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I need help

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Personally, I would delay any shots until she is at least 6 months old and then

I'd only do one at a time. Especially if your child is not in daycare or

exposed to many other children. But it is a personal choice. I'd separate the

MMR as well if they are available that way again. I was fortunate that they

were back when my daughter needed them.

There's really no reason an 8 week old baby would need a Hep B shot at all

unless she's a drug user.

Good luck with your decision! I know it can be a toughie.

[ ] I need help

My daughter - 33 months has apraxia. She has made excellent

progress since we started her on Pro-EFA.

My younger daughter Sara is 8 weeks old and approaching the first

round of immunizations. She is scheduled to receive 3 shots:

DTap / Hep B / IPV (all combined in one)



I think my 1st daughter started to decline around the 12-15 month

mark when the MMR was given. Can anyone please provide some

information on which shots might impact apraxia? Or which shots I

should break-up? Or what shots should I delay till the 5 / 6 year


Thank you in advance for everything.

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I followed the regular immunization schedule until we got to the MMR

booster which the Dr. wanted to give at 4 years old. I waited until

he was 5 and chose to spread out the last 3 shots that he needed for

kindergarten. Perhaps you may want to consider spreading all her

shots so she doesn't receive more than 1 in a day.

There is a lot of controversy on this issue. Unfortunately there is

no right or wrong answer.

Good luck in whatever you decide.


> My daughter - 33 months has apraxia. She has made excellent

> progress since we started her on Pro-EFA.


> My younger daughter Sara is 8 weeks old and approaching the first

> round of immunizations. She is scheduled to receive 3 shots:


> DTap / Hep B / IPV (all combined in one)


> Prevnar


> I think my 1st daughter started to decline around the 12-15 month

> mark when the MMR was given. Can anyone please provide some

> information on which shots might impact apraxia? Or which shots I

> should break-up? Or what shots should I delay till the 5 / 6 year

> timeframe.


> Thank you in advance for everything.



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I have a great deal of information on all of these vaccines if you're

interested let me know and I'll e-mail it to you. I would NOT let the

doctor give her all of those shots at one time at her 8 week check up before

reading more on these vaccines if I were you! Let me know if you want what

I have and I'll forward it. KIM

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  • 1 year later...
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My daughter passed away 6 years ago from brain cancer. While she was still

alive we took her to the Burzynski Clinic in Houston Texas where they have had

success with brain cancer. Unfortunately, in her case, she was allergic to all

of the serums but we met many people that the treatments were successful on. I

would recommend you contact them & the Issels clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

They both have web sites.


Walt Garrity

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Hello Ridha,

I am sorry to read about your little girl's cancer. There are certain

diets that are known to heal cancer, even a brain tumour. One is the

Johanna Budwig diet that uses quark or cottage cheese blended with

flaxseed oil and freshly ground flaxseeds along with raw fruits and

vegetables and grains. This diet has been successful for 50 years in

healing a high percentage of cancer patients according to testimonials

and documents. You can learn more about it in the FlaxseedOil2 Group

at this link:


When you click on this link, then look to the left side of the page

for a menu where you will see the word, Files. Click on that word and

read more details about the diet so that you can start it right away

if you choose to do so. It's easy and begins to work within a month

usually. There are also testimonials of those who were healed by the

diet, some had brain cancer. One man with brain cancer was a neighbor

of a trusted friend of mine. He was told by his doctor that there was

nothing anyone could do for him, he followed the diet exactly and got

well. That was 20 years ago and he still follows the

diet and is healthy.

If you have some problem with this diet, there is also the Living

Foods diet or the Gerson Diet. You can learn more about both by

putting the words in a search engine.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

" mylor6 " <mylor6@y...> wrote:

> Hi,


> My name is Ridha Bezzine. I live in Tunisia.


> I have a BIG problem.


> My daughter (4 yrs old )is very sick ( cancer ) in head since 2 / 3

> months ago.


> All the doctors says NO thing more we can do to her ( we are

sorry ).


> There is annexes centers Healing Natural in French ?


> Cancer and the time against my daughter.


> Please help me to save her life.


> Please answer me soon.


> Thanks you very much.


> Ridha

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Hello Ridha,

I just happened to be reading a very extensive website called Cancer

Tutor. The gentleman who operates the site sells nothing. His only aim is to

make available information on cancer. He has links to many other important and

informative sites. It list the treatments that work for certain kinds of

cancer. Of course nothing works for everyone. He goes into the different types


cancer and also what helps for different stages. His information on brain

cancer and the testimonials from various sites might prover very helpful. I

would suggest you read everything if you are interested as certain things are to

be avoided with certain of the treatments. He seems to offer a very balanced

information. I do hope this is of some help for your child. cherie

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Hi Ridha

There are so many alternative things that you can try and I'm sure

so many people on this list will give you information about things

that have worked for them or someone that they know. Here is a

website that lists all of the alternative cancer cures and tells you

something about each one so that you will have some information

about each one. Of course I can't make recommendations but I am a 6

year breast cancer survivor and I did alternative treatments only

for the 1st year after my diagnosis.

Here are some of the things that I did: I changed my diet and

started eating all good wholesome foods with lots of broiled

chicken, fish and lots of salads and raw vegetables. I stopped eating

all fast food or fried, processed or junk food. I drank fresh raw

vegetable juice daily made with a Jack Lalanne or Olympic juicer

according to the Cancer recipes in the books that came with the

juicer. I drank fresh fruit juice or smoothies made with

combinations of fresh strawberries or blueberries, bananas, yogurt

or cottage cheese, pinapple juice or orange juice and ice blended in

a heavy duty blender. I ate Watermelon and Cantaloupe to help with

my elimination. I went to Tijuana,Mexico to the Hoxey clinic (The

Bio-Medical center) and started taking the Hoxey tonic immediately

and following their protocols. I started taking quality Vitamins,

minerals and antioxidants, fish oil,flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil.







