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Hi Wendi -

Number one question:

Was Sky having a bad day the day of his testing?

Some of the observations you state such as specifically " no pointing

or following points " and " no pretend play, not much interactive

play " Do you agree with them? Did the psychologist ask for

history -or even for video tapes of your child during normal play

in his natural environment? What made them come to the conclusion

that your child likes sameness? Are there examples you see of this


You state that four other therapy professionals don't believe two

year old Sky is autistic. What did they see that these other

professionals didn't? What scores and observations do they have for

Sky and what were their feelings on this new diagnosis for Sky?

I would recommend also seeing a neurodevelopmental pediatrician or

pediatric neurologist for another opinion if that is possible.

Perhaps someone from this group in your area can suggest someone

they love?

And speaking of diagnosis -I know it's hard not to -but don't get

upset over diagnosis since it unfortunately still depends on both

where you live, what type of professional you see and what their

research and studies are in. It even can depend on specifically

which one and on what day you see this professional -with the same

exact child -what diagnosis you may come home with that day. I like

to call it the " what will it be? " game. So if you hear " This child

is apraxic " then " It's not apraxia -it's a motor planning disorder "

and then " It's not a motor planning disorder -it's a severe

expressive language delay " does your child have three diagnosis's or

like the new math do we have to figure out based on the facts that

apraxia is a motor planning disorder which presents frequently as a

severe expressive language delay that your child is most

likely " apraxic " even though two out of the three professionals

said " not apraxic " ?

*Important -it doesn't have to be just one diagnosis either. Also -

I'm the rare bird that does not believe that all children with multi

faceted communication impairments fall under the autism spectrum.

Various Communication impairments can overlap. In addition -

communication impairments can overlap with other learning

disabilities, disorders, and syndromes.

For example based on the quotes from the professionals about Sky -he

could have hypothetically the following

- global apraxia (severe motor planning problems throughout the

body) which could effect his ability to point

-ADHD -which could affect his attention span

-frustration which could make him either withdraw from trying -or

could make him lash out.

Explore all possiblities. Since our chidren can't communicate yet -it's up to

us to be the voice for them.

As I always stress -it takes a skilled neuromedical professional in

most cases to differentiate -and even then mistakes can be made.

Our main goal as parents and professionals is to know the symptoms

and treatments available to our children so that we can provide them

with the most appropriate therapies based on what they present with.

This is better than just blindly providing a large cluster of children with

multi faceted (meaning presenting with more than one symptom)

communication impairments with the same label/therapy which may only

help one percentage and hurt the rest. We want to provide our

children with the best chance possible for a productive and

expressive future.

CHERAB advisors developmental pediatricians Dr. Agin or Dr. Laveman

may have comments too.

Let us know how it goes and good luck!


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Hello, I have a 6 year old who is recovering from Autism- and let

me be the first to tell you your little Sky is very sick. I wish

someone had told me that 3 and a half years ago- As Skys Mom many

deccisions are going to fall on you --but with the right knowledge

you will be a strong leader - you can do it- and you know Sky


I tossed with the diagnosis also and now I know it was a blessing

because it moved me to take action- BIG ACTION.

Please read and print the paper on line at the Children's Boimedical

Center of Utah Inc. called Understanding Autism by Jepson

MD . I have not found great support from normal doctors and my

suggestion is to see and lead a DAN doctor -a list is at the Autism

Research Institute ARI( Read every thing at the ARI). Get organized

pick 2 points from the pie chart in the paper Understanding Autism

and start testing and learning. If Sky has been on several rounds

of antibiotic one right after another she will have a yeast over

growth when I got yeast under control with my son it made a big

differance. ( don't stay on 1 treatment to long you must decide

when to move on )

I would suggest you buy and follow the supplement chart in the book

Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Balch and Balch. It is

right on.

Other favorite site are Dana's View, slaw, Mercury and Autism

group( you can ask any ? there) and sign up to get the Schafer

Autism Report. My 2 cents Ann

--- In , " wendie " <hwendie@h...>


> Hi guys well we got the diagnosis I didn't want to get yesterday.


> met Sky's Ped. Neuro. & his team & they believe Sky falls into the

> Autism Spectrum. I was pretty shocked by this, I wasn't expecting


> hear autism. We've talked to 2 S.T. & 2 O.T. who all had observed

> Sky & all of them said they didn't feel as if she was autistic.

> We're getting some blood work & a EEG lined up to rule out other

> things also. Our Dr. wanted to wait until these tests came back

> before we really started to proceed w/things. They did suggest


> (which she's been receiving through E.I.), O.T.(she'll be starting

> soon through E.I.) & P.T. Has anyone had to request all 3 of


> services through their county & how hard was it to get these

> services? The Dr. & his staff suggested a program called the


> Program-Autism Recovery, has anyone heard of this before? I can't

> find any info on it anywhere.


