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motd Monday March 26, 2012

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Monday, 26 March 2012

I'm serious, look out! Here they

come! Who,

you may be wondering. Who is

coming? Well, hold on to your FoodMovers, everybody.

I'm taking about...the saboteurs!

I come across some of the most interesting articles in The Wall

Street Journal. A couple of weeks ago, that

newspaper had a story about colleagues at work who can

actually help...make you fat!

When it's a coworker's

birthday, that means bringing in a big cake and

everybody has to have a slice.

Oh, you know who they are. They're the

people at work who bring in treats to lift everyone's

moral. When it's a coworker's birthday, of course

that means bringing in a big cake and everybody has to

have a slice. In the meantime, you've been doing so

well on your weight-loss program. And the bad news

is...it's not always easy saying no to those

treats brought in to work for everyone to share. Your

coworkers may even try a few methods to get you to

give in. Let me give you a couple of "for instances."

They may take you on "the guilt trip." Oh, come

on! It's Marilyn's birthday. One little slice of

cake won't hurt and she'd really be upset if you

don't have a slice with everyone else.

Then there's "the I'm offended trip!" You've

just got to try one of these brownies! My daughter

and I baked them over the weekend. She was so proud

and they're really good.

Oh, I know you're on a

diet. But how much harm is one little cupcake gonna


And worse of all, they may even know you're trying to

lose weight and say: Oh, I know

you're on a diet. But how much harm is one little

cupcake gonna do, huh?

Those saboteurs! You've got to be on the

alert for them, that's for sure. You don't want to

hurt anyone's feelings by saying no. But, at the same

time, you don't want to hurt your own weight-loss

efforts by

saying yes to those extra

calories, either.

Explain to your coworkers that you've been working

hard to lose weight and, in order to be successful,

you've got to stick to your program. Tell them how

good the cake looks or tell that coworker who baked

all weekend that her food is always wonderful.

But it'd be better if you avoided the temptation this


By the way, you may even have coworkers who're also trying

to lose weight. Find out who there are. It would be

a great idea to stick with them. You could form your

own private weight-loss club at work. That way, you

can all eat together and work together reaching for

your goals.

You can get

those extra pounds off by learning to sayNO to the


And oh yeah, you may not always find the saboteurs only where

you work. They could be members of your own family.

They're not always out to "getcha" but listen up.

You can get those extra pounds off by learning to say NO to the

saboteurs and YES to yourself by

staying focused and working hard to lose all of the

weight you need to lose.


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