I also took Essiac tea capsules or drank the tea. I have since

looked into Graviola and have found it to be very effective for some

things so I am now taking Graviola capsules as a maintanance daily to

keep Cancer cells from forming. I have a dog with a hugh tumor

on his hindquarters and the Graviola capsules has brought the tumor

out to the surface and it is draining and looking much better and he

seems to be feeling much better so I think it is very impressive. So

look into this also and read what you can about it.

After the first year I felt pretty good but my tumor didn't shrink

so I had to opt for conventional medicine and I had to go on

Chemotherapy and then have a mastectomy. But when they took out the

tumor and 19 lymph nodes, the tumor was totally incapsulated and

there was no cancer involvement in any of the lymph nodes that they

had removed so there was no metastasis, meaning that the cancer had

not spread anywhere else. I'm sure that the alternative treatments

that I had been doing for over a year had been keeping the cancer in

check and kept it from spreading. There were two other women with

the same kind of aggressive tumor as mine that were being treated at

the Hospital where I went, they all ended up dying within a year

after their mastectomy's.

During the time that I was on Chemotherapy, I was still maintaining

my healthy diet, the vegetable juices, my vitamin regime and taking

the Hoxey tonic. Not one time during all my months of Chemo was my

blood count so low from the Chemo treatments that I couldn't have my

weekly infusion of Chemo. So many other people would come in for

their treatment and their blood count would be so low that they

would have to get a blood transfusion before they could have their

Chemo or else they couldn't have their treatment and would have to

wait until their count looked better.

I do hope you can find something that works very soon. Read about

the things I listed and other things people tell you about to help

you make a decision.


PS: I have also heard wonderful things about Dr. Burzynski and his

treatment for brain tumors. Please look into this. I will see if I

can find you some information on him.

> Hi,

> My name is Ridha Bezzine. I live in Tunisia.

> My daughter (4 yrs old )is very sick ( cancer ) in head since 2 /


> months ago.








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Dear Ridha,

I am so sorry to hear of yours and your childs pain. I have my

husband who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, We were going

to Sloan Kettering (I call it the " queen of England " ,{ Just because

I say I'm the queen of England, doesn't prove I am}cancer center )WE

are now going to another doctor who is going to perform " Stereotactic

Radiosurgery " , It has done remarkable things for people with brain

tumors. And because it is very precise, and site specific, it does

little if no damage to surrounding tissue. Then he will be treated

with Immuno-therapy, where they remove a pint of his blood, spin it

to seperate the different components, and extract his White blood

cells. They are then re-introduced (by Catheter) into his brain,

right at the tumor area.

This is being done at the Cabrini medical center in NYC, by dr.


Maybe there is a foundation you could find, Such as

http://www.aircareall.org/ that can get your child here for this

procedure? this web site is a charity org. that get's sick people to

the care they need.

I will be praying for you and your daughter.


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Hello Ridha

I have not seen or talked to Dr Stanley Burzynski but I have his

information, in case I need it.


phone in Houston Texas 704.335.5697

This information is 5 years old.

Be blessed in your quest for health


> Dr. Burzynski and his treatment for brain tumors. Please look into this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I am NOT an expert in this area, but having three children and reading what

people post, here are my ideas:

It is VERY worrisome to a mother when the kids don't eat! I freak out if two

hours have gone past and I'm not offering food! (Jewish mother...hee! hee!)

Seriously though, do you feel like eating when you are sick? Me neither. When

your son wants to eat, he will. Also, as for the enzymes, if you are just

starting, I think you need to gradually introduce the enzyme. We started each

capsule one at a time. First in 1/3 3x day for two to three days, then 1/2

capsule twice a day, two or three days, then full capsule for one week. It was

at full capsule strength I saw TERRIBLE behavior (die off), the worst ever!!!!

Ride this wave!!!! It will be worth it! After one week, then I

introduced/added a second kind of enzyme with same procedure, then third enzyme,

same procedure.

Understand? From what I've been reading, anyone who starts off at full dose has

vomiting, upset stomach, etc. And when the die off symptoms start (maybe the

worst behavior you have ever seen) just remember it is for a couple of days and

then it is over....and the sun is shining brighter than ever!

Good luck!

NWqman <quanstrom@...> wrote:

my 2 year old son (pdd) recently contracted a fever along with other

problems and he stopped eating. he didn't eat for 2 and half days and

we began to worry. so, we deicded to give him something we knew he

would eat (containing casein) with an enzyme. of course, he ate the

food but now he seems to be in even worse pain. which is worse, your

son not eating or giving him glutens or caseins without the enzymes.

i'm not sure but he may be intolerant to the enzymes. any suggestion?

please help


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> my 2 year old son (pdd) recently contracted a fever along with other

> problems and he stopped eating. he didn't eat for 2 and half days and

> we began to worry.

Many times the fever will cause the child to stop eating. This is the

body's own mechanism to help fight the fever.

>>so, we deicded to give him something we knew he

> would eat (containing casein) with an enzyme. of course, he ate the

> food but now he seems to be in even worse pain. which is worse, your

> son not eating or giving him glutens or caseins without the enzymes.

It may have been bad to give him ANY food. However, this looks like

he probably does not tolerate casein, even with that enzyme. Which

enzyme did you use?

> i'm not sure but he may be intolerant to the enzymes. any suggestion?

Which enzyme was it? Have you ever given that enzyme before now?

Depending on the enzyme, might have also been its effect of " cleaning

out the gut " because there was very little food present.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I am new to this group but I have a lot of personal experience with

homeopathic remedy because I grew up on it.

