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motd Wed Nov 23, 2011

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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Last week, I had the most incredible

experience I've had in a long time. I was in

Columbus, Ohio to teach a big exercise class for the

students, faculty and staff of Ohio State

University. And, oh...I was so nervous! You're

probably wondering why I was nervous

so let me explain.

A couple of students picked

me up at my hotel and drove me to the Ohio State


See, I was very concerned how this crowd of college

students would

take to me and my often zany, off-the-wall antics.

And, on top of that, I was also concerned about how

many of them would actually show up for my class.

(Isn't it "great" being so insecure?)

That morning, a couple of students picked me up at my

hotel and drove me to the Ohio State campus. We

pulled up in front of this magnificent gym where my

class was going to be held. (I'd asked the students

to get me there a little early so I'd have a better

idea of the feel of the setting and the crowd.) And,

let me tell you, I was about to discover just how

misplaced my insecurities had been!

They were all decked in

classic 70's garb.

As soon as I walked into the gym, dozens of students

rushed over to meet me! Right away, they were saying

hello, hugging me and wanting to take photos with me.

And oh, did they all ever really dress up for our big

class. Many of them were all decked-out in classic

70's garb. A lot of the guys had these big, really

cute Afros. The girls wore headbands and some of them

wore shirts with rips in them for that

authentic "Disco Diva" look. LOL. Some of their

shirts even had the words, "I Love You !" printed

on them. All I can say is WOW!

The Ohio State staff and students came in all shapes

and sizes. And what a great mix of people they were.

I'd say they represented people from countries all

over the world. And, no matter where they were

from, I was ready to make every one of them...sweat!

Not only did they sweat but they seemed to know the

words to every song I played. As I always do during

my big on-the-road sweatin' classes, I brought a bunch

of them on stage to dance with me. We were having so

much fun, our 50 minute class seemed to be over way-too-soon!

After class was over, they screamed and applauded so

loudly, it felt like an out-of-body experience to me.

I hadn't had so much fun in a long time.

I talked about their

health, their eating habits and the importance of

working out those incredible bodies of theirs.

Now that the sweatin' was over, it was time to get a

little serious. I had them all sit down so I could

have a heart-to-heart talk with them. I talked about

their goals and dreams. I talked about our

country's tough economy these days. But I also made

sure they know what a blessed country we

live in. And of course, I talked about their health,

their eating habits and the importance of working out

those incredible bodies of theirs. I touched on the

problem of obesity in our country and how excess

weight can lead to health problems such as diabetes

and high blood pressure. I made sure they knew, this

one-hour sweatin' class with me was not the end but

the beginning of

making exercise and good health the focus of their

young lives. I talked to them like I was part of

their family, as if I were a father or


After my talk, I stayed for at least another hour,

meeting as many students as I could. A lot of them

came up to me crying, telling me how they'd paid close

attention to what I had to say. And you know what

else they told me? They told me...they loved me! (Okay,

they really got to me.)

, your work

has made this world a better place.

It seems most of the students I met had a

story to share with me. They'd Sweated to

the Oldies when

they were kids with their grandmothers. Or they told

me they'd use some of my workout videos in their gym

classes when they were in grade school. One student

came up to me and said, simply..., your

work has made this world a better place. (He

must have wanted to see me cry!)

Those kids

really made me feel so special. Hey,

I love you right back, Ohio State


After it was all over and I returned to my hotel, I

sat on my bed, taking in the wonderful experience I'd

just had. And this close to Thanksgiving, all I can

think of is...

How blessed I am!


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