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I miss you too and everyone here. I'm feeling a little

better, and trying to read messages, but I'm so far behind I

don't know where to begin. I think it's best that I call

you and get an update.

I'm sorry if I neglected to answer email.

I finally bit the bullet and made an appointment with a new

RD. I go in 3 weeks, earlier if there is a cancellation. I

have to do something. I can feel being off the mtx, but I'm

to afraid to go back on it until I get a chest x-ray. I

still have a slight cough, and it's been 2 months since I

went off of it. I loved how great I felt on it.

I'm so glad your divorce is over and all went well. I'm

sure you have a lot of emotions going through you right now.

No those license pictures never turn out good!! I can't

wait until I have mine taken again. It is just so awful.

Keep bringing in those weapons to court and you'll have to

worry about your mug shot, not your DL picture LOL!


[ ] a

Thank you, a! I've been thinking about you and missing

you. I'm feeling

nervous right now, but not guilty. and just

went to sleep. Both

of them wished me good luck before they hit the pillow.

That really made me

feel better.

I'll be happy to have my old name back, but what a

headache changing

everything over to my maiden name! At least I have a

chance at getting a

better driver's license photo. Or do I? Do those pictures

ever look good?

Whenever my daughter and I need a laugh, we pull out our

wallets and look at

those pictures.

RE: [ ] Liz and Me Mom - divorce

> ,

> I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I hope it goes


> and your name change is official.

> has some very wise words. Please don't feel


> a

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Hi . I haven't had a chance to welcome you to our

group. I've been offline

for the last 2 months partly because of a 6 week class I was

taking and partly because someone close to me is going

through a rough time, and I've been down in the dumps.

I've had nodules before and since enbrel. I had nodules

removed from my ankle and around my Achilles tendon about

7-8 yrs ago ? I have to look in my records to see when, but

it was awhile ago. Around the same time, I had a nodule

removed from the top of my foot. This one looked cancerous,

and my doctor was really fearing the worse, but it was

negative. It was not like the other nodules, it was very

hard and bony. I've also had bone spurs removed from my

ankles. I started on Enbrel Dec. 98, shortly after it was

approved. Since then I've developed a nodule on the outside

of my foot, near the heel. It is getting larger, and more

painful. About 6 months ago I started developing a nodule

in the arch of the other foot. It feels like it is attached

to the tendon of the big toe. So now I have one on each

foot that makes it painful to walk. My RD dismissed both

of these nodules, and told me to get a heel cup for the one

in my arch. Well for many reasons, I've dismissed my

doctor, and hopefully when I see my new one in 2 weeks, he

will have a better idea besides a heel cup.

Enbrel is a wonderful anti-inflammatory for me, but it is

not stopping my damage. I was on mtx with enbrel for 9

weeks, and had fantastic results. My labs were normal for

the first time in 25 years. Unfortunately I developed a dry

cough, and had to stop taking it. I'm not sure if the cough

came from the mtx or from a virus. Since my RD didn't order

a chest x-ray before starting it or even when I presented

with the cough, I have no way of knowing. I'm impatiently

waiting for my visit to my new RD so that I can get back on

the mtx. My disease is progressing to other joints, which

really has me in a funk.

Psoriasis is not a major problem for me, except for patches

on my face that come and go. I have more problems in the

winter with it, and it goes away when I'm in the sun. The

only reason I got the diagnosis of PA is because I mentioned

that my daughter had psoriasis really bad. My face was

active with P and I asked for a cream for it. Other than

the face flares, I have a small patch in my scalp that comes

and goes. Funny thing, the only gray in my hair is where

the patch of P is. I can't say enbrel has made any

difference in my psoriasis. Enbrel is close to being

approved for PA and P. Just as all these meds, they all

work differently for everyone.


