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RE: A light bulb has gone off...

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Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I don't

have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just drink,


drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if there's

anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide when

I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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Bonnie I so totally agree with what you said about the longer we go with low

carbs in us, the worse it is, when we have them.

I'm not one that thinks fruit is bad, I personally just don't like it. Every

once in a great while I may have a banana, but that's about it. Well, unless

you include my Moms cherry pie...LOL As for bread, I love, love, love it,

but keep it out of my diet as much as I can. If I don't, it doesn't matter what

kind it is, LC, HC, whatever, I'll want to eat it all. So my sandwiches are

wrapped in lettuce if I have one. I have had the LC tortillas, and have to

keep them put of here too. I'd be making all sorts of stuff with them, way to


You can get the Lysine over the counter, isn't that right? I may give it a

try if this experiment doesn't work out. It sounds like you feel like I do. I

get stiff and walk like I'm 830 and make all these old people sounds...the

ones I remember my Grandparents making and now hear them from my parents...LOL

YIKES!!!! I'm far to young to be old!

Welcome to our accountability thread!

I have some errands to do, then my plan is the treadmill and breathing.

I hear ya on waiting for that financial breather {good way to put it!} We've

been having to help our daughter out with her finances for a few months now,

which makes it that much harder to get out of the hole caused by the

telecommunications fall a few years back. At least we can help her, so I'm OK


that. I was hoping to get started with the wraps but that will have to wait. I

can make my own, but they're they type that you have to cook, soak the wrap

and lay around. I hate doing those!

Love ya,


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I just use real Ranch dressing. It has a tiny amount of sugar, but I don't

think that bothers me. As for ketchup, I can live quite well without that.

I've tried a few of the LC condiments, but I just can't get used to them. I'm

with you on the salsa! I don't think I could live without it...

Love ya,


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I'm right there with ya, on not liking water! There are times when that is

all that will do, but as a rule...nope. I make a watered down pitcher of

Crystal Lite. It's to sweet for me and I figure that way, I am getting more


Yes, I know it has artificial sweetener in it that's not sposed to be good

for you. Personally, I haven't noticed any problems. I do allow myself 1 to 2

Diet Pepsis in the morning, then I go to coffee {apparently I make very weak

coffee. 3 scoops to 10 cups. I had no idea...LOL} I'll put 1/2 and 1/2 in

it with sugar free flavored syrups, then on to the CL drink. I know, I know, I

should drink LOTS more water...OK, maybe just drink water, but this is me.

When it's really hot out I do...LOL But living in Colorado, we don't get

really hot, cept maybe a few weeks a summer, maybe!

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OH Kiki,

I'm right there with you. I am struggling with the weakness of white! LOL

That is what I call it. Anything processed and white...like flour, sugar,

cookies, pizza etc. If I would just stay away from the white I would feel

wonderful. When I eat very low carb, and only good carb I feel like a new

woman! In fact, we are going to my favorite health food store today to pick up

my low-carb salad dressing and ketchup. It's an acquired taste, but once you

eat that way and you feel good it is so worth it. The problem is forcing myself

to do it!

So, let's fight the weakness of the white together! Want an accountability

partner? And if it's okay with the list we'll do it on the list so other's

might be motivated as well? I need some accountability! I am doing my

breathing and wrapping, so that part I have down...it's the other stuff!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least it's

SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2 small


4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I didn't sleep

well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very painful.

Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to think it


has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and allowing

any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good. I've never

had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about age,

changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of eating

that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if it really

does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I can't

go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed anything

like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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The longer I stay low carb, the more I notice " bad " effects when I indulge. I

don't know if it's because I'm getting older and thus more sensitive, or if

being free of carbs means that my body no longer handles them well.

That said, I do not notice an untoward effects from what I consider the good

carbs -- an apple doesn't upset me, or a slice of Ezekiel bread -- but popcorn

or regular white bread does me in. My husband also notices this. I've not

knowingly had white, processed sugar for years....

