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Hi Judi,

I can't believe Sam and are almost ready to start school!

You can let the rest of us moms with younger ones know what to expect

with transition. Will they be able to be in the same class? What type

of program is available in Texas? Here in South Carolina, they can go a

half day when they turn three. There isn't any mainstreaming at that

age here. I know that we are almost two years away but as fast as this

year went, it will be here before I know it.I've been meaning to e-mail

you and tell you how right you were when you said that going on the

baby food was just as expensive as formula.Landon will eat three jars a

meal.I'm scared to give him a lot of table food because he doesn't have

but two teeth and I am afraid he will choke. How long did the boys stay

on the baby food? Ashton does eat some table food but her oral motor

skills are so much better and she has more teeth. Glad to see you on

the list.

Judi Grossman

<judig2@... wrote:

> From: Judi Grossman <judig2@...>


> Hi Everybody! I'm Judi, Mom to Sam & . They

> are identical

> twins. They are 2 yrs 8mos old and they both have

> down syndrome. I'm

> really glad Sara started this list! My husband

> belongs to the DS

> List-Serv and Specpar (a list for mulitples with

> disabilities). He's

> good about passing interesting stuff on to me. I

> have a question for

> - Are you the Mom of the twins that Sara has on

> the BIDS Page? If

> so, we have LOTS in common. When I read your story,

> it was almost

> exactly like what S & P went thru, except they're

> identical. They were

> born at 26.5 wks. Sam spent 16 weeks in NICU.

> spent 18 weeks.

> I could go on-and-on about their hospital stay, but

> here's the

> highlights: Sam weighed 2lbs 7oz, weighed

> 2lbs 4oz. They were

> in resp. distress so they were intubated

> immediately. was on

> the vent for about 2 weeks. He had surgery at 8

> days to close his

> Patent Ductus Artery and came off the vent shortly

> afterward. Sam had

> the same thing, but with a twist, he also has a

> coarctation of the

> aorta (a narrowing where the aorta meets the heart).

> His PDA had to

> stay open so he got enough blood flow to his

> extremeties. That meant a

> longer vent stay. He came off about 5weeks after he

> was born. In the

> interim, Sam had pneumonia, sepsis, yeast infection,

> and just about

> anything else you could think of! When they were 3

> days shy of their 1

> month birthday, we got their diagnosis of DS. Sam

> had some stuff going

> on with his liver that wasn't consistent w/preemies

> & suggested

> chromosomal abnormalities. Needless to say we were

> in shock. The

> method in which the Dr gave us the diagnosis left a

> lot to be desired,

> that can be a topic for a later post! The NICU

> support staff at Baylor

> University Medical Center is great. They were

> always there for us. We

> got lots of info from them regarding support groups,

> etc, which I

> contacted right away. In the meantime, day-to-day

> existence was rocky

> for both boys and that's what we concentrated on,

> getting them healthy

> and home. We would (and have) deal with the DS

> issues when we got them

> home. Thankfully, neither boy had any of the

> traditional heart defects

> or digestive stuff typical with DS kids. All of

> their medical issues

> were due to their extreme prematurity. Anyway, it

> was one step

> forward, a couple back, but they continued to gain

> weight and make

> progress. It was a long haul. At about what would

> have been 37 wks

> gestation, we started to try to feed them w/a

> bottle. They had been

> bolus fed w/an ng tube. Due to low tone, and having

> to learn how to

> breath,suck & swallow it was a struggle, but

> eventually they caught on.

> At about this time, had symptoms of a

> stomach virus. After

> several bouts and lots of tests, it was determined

> that he had a

> condition called malrotation of the intestines. His

> digestive system

> never fully implanted itself into his abdominal

> cavity & his intestines

> were free floating and twisting. He had surgery to

> correct this and

> came home 2 weeks later. I was extremely lucky that

> I was able to work

> from home and have a babysitter come to my house to

> watch them the one

> day a week I did go in. That first year they were

> home, we didn't take

> them anywhere - not to church, not to the grocery

> store, or mall. Just

> to Dr's office & occasionally to Grandparents houses

> if no other kids

> were going to be there. Also, the first 2 winters

> we did

> Respigam/Synagis - kind of a vacine for RSV that

> they give to preemies

> w/lung damage. Right now, they are happy and

> healthy and making all

> kinds of progress. They are EXTREMELY social and go

> to mothers-day-out

> 2 mornings a week. We are starting to transition to

> school and have

> our first meeting to see a classroom in action in 2

> weeks. I have

> mixed emotions about this. On the one hand I'm

> excited but on the

> other starting school sounds like they are growing

> up too fast! Well,

> this post is way too long. Wanted to say Hi! Look

> forward to

> networking with you all!


