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motd Easter Sunday April 8, 2012

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Sunday, 08 April 2012

Last Monday night in our weekly chat, I asked

my Clubhouse members to tell me some of their favorite

Easter memories. We'll talk about them in a minute

but first, I want to share with you a few of my own

Easter memories growing up in New Orleans.

As you know, my hometown never needs an excuse to have

a good time and our Easter celebrations were

spectacular. You've heard me talk about Arnaud's

restaurant in the French Quarter. It was one of my

family's favorites and to this day, whenever I visit

my hometown, my trip is not complete without a visit

to Arnaud's for dinner.

Arnaud's sponsored one of

the big French Quarter Easter parades.

Arnaud's sponsored one of the big French Quarter

Easter parades. Oh, I wish you could have seen it.

The parade began in front of the restaurant and a

caravan of elegantly adorned horse-drawn carriages

would proceed from Arnaud's through the French Quarter

to Square.

But to me, the stars of the show were those ladies

riding in the carriages. You should have seen their

outfits, talk about high fashion. And oh...their

hats! The

big Easter hats they wore just about dripped with

color, flowers and elegance. I can close my eyes and

still see them!

Of course, a fabulous dinner at Arnaud's was one of my

family's Easter Sunday highlights. Later, after an

incredible dinner, we'd go home where I could finish

devouring the treats in the beautiful Easter basket my

father had made for me and my brother, Lenny. Oh, I

ate chocolate until I just about passed out! When I

woke up the next morning, my hair would be filled with

that little green cellophane grass my father had used

to decorate our baskets. LOL.

Oh, my New Orleans Easter memories!

Well, it shouldn't surprise you to know that members of my Clubhouse' Easter

memories were filled with food, too. Although, I must

admit, a couple of them talked about how proud they

were showing off their new outfits in church on Easter

morning. One of them was so excited, she told us she

actually slept in her

new patent-leather shoes the night before Easter!


My Clubhouse members talked about the chocolate

bunnies, the Easter egg hunts and, of course, the

jelly beans, whose colors would put any rainbow to

shame! Okay, as you make new memories for this year's

Easter, it's okay to have a little Easter treat. But

please, don't focus so much on the food this year.

My Clubhouse members

mentioned how being with their families is as much a

part of their Easter memories as anything.

Looking back, besides the parades, the Easter bonnets,

the solid chocolate bunnies and dinner at Arnaud's,

you know what really

stands out most for me? Memories of being with

my wonderful parents and brother. In fact, many of my

Clubhouse members also mentioned how being with their

families is a much a part of their Easter memories as


I can feel my loving parents watching over me from

Heaven this morning. And I have to say, my Easter

memories of them when I was a kid are more special to

me than anything.

I want you all to create a new page of memories with

your own families on this Easter Sunday. Remember,

it's not just about the food. It's about how blessed

you are being together today.

Be thankful that God has

blessed you with this very wonderful holiday to spend

with your families.

After dinner, you and the family should all take a

walk together. You'll be getting in a little exercise

and have a chance to really experience this season of

rebirth. After all, that's what Easter is all about.

Be thankful that God has blessed you with this very

wonderful holiday to spend together.

Happy Easter to you and your families,

everybody. Create some new Easter memories today

that'll last you a lifetime.


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