Yogurt ( the natural plain) is a great source of probiotics. The best food to

fight yeast.

As a child I had horrible milk allergies and severe food aversions but yogurt

was the only dairy that I could tolerate (the more sour the better). I also

could eat sheep cheese, (real feta and not the American stuff) as well as goat

cheese. If your daughter doesn't take milk, it is because it makes her feel

bad. If she takes yogurt, you can give that to her. and watch to see how she

responds to it.

In my country children are given steamed rice with organic plain yogurt to

heal their problems with loose stool.

Rejection of food always means an aversion or allergy and the body has a good

reason for it and we must trust our bodies. Try giving her what she likes or

takes frequently. In other words first build her appetite and then diversify


I was an underweight child who loved to eat limes and lemons and survived them

all. Also she can get the same calcium from yogurt without the yeast of milk.

I hope this helps.


--- jayajoshi2002 <jayajoshi2002@...> wrote:

> Hello every body:

> I am a new member of the group and I am desperately in need of

> expert help

> and guidance.

> My 3yrs. old daughter was diagnosed with VERBAL APARAXIA and PDD-NOS.

> at age 2yrs.

> 10 months.

> When she was 7 months old she was also diagnosed with hypotonia [low

> muscle tone] because she was not reaching her dev. milestones in

> time.


> As a baby she was very difficult to feed . She would hardly take 6-

> 8oz. of formula in 24

> hrs. At 3 mos. of age she stopped taking her bottle at all because

> she had developed

> oral thrush [candida infection].

> We treated the thrush with nystatin but she never took her bottle

> again. From that day on

> she started hating her formula. She would drink the water from the

> bottle but not the

> formula. I switched to different formula but it did not help. I even

> tried to feed her with

> the dropper but she never took the formula. I had to force it to in

> her mouth using a

> spoon.

> Once I noticed that she was sucking on her tongue while she was

> fast asleep.

> I immediately put the bottle in her mouth and she started sucking

> on

> to it. I was so thrilled

> to see that my child was drinking her formula. From that day on I

> started feeding her while

> she was asleep. Though she was not getting enough this way but she

> was atleast getting

> something. I started feeding her 3-4 times in the night and 2

> or 3 times during the

> day when she would nap.


> she was getting 15-18 oz. of formula in her sleep.

> She refused all kinds of solid baby food until she was 10 months old.

> Her first solid food was oat meal cereal [around 11 months of age ] I

> tried to mix formula

> with the cereal but she refused. She would only eat cereal if I would

> mix it either with

> water or with yogurt.

> After her first birthday I discontinued the formula and started her

> on pediasure because

> it has more calories than infant formula. She rejected that also.

> Except plain yogurt [curd]

> she rejected all other dairy products . In order to give her adequate

> nutrition I started

> giving her pediasure with the bottle when she would sleep. I would

> feed her 2 cans of

> pediasure in her sleep and that would give her 500 calories.

> Because of pediasure she started gaining some weight, from 10th

> percentile her weight

> reached at 25th percentile. But at the same time I also noticed

> black circles around her

> eyes and exzema and rashes on her cheecks and ears.


> I continued with pediasure until she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

> After her diagnosis I looked for the information about autism on the

> internet and was

> shocked to see that these children are unable to digest milk protein,

> I emmediately got her

> tested . She was found severely allegic to caesin.

> I stopped pediasure . It was'nt much difficult because she never

> liked milk or pediasure.

> Only a wk. after stopping milk I noticed a significant improvement

> in her rashes and

> exzema.

> Now she is glutein, casein, corn and soy free her sugar is also

> limited. She does'nt like juice either, once in a while she would

> eat may be half a banana

> or a small slice of an apple.


> She has always been very high functional. She was given the

> diagnosis of Pdd-nos

> because of her delayed speech and echolalia. Othewise she looks

> pefectly ok. She has

> excellent eye contact and she is very social she never engaged

> herself in self stimulatory or

> repetitive behaviors.


> She became more problematic after I had put her on gf/cf diet.

> It has been almost 2 months that she is on the diet. She has lost 3

> lbs. of wight and the

> dark circles under her eyes have increased. She has become extremely

> hyperactive .Before

> the diet she was very calm but now she throws terrible tantrums. She

> does'nt eat any thing

> she is surviving on water and home made french fries. Her phenolic

> food intake is also

> very low. She Doesnt eat any fruit or vegetables except a little

> banana or a slice of apple

> may be once a wk.


> She does not want to come back from school. as soon as the school bus

> drops her off and

> she enters the house she starts yelling lets go to school'.

> Her teachers say that she is doing great , though she does'nt eat

> very well in the school

> but she is very well behaved and never throws any tantrum in the

> school.


> I understand part of the problem is that she gets bored at home

> whereas in the school

> they have so many activities.

> At home she is not interested in indoor activities , All the time she

> either wants to go for

> the walk or to the park.


> I have an appointment with Dr. Nerubrander ON july 16th.


> Last night she did not eat any thing [ I really mean it] then she

> woke up in the middle of

> the night sreaming because she was hungry.


> Both me and my husband were so fustated and sleep deprived that we

> decided to say

> good bye to the diet and offered my screaming daughter a glass of

> milk diluted with 50%

> of water. She took a sip and then totally rejected it.I gave her some

> cheerios she ate 5 or

> 6 of them and went to bed . I watched for any bad reaction that

> night but nothing

> happened.


> I am also awaiting her organic acid test results from Great Plains

> Lab.

> I am so confused and frustrated that I really dont know what to do?

> Is she undergoing

> some kind of withrawl or this is yeast die off. Should I continue

> with the diet or start the

> enzymes? Do enzymes also take care of caesin allergy?