And back pain -- I am getting convinced that a lot of my back pain is a virus of

some sort -- it hits me for no discernible reason, and then it moves around my

back (typically starts lower back, away from my spine -- eventually ends up

around my neck). And I'm always " fighting a cold " at the time. I've been to

regular doctors for it and been given muscle relaxants (which do me absolutely

no good) and chiropractors (feels better for an hour or so, then returns) -- the

extreme pain usually lasts about 3 days (can't walk or straighten up, sort of

shuffle to wherever I need to go). I use lysine whenever I get even an inkling

of it starting up -- don't know if it helps but it seems to. I do know that my

back started acting up last week and that I was feeling slightly under the

weather -- upped my lysine, and I am just fine now -- never got a cold or

anything. In fact, I've not come down with much of anything for a while, and I

used to get some really bad, long-lasting colds....

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least it's

SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2 small rolls,

4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I didn't sleep

well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very painful.

Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to think it all

has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and allowing

any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good. I've never

had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about age, changing


and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and thoughts

and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of eating

that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if it really

does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I can't

go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed anything

like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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Kiki and Jenni,

Count me in!

Bread: Have either of you tried Ezekiel bread (found in the frozen section of

many health stores) -- it's a sprouted-grain, no-flour bread -- tastes great.

And even though it's about 12g carb per slice (I think -- I'm at work and can't

look at the wrapper right now!) it seems like a good-carb choice to me.

Salad dressing: regular ranch dressing is fairly low-carb. And my husband's bleu

cheese is quite low, too. I really don't think that paying for low-carb dressing

is all that important -- there are better money trade-offs (like better cuts of

meats and pricier vegetables!). I don't like the low-carb ketchup, have simply

gone over to putting salsa (which you can find fairly low carb) on foods (can

you tell I'm from Texas?).

Pizza: I make a " pizza " at home -- use lean ground beef for the crust, then

layer on all the toppings that we like. It's VERY filling, and quite tasty --

and takes care of my pizza cravings.

We simply don't have any of the " white stuff " in our house (except for sugar,

need it for the hummingbirds). When I bake cookies to send to my guys overseas,

I have to buy EVERYTHING -- then I send the left-over stuff home with one of my

kids who still eats that way.

Every so often I go to induction level eating -- but I really do not like eating

that way. I have problems with considering fruits and grains harmful! I just try

to make better choices (i.e., an apple rather than a banana, berries on my

" cereal " , etc.). I also like to add barley to soups....

Well, I'm doing the breathing, and I'm low-carbing -- but I still haven't

started the wrapping. Recently we staved off my oldest daughter's foreclosure,

then loaned my son a couple thousand while he's job hunting -- etc., etc. -- the

wraps have to wait until we get a financial breather (LOL!). Now if my youngest

passes her physical and gets into the Air Force, we'll have her college costs

eliminated!!!! (and she'll have spectacular benefits).


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

OH Kiki,

I'm right there with you. I am struggling with the weakness of white! LOL

That is what I call it. Anything processed and white...like flour, sugar,

cookies, pizza etc. If I would just stay away from the white I would feel

wonderful. When I eat very low carb, and only good carb I feel like a new

woman! In fact, we are going to my favorite health food store today to pick up

my low-carb salad dressing and ketchup. It's an acquired taste, but once you

eat that way and you feel good it is so worth it. The problem is forcing myself

to do it!

So, let's fight the weakness of the white together! Want an accountability

partner? And if it's okay with the list we'll do it on the list so other's

might be motivated as well? I need some accountability! I am doing my

breathing and wrapping, so that part I have down...it's the other stuff!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least it's

SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2 small


4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I didn't sleep

well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very painful.

Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to think it


has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and allowing

any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good. I've never

had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about age,

changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of eating

that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if it really

does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I can't

go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed anything

like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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Hi Bonnie,

I actually like the lo-carb salad dressing. I can't stand bleu cheese or ranch!

Ugh! My sweet husband loves the stuff so he doesn't have to substitute, lucky

guy. The ketchup isn't too bad either.

I've never heard of Ezekiel bread...will have to try it. How do you do the

hamburger pizza? I mean, doesn't the hamburger crumble? or do you make a firm

layer of it?

Welcome to our accountability thread. I think if one of us starts one each

morning and we only have one going it might not bother anyone who isn't

interested. We could label it low-carb accountability thread for dd/mm/ that

way we know which one we are to respond to.

hmmm who knows...maybe Santa will bring you a late gift LOL

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least it's

SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2 small


4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I didn't


well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very painful.

Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to think it


has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and allowing

any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid of


weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good. I've


had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about age,

changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of


that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if it


does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I can't

go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed anything

like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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O My gosh YES Kiki, I am eating a lot more protein and only 2 starches

and they are 35 calorie wheat bread , 3 vegetables and 3 fruits and 1

dairy and 1 fat and I feel SO much better! I lost 7 pounds in 3 and 1/2

weeks but was BAD ( sigh...) for a couple of days and gained it back! I

have back pain too but never associated it with carbs! Have you tried

yoga or stretching? That really helps me too. I am eating 1300 to

1400 calories a day which is a lot more than I have ever had on a diet

but it is working so on I go!! We can do this together can't we LL

buddies?? We already have some VERY successful buddies!! Hugs, Connie

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least


SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2 small


4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I didn't


well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very painful.

Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to

think it all

has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and


any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid

of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good. I've


had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about age,

changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today I


starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of


that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if it


does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I


go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed


like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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After all this talk of food I went downstairs to grab something to munch on.

Now trust me I looked...er...stared...er...drooled over the hohos in our bread

box...then went into the fridge and cut myself a nice sliced of turkey....with

nothing on it! And a bottle of water..no soda...although I did reach for the

soda first grrrrrrr *sigh* Old habits die hard you know?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I don't

have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just drink,


drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if


anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide when

I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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I just plain don't like drinking water! I force myself at times, but...

so what I do is make a pot of hot, herbal tea (my husband got me an insulated

pot for this) and keep it at my computer -- and not until I'm done with it do I

allow myself any (diet root beer) soda. I know that water purists will criticize

me for this, but -- I still manage to drink a lot of fluid!

One of the good things about eliminating processed sugar from your eating is

that, after a while, it no longer looks appetizing! So after a while of eating

your turkey, the hohos will not beckon!


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

After all this talk of food I went downstairs to grab something to munch on.

Now trust me I looked...er...stared...er...drooled over the hohos in our bread

box...then went into the fridge and cut myself a nice sliced of turkey....with

nothing on it! And a bottle of water..no soda...although I did reach for the

soda first grrrrrrr *sigh* Old habits die hard you know?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I don't

have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just drink,


drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if


anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide when

I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same as far

as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and some

days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense. I drink


coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water for

goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it apparently

doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on that!!!!


others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go for it.


DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make it sound

like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so sorry, I

think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho, I'm sure.

So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the moment,

in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of the


Love ya GF,


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Dear Jenni, I love that!! The weakness of the white, I have that too!

Can I be in the accountability too? Hugs, Connie

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

OH Kiki,

I'm right there with you. I am struggling with the weakness of white!

LOL That is what I call it. Anything processed and white...like flour,

sugar, cookies, pizza etc. If I would just stay away from the white I

would feel wonderful. When I eat very low carb, and only good carb I

feel like a new woman! In fact, we are going to my favorite health food

store today to pick up my low-carb salad dressing and ketchup. It's an

acquired taste, but once you eat that way and you feel good it is so

worth it. The problem is forcing myself to do it!

So, let's fight the weakness of the white together! Want an

accountability partner? And if it's okay with the list we'll do it on

the list so other's might be motivated as well? I need some

accountability! I am doing my breathing and wrapping, so that part I

have down...it's the other stuff!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least


SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2

small rolls,

4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I

didn't sleep

well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very


Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to

think it all

has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and


any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid

of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good.

I've never

had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about

age, changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today

I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of


that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if

it really

does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I


go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed


like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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Lysine is a very inexpensive, OTC supplement -- I think Wal-Mart carries a large

container (probably around 500 tabs) for approx. $5.00.

I think fruit is my biggest weakness -- although I would not be satisfied eating

only fruit, I sure would like to be able to eat it more frequently! And most any

kind! I try to be careful, and only eat berries in the morning, and occasionally

an apple/pear in the evening. Once in a while I just say the heck with it (and

eat an entire cantaloupe or pineapple or ...)!