> Judi - Mom to Sam & 2yr/8mos, identical

> twins/DS


> __________________________________________________


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Hey ! Good to hear from you! We have our first " tour " of a

classroom next week. Beyond that, I don't know! I think it's 1/2 days

until they are 5 then I've heard some kids go 1/2 days to PPCD then 1/2

days to regular kindergarten. As far as them both being in the same

class, I don't know if that's an option or not. I don't know if they

have several classes. My preference is to leave them together until

they are a little older. They really seem to suffer lately from

separation anxiety when they are apart! Will let you know how it goes!



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  • 4 months later...

>Hi list, I am a new member. I would like to introduce myself. My name is

>Lulu and I live in Venezuela. I became interested in soap making and found

>three recipes I tried, but I guess something went wrong. Let me tell you so

>you can explain to me what I did wrong.

>Number 1: 16 oz combined oils (I used olive and sun flower)

> 8 oz cold milk

> 2.2 oz lye

> 0.5 oz honey and roses eo


>Number 2: 16 oz combined oils (I used soy and olive)

> 6 oz cold water

> 2.2 oz lye

> 0.5 oz Sandalwood eo


>Number 3: 16 oz pure soy oil

> 6 oz strong brew chamomile tea

> 2.2 oz lye

> 1/2 cup oatmeal (at trace)


It looks like you have a lye problem. Did you run your recipes through the

lye calculator? You should always run a recipe through the calculator, even

if it was given to you by someone else. Since you are using different base

oils in each recipe, your lye amounts should change and according to your

recipes the amounts are the same.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Oxygen can be both a radical or a scavenger, depending on whether

it has a positive or negative charge. Charged positively, it is a

radical; negatively, a scavenger. Drinking H2O2 is drinking lots

of radical scavengers, not radicals. But the radical/scavenger

story is not complete there.

With the exception, I believe, of negatively charged hydrogen

ions, all free radical scavengers become a free radical as soon

as they scavenge a radical. What happens is this: when vit C

scavenges a radical it becomes one, but not as bad a one as it

scavenged. Then Vit A will scavenge that & the result is an even

weaker radical, etc. -- then on & on.

I get the order mixed up, but that is the principle. Go ahead &

drink H2O2 in water. The only important thing is to dilution. At

35% for food grade, 12-25 drops in a glass of water 2-3 times a

day. For cancer, up to 75 drops in a glass -- if you can drink

it. I can't get past 12 drops in a glass due to the taste.

jim :)

Falk wrote:

> From: Falk <lovetree@...>


> Hi,

> My name is , and I am new to the list. I have an organic

> sheep

> farm...I have been using H2O2 in my livestocks' drinking water

> for the

> past couple of years for various reasons (parasite control and

> abortion

> agent control and general well being)... I have wanted to try

> H2O2 on

> myself since I am also a severe asthmatic..but...I have been

> leary

> because I was told that consuming H2O2 was the equivalent of

> consuming

> large amounts of oxygen scavenging free radicals.

> I do not know enough about the topic to make a decision, could

> someone

> please either recommend some ggod material so that I can read

> up on this

> ...or can someone /s give me input on this subject.

> Thanks much,


> at LoveTree


> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> [

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You know, people are afraid sometimes of oxygen because of free radicals,

but here is a good story.

My wife's mother was going to have surgery last year for lymphatic cancer in

the throat. We had 2 weeks to do

something for her. We put her on Vit. O, Essiac tea, grapeseed extract,

and within 2 weeks the swelling had gone

down tremendously. The doctor went ahead and did the surgery - he almost

didn't - and said that it was just inflammation even though they had

verified it was cancer earlier with tests.

Later, my wife's uncle was terminal from a lung cancer with a survival rate

of zero. The doctor wanted him

to get on Beta Glucan but only had a weak formula of it - 2 or 3 mg. We put

him on Vit. O, Essiac tea, Beta Glucan 425 mg, 6 caps a day, and a multiple,

and to make a long story short, the man is in total remission now. The

doctors are amazed.

All this increases my belief in the power of nutrition and the body's God

given healing power.