[ ] a

Hi, sounds like we have a lot in common. said that

you are on

Enbrel too - have you had nodules occur since you started

it? Right

after I had a huge nodule removed from my left wrist, I


getting one on my right. Shortly after that, I started on

Enbrel and

within 3-4 months, that nodule was completely gone, and

I've had no

more since. Psoriasis, however is another story - I think

mine is

actually worse since starting Enbrel. Did yours get


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Yes, my jaw grates, grinds, snaps crackles and pops. I'm

not sure if it is arthritis related or from an accident I

had as a child. I was kicked in the mouth by a horse when I

was 8 and my jaw bone was crushed. I've had periodic flares

of one side of my jaw. I have a good sized lump, so I have

to go get it checked out. Have you ever had your jaw

looked at?

Today is a better day, thanks.


[ ] a


I'm sorry you're feeling so bad today. I thought I was

the only one

with a little jaw pain sometimes. Does your jaw snap/pop

when you

open it, as when yawning? Mine does. Please hang in

there and think

positive thoughts. Tomorrow might be a better day.

Gentle Hugs to you too,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi a,

I think we are all watching for updates on Lynn. I have lit my candle every

day since Friday for her. Hope we hear something soon. She should be coming

out of the ICU shortly if all went well.

Hope you had a happy holiday and a panfree evening.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


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I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Her surgery

was so long. It sounds like it was successful in spite of

the length of the surgery. I'm sure Laurie will update us

when she is out of ICU.

Yes, I had a great holiday thanks. My parents celebrated

their 50th anniversary, and we had a surprise dinner party

for them. We also went to a barbeque at a friends, so I've

had a very busy weekend. My ankles and feet aren't to happy

at the moment, but I'll survive. How are you feeling? I

hope you had a nice, painfree holiday.



Re: [ ] a

Hi a,

I think we are all watching for updates on Lynn. I have

lit my candle every

day since Friday for her. Hope we hear something soon.

She should be coming

out of the ICU shortly if all went well.

Hope you had a happy holiday and a panfree evening.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


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You're welcome! I just happen to be online, sitting here

resting my weary bones.


[ ] Re: a



question about the

truptured tendon a few minutes ago.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi a,

Thanks for your email. it is interesting but the whole time I was on

Minocin I didn't get the sinus infections...good point...it must have been

keeping them from taking hold. Last year on Enbrel for 8 months, I was on

Augment almost the entire time!!!and eventually had to stop the Enbrel


Regarding your friends sinus surgery....did she have a diagnosis to require

surgery? or was it the last resort to cure so many infections?



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I'll have to ask my girlfriend what was involved. I know she suffered for

many years

and tried every allergy med and alternative therapy known. I'm having a

hard time

getting her because she works for the American Red Cross and is up to her

eyeballs in

work. It's been about 1 1/2 years since she had it done, and she's had no


I'll let you know what I find out.


Re: [ ] a

Hi a,

Thanks for your email. it is interesting but the whole time I was on

Minocin I didn't get the sinus infections...good point...it must have been

keeping them from taking hold. Last year on Enbrel for 8 months, I was on

Augment almost the entire time!!!and eventually had to stop the Enbrel


Regarding your friends sinus surgery....did she have a diagnosis to require

surgery? or was it the last resort to cure so many infections?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi a

Thanks so much for all of the great information...and so glad you got your

computer back..

I know for me that this time of year the " CHANGE " of weather always make my

RA worse..I can barely use my hands they are so paindful (even on major

pain meds) Cold or heat never seems to make the RA as bad as a dramatic

change in weather...and I now live in AZ (from Pennsylvania) and it still

effects me.

Good luck with the bone density test!!!


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You're welcome Joanne. There are some really good articles

with a lot of promising

sounding treatments for RA. We all need to have hope that

maybe there is something

on the horizon that will stop this wretched disease.

AZ must be so much better than PA. What part of PA did you

live in? Some parts have

long cold winters that I'm sure you don't miss.

I hope you're having a good day.


Re: [ ] a

Hi a

Thanks so much for all of the great information...and so

glad you got your

computer back..

I know for me that this time of year the " CHANGE " of

weather always make my

RA worse..I can barely use my hands they are so paindful

(even on major

pain meds) Cold or heat never seems to make the RA as bad

as a dramatic

change in weather...and I now live in AZ (from

Pennsylvania) and it still

effects me.