And I agree, I'm not old enough yet to be OLD! I watch people (my age, even)

walk around all stiff -- and I make sure I do all my stretching and breathing

exercises religiously! I have to be careful going down stair steps (because of

my trifocals!), but otherwise I think that I still walk okay.... I can still

touch my palms to the floor, and I do leg stretches and back stretches... When I

was young, I took 13 years of dance, I think that I still have some of the

limberness from those workouts left.

I also like bread, but I can limit myself to a slice (well, most of the time).

Usually I toast a slice apiece for my husband and me when we're eating soup (a

winter-time staple in our house -- chicken/vegetable/barley soup tonight), then

put the rest of the loaf back in the freezer. Maybe because it's frozen and I

have to pull out the toaster to eat it makes it not so accessible?? I really

don't like the low-carb breads, most of them are quite tasteless. The low-carb

tortillas are okay, but I'm not wild about them either. What I like is a good,

dense, whole grain type bread ... freshly made, if possible. I have a bread

machine that I've seldom used, I think I need to come up with a good recipe for

that! In the meantime, I'll keep with the Ezekiel bread......


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie I so totally agree with what you said about the longer we go with low

carbs in us, the worse it is, when we have them.

I'm not one that thinks fruit is bad, I personally just don't like it. Every

once in a great while I may have a banana, but that's about it. Well, unless

you include my Moms cherry pie...LOL As for bread, I love, love, love it,

but keep it out of my diet as much as I can. If I don't, it doesn't matter what

kind it is, LC, HC, whatever, I'll want to eat it all. So my sandwiches are

wrapped in lettuce if I have one. I have had the LC tortillas, and have to

keep them put of here too. I'd be making all sorts of stuff with them, way to


You can get the Lysine over the counter, isn't that right? I may give it a

try if this experiment doesn't work out. It sounds like you feel like I do. I

get stiff and walk like I'm 830 and make all these old people sounds...the

ones I remember my Grandparents making and now hear them from my parents...LOL

YIKES!!!! I'm far to young to be old!

Welcome to our accountability thread!

I have some errands to do, then my plan is the treadmill and breathing.

I hear ya on waiting for that financial breather {good way to put it!} We've

been having to help our daughter out with her finances for a few months now,

which makes it that much harder to get out of the hole caused by the

telecommunications fall a few years back. At least we can help her, so I'm OK


that. I was hoping to get started with the wraps but that will have to wait. I

can make my own, but they're they type that you have to cook, soak the wrap

and lay around. I hate doing those!

Love ya,


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Well, I drink 2 (large) mugs of coffee every morning (with Splenda and half &

half). Then I drink a couple glasses of water with my vitamins. After that I

drink a full container of hot herbal tea (sweetened with Splenda) -- probably

5-6 cups in it. After that I feel free to " indulge " and drink many diet sodas!

I've heard all the negative stuff about not drinking pure water, but for the

life of me I can't understand why plain water along with food is better than a

flavored drink. What I mean is, you could take all the stuff out of my diet root

beer and compress it into a small tablet -- so if I ate the tablet and then

drank plain water it would be better for me? I'm not convinced!

A lot of people seem almost religious about their diet plans -- and any

deviation is viewed as a sin of immense proportions. I don't live that way, and

I don't want to live that way. I want to find an eating pattern that is

comfortable and that can occasionally be bent (like when my mother makes

pierogis), but still allow me to be healthy and lean....


Re: A light bulb has gone off...


I'm right there with ya, on not liking water! There are times when that is

all that will do, but as a rule...nope. I make a watered down pitcher of

Crystal Lite. It's to sweet for me and I figure that way, I am getting more


Yes, I know it has artificial sweetener in it that's not sposed to be good

for you. Personally, I haven't noticed any problems. I do allow myself 1 to 2

Diet Pepsis in the morning, then I go to coffee {apparently I make very weak

coffee. 3 scoops to 10 cups. I had no idea...LOL} I'll put 1/2 and 1/2 in

it with sugar free flavored syrups, then on to the CL drink. I know, I know, I

should drink LOTS more water...OK, maybe just drink water, but this is me.

When it's really hot out I do...LOL But living in Colorado, we don't get

really hot, cept maybe a few weeks a summer, maybe!