> Oxygen can be both a radical or a scavenger, depending on whether

> it has a positive or negative charge. Charged positively, it is a

> radical; negatively, a scavenger. Drinking H2O2 is drinking lots

> of radical scavengers, not radicals. But the radical/scavenger

> story is not complete there.


> With the exception, I believe, of negatively charged hydrogen

> ions, all free radical scavengers become a free radical as soon

> as they scavenge a radical. What happens is this: when vit C

> scavenges a radical it becomes one, but not as bad a one as it

> scavenged. Then Vit A will scavenge that & the result is an even

> weaker radical, etc. -- then on & on.


> I get the order mixed up, but that is the principle. Go ahead &

> drink H2O2 in water. The only important thing is to dilution. At

> 35% for food grade, 12-25 drops in a glass of water 2-3 times a

> day. For cancer, up to 75 drops in a glass -- if you can drink

> it. I can't get past 12 drops in a glass due to the taste.


> jim :)

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  • 11 months later...

HI Kristie:

Welcome to the list. You will find on this list quite a number of parents

of very young children with OCD and often other alphabet soup. They are

often involved as co-therapist and even primary therapist for their child

as it can be hard to find CBT therapists who can customize treatment to

young kids. You might want to get some books aimed at this audience. Our

list docs (Dr. Tamar Chansky & Dr. Aureen Pinto Wagner) have written two

excellent ones and the March and Mulle book describes the state-of-the-art

treatment for OCD in children and adolescents.

Early intervention holds very strong promise for our kids. I think our son

was suffering some symptoms from a pretty young age, but we only figured it

out when he was 10. Good for you getting help early, this is the best

approach. Dr. Foa told me that children treated correctly with E & RP

(exposure and response prevention) do not relapse, unlike adults. Take

care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 05:11 PM 01/28/2001 -0000, you wrote:


>My name is Kristie, and my 4 year old son has been diagnosed with

>OCD. We, and the doctors are having a hard time with him because he

>doesn't really understand what he's doing, and can't verbalize why

>he's doing it. They wanted to start behavior therapy, but think he

>might be too young for that. His symptoms just started about 4 months

>ago and he ahs really gone downhill fast. It's very sad, and hard for

>my husband and I to watch this sweet little boy struggle!

>I was so excited to find these boards! I look forward to meeting and

>talking with all of you!




>Kristie :o)


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Hi Kristie and welcome to the list. My daughter also had an abrupt onset of

OCD at age four. Since your son is so young, and he had a sudden onset, you

may want to consider that his OCD is infection-caused. This is called

PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with

streptococcal infection.) There is a good article explaining PANDAS

accessable from the site.

You wrote:

> We, and the doctors are having a hard time with him because he

> doesn't really understand what he's doing, and can't verbalize why

> he's doing it. They wanted to start behavior therapy, but think he

> might be too young for that.

It's not that important IMO that your child is able to say why he's doing

compulsions to benefit from Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Can he indicate

that he doesn't like them, doesn't want to do them, that they are yucky and

bad? My child (just turned 7) has had good success with Exposure and

Response Prevention therapy (a type of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the only

type of therapy which reduces OCD symptoms.) Unfortunately she's had only

me as her therapist since no one in my area was prepared to treat such a

young child. It's true very young ones may not get the " cognitive " part of

this therapy, but in our experience this does not hinder getting better very

much. E & RP has been at least as important as medication in my daughter's


> His symptoms just started about 4 months

> ago and he ahs really gone downhill fast. It's very sad, and hard for

> my husband and I to watch this sweet little boy struggle!

I will never forget the bewilderment I felt when my formerly bright,

outgoing, had-the-world-by-the-tail daughter was suddenly so sick and

miserable with bad thoughts and bad things she had to do. Four-year-olds

look to Mom and Dad to fix things and I felt utterly powerless against OCD.

It's been a long two years of treatment, but she is so much better than I

ever thought she could be. I encourage you to consider E & RP for your son.

(But don't waste your time with other forms of therapy--talking, art, play,

etc.--as these will not reduce symptoms.)

> I was so excited to find these boards! I look forward to meeting and

> talking with all of you!

Welcome aboard Kristie! I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Kathy R in Indiana

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Hi Kristie,

I have a 41/2 year old daughter who was diagnosed with OCD in November.