Good luck with the bone density test!!!


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Hi a,

I lived in West Chester, PA, not far from Amish Country Lancaster PA

No I do not miss those cold winters and red white and blue fingers from

Raynauds disease. I have never had my fingers hurt (at least from that

disease) since I moved 7 yrs ago. But how I miss the green grass and trees.


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Lancaster is one of my favorite places. We're about 2 1/2

hours away and go at least

once a year. I enjoy it this time of year when all the fall

colors are in their prime.

After visiting Arizona, I can understand why you miss the

green grass and trees.

But if you feel better in Arizona, the grass and the trees

just aren't as important.

I love the looks of the snow covered ground, but hate the

way winter makes me feel.


Re: [ ] a

Hi a,

I lived in West Chester, PA, not far from Amish Country

Lancaster PA

No I do not miss those cold winters and red white and blue

fingers from

Raynauds disease. I have never had my fingers hurt (at

least from that

disease) since I moved 7 yrs ago. But how I miss the green

grass and trees.


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Where do you live? you say a few hours away from Lancaster...I was born in

Media, PA. I am so torn living in AZ...love the warmth, no snow, etc....but

it will never be home to me. After 7 yrs...it still feels like I am on


Hope you are doing well today.


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I live outside of Atlantic City. I was born a few miles

from here, and have

always lived here. I know that torn feeling. We want to

move to warmer weather

but are very torn about leaving family and friends. On my

bad days, I'm ready to

start packing. I guess we have to take the good and the bad

of where we live.

I've really been under the weather the last few days with a

sore throat. It seems

to be going around here.

I hope you're having a good day.


Re: [ ] a


Where do you live? you say a few hours away from

Lancaster...I was born in

Media, PA. I am so torn living in AZ...love the warmth, no

snow, etc....but

it will never be home to me. After 7 yrs...it still feels

like I am on


Hope you are doing well today.


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry Hiedi. I sure wish people could realize what is important in life and

just be nicer to each other. I hope the stress is manageable.

I'm finally feeling a little better. I can at least bend my elbow enough to be

able to touch my mouth! I can't imagine if BOTH elbows flared. That's a good

way to go on a diet LOL!


[ ] a

Hi there a,

Thanks for asking, my new job is very challenging and interesting but it's a

bit of a cut-throat environment, I feel like a goldfish in a shark tank

sometimes which can be a little stressful. I am trying not to overdo it but

am working hard. So far my flare seems to be calming down with the extra

meds, which is GREAT! Yes it is quiet a job having 18 dogs! LOL! They

are really sweet though and it is really well controlled, we have someone

who helps us with the feeding and bathing etc. so it's not too bad. They

are only allowed in the house one by one and it's strictly invitation only!

So no hairs on the sofa LOL! I know you weren't feeling too well, how are

you doing now? Happy Happy New Year. Hugs, Heidi


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  • 2 months later...
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Sorry, I don't know if they did. It was only a one time trial. It hadn't been

approved for use in Canada at the time she had it....Val

I also wanted to ask if they gave benedryl with the Remicade. I've read

that taking benedryl with

the Remicade helps with the breathing side effects. Also if they slow down

the rate of the infusion, it also



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That's quite allright. I have one of those brains too LOL! We're fellow

FM'ers, so

brainfog is expected!


3/14/02 1:39:08 PM, Kirwan <evergreen@...> wrote:



> Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:39:08 -0500


> From: Kirwan <evergreen@...>

> Subject:Re: [ ] a





> Sorry, a...I addressed my original email to . My brain isn't

> working too well these days LOL!



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi a,

Thank you! What you say means the world to me! :)

It amazes me as well how fast that Remicade works. I wish it had been around

20 years ago! When I was there on Tuesday I met a girl who is 25 and she was

also getting Remicade. She has Behcet's disease. It's an extremely rare

disease. She has a blood clot in her brain. THAT scares me. Anyhow, it

causes arthritis like symptoms. I found it strange that she was getting

Remicade for that. Especially when they have " labeled " Enbrel and Remicade

as last chance type drugs. It was her 4th infusion. Anyhow, her next appt is

also in 8 weeks so we made our next appt together so we can visit. I told

her I'd get some info on the Net for her on her disease. What I've read so

far sounds so scary.