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You are so funny, Bonnie, I love your sense of humor. :-) Connie

Re: A light bulb has gone off...


I'm right there with ya, on not liking water! There are times when that


all that will do, but as a rule...nope. I make a watered down pitcher


Crystal Lite. It's to sweet for me and I figure that way, I am getting

more water.

Yes, I know it has artificial sweetener in it that's not sposed to be


for you. Personally, I haven't noticed any problems. I do allow myself

1 to 2

Diet Pepsis in the morning, then I go to coffee {apparently I make very


coffee. 3 scoops to 10 cups. I had no idea...LOL} I'll put 1/2 and

1/2 in

it with sugar free flavored syrups, then on to the CL drink. I know, I

know, I

should drink LOTS more water...OK, maybe just drink water, but this is


When it's really hot out I do...LOL But living in Colorado, we don't


really hot, cept maybe a few weeks a summer, maybe!

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Good for you Jenni! No Ho Ho's. So ya had the tators and gravy...I did that

last night. {You just wanna be like me, don't cha? ROFL!!!} I must

confess, I came thisclose to finishing the ones I made last night, but couldn't.


was strong and sent them down the drain and made the cauli instead. I'm trying

to keep our moto right there in front.

I didn't do so good at any kind of workout today, unless you count getting in

and out of the car and walking around the stores. It was somethin' I spose,

but not what I need to do. As Scarlette says...Tomorrows another day...{I

think it was her anyway...LOL}

Love and Blessings,


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I'm another one who needs the freedom to eat what I want. As a rule I really

don't eat all that much that's bad for me. And once I can get my tushie in

gear and not mess up, I'll get it off pretty fast and then I can and will eat

normal food. Bread if I want it, pie, cake HO HO's ;) whatever. But I don't

over do it and I usually don't want it cuz I know how I'll feel. This weight I

have and am fighting is from a lot of stress and depression. When I go down,

I don't do anything. Don't eat much still, just don't move. So here I am,

all fluffy and not able to get into any of the tons and tons of clothes I have.

I really had planned on it all being off by my birthday. That was almost 2

weeks ago and it didn't happen. I refuse to go into another spring being

fluffy!!! I REFUSE!!!!!

Give me protein and give me tiny clothes!!!!!

Love ya,


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Well, I still haven't eaten the hohos...but broke down when my sweet husband

made mashed potatoes and gravy.........it just went so well with the turkey!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I


have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just

drink, drink,

drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if


anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide


I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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I love water! I must drink about 10 bottles a day LOL It's funny, when I first

started drinking it I didn't care for it...but then I was a coca cola

aholic..........I would drink 10 cokes a day...seriously! Now I love water and

treat myself once a day to caffeine free coke. I actually only end up drinking

about 1/2 of it.

Teas are great! Especially the herb teas. You are getting so many more

benefits from them. And you are still getting your water...it's just flavored


with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...


I'm right there with ya, on not liking water! There are times when that is

all that will do, but as a rule...nope. I make a watered down pitcher of

Crystal Lite. It's to sweet for me and I figure that way, I am getting more


Yes, I know it has artificial sweetener in it that's not sposed to be good

for you. Personally, I haven't noticed any problems. I do allow myself 1 to


Diet Pepsis in the morning, then I go to coffee {apparently I make very weak

coffee. 3 scoops to 10 cups. I had no idea...LOL} I'll put 1/2 and 1/2 in

it with sugar free flavored syrups, then on to the CL drink. I know, I know,


should drink LOTS more water...OK, maybe just drink water, but this is me.

When it's really hot out I do...LOL But living in Colorado, we don't get

really hot, cept maybe a few weeks a summer, maybe!

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Of course dear one! Anyone can on the list. Maybe if we join together we'll be

that white!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

A light bulb has gone off...

After 2 whole days of NOT straying from my chosen way to eat {at least


SPOSED to be...LOL} last night I was weak, weak, weak!!!! I ate 2

small rolls,

4 cookies and some mashed potatoes with gravy. Not awful, but I

didn't sleep

well at all! This morning I'm tired, and my lower back is very


Instead of thinking something is wrong with it, I'm now starting to

think it all

has to do with the carbs. Those 2 days of not even messing up and


any thing that I know I can't eat to help be successful in getting rid

of the

weight I allowed to slip back on, I was feeling pretty darn good.

