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Re: hello and update

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Dear Mike, Can I just say thank you for including the little day-to-day details as you did. It gives so much of a better insight into how life is for you now. I appreciate your openness. Most of what you said sounds good and positive. The plateau on your weight must be a relief for you. It's nice to lose some unwanted weight and become slimmer, but if it doesn't stop, then it starts to get frightening. Good Luck to you on your return to work. I hope that your colleagues will be gentle with you. lol. Love from Ann in England XXltmikespd <ltmikespd@...> wrote: Hey all:Sorry it's been awhile since my last update. Seems like I only get on here about once a week or so now. Hope everyone is doing well, especially , whose back from his Myotomy. This coming Tues (14th) marks 2 months since my Ectomy. To honor the occasion, I'm going back to work on Monday (told my guys I wouldn't be out more than 8 weeks). Had to go buy all new wardrobe however since nothing fits, especially suits. I've lost 32 lbs total (about 25 I needed to lose anyway)but my weight is holding steady now and has been for 2-3 weeks. Eating is going okay. Everything goes down without a problem. The

biggest adjustment is in the amounts I can eat. I'm used to polishing off an entire meal (especially at a restaurant) and I can't do that now. It's actually uncomfortable if I try (bloated - full). For example, I can go to a drive thru and get a hamburger combo - yes I did say HAMBURGER (yea !!!) and can eat the whole hamburger. But I can only eat a few of the fries or I feel like I'm going to explode. Still watching sugars to avoid any dumping, although I think that's starting to settle down. I normally drink diet sodas anyway so there's no issue there. I've actually been dipping into my son's Halloween candy and after 2-3 pieces don't seem to have an issue so maybe that's going away. Incisions are healing well, still have "numbness" in right side from stomach incision to incision in right side. Sometimes, especially during cold, damp weather it actually kinda hurts, like a bad sunburn or even a bee

sting. They say that can take up to a year to go away. Lying on my right side at night seems to help bring some sensation back. The lung issue seems to be alot better. Still have the occasional "spasm" where I involuntarily suck in a deep breath. They say that will go away too. Strength is about 85-90% pre-surgery. Good enough to go back to work (no more daytime TV - HO-RAH !!!!) Well, that's about all for now. As always, I'll be more than happy to answer any questions anyone has about Ectomy. Not an "expert" by any means, just info from someone who's "been there." Mike in Va Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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