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motd Wed Jan 18, 2012

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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

We're more than halfway through the first

month of this new year. So let me ask, how're you

doing with those resolutions you made just a couple of

weeks ago? Have you gotten to work and now hard at

work keeping the changes you promised to

make? I know, making resolutions and keeping those

changes going through the entire year are tough. But

boy, are they ever worth it! Are you having trouble

making the changes needed to keep your New Year's

resolution to lose weight? Well, if you are, let me

give you a few pointers. First of all...

Changes begin on the


Changes begin on the inside. Use positive

affirmations to help you stay focused on your goal.

For example, say things everyday like this to

yourself: I

will be slim and fit. I am in control of my eating

and it makes me feel good being in control.

Exercise makes me feel so positive and it's a

necessary part of my life...everyday!

Be on the lookout for negative mental chatter.

And I'm talking about the kind of chatter that goes on

inside your own head. Much of it is subconscious and

you may not even be aware of your own negativity.

When a negative thought surfaces and enter your

mind...cancel it with a positive affirmation.

You'll be surprised how little effort it takes to keep

your mind filled with positive thoughts. You just

have to work at it!

Visualize the changes

you want to make in your life.

Visualize the changes you want to make in your

life. Close your eyes and create a mental

picture of what you'll look like and how you'll feel

after reaching your goal. Hold on to that vision as

long as you can. Picture it! How will you look? How will you feel? How

will others react to the new person you're creating?

Visualize how the new you is literally going to change

your life...for the better!

Keep a journal and write in it everyday.

Most changes take place slowly over time. By

journaling, in the process, you'll learn more about

yourself. You'll be able to go back in a few weeks or

months, read your words and actually see the positive

changes you're making in your life. Taking the time

to record your thoughts and feelings in your journal

is the perfect way to make and actually see the changes

you're making in your life.

You've got to work at

making those changes everyday.

The year is still young everybody. So you've got time

to create that better, happier and healthier life for

yourself. But remember, you've got to stay

focused. You've

got to work hard at making those changes everyday.

And as you do, you'll see that you really were able to

"keep the change"...going!


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