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motd Monday March 19, 2012

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Monday, 19 March 2012

Anybody remember that commercial for a

breakfast cereal from a few years back? The announcer

would ask if you could "pinch more than an inch" of

fat around your middle, then you probably needed to

get started on a weight-loss program to lose some of

the weight around that tummy of yours. Of course,

they also wanted you to make their cereal part of your

healthy breakfasts each morning.

A lot of us can pinch more than an inch

around our tummies and not we're not very happy about


But truth is, a lot of us can pinch more than an inch

around our tummies and not we're not very happy about

it. In fact, in a recent poll, men and women named

their middles as the least favorite part of their

bodies. Well, if you want to get rid yourself of those

extra inches around your waist, it's going to take

more than a bowl of cereal in the morning to do it,

that's for sure.

And here's something I want you to think about. That

extra weight around your waist? Well, besides not

looking good on you, it's not doing your body any

good, either. The fat that surrounds your waist lurks

deep in your abdomen. It surrounds your organs and

produces hormones that may raise your risk for heart

disease, diabetes and even cancer. So, as you're

working to lose weight, how do you combat that fat

around the middle part of your body? Here are some


Get enough fiber in your food plan. Foods like

beans, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes can be a

big help. Researchers at Wake Forest University

Medical Center discovered that high fiber foods can

actually help slow the accumulation of fat around your


Make a stomach-busting

workout part of your exercise routine.

Make a stomach-busting workout part of your

exercise routine. Aerobic exercise delivers a

real punch to that deep abdominal fat. Aerobic

workouts burn more fat than resistance-training and

that's why I suggest you do those two types of

workouts on alternate days. That way, you're getting

the best benefit from both.

Take a break. Whether it's deep breathing or

walking, relaxing activities that make you feel in

tune with your body can actually help fight belly

fat. How? A study from the University of California

says that anxiety actually raises your body's insulin

levels and causes you to end up eating foods high in

sugar and fat, both of which add pounds around your

middle. So don't let that stress get to you. Take a

break and work it out!

The fat around our tummies

is often referred to as "middle-age spread" and a lot

of people take it for granted.

As we get older, the fat around our tummies is often

referred to as "middle-age spread" and a lot of people

take that "spread" for granted. They assume, as they

get older, that gaining a few inches in the tummy area

is a "normal" part of getting older. But it doesn't

have to be! With proper nutrition, regular exercise

and by living a stress-free life, believe me, you'll

be pinching fewer

inches around

your middle.


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