We were so blessed to find a therapist who specialized in OCD. She also was

a little apprehensive about doing CBT/E & RP with such a young child but said

she was willing to try. Thank goodness, because my daughter is doing

wonderful.We have also been fortunate that we have been successful without

the use of medication. I guess what I'm trying to say is although I realize

all children are different, I know first hand that CBT/E & RP can work on a 4

year old. Hang in there Kristie, you are on the right track. This list has

been my lifeline over the last few months. I have also read several of the

books that have been recommended by some of the parents on the list and they

have all been very helpful.

Take care,



> Hi,

> My name is Kristie, and my 4 year old son has been diagnosed with

> OCD. We, and the doctors are having a hard time with him because he

> doesn't really understand what he's doing, and can't verbalize why

> he's doing it. They wanted to start behavior therapy, but think he

> might be too young for that. His symptoms just started about 4 months

> ago and he ahs really gone downhill fast. It's very sad, and hard for

> my husband and I to watch this sweet little boy struggle!

> I was so excited to find these boards! I look forward to meeting and

> talking with all of you!


> Blessings,


> Kristie :o)




> You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In

the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. You may

subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe . You may access the

files, bookmarks, and archives for our list at

. Our list advisors are

Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., and Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D. Our list moderators

are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy ,

and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or suggestions may be addressed to

Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .




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  • 1 year later...

Well Jess, we've been

freezin our buts off here in the Bay Area of California - even the horses

are wearing their jackets! The sheep have there wool on! We

have snow on all the foothills around us - been there all week!

We are going strong

on Zapper BBS Board - come join us! Glad to see your Dr Seuss quote!

We just watched a couple of his stories on DVD last night and say interviews

with him and his wife and all voices and animators - very cool!

Well stay dry and

warm and I will try and do the same!



Happy February - Happy Hearts Day!

icdjes wrote:

Goodness, where has everyone gone? I knew the other

msg. boards have

dried up, but now it seems this one is as well... come one guys...

get posting!!!

I hope everyone is doing well... maybe it's the weather... been like

spring here on east coast... perhaps you're all outdoors... but not

today... nasty & rainy here today... not that we can't use the


but it's not raining hard enough to do any good.

Hope to hear from you all soon... be well!

JES :) in NJ...

God Bless America

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells ~ Dr. Seuss

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ZapperUK is still here althrough the web master is in hospital at the moment and comes out today after having a new defib fitted so he will be back real soon.

Thsi is his daughter here hope you all keep well and enjoy the snow we have rain here and gales that came form the states can you not keep this weather your side ~S~

Keep well

icdjes <Naojeca@...> wrote: Goodness, where has everyone gone? I knew the other msg. boards have dried up, but now it seems this one is as well... come one guys... get posting!!! I hope everyone is doing well... maybe it's the weather... been like spring here on east coast... perhaps you're all outdoors... but not today... nasty & rainy here today... not that we can't use the rain, but it's not raining hard enough to do any good.Hope to hear from you all soon... be well!JES :) in NJ...God Bless AmericaI like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells ~ Dr. SeussPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Dear Jes, I am here but have not been 100% up to par. My little Willie has

been doing his job. No matter how long I have it or how good I seem to be

doing when Willie shocks me I seem to go back to square one and get the great

depression. I think I am doing better handling things than before but it

still drops me back to zero for a while.

I live in Ohio and Did go up to Sandusky (about two hours from my house) last

Saturday with a friend and we took all the dogs (3). We walked the beach and

played with the dogs all day. Toby the golden retriever decided to take a

swim several different times and was in his glory. Chance went in up to his

belly and the pup just got his feet wet (other two are wire fox


Spent last Monday evening in the ER. My daughter called and the baby

(8weeks) was having some breathing problems thank God she didn't tell me till

we got there that Jessie had stopped breathing at home for a few seconds I

was a basket case as it was. All is fineand she is doing well. It seems she

had a stuffy nose and Donie used a bulb syringe to clear her little nose and

when she did Jessie choked up a thus no breath. Scared the begees out of all

of us/

Has anyone heard from Bill we all need a bit of his humor.


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We try to keep those winds here, but sometimes they just can't be

controlled, what can I say? <grin>

Hope ZapperUK is doing well... when I had mine replaced 3+ yrs ago I

was amazed to find how sime it was compared to original implant...

we'll keep looking for him to get back online, which shouldn't be

long... Thank-you for letting us know.