I've never

had this problem before so for the past year or so, I didn't make the

connection. I guess I need to believe people when they talk about

age, changing body,

and reactions to things that never bothered a person before. So today

I am

starting an experiment. I plan to keep it in the front of my mind and


and to NOT become weak again, and see if by getting back to the way of


that I do know works for me, high protein and very low, low carb, if

it really

does make the difference I think it does now. Wish me luck. I know I


go on any longer with this terrible pain.

I hope that all made some sort of sense. Has anyone else noticed


like this? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it...

Love and Blessings,


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Oh to only be able to eat one slice of bread....thinking guiltily of the hot

turkey sandwich we had for dinner. argh!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie I so totally agree with what you said about the longer we go with low

carbs in us, the worse it is, when we have them.

I'm not one that thinks fruit is bad, I personally just don't like it. Every

once in a great while I may have a banana, but that's about it. Well, unless

you include my Moms cherry pie...LOL As for bread, I love, love, love it,

but keep it out of my diet as much as I can. If I don't, it doesn't matter


kind it is, LC, HC, whatever, I'll want to eat it all. So my sandwiches are

wrapped in lettuce if I have one. I have had the LC tortillas, and have to

keep them put of here too. I'd be making all sorts of stuff with them, way to


You can get the Lysine over the counter, isn't that right? I may give it a

try if this experiment doesn't work out. It sounds like you feel like I do.


get stiff and walk like I'm 830 and make all these old people sounds...the

ones I remember my Grandparents making and now hear them from my parents...LOL

YIKES!!!! I'm far to young to be old!

Welcome to our accountability thread!

I have some errands to do, then my plan is the treadmill and breathing.

I hear ya on waiting for that financial breather {good way to put it!} We've

been having to help our daughter out with her finances for a few months now,

which makes it that much harder to get out of the hole caused by the

telecommunications fall a few years back. At least we can help her, so I'm OK


that. I was hoping to get started with the wraps but that will have to wait.


can make my own, but they're they type that you have to cook, soak the wrap

and lay around. I hate doing those!

Love ya,


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I totally agree. I want some freedom in my foods to see what works and what

doesn't. I know for a fact that I need to knock off the white

flour.........that is a problem for me...even when I'm low carbing...I can ruin

my carb count in one 5 minute binge of eating bread. I know that the white

flower is causing my many medical problems...stomach upsets etc., so I know what

I need to do, I'm just not doing it!!!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...


I'm right there with ya, on not liking water! There are times when that is

all that will do, but as a rule...nope. I make a watered down pitcher of

Crystal Lite. It's to sweet for me and I figure that way, I am getting more


Yes, I know it has artificial sweetener in it that's not sposed to be good

for you. Personally, I haven't noticed any problems. I do allow myself 1 to


Diet Pepsis in the morning, then I go to coffee {apparently I make very weak

coffee. 3 scoops to 10 cups. I had no idea...LOL} I'll put 1/2 and 1/2 in

it with sugar free flavored syrups, then on to the CL drink. I know, I know,


should drink LOTS more water...OK, maybe just drink water, but this is me.

When it's really hot out I do...LOL But living in Colorado, we don't get

really hot, cept maybe a few weeks a summer, maybe!

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Hey, for those of you who love coffee - and I do - I recommend the Veritas

Coffees. They're organic, you can get them in flavors (and the ones like

Hazlenut actually have real hazlenuts, not flavors in them), you can get them in

varieties like Colombian, French Roast, etc., and they decaffeinate using Swiss

Water Decaffeination (very important). Also, they claim that there is something

about their beans that makes even the ones with caffeine not cause the jitters

that other coffees do. I tried it - - I think it's true. This isn't a

commercial or anything - I don't get anything for recommending them. I just

thought y'all might like to know about them. I think they're wonderful.

Melinda :o)

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same as far

as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and some

days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense. I drink


coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water for

goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it


doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on that!!!!


others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go for it.


DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make it sound

like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so sorry, I

think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho, I'm sure.

So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the moment,

in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of the


Love ya GF,


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