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motd Friday January 6, 2012

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Friday, 06 January 2012

Well, it's here...2012, a brand new year. A

year none of us have ever seen. And if you think

about it, the beginning of every new year is all about

a series of...FIRSTS!

I've already taught my first

class at

Slimmons here in 2012.

Let's see, for me, I've already taught my first

class at Slimmons in this new

year. In my Clubhouse this past Monday night, we had

our very first weekly Chat of 2012.

(Wanna chat with us? Just join my Clubhouse and you can be

with us every Monday night for an evening of fun

conversation and plenty of motivation.) I've already

answered my first

e-mails of

the year and before 2012 is over, I will have answered

thousands and thousands of them.

(Maybe even one from you.)

Now, for all of us, here comes another first. It's the first

weekend of 2012. Oh, those weekends. We

Americans just love 'em! What is it about the

weekend, huh? If you have a full-time job, I don't

even have to tell you. You've worked hard all week

and on Friday morning, you just can't wait until

5:00PM because it means you now have two whole days of

good-old R & R to look forward to.

On weekends, many of us

attend parties or just party,


On weekends, many of us attend parties or just party,

period! LOL. We go to the movies, visit friends or

maybe go shopping on the weekends, too. But do I even

have to tell you? Quite often, something else gets

mixed in with all of that weekend pleasure and fun...FOOD!

My goodness, I wonder how many weight-loss programs

start off great on Mondays but begin to fizzle as the

weekend approaches? (Can you relate to that problem?)

So tell me, what were the weekends like for you in

2011? Did you stay on program all week long but ended

up getting careless once a weekend arrived?

Here it comes...your

very first weekend of the new year!

Oh yes, it's a new year, everybody and we're still

doing and experiencing a lot of things for the very

first time in 2012. And oh yes, here it comes...your

very first weekend of the new year! Look, I

want you to be extra

determined to

stay on program during this first weekend of 2012.

And while you're at it, you'll be setting the patten

for how you

will stay

on program every weekend this year.

That means sticking to your food program and not

"taking the day off" from sweatin' just because it's

Saturday or Sunday. It means staying focused and

working hard to reach your weight-loss goal every day

of this year and yes indeed, that means every

weekend, too.

Beginning with this first weekend of 2012!


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