God Bless America

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells ~ Dr. Seuss

Goodness, where has everyone gone? I

knew the other msg. boards have

> dried up, but now it seems this one is as well... come one guys...

> get posting!!!


> I hope everyone is doing well... maybe it's the weather... been


> spring here on east coast... perhaps you're all outdoors... but not

> today... nasty & rainy here today... not that we can't use the


> but it's not raining hard enough to do any good.


> Hope to hear from you all soon... be well!


> JES :) in NJ...

> God Bless America

> I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells ~ Dr. Seuss




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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hello everyone,

Anya, I appreciate the invitation! This is going to be a GREAT group - so

many respected names, and so many who already know each other. I especially

like the emphasis on safety. I already have a question: I have some Tonka

Bean abs. It is in a crystalline state at room temp. What is the best way

to work with this substance?.....now to go see about the Yuzu absolute....


Scentgarden Aromatherapy

...fine essential oils & botanically based

products to enhance your health and well-being...


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Hi ,

When we are working with absolutes and resinoids in perfumery labs, which

are solids or very viscous liquids, we invariably put them on a temperature

controlled hot-plate to make them mobile enough to pour out or weigh out. In

these days of acute safety awareness, we obviously have to lay down codes of

conduct for staff using hotplates to avoid burns, accidents etc. In

alcoholic perfumery, you might find that many perfumers would use a strong

Tincture or alcoholic solution of the stuff (perhaps tincture isn't quite

the right word, but you get my drift).

Have fun,


> Hello everyone,

> Anya, I appreciate the invitation! This is going to be a GREAT group - so

> many respected names, and so many who already know each other. I


> like the emphasis on safety. I already have a question: I have some


> Bean abs. It is in a crystalline state at room temp. What is the best


> to work with this substance?.....now to go see about the Yuzu absolute....


> Boyles

> Scentgarden Aromatherapy

> ..fine essential oils & botanically based

> products to enhance your health and well-being...

> www.scentgarden.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome back to BFL and to our group ! Good luck to you!



hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking out some

great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share info with other

women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i needed to get reintroduced

to portion control..lol)..this is my second time around,am way more serious this

time..i hit 40 2 summers ago and promised myself not to spent another more year

with fluff( i like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure

this fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i hope

to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen


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Hi ! Great to have you here.



> hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking

out some great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share

info with other women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i

needed to get reintroduced to portion control..lol)..this is my

second time around,am way more serious this time..i hit 40 2 summers

ago and promised myself not to spent another more year with fluff( i

like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure this

fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i

hope to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen




> ---------------------------------


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Welcome and good luck ridding yourself of the dreaded " fluff " !



hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking out some

great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share info with other

women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i needed to get reintroduced

to portion control..lol)..this is my second time around,am way more serious this

time..i hit 40 2 summers ago and promised myself not to spent another more year

with fluff( i like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure

this fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i hope

to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen


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Guest guest

Welcome! I'm new here too and have found this group to be

wonderfully, supportive and helpful with lots of knowledge to share.

One thing I've noticed (I'm only on week 1, day 5) is that I have had

to retrain my body (or brain) to realize when I'm actually " full "

vs. " overstuffed " . The 6 meals a day is helping, but those first few

days were a struggle.



> hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking

out some great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share

info with other women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i

needed to get reintroduced to portion control..lol)..this is my

second time around,am way more serious this time..i hit 40 2 summers

ago and promised myself not to spent another more year with fluff( i

like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure this

fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i

hope to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen




> ---------------------------------


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Guest guest


> hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking out some

great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share info with other

women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i needed to get reintroduced

to portion control..lol)..this is my second time around,am way more serious this

time..i hit 40 2 summers ago and promised myself not to spent another more year

with fluff( i like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure

this fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i hope

to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen

Welcome to the group, :)


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Welcome Colleen, , !! I think I got 'em all. It's hard

for me to keep up with the posts, especially with two wild ones

running circles around me.

My only advice for new BFL's is not to get too frantic. Read the

book at least twice to get an idea of what you're doing. Don't give

up! There are many supportive women here who are ready to push you

over and beyond the abyss!

By the way, if you switch the 'a' in ABYSS to after the 'y', don't

you say good 'by' to your 'a*s'????


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Guest guest

LMAO! (and saying 'by' to it too!)



> By the way, if you switch the 'a' in ABYSS to after the 'y', don't

> you say good 'by' to your 'a*s'????


