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motd Wed Dec 14, 2011

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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

On my last trip to New York City, I taped a

couple of segments for The Dr.

Steve Show. I first met Dr. Steve after he'd

become a member of the morning news team on WPIX-TV in

New York. I was there the first day he taped and boy,

did I ever drive him nuts! LOL.

One of the people who saw

my segment with Dr. Steve is a student of

mine's from Slimmons named...Josh.

Whenever I visited WPIX, I'd do a segment with Dr.

Steve. He's a really nice guy, one of the smartest

people I know and, besides all that, the Doc has a

body like Michelangelo's !

That most recent appearance I did with Dr. Steve aired

all over the country a couple of weeks ago. And one

of the people who saw my segment is a student of

mine's from Slimmons named...Josh. Dr. Steve

and I talked about our country's ever-worsening

problem with childhood obesity. And apparently, our

conversation really struck a nerve with Josh. After

watching Dr. Steve's show, Josh just had to send me an

e-mail and I wanted to share with you some of what he


, I reached nearly 400 pounds when I was in

high school and was totally unmotivated to take part

in P.E. classes back then. I was just so ashamed of

my body. I was one of only maybe two or three

morbidly obese kids on a campus of more than 1300

students. The P.E. teacher didn't make it any

easier for students like me. I mean, a nearly 400

pound child, having to change clothes in front of

his fellow students? Oh, sure. That's enough to

make you not ever want to go

back to school!

Josh and I had a lot in

common during our school days.

I began playing sports when I was in the `11th

grade and was able to lose 70 pounds. Later in

life, from 1995-2000, I was a PE teacher and

athletic director myself. I made sure to include

every student in my exercise classes, regardless of

their size. I also made sure none of them ever felt

ashamed. I wanted every student to feel good about

participating in my classes. And it really saddens

me these days, when dropping my young daughter off

at school, to see so many overweight students on her

campus. I really want to help all of them.

Boy, Josh and I had a lot in common during our school

days. (I wasn't a PE fan either, Josh.) And what he

sees on his daughter's campus is, sadly, so reflective

of what's going on in our country today. There are

more overweight children in America than ever before

and that's

got to change!

Last week, I told you about a seriously obese 3rd

grader who was actually removed from his home because

of his weight. The authorities say his mother was not

doing enough to help keep his weight from getting so

out of hand. Well, let me remind you, if you have an

overweight child, you must step up to

helping your child lose weight and get healthier. You

know how to do it, too.

Thank You, Josh, for

giving me another chance to talk about the importance

of making sure America's kids are as fit and healthy

as they can be!

It begins with setting the right example for

your children. Help them to be smart at making wise

food choices and...let

them see youmaking

the right food choices, too. And oh yes, you also

have to instill in your children how important getting

enough exercise is for them. Let them see you working

out or you could even get in some exercise together


Thank You, Josh,

for writing and giving me another chance to talk about

the importance of making sure America's kids are as

fit and healthy as they can be! I'm proud to have you

as a student at Slimmons and to count you among my



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