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motd Sunday Oct 2, 2011

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Sunday, 02 October 2011

I search and search my brain coming up with

different ways to keep you motivated. I mean, after

all, it

is all about motivation, isn't it? For

instance, I always suggest that when you go to the

supermarket, you make out a shopping list to take

along with you. It's one way to make sure you bring

home only the healthiest of foods. Only thing is,

you've got to stick

to that


Besides helping you save calories, a

shopping list can help you save money, too.

But did you know that besides helping you save

calories, a shopping list can help you save money, too? (And

in these tough economic times, that's definitely a

good thing.) But beware. When it comes to spending

calories and money,

your local supermarket can become a house of

temptation. Let's face it, those supermarkets want

you to spend as much money as possible while you're

in their stores.

Did you know that higher profit items are placed at

eye-level on each grocery store aisle? They're put

there because you're more likely to buy them when

they're right there in your face.

Do you ever look at those little bar codes above

each of the items you buy? They're on every

supermarket shelf and tell you how much an item

costs in one size and the unit

price of

that item. That way, you can figure out the

product's cost-per-serving. Buying a larger size of

a product may cost you more but, in the long run,

you'll save money

because the unit price is less. And you won't

have to buy that same item as often because you

have plenty left from the last time you purchased


The checkout aisle is a supermarket's last

chance to get you to dig deeper into your purse or


Is you cart all filled? Got everything you need?

Okay, let's head for the checkout but...wait!

The checkout aisle is a supermarket's last chance to

get you to dig deeper into your purse or wallet.

How? Well, the checkout aisle is actually a

temptation landmine! It's home of...the impulse

buy, You've

already made your grocery choices and ready to head

back home. But oh, just look at all of the stuff

waiting for you in the checkout aisle.

There're chips, candy bars and so-called "special

deals" on items that, most probably, you don't even

need. But you've got a little time to kill as the

customer ahead of you checks out. So you pick up an

item, examine it and find some way to justify buying

it. (See why they call it an impulse buy?) Yep,

you just gave that store a little bit more of your

hard-earned money on an item you bought


You've eaten half of that Snickers

bar before you even make it out of the parking lot!

And oh yeah, some people say to themselves, "I've

been on my feet in this store for over an hour. I

know I've burned quite a few calories so its okay

if I buy this one little Snickers Bar." Oh,

it happens in only a second. You've loaded those

groceries into your car and now you grab that

Snickers bar from the top of one of the bags. (You

asked the cashier to put it there so you could find

it more easily.) You unwrap it and, my goodness,

you've already eaten half of that Snickers bar

before you even make it out of the parking lot!

(Hey, looks like you got a little caramel on the

steering wheel.)

Please take my suggestion. Next time you go grocery

shopping, purchase only the

healthiest of foods to bring into your home. And

like I said before, be careful when you go to the

supermarket. Make out that shopping list, stick

with it and you'll save calories...and money!


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