> Jana

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I had that problem too, but I actually got the hang of it fairly fast (I'm in

C1W9D4) - so meaning a couple of weeks or so. Prior to BFL I was big on fast

food, so would have one or two big, junky meals a day, of course feeling so

stuffed afterwards. It was really strange not to have that overstuffed feeling

after eating and it felt like I was still hungry. I read a quote somewhere

recently, I forget where now, that said one of the keys to weight loss is to

" never be hungry and never be full " - which pretty much what it all comes down

to for me. Of course I conveniently forget this on free day though! :)


Re: hi!

Welcome! I'm new here too and have found this group to be

wonderfully, supportive and helpful with lots of knowledge to share.

One thing I've noticed (I'm only on week 1, day 5) is that I have had

to retrain my body (or brain) to realize when I'm actually " full "

vs. " overstuffed " . The 6 meals a day is helping, but those first few

days were a struggle.



> hi to my fellow blf'ers!.i joined this club y/day after checking

out some great sites for women and thought it would be fun to share

info with other women.i'm in week 2 and going well (after realizing i

needed to get reintroduced to portion control..lol)..this is my

second time around,am way more serious this time..i hit 40 2 summers

ago and promised myself not to spent another more year with fluff( i

like to call it that,:) )i am going to get a calipier to measure this

fluff, i think that will give me a better idea what i have going on.i

hope to add as much as i can here. look forward to sharing! karen




> ---------------------------------


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Joann!

I saw your note on the other board - thanks for taking the time to view my

pictures! I am so glad I finally posted them. As I move in on my goal I think

this will help me to feel accountable! Glad you are enjoying a bit of relative

peace in your household. Did the twins manage to stay clothed throughout the

summer? I am jealous of all you people who's kids are already back to school.

My oldest daughter doesn't start kindergarten until Sept 4 and then it's 2 weeks

of 1/2 days. Then on Sept. 16 she starts full days. The youngest one starts

pre-school on Sept 16... then I too will have a bit of calm!



Hello all~just thought I'd pop in here a bit today and see how

everyone is doing and let you all know what I have been up to.

Yesterday 3 of my kids went back to school. I can't believe how much

more quieter it is in the house with them gone all day [even though

my twins are still home the noise level is no where near what it

was]. My hubby has been on vacation this past week as well and he has

been keeping me quite busy with running around town with him so I

haven't been on the boards as much as I am usually. I am basicaly

living the lifestyle right now in maintanance mode, getting ready to

begin adding more muscle soon after I get the green light from coach

on my exercise form.

Anywho~I saw Park's pics yesterday and she is looking fantastic! All

of her hard work has really paid off. Just goes to show you what can

be accomplished if you put your mind to something. ;0)


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Hi Joann!

I saw your note on the other board - thanks for taking the time to view my

pictures! I am so glad I finally posted them. As I move in on my goal I think

this will help me to feel accountable! Glad you are enjoying a bit of relative

peace in your household. Did the twins manage to stay clothed throughout the

summer? I am jealous of all you people who's kids are already back to school.

My oldest daughter doesn't start kindergarten until Sept 4 and then it's 2 weeks

of 1/2 days. Then on Sept. 16 she starts full days. The youngest one starts

pre-school on Sept 16... then I too will have a bit of calm!



Hello all~just thought I'd pop in here a bit today and see how

everyone is doing and let you all know what I have been up to.

Yesterday 3 of my kids went back to school. I can't believe how much

more quieter it is in the house with them gone all day [even though

my twins are still home the noise level is no where near what it

was]. My hubby has been on vacation this past week as well and he has

been keeping me quite busy with running around town with him so I

haven't been on the boards as much as I am usually. I am basicaly

living the lifestyle right now in maintanance mode, getting ready to

begin adding more muscle soon after I get the green light from coach

on my exercise form.

Anywho~I saw Park's pics yesterday and she is looking fantastic! All

of her hard work has really paid off. Just goes to show you what can

be accomplished if you put your mind to something. ;0)


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Well one of them just refused to stay dressed [Olivia, the dark

haired one..and she is usually the good one]so we started using

masking tape to keep the diapers on [so far so good] but now for the

last few days she is spiting her drinks out after she takes a sip

from her sipper cups.

My other twin has been pretty good latly according to her

standards ;0)

You will like the kids being in school it's a lot of fun for them and

plus you will be able to meet a lot of other moms as well.


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