> All day I've been going back & forth on this diagnosis. I guess


> may have something to do w/Sky having such a good day. We don't


> the typed up report, but I'm going to include her scores & their

> comments(I took lots of notes).

> BTW, Sky turned 2 in January.

> Comments from the Neuropsychologist

> short attention span, no pointing or following points, likes


> Score - 16 month level (sp?) Scale


> Comments from S.T.

> Receptive 12-14 months scattered to 18-20 months

> Expressive 14-16 months scattered to 18-20 months

> no pretend play, not much interactive play


> Comments from O.T.

> motor planning issues, fine motor skill issues, sensory


> issues, hypotonia(sp?)

> scored less than 50 on (sp?) Scale delay around 13 months

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, thanks for your post! I was hoping you would have some

comments because you always have such great info.

Sky has seen the Ped. Neuro & his team twice and I did provide them

w/a video tape of two S.T. sessions & random shots of her playing

around the house alone & w/her twin sister. During the evals I think

they got to see her at her worst & best. The first evaluation she

didn't want anything to do w/them & cried for an hour. She finally

fell asleep & when she woke up she was her usual happy self & they

were able to do 2 out of the 4 evals. The 2nd time around started

out the same, but she calmed down a lot quicker & we were able to

complete the eval.

As for the pointing, not following pointing, & no pretend play I do

agree w/them. However she's is picking up on the pretend play a

little bit. Sometimes I can engage her & she will copy my pretend

play for maybe a minute then she stops. As for the interactive play,

I've seen a lot of progress when she's playing w/her sister. In the

past couple of weeks she's improved a lot in that area.

Two of the therapist that have seen Sky were from E.I. Of course

they don't diagnose, but they have told me their gut feelings were

she didn't have Autism. The other two therapist were from The

Spectrum Center(they use the Tomatis Method) & they didn't do a

formal eval, just observed her & asked us questions. They also

agreed w/E.I. that she wasn't Autistic. They believed she has DSI,

APD, motor planning problems & low muscle tone. As I stated before

the Dr. that diagnosed Sky is a Ped. Neuro so should we still see a

Dev. Ped.? I don't have a problem getting a 2nd opinion, but not

right now. She's been through so many evals lately & she just hates


I agree with what you said about multiple diagnosis too. I've also

wondered about global apraxia & infact that's what I was gearing

myself up to hear not Autism. I guess another thing I should note is

Sky's attention span changes depending on what she's doing. She

doesn't have any problem watching a disney movie & sitting still

through the whole movie. Infact we've took the girls to the movie

theater twice to see Disney movies & they did just fine.

Thank you so much for listening & I really cherish all the advise

I've been given so far. I'm not so concerned w/the label, but I do

want to make sure Sky is getting the right services & therapies she



> Hi Wendi -


> Number one question:


> Was Sky having a bad day the day of his testing?


> Some of the observations you state such as specifically " no


> or following points " and " no pretend play, not much interactive

> play " Do you agree with them? Did the psychologist ask for

> history -or even for video tapes of your child during normal play

> in his natural environment? What made them come to the conclusion

> that your child likes sameness? Are there examples you see of this

> too?


> You state that four other therapy professionals don't believe two

> year old Sky is autistic. What did they see that these other

> professionals didn't? What scores and observations do they have


> Sky and what were their feelings on this new diagnosis for Sky?


> I would recommend also seeing a neurodevelopmental pediatrician or

> pediatric neurologist for another opinion if that is possible.

> Perhaps someone from this group in your area can suggest someone

> they love?


> And speaking of diagnosis -I know it's hard not to -but don't get

> upset over diagnosis since it unfortunately still depends on both

> where you live, what type of professional you see and what their

> research and studies are in. It even can depend on specifically

> which one and on what day you see this professional -with the same

> exact child -what diagnosis you may come home with that day. I


> to call it the " what will it be? " game. So if you hear " This child

> is apraxic " then " It's not apraxia -it's a motor planning

disorder "

> and then " It's not a motor planning disorder -it's a severe

> expressive language delay " does your child have three diagnosis's


> like the new math do we have to figure out based on the facts that

> apraxia is a motor planning disorder which presents frequently as a

> severe expressive language delay that your child is most

> likely " apraxic " even though two out of the three professionals

> said " not apraxic " ?


> *Important -it doesn't have to be just one diagnosis either. Also -

> I'm the rare bird that does not believe that all children with


> faceted communication impairments fall under the autism spectrum.

