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motd Wednesday Sept 7, 2011 - Walking

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Wednesday, 07 September 2011


tell me, which do you think is the better exercise?

Walking or running? Well, I'd say you really have to

choose the one that's best for you. But if

you're overweight, to be honest, running is a form of

exercise that you're most probably going to run away...from!


for every pound you're overweight, you're putting four

additional pounds of stress on your knees and joints as

you walk. So if you're 30 pounds overweight, that means

you're putting an additional 120 pounds of

stress on those knees and joints of yours with every

step. With that in mind, you can see why, if you're

very overweight, running is not such a good

exercise choice for you. So that leaves walking for you

to consider.

Now let me tell you

something, walking is a good and simple form of exercise

and...it's great for your body. If you move

your arms and legs with some real vigor as you walk, you

can turn your body into a real fat-burning furnace.

I have to say, I watch people as they walk and honestly,

some of them move like zombies! Their hands aren't

moving very much and their stride is so small. To me,

their walks look about as strenuous as an afternoon of

window shopping.


you've got to focus on the reason for your walking

program. And that is to keep your body healthy from

head-to-toe. As you walk, you should really move your

arms and change-up those arm movements as you walk.

Move your arms back and forth then side to side during

your walk. And I mean put some real gusto into it !

You can even do some upper body movements with your

chest, back and shoulders as you walk. I mean,

really...get into it!

And as you walk, I don't want you taking little baby

steps. (No window shopping here.) Work on that stride

and take good, strong long steps. That's it! Now if

you're a beginner, start out slow, making those strides

as strong and long as you can. Then challenge yourself

to do a little bit more each time you go out to take

your walk. Now, let me tell you about some of the

proven health benefits of walking.

Walking helps provide

natural antioxidants for your joints, bones and

muscles. Walking gives you lots of energy, too. When

you walk, you're moving every muscle in your body. And

when you do, it gives your body more energy for two, or

even three...like me! Walking also helps build

your body's immune system. When you walk, disease

fighting cells, (already present in your body), are

charged up and really go to work for you. They like

those walks, too! Walking may even lead to fewer colds

and flus. And since we'll soon be entering cold &

flu season, you need those walks more than ever this

time of year. And oh yeah, one more thing. Because

walking helps reduce stress, your walking program means

you're going to be enjoying much more restful nights

when you sleep. Oh, walking...it's just so good for you

all around!


did you exercise over the Labor Day weekend? Did you

exercise yesterday? What's that...neither? Well,

today is the perfect day for you to get out there and

start a walking program. And with it, comes all of the

benefits I just told you about. So walk,

don't run and I mean get started today!


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