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motd Sunday Sept 4, 2011

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Sunday, 04 September 2011

I've told you on many

occasions how much I love to eat. Oh, I can't wait to

sit down for my next meal. I get all excited as I

remove that fork from my silverware drawer and head for

the table. Hey, if I were in charge of things, we'd all

be eating eight meals-a-day! LOL.

But seriously, I love

preparing my meals then sitting at the dining room table

to enjoy them. I like to admire my plate as I decide

which dish I'm going to try first. Hmmm, will it be

that scrumptious lime chicken or the brown rice

casserole I made with sliced mushroom and freshly

chopped chives? Oh, decisions, decisions!

Then, after finishing everything on my plate, yum...I'm


But a lot of people aren't really satisfied after they

eat. And it's especially true when they've eaten foods

that provide very few nutrients or vitamins

for their bodies. (We talked about that last week with

those almost useless empty calories.)

Oh yes, it seems everyone is on the go these days and

they claim it leaves less time for them to

have a healthy meal. Do you have any idea how many

glazed donuts are sold in this country every morning?

You'd be shocked. (And then again, maybe you



I want you to think about something. Even though the

average glazed donut contains a lot of calories, after

eating one, it's not 30 minutes later before you're

reaching for something else to eat. (Oh, the donut.

Deep-fried batter with gobs of icing drizzled all over.

Oh my, now I want a donut! NOT! Just

kidding, LOL!)

Okay, for argument's sake,

let's say you've had your donut. But now that sugar and

fat are resting in your stomach and, already, you're

craving something else. And you're probably craving more

processed foods. (Oh, oh!)

Some people write and tell me how "good" they did with

their eating because they consumed only 1500

calories for the day. But when I find out which

foods they ate to get those 1500 calories, well,

I can see that they didn't really do so

good for the day. See, when you consume lots of empty

calories, you're not really nourishing your


May I tell you something? A calorie is not "just a

calorie". I mean, compare the 400 or-so calories in a

donut to the 400 calories that make up a nice healthy

salad, for instance. Which is better? 400 "nothing"

calories from that donut or filling your body with a

salad loaded with veggies and a few slices of grilled

chicken? Hey, your body needs the protein and complex

carbs you'll get from that salad. And not only that,

you'll feel much more satisfied from eating

the salad than you would have from having that one 400-calorie

donut. I want you to think about all this before you

reach for that next donut or candy bar.

And let me ask you one

more thing. How long does it take to polish off a donut

or a candy car, huh? Oh, less than a minute, most

probably. But if you'd taken the time to make yourself

a nice salad, you'd have spent more time enjoying it

and, when you were done, you'd have been be able to

say...I'm satisfied. So, so...satisfied!


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