> Various Communication impairments can overlap. In addition -

> communication impairments can overlap with other learning

> disabilities, disorders, and syndromes.


> For example based on the quotes from the professionals about Sky -


> could have hypothetically the following

> - global apraxia (severe motor planning problems throughout the

> body) which could effect his ability to point

> -ADHD -which could affect his attention span

> -frustration which could make him either withdraw from trying -or

> could make him lash out.

> Explore all possiblities. Since our chidren can't communicate yet -

it's up to us to be the voice for them.


> As I always stress -it takes a skilled neuromedical professional in

> most cases to differentiate -and even then mistakes can be made.

> Our main goal as parents and professionals is to know the symptoms

> and treatments available to our children so that we can provide


> with the most appropriate therapies based on what they present


> This is better than just blindly providing a large cluster of

children with

> multi faceted (meaning presenting with more than one symptom)

> communication impairments with the same label/therapy which may


> help one percentage and hurt the rest. We want to provide our

> children with the best chance possible for a productive and

> expressive future.


> CHERAB advisors developmental pediatricians Dr. Agin or Dr. Laveman

> may have comments too.


> Let us know how it goes and good luck!


> =====


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  • 2 years later...
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I find this very interesting in light of the fact that over 700 families of children with autism are marching on Congress this week to argue the possibility of a connection between vaccines/thimerisol and autism. Of course, the AMA, FDA, and CDC all proclaim the safety of such vaccines! If they (vaccines) are so safe, then why have 'they' (powers that be) discontinued the use of thimerisol, which contains mercury, in childhood vaccines? Mercury is one of the most toxic naturally occurring element on the face of the earth! Unused mercury amalgal material in dental offices has to be disposed of as 'hazardous waste', yet they say it is safe placed only inches from one's brain?!?! Thimerisol is supposedly only used in flu shots now! Gee that offers much comfort! IMHO, if 'they' were to warn of the hazards associated with such vaccines, it would create a class-action lawsuit that would dig into the pocketbooks of too many powerful industries!

Now, I'll step down from my soapbox!


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I unfortunately could not make it to Washington and the rally, but many of my friends went and said it went well,

overall. As far as thimerosal, I can safely say that they are still putting it

into vaccines in some form, even if it’s only in the production. I do not trust the pharmaceutical firms

to take it out completely. That

would cause too much of a quick drop in the rate of autism. As far as the class action law suit,

there is in fact one that is on hold in the vaccine courts. Roughly four thousand of us are involved

in it; yet I doubt I will ever see any restitution. I got on this group, by

accident. There are a bunch of us

with autistic children that have begun LDN due to a doctor and her relentless

search to help our children. I am

also on it for preventative measures.

Today was my son’s first day on it and we have had an awesome

first day. For myself, I have had a

tremendous headache all day and pupils will not dialate;

they are just little circles. It is

four pm and I am beginning to feel a little better. I am definitely going to take some

melatonin tonight to hopefully get some sleep. Thanks for everyone’s

help and support. I will let you

all know how LDN is working for my son as the weeks

progress. - NJ

Re: [low dose naltrexone]

Re: autism

I find this very interesting in light of the fact that over

700 families of children with autism are marching on Congress this week to

argue the possibility of a connection between vaccines/thimerisol and autism.

Of course, the AMA, FDA, and CDC all proclaim the safety of such vaccines! If

they (vaccines) are so safe, then why have 'they' (powers that be) discontinued

the use of thimerisol, which contains mercury, in childhood vaccines?

Mercury is one of the most toxic naturally occurring element on the face

of the earth! Unused mercury amalgal material in dental offices has to be

disposed of as 'hazardous waste', yet they say it is safe placed only inches

from one's brain?!?! Thimerisol is supposedly only used in flu shots now!

Gee that offers much comfort! IMHO, if 'they' were to warn of the

hazards associated with such vaccines, it would create a class-action lawsuit

that would dig into the pocketbooks of too many powerful industries!

Now, I'll step down from my soapbox!


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Hi ,

Have you heard many success stories regarding other Autistic children taking LDN?



