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motd Friday December 30, 2011

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Friday, 30 December 2011

So tell me, what are you doing on this

fabulous last

Friday of 2011? Do you have to work today? Do

you still have some after-Christmas errands to run?

Or maybe you have some housework to do after

entertaining company all week. Well, whatever you

have to do and no matter how busy you are, there's a

very important phone call you need to make today. To

who? Well, to

your doctor!

You need to call your

doctor's office and schedule a complete head-to-toe

physical for yourself.

That's right, you need to call your doctor's office

today and schedule a complete head-to-toe physical for

yourself. And by the way, your physical should not be

done every couple of years but...annually!

You see, there may be something going on inside your

body you're not aware of. And that's why it's so

important to see your doctor each year to have

yourself checked out.

You've used your body 365 days in a row this year.

Hey, your heart, kidneys and lungs never get to take a

day off or go on vacation. Their jobs are to work for

you every

single day you're

alive on this earth. And that's why you need to have

yourself checked out by your doctor, once-a-year.

When you talk to your doctor, you should tell him or

her if anything hurts or if you've been experiencing

any unusual problems. The doctor will take your blood

pressure, draw some blood to do some lab work and

check all of your vital signs. I can't stress to you

how important all of this is. Oh, she'll thump your

back, look into your eyes, your ears, oh...the doctor

is going to look at every place on your body...okay?

That's because the doctor wants to make sure that your

body is...A-OK!

I had the most wonderful

doctor for over 30 years.

I had the most wonderful doctor for over 30 years.

His name was Dr. Geller and when he retired, his son,

who is also a doctor, took over the practice and is

now my doctor. Whenever I show up for an appointment,

I walk into the reception area and after saying hello

to everybody, I begin singing to them! It's always a

happy tune to make everyone smile. Later, after my

name is called, I march right into the examination

room and wait for Dr. G.

When he comes in, I give him a big hug and say how

much I love him. He tells me that he loves me right

back and then...he goes to work, doing all of the

things I told you to expect from your own doctor

during your own physical. Usually the next day, I'll

get a phone call from Dr. Geller and we go over my


", you're

amazing. You're not getting older...you're getting


", you're amazing. I swear, you're not

getting older...you're getting younger! You're in

excellent shape and I wish you'd talk to the rest of

my patients and tell them how you take such good

care of yourself!"

And boy, do I ever feel great getting that kind of

great news from

Dr. Geller. In fact, a good report from him inspires

me to take even better

care of

myself so the results of my physical, next year,

will be just as good. Hey, there's nothing better

than getting a clean bill of health from your doctor!

So tell me, have you gotten a clean bill of health

from your

doctor lately?

What's your doctor's name? Is the relationship with

your doctor as good as the one I have with mine? How

long has he or she been your doctor? Do you like your

doctor? Do you trust him or her? If not, you should

find a doctor you

do trust and, every bit as important, who will

listen to you.

Schedule that physical


Schedule that physical today, okay? And, oh yeah.

Give your doctor a big hug and a hello...from me!


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