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motd Monday August 8, 2011

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Monday, 08 August 2011


you heard that expression before? Gosh, it's been

around for a long time. But how many of us take that

expression seriously, especially when it comes to our

bodies? Did you know that your body actually craves

exercise? It's true! I've told you

before that God designed our bodies to move. Hey,

that's why He gave us arms and legs, for crying out

loud. He didn't mean for these bodies of ours to sit

around all day as if they were just a bunch of jelly

bellies, ya' know.


God designed our legs so we could walk, run, skip, hop

and dance. He gave us arms to sway in the air, to clap

and to do those fun Saturday Night Fever disco

points. Oh yeah! People who really

move, putting their arms and legs to work have lots of

energy and that energy helps them keep moving and

keeps their bodies in good shape.

The first time I heard the phrase, use it or lose

it, was from my dear friend, Jack LaLanne. He

used to say it on his morning exercise show back when I

was a kid. Boy, do I ever know what he means now!

And what did Jack mean? Well, he meant that

if your don't use that body of yours, in time...you

will lose it!

Now you have to know that exercise is necessary for your

physical fitness and overall good health. Get this, did

you know that inactivity is just as much a health risk

for you as smoking? Think about that for a



you don't use that body of yours, as you age, your

muscles will grow and I don't mean grow strong, either.

On the contrary, if you don't use your muscles, they'll

grow weak and flabby. Your heart and lungs won't

function as efficiently. Your joints will stiffen up

you and injure easily. And there will come a day when a

simple act, such as just getting up from a chair will be

difficult for you. Come on now, I know you don't want

that, do you?

So the big question on this fabulous Monday is this: are

you using your body? Are you getting in a good workout

everyday? Are you regularly doing your cardio

workouts? You need to be doing a good aerobic

activity three days a week. You can either find a gym

in your neighborhood to get in your cardio workouts or

you can do them right there in your own home. I

have lots of workouts DVDs that will give you great

cardio workouts, giving that heart of yours the

workout it needs.

In addition to cardio, you need to tone your body three

days-a-week. That means you need to invest in some toning

cords, rings, bands or light free-weights and get

in some good resistance-training. It'll strengthen your

bones and make your muscles toned and firm.

Okay, cardio and toning takes care of six days. Now on

that seventh day, you should take a good 1-2 mile walk.

I'm sure there's a park or maybe some quiet woods near

your house where you can get outside and really move

those arms and legs of yours as you strut your way to a

healthier body.


you are doing does three things then I want to

say...good for you. Don't stop! But if

you're feeling tired and drained of energy all the time,

then I'd definitely say it's time to get that body of

yours moving. And by the way, exercise will not only

make your body strong. It'll help keep your mind strong,

too. You'll be feeling so much more positive and happy


So tell me, what's it going to be? Please don't lose

that wonderful body of yours. And, to make sure you

don't, you know what you've got to do, don't you?

That's right...USE IT!


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