RE: [low dose naltrexone] Re: autism


I unfortunately could not make it to Washington and the rally, but many of my friends went and said it went well, overall. As far as thimerosal, I can safely say that they are still putting it into vaccines in some form, even if it’s only in the production. I do not trust the pharmaceutical firms to take it out completely. That would cause too much of a quick drop in the rate of autism. As far as the class action law suit, there is in fact one that is on hold in the vaccine courts. Roughly four thousand of us are involved in it; yet I doubt I will ever see any restitution. I got on this group, by accident. There are a bunch of us with autistic children that have begun LDN due to a doctor and her relentless search to help our children. I am also on it for preventative measures. Today was my son’s first day on it and we have had an awesome first day. For myself, I have had a tremendous headache all day and pupils will not dialate; they are just little circles. It is four pm and I am beginning to feel a little better. I am definitely going to take some melatonin tonight to hopefully get some sleep. Thanks for everyone’s help and support. I will let you all know how LDN is working for my son as the weeks progress. - NJ

-----Original Message-----From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of marciemjm@...Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:41 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: autism

I find this very interesting in light of the fact that over 700 families of children with autism are marching on Congress this week to argue the possibility of a connection between vaccines/thimerisol and autism. Of course, the AMA, FDA, and CDC all proclaim the safety of such vaccines! If they (vaccines) are so safe, then why have 'they' (powers that be) discontinued the use of thimerisol, which contains mercury, in childhood vaccines? Mercury is one of the most toxic naturally occurring element on the face of the earth! Unused mercury amalgal material in dental offices has to be disposed of as 'hazardous waste', yet they say it is safe placed only inches from one's brain?!?! Thimerisol is supposedly only used in flu shots now! Gee that offers much comfort! IMHO, if 'they' were to warn of the hazards associated with such vaccines, it would create a class-action lawsuit that would dig into the pocketbooks of too many powerful industries! Now, I'll step down from my soapbox! Marcie

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One of our DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctor’s

ran a three month (approx.) study on the effects of LDN on autistic

children. It has gone overall well,

that is why many of us are trying it now. We have heard pretty good things. I do know that if the child has an issue

with gluten or casein and there are infractions, LDN will aid in the display of

the issues with a lot of whining and crying. Some are showing increased appetite. Others are saying that there is better

sleep, more “contact” with the world around them, an overall sense

of well-being. We have been on it

for two days. He is much calmer. We are not on the gluten-free (we are

casein free), had been for three years, so for us this was going to be the

telling sign if gluten was going to be an issue. Any allergy tests we have done showed he

was not allergic to gluten, but as you know, the first step for our kids is to

take them off gluten/casein and we did for three years. We have had no issues as was stated in

the above, so I guess the tests were accurate! Those are some of the points I remember from

other group discussions. There is a group called Autism_LDN

that is documenting the reactions of our kids on LDN. Hope this helps some. Take care.

Re: [low dose naltrexone]

Re: autism

Hi ,

Have you heard many success stories

regarding other Autistic children taking LDN?



Re: [low dose naltrexone]

Re: autism

I find this very interesting in light of the fact that over

700 families of children with autism are marching on Congress this week to

argue the possibility of a connection between vaccines/thimerisol and autism.

Of course, the AMA, FDA, and CDC all proclaim the safety of such vaccines! If

they (vaccines) are so safe, then why have 'they' (powers that be) discontinued

the use of thimerisol, which contains mercury, in childhood vaccines?

Mercury is one of the most toxic naturally occurring element on the face

of the earth! Unused mercury amalgal material in dental offices has to be

disposed of as 'hazardous waste', yet they say it is safe placed only inches

from one's brain?!?! Thimerisol is supposedly only used in flu shots now!

Gee that offers much comfort! IMHO, if 'they' were to warn of the

hazards associated with such vaccines, it would create a class-action lawsuit

that would dig into the pocketbooks of too many powerful industries!

Now, I'll step down from my soapbox!


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi i am brand new. My friend Bob told me about your site and what the drug

" N " is doing

> for him. He has MS and he told me that some people on the site have written

about using

> this drug for autism. I met a mother yesterday who mentioned using the drug

on her

> autistic son (who also suffers from Epstein Barr) and seeing great benefit in

terms of his

> being able to think more clearly. My son is 10, has brrn diagnosed with

mild to moderate

> autsim. He processes information slowly and he has some problems using his

right arm

> (acutally he refuses to use it) and has poor grip when writing with his left



> Right now we are getting ready to experiment with Aricept (used for

Alzheimers). Our

> doctor is very cautious and is interested in doing lots of testing once we

begin. if anyone

> reads this and knows of any studies pertaining to autism and Naltrexone or if

there are

> members using Naltrexone for Autsim, please respond. I would appreciate

hearing about it.

> Thank you, Debby



The link to the Autism-LDN(Low Dose Naltrexone) group is below. The owner

of the group is on the road doing conferences so I'm not sure if she has someone

else approving membership to that group for her or not. She is the doctor(Dr.

Jaquelyn McCandless) who is using LDN in autistic individuals.

Autism_LDN : Autism LDN


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Hi Debby,

Here you' ll find what you are looking for


Hope it helps!