> She is not taking any kind of supplement. I tried super nuthera and

> spectrum complete

> from Kirkman's , I started out with the 1/'10 th of the recommended

> dose but she reacted

> very badly and was unable to sleep for the whole night.

> Some times I manage to give her Kirkman's chewable multivitamins

> 1/2 of the

> recommended dose and she can tolerate it. She can also tolerate 1/6th

> of the

> recommended dose of Brainchild's spectrum support ultrasensitive

> formula but she does

> not want to take it three times a day.


> She Is not taking any supplements and is not eating any thing. she

> is literally starving

> herself. I am really worried . Please Help.

> Thanks

> Manju



















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I couldn't stop thinking about your daughter so I did a search. Here is a site

on special diets. You may want to consult her or study her site. SCD stands

for specific carbohydrate diet. Under the Science and SCD she explains


I had never seen this site but I think I am going to explore it for my son as


My thoughts are with your daughter.



--- jayajoshi2002 <jayajoshi2002@...> wrote:

> Hello every body:

> I am a new member of the group and I am desperately in need of

> expert help

> and guidance.

> My 3yrs. old daughter was diagnosed with VERBAL APARAXIA and PDD-NOS.

> at age 2yrs.

> 10 months.

> When she was 7 months old she was also diagnosed with hypotonia [low

> muscle tone] because she was not reaching her dev. milestones in

> time.


> As a baby she was very difficult to feed . She would hardly take 6-

> 8oz. of formula in 24

> hrs. At 3 mos. of age she stopped taking her bottle at all because

> she had developed

> oral thrush [candida infection].

> We treated the thrush with nystatin but she never took her bottle

> again. From that day on

> she started hating her formula. She would drink the water from the

> bottle but not the

> formula. I switched to different formula but it did not help. I even

> tried to feed her with

> the dropper but she never took the formula. I had to force it to in

> her mouth using a

> spoon.

> Once I noticed that she was sucking on her tongue while she was

> fast asleep.

> I immediately put the bottle in her mouth and she started sucking

> on

> to it. I was so thrilled

> to see that my child was drinking her formula. From that day on I

> started feeding her while

> she was asleep. Though she was not getting enough this way but she

> was atleast getting

> something. I started feeding her 3-4 times in the night and 2

> or 3 times during the

> day when she would nap.


> she was getting 15-18 oz. of formula in her sleep.

> She refused all kinds of solid baby food until she was 10 months old.

> Her first solid food was oat meal cereal [around 11 months of age ] I

> tried to mix formula

> with the cereal but she refused. She would only eat cereal if I would

> mix it either with

> water or with yogurt.

> After her first birthday I discontinued the formula and started her

> on pediasure because

> it has more calories than infant formula. She rejected that also.

> Except plain yogurt [curd]

> she rejected all other dairy products . In order to give her adequate

> nutrition I started

> giving her pediasure with the bottle when she would sleep. I would

> feed her 2 cans of

> pediasure in her sleep and that would give her 500 calories.

> Because of pediasure she started gaining some weight, from 10th

> percentile her weight

> reached at 25th percentile. But at the same time I also noticed

> black circles around her

> eyes and exzema and rashes on her cheecks and ears.


> I continued with pediasure until she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

> After her diagnosis I looked for the information about autism on the

> internet and was

> shocked to see that these children are unable to digest milk protein,

> I emmediately got her

> tested . She was found severely allegic to caesin.

> I stopped pediasure . It was'nt much difficult because she never

> liked milk or pediasure.

> Only a wk. after stopping milk I noticed a significant improvement

> in her rashes and

> exzema.

> Now she is glutein, casein, corn and soy free her sugar is also

> limited. She does'nt like juice either, once in a while she would

> eat may be half a banana

> or a small slice of an apple.


> She has always been very high functional. She was given the

> diagnosis of Pdd-nos

> because of her delayed speech and echolalia. Othewise she looks

> pefectly ok. She has

> excellent eye contact and she is very social she never engaged

> herself in self stimulatory or

> repetitive behaviors.


> She became more problematic after I had put her on gf/cf diet.

> It has been almost 2 months that she is on the diet. She has lost 3

> lbs. of wight and the

> dark circles under her eyes have increased. She has become extremely

> hyperactive .Before

> the diet she was very calm but now she throws terrible tantrums. She

> does'nt eat any thing

> she is surviving on water and home made french fries. Her phenolic

> food intake is also

> very low. She Doesnt eat any fruit or vegetables except a little

> banana or a slice of apple

> may be once a wk.


> She does not want to come back from school. as soon as the school bus

> drops her off and

> she enters the house she starts yelling lets go to school'.

> Her teachers say that she is doing great , though she does'nt eat

> very well in the school

> but she is very well behaved and never throws any tantrum in the

> school.


> I understand part of the problem is that she gets bored at home

> whereas in the school

> they have so many activities.

> At home she is not interested in indoor activities , All the time she

> either wants to go for

> the walk or to the park.


> I have an appointment with Dr. Nerubrander ON july 16th.


> Last night she did not eat any thing [ I really mean it] then she

> woke up in the middle of

> the night sreaming because she was hungry.


> Both me and my husband were so fustated and sleep deprived that we

> decided to say

> good bye to the diet and offered my screaming daughter a glass of

> milk diluted with 50%

> of water. She took a sip and then totally rejected it.I gave her some

> cheerios she ate 5 or

> 6 of them and went to bed . I watched for any bad reaction that

> night but nothing

> happened.


> I am also awaiting her organic acid test results from Great Plains

> Lab.

> I am so confused and frustrated that I really dont know what to do?

> Is she undergoing

> some kind of withrawl or this is yeast die off. Should I continue

> with the diet or start the

> enzymes? Do enzymes also take care of caesin allergy?


