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As I've always posted here we had to supplement the carnosine/carn-

aware for my son Tanner on an on and off basis. I don't know why.

We used to mix the carn-aware with the pure carnosine powder to kee

the costs on, so I agree with Kerri on that point. (2 cents we wish


One funny point about this is that I have a child that at that point

was eating fish oil off a spoon every day -but if he saw the white

powder of the carnosine/carn-aware he wouldn't eat his food. What's

funny about that? It had no smell or flavor and if I mixed it in

well enough he had no idea it was there!

We have not used carnosine or carn-aware for at least a year.

What I've seen on each supplement (an old archived message up on

Speechville now)


My experience with Carnosine and Carn-aware


Tanner's story



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We also got wows from lipo glutathione, which we started after

starting carnaware (and the kids are still on the glut).

, have you tried carnosine with Dakota? You've mentioned his

attention problems, so I'm wondering if it would have an effect on adhd.



> As I've always posted here we had to supplement the carnosine/carn-

> aware for my son Tanner on an on and off basis. I don't know why.

> We used to mix the carn-aware with the pure carnosine powder to kee

> the costs on, so I agree with Kerri on that point. (2 cents we wish

> right?!)


> One funny point about this is that I have a child that at that point

> was eating fish oil off a spoon every day -but if he saw the white

> powder of the carnosine/carn-aware he wouldn't eat his food. What's

> funny about that? It had no smell or flavor and if I mixed it in

> well enough he had no idea it was there!


> We have not used carnosine or carn-aware for at least a year.


> What I've seen on each supplement (an old archived message up on

> Speechville now)

> http://www.speech-express.com/alternative-therapy/efa-faqs.html


> My experience with Carnosine and Carn-aware

> http://www.speech-express.com/alternative-therapy/carnosine.html


> Tanner's story

> http://www.cherab.org/information/familiesrelate/letter.html


> =====


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does anyone get blood levels before giving these enzymes and supplements or do

most just do trial and error?


Jeff <kerripat@...> wrote:


Of the things we have tried so far, I have to say that Carn-Aware

has not been one of our " favorites " . No bad side effects or

anything, we just didn't notice any " wow " results, and it's pretty

darn expensive. However, we only went up to 2 per day, and I've

heard of other people using 4 per day. I may try it again at the

higher dose someday.

Just a note: Carn-Aware is a blend of L-carnosine, zinc and vitamin

E. Vitamin E is supposed to be good for neurological issues (and

it's in Pro-EFA and Omega 3-6-9) and zinc is another common

supplement our kids need. So I'm not sure if it's maybe the

formulation that helps? Or just the carnosine? You can get just

plain carnosine for way cheaper, and I was thinking about trying

that, if there's a next time.

Other things that have helped us: Pro-EFA (wow!), Pro-EPA, GFCF

diet, lipoceutical glutathione (wow!), epsom salt baths. Next up:

ViraStop enzymes and Olive leaf extract to battle virus issues.

My 2 cents,



> Would those of you who have used carnosine please post your

> experiences with it? I've used it before in both my kids and saw


> gains, but stopped after 9 months (and they didn't lose any


> Now my son is older and he is having problems with attention and

> auditory processing in school. I'm wondering if carnosine might


> these issues. I've read Dr. Chez's studies, but I'd like to hear


> you have seen too.


> thanks very much,



> p.s. I'm sorry if this is off-topic. I know that carnosine is


> for apraxia, so I thought some of you may have seen an effect on


> issues. thanks.

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I did do a nutritional analysis (bloodwork) before starting

supplements, so I knew what vitamins, minerals and aminos my children

were low on, and I knew they were low on omega 3 fatty acids and

glutathione. There isn't a test that indicates a need for carnosine to

my knowledge. I give enzymes because a stool test indicated that my

children don't produce enough digestive enzymes.

> >

> > Would those of you who have used carnosine please post your

> > experiences with it? I've used it before in both my kids and saw

> good

> > gains, but stopped after 9 months (and they didn't lose any

> skills).

> > Now my son is older and he is having problems with attention and

> > auditory processing in school. I'm wondering if carnosine might

> help

> > these issues. I've read Dr. Chez's studies, but I'd like to hear

> what

> > you have seen too.

> >

> > thanks very much,

> >

> >

> > p.s. I'm sorry if this is off-topic. I know that carnosine is

> useful

> > for apraxia, so I thought some of you may have seen an effect on

> other

> > issues. thanks.


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may want to keep an open mind regarding blood testing as the

way to know correct levels of Omegas at least.