> Hi i am brand new. My friend Bob told me about your site and what

the drug " N " is doing

> for him. He has MS and he told me that some people on the site

have written about using

> this drug for autism. I met a mother yesterday who mentioned

using the drug on her

> autistic son (who also suffers from Epstein Barr) and seeing great

benefit in terms of his

> being able to think more clearly. My son is 10, has brrn

diagnosed with mild to moderate

> autsim. He processes information slowly and he has some problems

using his right arm

> (acutally he refuses to use it) and has poor grip when writing with

his left hand.


> Right now we are getting ready to experiment with Aricept (used

for Alzheimers). Our

> doctor is very cautious and is interested in doing lots of testing

once we begin. if anyone

> reads this and knows of any studies pertaining to autism and

Naltrexone or if there are

> members using Naltrexone for Autsim, please respond. I would

appreciate hearing about it.

> Thank you, Debby


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  • 4 months later...

Some thoughts on this.....

I have an Autistic 6-yo. I don't see the " link " in the article. A link, for

me, would be research - something scientific and not just another

emotionally-laden blinders-on article about mercury ala Kirby and his EOHarm

cult. Some of us believe that mercury is secondary - the immune system has

become damaged (bacterial, viral, ad nauseum) rendering it incapable of

defending the brain/nervous/gut system, all of which are affected in those

on the Autism spectrum. In my son's case, his birth-mother had herpes.

Research at s-Hopkins is showing that herpes transcends the placenta

barrier. In his case, he had a live virus (herpes) in his body - and when

infected with the MMR, which was another live virus, the two caused the

immune system to respond in an abnormal way, and instead of defending the

body, started to destroy the nervous system and gut. On top of that, there

are enough environmental factors to add to the toxin-theories, in addition

to mercury, as well as birth-mothers who are not toxin-free, etc., to add to

the possible theories of Why. IMO, the mercury-done-it is subsiding, with

people recognizing it's more complex than " just " that.....HTH... What I

can say is, my son has made tremendous strides on an all organic, raw goat

milk, grass-fed meat, no processed oils, MamaMakesTheButter diet ala

Nourishing Traditions. ;)


On 8/21/06, crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...> wrote:


> My friend sent me this article. I thought it was a basic well written

> article that links mercury and autism

> http://readthehook.com/stories/2005/04/07/coverGenerationHgIsAutismP.ht

> ml



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  • 1 month later...

Have you read Dr. Megson's article on westonaprice.org? Here's

a copy from another site:


A? "




I got this for my daughter who had scary reactions to dairy, food

colorings, and some additives. She is a new person now, had been

making gradual improvements with the cod liver oil and nutritional

supplements, but now she can have dairy again as long as she takes

her peptizyde, and her behavior is actually better than when she's

not taking it!


" In a survey of 260 parents over a 7 month period, 90% of parents

using Peptizyde and HN-Zyme Prime together reported sustained

improvements in behavior and level of ability. "


Three-lac (probiotic)

" ThreeLac is a powder, dissolved on the tongue or mixed in a small

amount of liquid and taken orally after a meal. Ingredients are:

Bacillus Coagulans (200 million CFU), Bacillus Subtilis (25 million

CFU), Group D, nontoxic strain of Enterococcus Faecalis (25 million

CFU), Lemon Juice Powder, Refined Yeast Powder (feeds the live

bacteria in storage and does not affect yeast sensitive

individuals), and Fiber (FOS). "

They also had remarkable results in their study, privately funded by

a couple.



Wobenzyme - enzyme blend

I know a woman whose daughter got autism-type symptoms from lyme and

her mother believes wobenzyme is one of the things that reversed

this over the course of 9 months or so. It's a good enzyme blend.


Chelation is helpful to many children with autism and often results

in decrease in symptoms, but careful not to try it on childen who

also have lyme (could have gotten it prenatally) because it can

cause a worsening of symptoms.


There are also reports of children with autism who have had very

good improvements on antiparasitic medications (after travelling

abroad and picking something up) that stopped when the antiparasitic

meds stopped. Artemisinin is one that mothers of a couple of

autistic children (recovering) told me helped minimize their

symptoms. It's very safe and effective against protozoal parasites

like malaria and babesia, but unless the family has travelled abroad

or knows they have lyme, that's probably a long shot.


It does sound like the issue that causes autism in most children is

primarily a combination of toxins, especially heavy metals and

mercury, and dysbiosis; I've read studies where nearly all autistic

children tested had some form of dysbiosis, much more than children

from the general population. A doctor in Europe found that the

Measles part of the MMR stays in the GI of some children after

vaccination, and even contaminates the GI of their unvaccinated

siblings. Could this be the source of the dysbiosis of some

children with autism? Sounds likely. He was fired from his job and

threatened for publishing the study.


