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motd Friday Feb 17, 2012 - We-Do Re-Do

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Friday, 17 February 2012

What? (I'll bet you're wondering.) What the

heck am I talking about, right? Okay, let me

explain. Over 30 years ago, when I was doing The

Show, we often had themes

for some of our shows. If you were watching at home,

you didn't know the little "working titles" we gave

those theme shows of ours. Well, some of them we

called We-Do


The We-Do, Re-Do episodes

of The Show were truly some

of our most inspirational.

Now, a We-Do, Re-Do meant simply meant WE were going to DO a show about

someone who'd done a RE-DO with their

bodies and with their lives. That is, they'd reached

their goals by losing all of the weight they needed to

lose. The We-Do, Re-Do episodes of The

Show were

truly some of our most inspirational.

Once we selected someone, we'd fly them in from all

over the country to Los Angeles. We'd give them the

real Hollywood start treatment because to us, hey...they

were stars! Over the years, I got to meet

some really interesting and amazing people on those


One of my favorite We-Do Re-Do's was with a "young

man", (back then, anyway...LOL), from Hattiesburg,

Mississippi named Elijah. Elijah went from weighing

484 pounds to his present 200 pounds and has stayed at

that weight for all of these years. Lots of you know

Elijah from my Sweatin'

To The Oldies DVDs and

you've met him on many of my cruises. Elijah truly

did a Re-Do on his body and with his life.

Each month, on my home

page, you'll find an inspiring weight-loss success


Well, guess what? The We-Do Re-Do tradition continues

right here at richardsimmons.com. Each month, on my

home page, you'll find an inspirational weight-loss

success story. Click this month's home page

Success Story and you'll read about Holly, who

went from 278 down to 176 pounds...an amazing 102

pound weight-loss. How's that for

inspiration! Read Holly's story and you'll see why

she decided it

was time to

do a Re-Do on her life.

One thing about our We-Do Re-Do's is that almost

all of them reached a

turning point in their lives

when they realized it was time to do

something about their weight. For instance, Elijah

realized that none of his life's dreams would ever

come true as long as he weighed nearly 500 pounds. At

278 pounds, Holly finally realized, that if she didn't

lose the weight, she'd end up killing herself and...she

chose to live.

So, what about you? Have you reached your turning

point? Just like Elijah and Holly...if you make up

your mind, work hard and stay focused on your mission,

then you can become a

Re-Do, too.

Are you ready to become our

next We-Do Re-Do?

So how's about it? Are you ready to become one of our

We-Do Re-Do's? You can inspire so many others, including

yourself, by proving that you can win this

fight with your weight, once and for all. That's

right, it's

your turn. And it would be my honor to share

your success story right here on my home page!


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