(and to date still have not done blood testing on either of my boys)

The following archive may answer why*

*Dr. AJ who I speak of below is now behind www.durhamtrial.org

From: " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...>

Date: Sat May 14, 2005 7:05 am

Subject: Re: Re-adding Pro-EFA kiddietalk

Hi Laurel,

When the MD diagnosed Evan as " Receptive-Expressive Language

Disorder " what methods were used for testing to know there

were " receptive " delays in addition to expressive delays? Does Evan

(on the oils at least) know how to follow 2 and 3 part commands

like " go get your teddy and bring him to me " or " grab your sneakers

and your sweater and hurry to the car or we are going to be late! "

I like to give children the benefit of the doubt and 'not' use the

word " receptive " or " cognitive " delayed -unless you seek second

opinions and know for sure. Those words easily change over the

years -and 'not' for the better. Know if they are correct to use

right from the start -and make sure that only nonverbal testing is

used for verbal disabled children or it's a violation of their civil

rights and can be filed as a complaint with the Office of Civil


(Please let me know if any of you are at that point lisa@... )

Laurel once a child is up to two capsules of ProEFA, there are no

reasons I know of not to go back to the two capsules if you stop and

want to start again. Perhaps your child however has special dietary

needs you are following from an MD. Just curious too. Does your

child's MD know that each time he diagnosed your child it differed

depending upon whether he was on the oil therapy? That is what is

always posted here -a child on the oils will no longer present all

the symptoms of his or her diagnosis. Apraxic children for example

no longer fit the classic profile of apraxia....but doesn't mean

they no longer need speech therapy! The oils just help to

accelerate the progress.

One or two capsules of ProEFA (fish and borage oil with a 5/1 ratio

of Omega 3/DHA and EPA, over the Omega 6/GLA) are

considered " extremely conservative dosages of fish oils " by all the

professionals that spoke at the First Apraxia Conference


To give you an idea -one capsule of ProEFA is about equivalent to

the dosage the FDA approved for infant formula.

When we began fish oil therapy through CHERAB, we had hundreds of

members that all knew each other and knew each other's children.

Were there some that did blood analysis and waited to begin EFAs

until after a host of other complicated nutritional supplements were

given to the child? Yes. And in those cases there was a 50%

success rate of the other stuff working. For those of us however

that 'just gave the child fish oils " we had closer to a 90% success


One exception to this...If EFAs 'don't' work -which is the rare

situation from what we've seen anyway -then perhaps that child needs

other supplements to help digest the essential fatty acids properly.

There's a very old expression " The Proof Is In The Pudding " which I

love. If you try EFAs and they work...then that's all you need to

know unless they don't work, or work well enough.

As I posted once -I was standing next to Suzanne Smolyar who went

the blood analysis route for her 5 year old daughter 'after'

the ProEFA worked for her. Suzanne was talking to Dr. AJ

about her daughter's blood analysis results. I said excuse me to

both and asked " Dr. , if it was your child who is a child

like those of ours in this group with a speech impairment or ADHD or

whatever -and not for research, would you do blood analysis before

you supplemented with fish oil...or...would you just supplement your

child with the fish oils? " She (again) made a face like " you're

kidding, right? " squinting her eyes a bit with a smile and said " I'd

just give him the fish oils. "

Here's just one of many articles about the most recent study on EFAs

that Dr. AJ who spoke at the First Apraxia Conference was


Can fish oil supplements really boost your brain power? Get the



And...here's just one archive below as to why I'm not a huge

believer in blood analysis. It obviously has some major flaws due

to the blood brain barrier.

This story again was based on a time when we all knew each other in

person as a large group from mainly 1999 to 2003. When people post

here you don't know what's the reality for the group -you do when

you all know each other in person as a group.

~~~~~~~~~~~start of archive

Unless we understand what is going on in our children and can make

sure there is proper diagnosis/therapies for each -which we don't -

and we understand what all the many various supplements are doing to

help or not help, I'm not a huge believer of blood analysis for

neurological conditions. This is why I choose to stick to those

therapies/treatments/supplements I know are benign. I will add to

that -unless there are medical reasons.

My reasons on the blood analysis stem from EFAs due to another

scientist/mathematician/mom in our group -former CHERAB VP Suzanne

Smolyar who is now attending medical school to study EFAs due to her

daughter 's amazing reactions on EFAs.

" From: Suzanne Smolyar

Date: Wed Mar 21, 2001 2:36 pm

Subject: RE: [ ] progress

Hi Gloria,

I wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel. Last night at the

table, 's brother (Ari 6.8) began to speak while was

trying to say something, so she looked at Ari and said in a loud and

affirmative tone " Shut up Ari, Shut up " . We were so excited and

overjoyed at her using that phrase - we forgot to explain to her

that it was inappropriate to use at the table and to her family

members. We just thought it was golden -just like you did.

Here is some background from one of my previous posts that will tell

you why this is so exciting .

" I am a mother of a beautiful 5-year-old girl, . Since the

time she was about 11 mo old - I had a feeling that something was

wrong with fine motor, gross motor and of course speech. Through

the past 4 years, I have gone to numerous neurologists, best in the

field, I must add. We have gone non-stop to therapy with ,

but the progress was painfully slow. did not speak- making

it nearly impossible for us to communicate with her. Everyday at

night I would kiss , and standing over her head I would

say, " please start talking tomorrow " - subliminal messages - hoping

they'd work.

To no avail, my child was just not talking. Therapy helped, but

progress was limited. I don't want to continue with this sob-story,

as you probably all understand the fear and frustration in parents

and the child as well.

After becoming involved with

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