--- In , " donfree228 " <df228@...>



> Hi


> I have a friend with Autism.


> Does anyone know of any research on healing mild cases of Autism


> young kids. It is related to Leaky gut.


> I know Donna Gates has some information on Autism but I don't like

> the marketing aspect of her approach.


> I have been a member of this group for 9 months and have learned


> much about healing foods.


> Do I suggest to this family just start making cultured vegetables


> fermented foods for their autistic child?


> Any ideas or links on autism would be appreicated.

> Thanks

> Don


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I don't have personal experience but some cases seem to respond to NAET.

I think the site is NAET.com


At 10:12 AM 9/22/06, you wrote:



>I have a friend with Autism.


>Does anyone know of any research on healing mild cases of Autism in

>young kids. It is related to Leaky gut.


>I know Donna Gates has some information on Autism but I don't like

>the marketing aspect of her approach.


>I have been a member of this group for 9 months and have learned so

>much about healing foods.


>Do I suggest to this family just start making cultured vegetables and

>fermented foods for their autistic child?


>Any ideas or links on autism would be appreicated.





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On 9/24/06, Emma Davies <emma@...> wrote:

> Probably because they are all in some way incompletely treating the

> same metabolic problem. I personally regard GFCF as the least useful

> based on the anecdotal failure rates. Here's the argument why:


> http://www.mercola.com/2004/jun/26/autism_malnutrition.htm

This thoroughly unreferenced and speculative article strikes me as

rather dogmatic:

>Science cannot support the presumption that a casein-free diet

reduces autistic

>symptoms. All the literature on casein restriction indicates this

only causes a

>developmental delay. If an improvement is seen on a casein-free diet,

it is only

>because of the removal of free lactose, and the removal of constipating foods.

Suze has a book containing a chapter by Shaw that supplies 17

references for the elevated levels of undigested gluten-derived and

casein-derived peptides in the urine of children with autism (and

adults with schizophrenia).

The highly speculative conclusion that lactose is the sole component

of milk contributing to autism cannot account for the observation of

undigested *peptides* in the urine of autistic children, and she

doesn't attempt to explain that fact. Nowhere in the article does she

so much as mention gluteomorphin (or gliadorphin) or caseomorphin, the

undigested opioids derived from gluten and casein, that are elevated

in autistic children and her observation that " casein restriction "

leads to " developmental delay " is entirely vague, unreferenced, and

has no clear relevance to the actual discussion.

The highly speculative and unsupported assertion that raw milk is

quite fine becuase it doesn't have dead heat-treated bacteria in it

contradicts the experiences of broad numbers of people who have

discovered that they can NOT tolerate raw milk.

And the idea that because lactose might play a role that casein cannot

is unnecessarily and counterproductively myopic.



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> --- " donfree228 " <df228@> wrote:


> > I have a friend with Autism.

> >

> > Does anyone know of any research on healing mild cases of Autism

> > in young kids. It is related to Leaky gut.


--- " Emma Davies " <emma@...> wrote:

> Yoghurt and quickly cultured (12 h) kefir should be okay, but of

> course these contain casein!

I've read that milk from Jersey cows has a form of casein that most

people can tolerate - especially if it is not pastuerized. It may,

however, be difficult to find a dairy with all Jersey cows. Most use

Holsteins because of much greater milk production (quantity wins over

quality as usual). In Texas, the Strykly dairy is all Jersey and

offers raw milk and cream (local pickup) and cheeses (mail order):


I wish there were more dairies like this one!

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> I've read that milk from Jersey cows has a form of casein that most

> people can tolerate - especially if it is not pastuerized.

Jersey doesn't matter. It is A1 versus A2 milk. You are more likely

to get more A2 beta-casein (a good thing) with Jersey cows than with

Holstein cows, but the cow being Jersey does not gurantee straight A2

milk. Genetic testing is needed for this.

Straight A2 milk may not yield significant quantities of a particular

beta-casein-derived opioid, BCM-7:



Beta casein A1 has been shown to yield the protein fragment, or

peptide, termed 'beta casomorphin 7' (BCM-7). First reported in 1979

[6] as a casein derived opioid, BCM-7 can subsequently be metabolised

to beta casomorphin 5 (BCM-5). These peptides have the 3rd highest and

highest affinity, or binding, to opiate receptors of those reviewed


BCM-7 has been shown to be significantly more resilient to metabolic

processing [7] than other studied food derived exomorphins . Thus,

by removing beta casein A1 from milk and thereby eliminating the yield

of BCM-7 the risk presented by opioid peptide yield from milk may be

significantly reduced.


