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motd Wed Nov 30, 2011

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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

I loved our trips to Audubon Zoo in New

Orleans when I was a kid. On some weekends, our

parents would take my brother, Lenny and I on Saturday

afternoons. And sometimes a trip to the zoo would be

part of a field trip when I was a student at St. Louis

Cathedral School.

"Hey, , you're

nothing but talk! I dare you to go into the

cage with those monkeys."

Speaking of school, I should tell you, I was as silly

back then as I am today! (Are you surprised? LOL.)

And boy, on those field trips to the zoo...I'd get really silly!

While we were at the zoo, I'd kid with my

classmates and tell them I was going to jump into the

monkeys' enclosure and play with them. (I just loved

those monkeys!) But I'll never forget the time, on

one of our trips to Audubon, my classmate, Sonny,

dared me to carry out my threat by jumping into the

monkeys' cage.

In front of everybody, Sonny issued his dare. "Hey,

, you're nothing but talk! I dare you to go

into the cage with those monkeys and monkey around

with them!" Then he began to laugh! (His

laughing really got to me.)

What? Dare

Me? Was he kidding? Well, I just had to show

him and all the other kids. So I climbed the fence,

got into the enclosure and oh, you should have seen

the looks those chimps gave me! I was singing,

clapping, dancing and the little monkeys were all

howling. Actually, I could have sworn they were all

laughing at me!

Has anyone ever issued a

dare...to you?

Boy, did I ever show Sonny and the rest of my

classmates. (How dare he dare me!) But within barely

a minute, a couple of zoo keepers showed up and though

they were also laughing at my antics, I

was immediately escorted from the area and a stern

warning was given my teacher about me. (Oh,

dear!) Okay, I learned my lesson.

So, has anyone ever issued a dare...to you? Well, if not,

get ready because I'm about to make a dare I want you

to take today and for the rest of this week. Ready?

Okay, here goes...I dare you to walk past your

refrigerator without stopping to take a look


I know, it seems like the most innocent act. As you

walk past the fridge, you say to yourself, I'm just

gonna stop and peak for only a second. For a

lot of people, looking into the fridge is almost like a reflex. Come

on, admit it, some of us look into the fridge without

even thinking. Hey,

just what are you looking for in that fridge,


And I wonder how many people, once they stop for that

"innocent" peak, end up walking away from the fridge

with a not-so-innocent and fattening

treat in their hands?

"Oh, look...there's a slice of pizza left from

last night. I forgot it was there. Well, no need

letting it go to waste. I'll microwave it and have

just the one slice."

How many times a day are we

tempted by food?

"There's some sweet-and-sour pork left from the

Chinese takeout here in the fridge. I'm sure no one

wants it so I may as well have it, just a little


Ahhh, yes. How many times a day are we tempted by

food? And then we make it even worse by putting

unnecessary temptations in our faces by sneaking those

peaks into the fridge. I'll bet some people go into

their refrigerators 10-20 times a day. How about


And oh yes, I used to be one of them! Let me tell you

how bad I was. Some people take something to eat from

the fridge then walk away to eat it. But me? I'd stand

right there at the refrigerator eating one thing while

looking for something

else to

munch on. My excuse? Well, I was attempting to

"rearrange" everything to make the fridge more

presentable. (Hey! You never know when the Food

Network might

be stopping by! LOL.)

Are you up to taking my


So, are you up to taking my dare? Now remember, you

can go into the fridge during a meal or to get a

healthy snack for yourself. But in the meantime, the

fridge is completely off limits.

And do you know what'll happen if you take my dare?

Well, you'll stop munching and snacking as often and,

in the process, you'll begin losing weight more

efficiently...every month!

I dare you to find out!


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