> She is not taking any kind of supplement. I tried super nuthera and

> spectrum complete

> from Kirkman's , I started out with the 1/'10 th of the recommended

> dose but she reacted

> very badly and was unable to sleep for the whole night.

> Some times I manage to give her Kirkman's chewable multivitamins

> 1/2 of the

> recommended dose and she can tolerate it. She can also tolerate 1/6th

> of the

> recommended dose of Brainchild's spectrum support ultrasensitive

> formula but she does

> not want to take it three times a day.


> She Is not taking any supplements and is not eating any thing. she

> is literally starving

> herself. I am really worried . Please Help.

> Thanks

> Manju



















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Your poor family.

I just can't believe what you've been through. Sounds like your daughter has

real sensory issues. There are specialists out there who can help with eating

issues specifically. If you are interested, I can post you some names - but Dr

N will probably know the leading experts out there. I think you are so

fortunate to see such a doctor, and he will set you on the road and help you out

of this awful experience.

Your daughter is probably incredibly sensitive to taste and has made some bad

associations. Once our kids make such associations they're hard to break. You

really need specialist help. It is no good saying that " they'll eat when

they're hungry " because not all kids do.

She sounds like she is profoundly allergic to me - again you figured that - have

you had any other tests done? The reason she's in such pain and rejecting all

these foods is probably due to gastro function. Perhaps that's why she would

eat when she was asleep because she associates food with pain.

You say you're GF/CF - sorry to ask - did you take out all the other additives?

I found a strong link between hyperactivity and food additives and settled

when I took them out.

Best wishes and well done for doing right by your little girl,

Eileen and

haleh niazmand <halniaz@...> wrote:


I couldn't stop thinking about your daughter so I did a search. Here is a site

on special diets. You may want to consult her or study her site. SCD stands

for specific carbohydrate diet. Under the Science and SCD she explains


I had never seen this site but I think I am going to explore it for my son as


My thoughts are with your daughter.



--- jayajoshi2002 <jayajoshi2002@...> wrote:

> Hello every body:

> I am a new member of the group and I am desperately in need of

> expert help

> and guidance.

> My 3yrs. old daughter was diagnosed with VERBAL APARAXIA and PDD-NOS.

> at age 2yrs.

> 10 months.

> When she was 7 months old she was also diagnosed with hypotonia [low

> muscle tone] because she was not reaching her dev. milestones in

> time.


> As a baby she was very difficult to feed . She would hardly take 6-

> 8oz. of formula in 24

> hrs. At 3 mos. of age she stopped taking her bottle at all because

> she had developed

> oral thrush [candida infection].

> We treated the thrush with nystatin but she never took her bottle

> again. From that day on

> she started hating her formula. She would drink the water from the

> bottle but not the

> formula. I switched to different formula but it did not help. I even

> tried to feed her with

> the dropper but she never took the formula. I had to force it to in

> her mouth using a

> spoon.

> Once I noticed that she was sucking on her tongue while she was

> fast asleep.

> I immediately put the bottle in her mouth and she started sucking

> on

> to it. I was so thrilled

> to see that my child was drinking her formula. From that day on I

> started feeding her while

> she was asleep. Though she was not getting enough this way but she

> was atleast getting

> something. I started feeding her 3-4 times in the night and 2

> or 3 times during the

> day when she would nap.


> she was getting 15-18 oz. of formula in her sleep.

> She refused all kinds of solid baby food until she was 10 months old.

> Her first solid food was oat meal cereal [around 11 months of age ] I

> tried to mix formula

> with the cereal but she refused. She would only eat cereal if I would

> mix it either with

> water or with yogurt.

> After her first birthday I discontinued the formula and started her

> on pediasure because

> it has more calories than infant formula. She rejected that also.

> Except plain yogurt [curd]

> she rejected all other dairy products . In order to give her adequate

> nutrition I started

> giving her pediasure with the bottle when she would sleep. I would

> feed her 2 cans of

> pediasure in her sleep and that would give her 500 calories.

> Because of pediasure she started gaining some weight, from 10th

> percentile her weight

> reached at 25th percentile. But at the same time I also noticed

> black circles around her

> eyes and exzema and rashes on her cheecks and ears.


> I continued with pediasure until she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

> After her diagnosis I looked for the information about autism on the

> internet and was

> shocked to see that these children are unable to digest milk protein,

> I emmediately got her

> tested . She was found severely allegic to caesin.

> I stopped pediasure . It was'nt much difficult because she never

> liked milk or pediasure.

> Only a wk. after stopping milk I noticed a significant improvement

> in her rashes and

> exzema.

> Now she is glutein, casein, corn and soy free her sugar is also

> limited. She does'nt like juice either, once in a while she would

> eat may be half a banana

> or a small slice of an apple.


> She has always been very high functional. She was given the

> diagnosis of Pdd-nos

> because of her delayed speech and echolalia. Othewise she looks

> pefectly ok. She has

> excellent eye contact and she is very social she never engaged

> herself in self stimulatory or

> repetitive behaviors.


> She became more problematic after I had put her on gf/cf diet.

> It has been almost 2 months that she is on the diet. She has lost 3

> lbs. of wight and the

> dark circles under her eyes have increased. She has become extremely

> hyperactive .Before

> the diet she was very calm but now she throws terrible tantrums. She

> does'nt eat any thing

> she is surviving on water and home made french fries. Her phenolic

> food intake is also

> very low. She Doesnt eat any fruit or vegetables except a little

> banana or a slice of apple

> may be once a wk.


> She does not want to come back from school. as soon as the school bus

> drops her off and

> she enters the house she starts yelling lets go to school'.

> Her teachers say that she is doing great , though she does'nt eat

> very well in the school

> but she is very well behaved and never throws any tantrum in the

> school.