However, this is not the only dietary opioid that can be derived from

milk protein:



A review published in 2000 [5] describes in detail a range of peptides

with opioid function that derive from all the casein subgroups;

a-casein, b-casein, k-casein, as well as from whey fraction proteins

a-lactalbumin, b-lactoglobulin and serum albumin. Thus noted,

eliminating beta casein from milk would not remove the total

theoretical risk of opioid peptide yield.


Nevertheless, there is some evidence that drinking A2 milk reduces

opioid-related symptoms and BCM-7 has the third highest affinity for

opiate receptors and can metabolically yield BCM-5 which has the

highest, so it may be much more physiologically significant than the

others. This leads the A2 Corporation, who has a financial stake in

the matter, to believe:



These reports, coupled with published research, lead A2 Corporation to

believe that the exclusion of beta casein A1 from milk products may

render exomorphin yields physiologically insignificant.




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> Perhaps I'm not using a fair sample, but I'm signed up to a lot of

> autism groups, and most of them are coming from a post-GFCF

> perspective, having tried it and moved on, it having helped for some,

> but not fixed things.

But the fact that it is insufficient does not make it unnecessary.



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> > But the fact that it is insufficient does not make it unnecessary.

> Sorry, didn't mean to suggest that. Probably the fastest dietary

> approach is a combination of all of the diets, i.e. pretty much

> nothing but meat and eggs... uh, actually, eggs contain lutein, so...

> just meat...

You didn't say it, but the author of that ridiculously dogmatic

article stated it pretty clearly, and advocated drinking raw milk with

free abandon. I'm sure drinking lactose-free raw yogurt or something

would be far better than fresh pasteurized milk, and maybe some of the

opioid precursors are even broken down, but if some of them are not,

and the opioid theory has any merit (which it appears to), then the

suggestion could be harmful. And whether or not properly fermented

raw yogurt has opioid potential is something that needs to be answered

by additional research, not dogmatic assumptions.

I haven't researched the various diets myself so I don't know if they

have equal merit, but the ones with clear merit should be combined.



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  • 4 weeks later...

For stories on the Eli Lily Bandit go to:


Eventually, Dick Armey, ret. Congressman from TX admitted that he did

it after being asked by the Whitehouse. The WHitehouse denied it. The

" inserted " 2 paragraphs were almost the same exact language that Frist

used in a similar bill earlier that year. He denied any connection.

They finally succeded in Dec 05 - they secretly added the same thing

into the Defense Appropiations Bill. Vaccine makers and makers of the

vaccine toxic componets can no longer be held accountable.

There are many peer-reviewed research papers concerning mercury &

neurodevelopmental disorders.

Comparison of Blood and Brain Mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed

to Methylmercury or Vaccines Containing Thimerosal, M.

Burbacher, Danny D. Shen, Noelle Liberato, S. Grant, Elsa

Cernichiari, and son, April 2005

Environmental mercury release, special education rates, and autism

disorder: an ecological study of Texas F. Palmer,

Blanchard, Zachary Stein, Mandell, , Health &

Place, March 2005

Thimerosal and autism? A plausible hypothesis that should not be

dismissed Blaxill, Redwood, Bernard, Medical Hypothesis, May 2004

A Case-Control Study of Mercury Burden in Children with Autistic

Spectrum Disorders, Bradstreet, Geier, Kartzinel, , Geier -

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 8, Number 3,

Summer 2003

We found out the hard way. After years of unknowingly exposing our son

to mold thru our SUV, then a vaccine with mercury & aluminum. He

started with the fatigue, bone pain & sinus infections for 2 yrs or

so. Docs said it was growing pains, fatigue was also from growing.

Then a hep b shot. Wham - the spiral downhill was unstoppable. At 10

yrs old, within weeks he started showing symptoms that were

autistic-like. Hand-flapping, rocking, perserveration, toe walking,

touch aversion, etc. These were all actions to relieve pain - he was

in total pain from head to toe all day long for months. As we made

dietary changes, started IVIG and other nutrient additions, he got

somewhat better. But only when we found the mold source and got him

away from it, did he get well enough to go off of the weekly IVIG.

He's 18 now, and extremely sensitive to mold/mycotoxins.

Unfortunately, a 15-20 minute encounter can set him back for months.

It's scarey not knowing when you'll walk into something like that. At

least you can see the mack truck barreling down.

The toxic soup that's in our children's environments is really scarey.

Hard to figure how they can survive all of these toxins.