For us, I hope the Enbrel and Remicade (also, Arava for me) don't stop

working and I pray that years down the road we don't discover that it will

cause us to grow an extra arm or an eye in the back of the head, if you know

what I mean.

I hope all is well for you and yours!



Re: [ ] a / weight club

> Rainy,

> The remicade sounds like a miracle for you. It's amazing how you get such


> results! Remicade has done for you what Enbrel has done for me. I hope


> finds something that brings them as much relief.

> YOU are the one that is so sweet! Thanks for all that you do to encourage


> hugs,

> a

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Heidi. You're very welcome! I'm glad your doctor advised you to

take calcium especially

since you're on prednisone. I sure hope your baby making mission is a

success! Those

hot flushes must be uncomfortable. Hopefully you won't have to take

that medicine for much


I've been flaring for the last few weeks and am hoping it passes soon.

But I'm also being very hard

on myself getting ready for my daughter's graduation party, so I'm not

getting a lot of rest. After

the weekend I'll rest more and hopefully feel better. Thanks for asking.



On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 04:50 AM, Heidi Steppe-Hoareau wrote:

> Hi a,

> I can't remember if I thanked you, so just in case a VERY belated

> THANKS for

> all the info you sent me on the Calcium and bone density stuff, it was

> very

> relevant!   I spoke to my Rheumatologist and she has told me to take 1g

> of

> calcium supplements per day with a vitamin D supplement.  After reading

> your

> post I'm trying to cut down on animal proteins as well.  So far the only

> noticeable side-effect of the Decapeptyl is the hot flushes I mentioned

> in

> the other e-mail.  The gynae tells me I've just got to live with them

> for

> the next 6 months. Anyway it's for a good cause so it's ok!  How are you

> keeping?

> Hugs,

> Heidi

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Hi Heidi,

Your description made me laugh! That's how I felt on prednisone. All

winter I was running my air conditioner when everyone else in the building

had the heat turned on!! Coat? Who needs a coat?? Luckily winters in north

Florida aren't usually very severe!!

Good luck in your quest!


[ ] a

> Hi a,

> Thanks for the good wishes, I'll be on the medication till September so


> have to learn to be patient with the hot flushes for a while. We are


> into winter now so I can see it as free heating!! I'm the only one at the

> office still prancing around in skirts, sandals and sleeveless tops -

> everyone must think I'm nuts. One minute I'm red as a tomato and the next

> blue as an ice block - I need to find a balance somewhere LOL! I'm sorry

> you are flaring at the moment, you must be so excited for your daughter's

> graduation, try and give yourself some rest so you can enjoy it.

> Have a bright and shiny day!

> Hugs, Heidi





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


Yes I have heard of it. It¹s gull name is Wegeners Granulomatosis. It is

inflammation of the blood vessels which is also called vasculitis. It

usually affects the upper respiratory track, lungs and kidneys, but can also

affect the joints and just about anywhere. It¹s another rheumatic

autoimmune disease that they have no idea what causes it. It usually starts

out just a cold or sinus infection.

Here¹s some reading on it if you want more information:



On 6/4/02 2:55 PM, " grannyfellx6 " <grannyfellx6@...> wrote:

> a, Have you heard of Wagners, I think it supposed to be a form of

> RA. in WA



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

> Tess,

> Maybe it will be a permanent loss! Sure not one you¹ll grieve over loosing.

> Hope it last forever!

> hugs,

> a





> Hi a...no antibiotics. I did refrain from Remicade & Mtx a little

> while, but my ENT said infections with these surgeries don't often

> happen, and he would watch me closely...and hope not to have to put me

> on another drug. The psoriasis thing is interesting, but I truly don't

> have a clue. I WILL enjoy it while it lasts!


> Hugs...


> Tess




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