> I understand part of the problem is that she gets bored at home

> whereas in the school

> they have so many activities.

> At home she is not interested in indoor activities , All the time she

> either wants to go for

> the walk or to the park.


> I have an appointment with Dr. Nerubrander ON july 16th.


> Last night she did not eat any thing [ I really mean it] then she

> woke up in the middle of

> the night sreaming because she was hungry.


> Both me and my husband were so fustated and sleep deprived that we

> decided to say

> good bye to the diet and offered my screaming daughter a glass of

> milk diluted with 50%

> of water. She took a sip and then totally rejected it.I gave her some

> cheerios she ate 5 or

> 6 of them and went to bed . I watched for any bad reaction that

> night but nothing

> happened.


> I am also awaiting her organic acid test results from Great Plains

> Lab.

> I am so confused and frustrated that I really dont know what to do?

> Is she undergoing

> some kind of withrawl or this is yeast die off. Should I continue

> with the diet or start the

> enzymes? Do enzymes also take care of caesin allergy?


> She is not taking any kind of supplement. I tried super nuthera and

> spectrum complete

> from Kirkman's , I started out with the 1/'10 th of the recommended

> dose but she reacted

> very badly and was unable to sleep for the whole night.

> Some times I manage to give her Kirkman's chewable multivitamins

> 1/2 of the

> recommended dose and she can tolerate it. She can also tolerate 1/6th

> of the

> recommended dose of Brainchild's spectrum support ultrasensitive

> formula but she does

> not want to take it three times a day.


> She Is not taking any supplements and is not eating any thing. she

> is literally starving

> herself. I am really worried . Please Help.

> Thanks

> Manju




















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  • 4 months later...

Hey Ben - We are all different and there will always be guys with bigger " nads " .

What you should be questioning is how you look and feel. Did you develop through

pueberty OK - ie did you develop muscle, body hair, genitals increased in size,

facial hair, erections..... If so and your issue is decreased sex drive, you

might consider one of two things - it is either physical or psychological. If

you have had some - lets call it bad sexual experience - and trust me we all

have, you could be having some performance anxiety that results in you thinking

you don't necessarily want sex. The physical aspect is you could have low T

values which can only be checked by testing. If you think that it is physical -

make an appointment and request a Total Testosterone test. The other alternative

is you can order a saliva test over the internet for ~ $30 that will be mailed

to you, you fill it will spit in the morning and mail it in. They then send you

the results. There are some questions as to if

the saliva test are as accurate as the blood test.

Hope this helps - Arkansas

ben6679 <ben6679@...> wrote:

hi guys, i just signed up to the group, haven't been diagnosed or seen

a dr yet, but i think i have small testes. I don't know why it's taken

this long to think about it, but for some reason, I measured them and

they are about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide, not sure exactly, its

hard to measure length with the epididymis, but they are about the size

of a grape I guess. They are also real firm, and I really have never

had a strong sex drive at all.

Would you consider my testes size abnormal for a guy in his 20's?

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> hi guys, i just signed up to the group, haven't been diagnosed or


> a dr yet, but i think i have small testes. I don't know why it's


> this long to think about it, but for some reason, I measured them and

> they are about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide, not sure exactly, its

> hard to measure length with the epididymis, but they are about the


> of a grape I guess. They are also real firm, and I really have never

> had a strong sex drive at all.

> Would you consider my testes size abnormal for a guy in his 20's?


Small testes " may " be a symptom of hypogonadism, but I doubt if this

is the right forum to try to get an answer to your relative size

question. Do you have hypo symptoms, do you have low testosterone?

That we can give you answers to and suggest treatment.


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do urself a favor and get blood work done before getting worked up on physcial

symptoms you think may be different than the norm. all too often ppl get caught

up in symptoms/conditions before getting real data on themselves. this forum

seems good about not doing that...and by strictly going by numbers first than

feel/general well being. numbers are important to start off.

i haven't done much research about salvia testing. i'd stick with blood work as

that's what the Drs react to (when they react that is).

good luck and leave your 'nuts' alone. the only way to tell if they're too

small is if your lady (or man) can have them both in their mouth and still carry

a conversation with you...hahahha..sorry but had to lighten things up. don't get

too caught up with size of testicles until you have blood work that shows T is


nort828 <nort828@...> wrote:


> hi guys, i just signed up to the group, haven't been diagnosed or


> a dr yet, but i think i have small testes. I don't know why it's


> this long to think about it, but for some reason, I measured them and

> they are about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide, not sure exactly, its

> hard to measure length with the epididymis, but they are about the


> of a grape I guess. They are also real firm, and I really have never

> had a strong sex drive at all.

> Would you consider my testes size abnormal for a guy in his 20's?


Small testes " may " be a symptom of hypogonadism, but I doubt if this

is the right forum to try to get an answer to your relative size

question. Do you have hypo symptoms, do you have low testosterone?

That we can give you answers to and suggest treatment.


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The size of our " boys " is a concern for many on HRT...it's why Dr.

prescribes HCG in addition to Testosterone; so I think it's an

appropriate discussion item.

Just as an FYI for the original poster, a google search on " average

testicle size " gives lots of hits that quote somewhere between 2 and

2.5 " long as average. BUT before you get all uptight on the size of

yours, several things to consider...how big are you overall...are they

proportional, do they function? (Testicle size isn't the only

indication of function - more on that later.)

I may get a little graphic below, but will try to maintain a clinical


My first workup with an endo for HRT, she measured my testicles (I don't

know what size she recorded) but she made no comment whether they were

abnomally large or small. I just measured mine with a ruler, so I am

shorter than a measure tape would get, which is the proper method, and

mine are somewhere between 2.5 and 3.0 " .

