked our ped about it she said


> > was nothing to worry about. Then, on our last visit she told us

> > that we could do neck excersizes but it may not work. I am so

> > pissed!! I feel so stupid, like I shoulda known this could


> >

> > If anyone has any info in the DOC band please let me know.

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> >



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Refer her to the book by Cave about Vaccinations.


From: [mailto: mcro99@...]

Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 12:58:16 EDT

Subject: [ ] I need help



I need some help.  I am not very organized and lately seem to be having more


problems then usual (maybe due to having amalgams removed a month ago, maybe


just age, who knows) just not functioning as well as I want to!!  Any way I <BR>

need some quick references, sites, to share with someone I just met today.  She


has two kids.  One 9 and dx'd ADHD and on ritalin since 3.  One 6 and constant


yeast, bed wetting, tantruming, on med for reflux, etc.  Both allergic and on


allergy meds since the age of 3. Since neither kids are dx'd autistic I don't


know where to start because I am finding when I share articles and sites which


refer only to autism, people whose kids don't have that DX look no further, <BR>

thinking this is not their kids problem!   After talking to her today she is


interested in looking into what I was telling her about the vaccine issues and


asked me to send her some info but help what do I send?<BR>




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