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motd Monday December 26, 2011

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Monday, 26 December 2011

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with

your families yesterday. My holiday was spectacular

and, by the way, Hattie just loved that piece of Key

Lime pie I shared with her!

Whew! It takes a

lot of preparation getting ready for Christmas,

doesn't it?

Whew! It takes a lot of preparation getting

ready for this big holiday, doesn't it? And I'll bet

most of you have today off from work. Good!

That means you have a day to sit back and catch your

breath after of all of yesterday's holiday

excitement. But what's that you say? You've got to

go to the mall again...today?

Oh, I see...you've got a few gifts to exchange.

Well, if you're one of those people who has to do

returns or exchanges, you're gonna discover that you

are not alone.

Some of the big-box retailers dedicate entire sections

of their stores just for returns and exchanges on this

day after Christmas. So, just when you thought you

could slow down, I guess you've got one more busy day

ahead of you.

But before you head for the nearest supercenter, I've got a couple

of other things you may need to exchange. And they

don't require you getting into the car to drive

anywhere, either. You can make these exchanges right

there at home.

I want you to exchange any

bad eating habits you had in 2011 for good, healthy

eating habits in 2012.

First of all, I want you to exchange any of the bad

eating habits you had in 2011 for good, healthy eating

habits in 2012. So tell me, how was your eating

yesterday? Did you follow the plan I suggested for

your Christmas Day dinner? Remember? I told you to

cut back on breakfast and lunch, saving those calories

for what was likely to be a bigger-than-usual dinner

Christmas evening.

Now that Christmas is over and we prepare to enter a

new year, I want you to really focus on your eating

habits in 2012. In fact, to help you do just that,

now might be a good time to give yourself one last

Christmas present. And that is, one of my FoodMovers, which you'll find in

the Clubhouse Store. My FoodMover will teach

you how much to eat and what to eat...in the right

size portions. It'll teach you all about responsibility when it comes

to your eating habits.

And speaking of habits, what were your exercise

habits like

in 2011? Did you devote 45 minutes to an hour 360

days, (so far), this year to getting your workouts

in? NO? Well, that

simply will not do! That's another bad habit I want

you to exchange. As a matter of fact, I say get in a

good workout today before heading for the mall. That

way you can get a head start at burning off some of

those holiday calories.

You don't need a store

receipt to exchange last year's bad habits for good

habits next year.

Like I told you earlier, the good news is that you

don't need a store receipt to exchange last year's bad

habits for good habits next year. And, I know---the

new year doesn't start for another five days. But

that's okay, I still want you to start making those

exchanges today. That

way, you'll be preparing your body and mind for the

new way you're going to live in 2012!


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