I'm bisexual, and I've been with plenty of other men sexually...most

have commented that mine are " big, " and frankly, I haven't been with a

guy who had bigger than mine, and most have been much smaller. Even

guys like 6'4 " and 6'5 " (I'm 5'8 " )I've been with have had nuts about the

size you describe, and they all certainly didn't have testosterone

issues. My current boyfriend has SMALL nuts, maybe the size of large

raisens (half-inch??), and he's got plenty of testosterone. He's

healthy, happy, a natural (no roids) body builder, and horny enough to

show he's not hypogonadism.

If you have other issues of hypogonadism, go get a work up with a

competent doc and get the blood tests, but don't focus on the s size fo

your boys as the main symptom of the disease.

> Re: i need help





>> hi guys, i just signed up to the group, haven't been diagnosed or


>> a dr yet, but i think i have small testes. I don't know why it's


>> this long to think about it, but for some reason, I measured them and

>> they are about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide, not sure exactly, its

>> hard to measure length with the epididymis, but they are about the


>> of a grape I guess. They are also real firm, and I really have never

>> had a strong sex drive at all.

>> Would you consider my testes size abnormal for a guy in his 20's?


> Small testes " may " be a symptom of hypogonadism, but I doubt if this

>is the right forum to try to get an answer to your relative size

>question. Do you have hypo symptoms, do you have low

>testosterone? That we can give you answers to and suggest

>treatment. norton







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  • 3 months later...

Donna, My heart is aching for you right now. If in your heart you know it is the implants....then it is. After a year of wrestling with the doctors and no one could tell me what was making me sick, I found this site. Within one day I knew my implants were making me ill this whole time. Not one doctor could confirm my theory, only the ladies in this support group. However, today it was confirmed by a doctor. I found Dr. Feng on the list from this support group. Today she told me that my implants are no doubt making me ill. She feels I am reacting to the natural breakdown of the silicone shell. I will be getting these things out tomorrow. My advice to you is...stick to your guns and your beliefs. Find a doctor from the list here and go see them. Many have spoke alot about Dr. Kolb. She will take good care of you. You are in my

prayers, star_angel_dee <StarAngel1212D@...> wrote: I am starting the journey to get my implants out and feel like I have hit a dead end. None of the doctors care. I had my MRI today and no leaking. However I was told in Palm beach Gardens there is a MRI that goes into depth and can tell alot more than a regular MRI. I called a plastic surgeon's office today for a consult and when I explained what I was trying to do have my implants taken out because I was so sick. She said it is not from your implants without even meeting me. I feel like I am loosing this battle and no one hears me. There are no doctor's here in Port Saint Lucie that are worth anything. If anyone can help me. I have lost hope and direction.DonnaOpinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:http://.shutterfly.com/action/

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--- star_angel_dee <StarAngel1212D@...> wrote:

> I am starting the journey to get my implants out and

> feel like I have

> hit a dead end. None of the doctors care. I had my

> MRI today and no

> leaking. However I was told in Palm beach Gardens

> there is a MRI that

> goes into depth and can tell alot more than a

> regular MRI. I called a

> plastic surgeon's office today for a consult and

> when I explained what

> I was trying to do have my implants taken out

> because I was so sick.

> She said it is not from your implants without even

> meeting me. I feel

> like I am loosing this battle and no one hears me.

> There are no

> doctor's here in Port Saint Lucie that are worth

> anything. If anyone

> can help me. I have lost hope and direction.


> Donna



Don't loose hope. Check out the list of doctor's who

specialize in explants on the home page saline

support. Click on the " files " heading on the upper

left-hand side. Or you can choose the " links " and that

also has a list of explant doctors. I can't remeber

all the doctors but I know there are doctors in

Gainesville and Mobile, Alabama. I live in Pensacola,

Fl. but I've chosen to see Dr. Kolb in Atlanta.

I see her for my first consult tomorrow. She not only

performs en-bloc's but she will run the necessary

tests and from what I hear she will treat your

illness. I hear she is very understanding since she

had silicone implants years ago that were leaking.

Don't give up! You are making steps in the right

direction just by finding this site. Ask God to lead

you. He will.

If you need someone to talk to you can call me at


God Bless,





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Donna, alot of women from Florida use Dr. Kolb in Atlanta. Give her

a call or send her an e-mail - she does respond either way, and

she'll spend alot of time on the phone with you before you even

decide to use her. She is incredibly dedicated to this cause and to

her patients.



> I am starting the journey to get my implants out and feel like I


> hit a dead end. None of the doctors care. I had my MRI today and


> leaking. However I was told in Palm beach Gardens there is a MRI


> goes into depth and can tell alot more than a regular MRI. I

called a

> plastic surgeon's office today for a consult and when I explained


> I was trying to do have my implants taken out because I was so


> She said it is not from your implants without even meeting me. I


> like I am loosing this battle and no one hears me. There are no

> doctor's here in Port Saint Lucie that are worth anything. If


> can help me. I have lost hope and direction.


> Donna


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Welcome to ! . . . You're not crazy . . .

apparently the doctors are! . . . How can a doctor

tell you without even an examination that your

implants aren't making you sick?

If you'll read through the messages in the archives,

you'll find you're far from alone. . . There are also

lots of articles in the Files and Links that will help

you confirm it IS your implants causing your problems.

The key thing is finding a doctor who is smart enough

to know your implants must be removed " en bloc " . . .

and uses drains. En bloc means removing the capsules

with the implants still inside to avoid spilling the

contents into your chest cavity.

MRI's don't mean a thing . . . In fact, the can't even

see a silicone granuloma that is visible to the eye

and able to be felt by touch! . . .

We have a wonderful group of women here who want to

see you get well. If you have any questions, please

let us know! . . . We know you can get better, because

we see women getting better all the time!

