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motd Good Friday April 6, 2012

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Friday, 06 April 2012

That's right, today is Good

Friday. Many of you have a holiday from work

or school today. And to all of you who attended

Sunday School when you were kids, you know, that for

millions of people around the world, Good Friday is a

very special religious holiday.

Millions of people around

the world celebrate Good Friday and it plays an

important part in the Christian faith.

Good Friday moves around with Easter and is always two

days before we celebrate the Easter holiday. Millions

of people around the world celebrate Good Friday and

it plays an important part in the Christian faith.

By now, most of the Walmarts, Walgreen's and

supermarkets around the country are just about sold

out of Easter candy. So you'd better get a move-on if

you don't want to receive glaring stares from little

Susie and on Easter morning! LOL.

Most Americans celebrate Easter with a big home-cooked

meal or by going out to a restaurant for family

dinner. That tradition alone means you should be

careful with your eating this weekend. But ahhh yes,

just like Valentine's Day, Good Friday and Easter

weekend has another culprit waiting for you...Easter


Jelly beans, chocolate

bunnies, Marshmallow Peeps, Hershey's Kisses.

Do I even need to remind you of which ones they are?

Okay, take a deep breath because I'm gonna rattle off

a few. Jelly

beans, chocolate bunnies, Marshmallow Peeps,

Hershey's Kisses and,

(the one that used to get me into so

much trouble)...those Cadbury's

Creme-Filled Eggs. (Wait, let me stop my hands

from trembling so I can finish typing this message!


But seriously, you know the sweet dangers this

weekend. If you have children, you'll either make or

buy Easter baskets for them. In years past, how many

of you sneaked a jelly bean or two, (or three), before wrapping

that last piece of cellophane on the kids Easter

baskets? (Didn't you? LOL!) Or, even if

you don't have kids, you've walked past one of those

big Easter candy displays at your local CVS pharmacy,

right? Oh yes, with visions of childhood dancing in

your head, for old-time's sake, you give in...Okay, I'll buy just one Cadbury's


I want you to be especially


this Friday and...the entire holiday weekend.

Don't! This

year, I want you to apply a whole new meaning to Good

Friday. That is, when it comes to your eating, I want

you to be especially GOOD on this Friday

and...the entire holiday weekend, for

that matter. And on top of that, when Monday comes

around, I want you to keep on

being good, staying in control of that food,

getting your exercise in and taking, well...GOOD

CARE, of you!

Have a wonderful Good Friday today, everybody. And

yes, I want you to be good on this Friday.

I also want you to be good Saturday...and

I want you to be good on Sunday, too.(You're

getting the picture, aren't you?) That's right, I

want you to be good everyday. And as

you do, you're going to feel so good when you reach

your weight-loss goal!


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