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motd Friday Feb 10, 2012 - Personality types

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Friday, 10 February 2012

And...which one are you? No, no

no...don't go looking at your belly buttons to see if

you have one of those cute ones that poke out a little

or the kind that turns in. I'm not talking about

belly buttons. Today, I'm talking about personalities.

An article in a recent

issue ofTime magazine

talked about personality types. It said people fall

into two categories.

There was an article in a recent issue of Time magazine about

personality types and it said that people fall into

two categories. Let me tell you about them.

The Innies are the Introverts.

They prefer to be alone or in small, intimate groups.

If an introvert has to attend a large party or any

event where there're a lot of people, they're quickly

bothered by these functions, feel very uncomfortable

and can't wait to leave.


The Outties are the Extroverts. Opposite of the

Innies, they find large groups of people and big

social functions energizing. They love the

interaction between people. And in fact, they bore

very quickly when they're all alone.

So, which group do you fall into? Personally, I'd

call myself at home in either group. I truly am

energized when I'm on the road teaching a big class in

front of a coupla thousand people. I love being on

the Today or

Stern Show, knowing millions of

people are

watching or listening to me. But you know what? I'm

equally happy when I have a few quiet days at home,

answering my e-mail or, doing my other favorite thing

in the world, planting kisses on my sweet little


We all have our gifts, no

matter what personality category we fall into.

Truth is, there is no "right or wrong" to being an

Innie or an Outtie. We all have our gifts, no matter

what personality category we fall into. The secret is

to utilize those gifts in whichever social sitaution

we find ourselves.

I know from experience that overweight or obese people

typically consider themselves introverts. In fact,

they may end up becoming that way because they're

afraid of the stares and comments they get when

they're among others. But I know some overweight

people who're also extroverts. They don't let their

size get in the way of them being social butterflies.

They're never afraid to talk to or meet someone new. I like


But introverts are often very thoughtful people. They

take the time to really analyze a person or situation

before making a decision about someone or some-thing.

They spend more time thinking a situation out. I like that, too. So you

see, there're pluses to both personality


Have you figured out which

group you fall into yet?

So, have you figured out which group you fall into

yet? Well, regardless, whether you're an Innie or an Outtie,

remember, there's no "right or wrong way" to be. Just

try to be the best person you can be...period!


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