Hugs and prayers,


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Dear Donna,

I know you probably feel very disheartened right now with all that

you have experienced, but don't lose hope! That was why this group

was formed, because there was a desperate need for women to be able

to connect with other women who have gone through what they have,

and find a way to work through this horrible illness and the lies

and deceit we have all endured. You are definitely not alone in

what you are going through. I think almost all of us have felt like

we were lost and drifting in a sea of hopelessness with nowhere to

turn until we found each other.

It is just so hard to find good doctors who understand our pain.

This search for a good doctor to take out your implants can be a

very difficult one if you have to stay where you are. Most women

end up traveling, which of course we know is no fun, but at the same

time, it is probably the most important surgery you are going to

have in terms of long term health, so finding the right doctor is of

utmost importance.

We do have a list of Florida doctors...did you look it over? You

may not have to travel far. I will add them to the end of my post

so you can look them over. Just remember that you will want to ask

your doctor how many explants they have done, and you will need to

discuss having them properly removed. They can't just yank them out.

As we learn more about your situation, we will be able to direct

you more. For now, just focus on finding a good doctor, and if you

want to just go to someone who will understand your situation right

off the bat, then I can suggest that you see Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, as

she is very, very knowledgeable about implant illness. She is great

about corresponding by email or on the phone, too.

I'll add her contact info at the end of my post. I hope this helps


Let us know what questions we can answer for you as you keep moving

forward on your explant.



Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]

Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center

608 Medical Care Dr

, Florida 33511

Phone: (863) 684-2506

Fax: (863) 684-5785


Dr. Barroso P/S

524 Arthur Godfrey Rd.,

Miami Beach, FL 33140


(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your

implants " en bloc " and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible.

Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit

leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)

DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon,

Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine

Box 100286,

Gainesville, FL 32610



professor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery

(He will not admit anything is

wrong in all probability with breast implants.

However, reports are he will remove the implants

" en bloc " and a total capuslectomy., If possible;

get it in writing from him with his signature he

will do both so there can be no misunderstanding

plus send him a certified letter you feel these

are imperative! )

DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon,

1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor,

Orlando, FL 32806,

DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon,

Baptist Medical Center

820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702,

ville, FL 32207


E-mail ahnezami@...



Coral Springs, FL,

I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized

the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all

implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire

story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and the

patient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as


She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly

discusses her

reasoning.......she cares about the health ofher patients: by :

Yannijazz@... (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants " en

bloc, " etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of

her if

you decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimp@.... See below.)

Dr. D. Rotatori P/S

851 W. Morse Blvd.

Winter Park, FLA 32789



DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon

1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100,

Palm Springs, FL 33461



Dr. Vitale- P/S

1229 S. Strawbridge ave

Melbourne, FL 32901



(Make sure she will remove your implants

" en bloc " and perform a total capsulectomy if possible)

Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S

530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6

Venice, FL 34285



Contacts: Marielee3@... (5-26-99 explant),

support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@...

One woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)


Dr. Kolb P/S


4370 town Square

Atlanta, GA 30338


WEB SITE. www.plastikos.com

E-mail: drkolb@... Dr. Kolb has a clinic for treatment

to help with your recovery after explant, including a neurologist

and several other physicians. Contact : ndalgo@...,

Jerri: kjbb@..., Bunny: gbjones@... and Peggy:

tpwalters@... who were explanted by Dr. Kolb.


> I am starting the journey to get my implants out and feel like I


> hit a dead end. None of the doctors care. I had my MRI today and


> leaking. However I was told in Palm beach Gardens there is a MRI


> goes into depth and can tell alot more than a regular MRI. I

called a

> plastic surgeon's office today for a consult and when I explained


> I was trying to do have my implants taken out because I was so


> She said it is not from your implants without even meeting me. I


> like I am loosing this battle and no one hears me. There are no

> doctor's here in Port Saint Lucie that are worth anything. If


> can help me. I have lost hope and direction.


> Donna


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Hi Donna and welcome to our group. I am so glad that you found us!

It is extremely common to be told that your symptoms have nothing to

do with your implants. How could the medical establishment

acknowledge that implants make women sick and continue to perform

millions of breast augmentations? It isn't in their best interests

to tell women that and they certainly don't want to admit they

knowingly perform surgeries that hurt people's health. What is

amazing to me is that even the ps's that admit implants can cause

sickness will still put them in if you want. Slowly, but ever so

surely, though, we are getting the word out to the public about how

sick women can get from implants.

Your symptoms are also exceedingly common among those of us that

have gotten sick from implants. The good news is that once they are

out, there is a good chance that you will get significantly better.

Many of us here have also done various cleanses and detoxes after

explant to help eliminate toxins and get our body back to being

healthy. There is alot of good information on this site about the

whole process from what to look for in a plastic surgeon, to

preparing for surgery, explant, and recovery. We have many women

from florida go to see Dr.Kolb in Atlanta. She has done many many

explants and has even developed a protocol for dealing with implant


We are here to support you in any way we can. This is a great group

of women--full of compassion, friendship and good advice!

Hugs, Kathy

-- In , " star_angel_dee "

<StarAngel1212D@...> wrote:


> I am starting the journey to get my implants out and feel like I


> hit a dead end. None of the doctors care. I had my MRI today and


> leaking. However I was told in Palm beach Gardens there is a MRI


> goes into depth and can tell alot more than a regular MRI. I

called a

> plastic surgeon's office today for a consult and when I explained


> I was trying to do have my implants taken out because I was so


> She said it is not from your implants without even meeting me. I


> like I am loosing this battle and no one hears me. There are no

> doctor's here in Port Saint Lucie that are worth anything. If


> can help me. I have lost hope and direction.


> Donna


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