In , " npzjewel6 " <npzjewel6@...> wrote:


> among other " real " possible causes of autism,(not TV)- I have heard

> that immunizations have been in question.

> Just wondered- what ever happened with the story of the " Mercury

> Bandit " . Does anyone know if they found out who??

> Came across this story again while people on this board were

> discussing the flu vaccine.



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Old post, I know, but the autism/mercury debate has always fascinated me because

my oldest is on the autistic spectrum (Asperger's) but he had no vaccinations

until he was six when he got tetanus for a dog bite...yet he's had problems

since he was 2 days old. So I always wonder if maybe he would've been worse had

we done the full immunization route...and maybe not doing so helped him avoid

full autism...?


[] autism

among other " real " possible causes of autism,(not TV)- I have heard

that immunizations have been in question.

Just wondered- what ever happened with the story of the " Mercury

Bandit " . Does anyone know if they found out who??

Came across this story again while people on this board were

discussing the flu vaccine.

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I too wonder, my son also on the spectrum (Aspergers) and S.I. issues. My

thinking is this, I would much rather have him with Autism than another medical

issue like Mumps or worse. Those are just my thoughts on the subject.

[] autism

among other " real " possible causes of autism,(not TV)- I have heard

that immunizations have been in question.

Just wondered- what ever happened with the story of the " Mercury

Bandit " . Does anyone know if they found out who??

Came across this story again while people on this board were

discussing the flu vaccine.

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Mumps- childhood illness with fever and swollen glands that lasts for

2 weeks - Autism can last a lifetime. Mumps is a walk in the park

compared to Autism. I sure every parent of a full blown autistic child

would trade mumps for autism any day of the week. I've had mumps as

have millions of people. You stayed home from school for 2 weeks, big

deal! In very RARE instances complications can set in, usually with

children already immune compromised.

Example of CDC scare tactics about common childhood diseases.

Chickenpox. After they developed a vaccine they needed a market for

it. All of a sudden it was a horrible disease. Kills 100 per year, so

they said. Checking the MMW (Morbidity Mortality Weekly, the CDC's own

publication) of the 100 that got chickenpox each year, 40 were

children with the vast majority being immune compromised already. They

other 60 were elderly. Now, the adverse reactions to the vaccine,

2001-2005, 25,218 injured - 62 dead. That's only the ones reported,

according to the CDC's Dr. Kessler 6/2/93, those numbers are

under reported by about 99%.

Something to be said for natural immunity.


P.S. Now they're marketing the shingles vaccine - so many getting

shingles from the virus shedding of the chickenpox vaccine. (a live

virus vaccine like the chickenpox vaccine will shed the virus for up

to three weeks after vaccination.) Nothing like keeping people scared!

In , " renee " <rzornrn@...> wrote:


> Hi,

> I too wonder, my son also on the spectrum (Aspergers) and S.I.

issues. My thinking is this, I would much rather have him with Autism

than another medical issue like Mumps or worse. Those are just my

thoughts on the subject.


> [] autism


> among other " real " possible causes of autism,(not TV)- I have heard

> that immunizations have been in question.

> Just wondered- what ever happened with the story of the " Mercury

> Bandit " . Does anyone know if they found out who??

> Came across this story again while people on this board were

> discussing the flu vaccine.




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Ok than what a Polio another immunization. Hello Lifetime disease. I would

much rather have my autisc child than full blown Polio. Naural immunity for

colds Yes. So what now we don't immunize? Come on you think the CDC is out

kill all of us. Give me a break...

[] autism


> among other " real " possible causes of autism,(not TV)- I have heard

> that immunizations have been in question.

> Just wondered- what ever happened with the story of the " Mercury

> Bandit " . Does anyone know if they found out who??

> Came across this story again while people on this board were

> discussing the flu vaccine.




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No but I think they might be filled with ex

pharmacy people and goal is to get business for

their friends in the pharmacy business. I do not

think they are impartial. They may even be

getting a salary or other monetary rewards from


<http://www.wtop.com/index.php?nid=104 & sid=945193>

I do believe the pharmacy industry have become

like drug cartels, pushers and I think some of

them are white color criminals.

I think the polio vaccine is important but if it

has mercury in it I would not take it. I have

personal experience because my older sister had

polio at age five and one leg is not functional.

However she has had full life, did fantastic in

college, got an high paying executive job, got

married, had two beautiful and smart kids, has

beautiful home, she and her husband are quite

wealthy now, vacations in nicest of place.

Hardly the life any autistic kid would ever have.

-- renee <rzornrn@...> wrote:

> Ok than what a Polio another immunization.

> Hello Lifetime disease. I would much rather

> have

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