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motd Wed April 4, 2012

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Wednesday, 04 April 2012

It takes 3500 calories to equal one pound.

That's a formula I've shared with you from time to

time. If you consume 3500 calories more than you burn

off, you will gain one pound. Put another way, if you

consume an extra 200 calories a day, say for one

month, you'll gain nearly two pounds in that month.

Those 200 extra calories X 30 days equals 6,000

calories, therefore, about a two pound weight-gain for

the month.

You've really got to look

out for...the calorie sneaks!

I'm telling you all this because I want you to realize

how, if you're not careful counting those calories,

you can slow your weight-loss over time and end up

wondering why you're not losing more weight.

That's why you've really got to look out for,

(gasp!)...the calorie sneaks!

Where do they come from? Easy. You end up consuming

more calories because you're not concentrating on what

you eat. In the meantime, there are ways you can beat

the calorie sneaks by making a few small adjustments

in the way you eat. Let me give you a few ways to

beat those extra calories that try and sneak into your

food program.

Have a bowl of fruit for

dessert instead of that slice of pie or cake.

--Eating a high fiber breakfast will make you feel

more full in the morning and eat less at lunch.

--Use mustard or low-fat mayonnaise on your sandwich

instead of regular mayo.

--In addition to that, have your sandwiches open-faced

instead of between two slices of bread.

--In place of French fries or potato chips, have

celery, carrot sticks or come other crunchy

vegetable. You'll get the crunch you like with

your sandwich while saving yourself some

added calories.

--Have a bowl of fruit for dessert instead of that

slice of pie or cake.

--Want a cold, refreshing treat? Skip the ice cream

cone and have a cup of yogurt or a sorbet.

--Drink water instead of soda or diet soda.

--Use a light whipped butter instead of solid

margarine or butter.

--In the mood for pizza? Top it with fresh-roasted

vegetables instead of fatty meats.

--Love that pasta? Top it with a red sauce instead of

one of those creamy white sauces.

If you don't pay attention,

those extra calories can sneak into your food plan.

Remember, if you don't pay attention, those extra

calories can easily sneak into your food plan and,

later, show

up on your scale. Hey, who wants

that? In fact, some of you who hit weight-loss

plateaus may be experiencing them because of those

little calorie sneaks. So don't despair, be aware and be sure to

keep an eye on...those little calorie sneaks that try to

slip into your food programs!


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