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motd Monday Nov 21, 2011

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Monday, 21 November 2011

Who knew? Seems, these days, mothers are

staying up later than ever. What, between

chauffeuring the kids, helping with homework and

managing the whole family's schedule, where do her

days go? And oh my, Mom's schedule gets even more

hectic if she also has a full time job.

9PM- 1AM is the time of day

mothers like to corner just for themselves...their

unwind time.

Well, get this. Nickelodeon is about to

launch a new late night lineup of shows that caters to

you busy moms. They're gonna call it Nick Mom.

(Cute, huh?) Nickelodeon has done their

research and concluded that the hours between 9PM- 1AM

is the time of day mothers like to corner just for

themselves. It's their unwind


Nick's late

night lineup will include lots of original programming

along with episodes of old TV shows Mom most probably

grew up watching herself, like The Brady

Bunch. (I hope they throw in some old episodes

of The

Donna Show. I just loved


I've gotta tell you, after reading this article about Nickelodeon's late

night plans, it got me thinking. I mean, how many

e-mails do I get, just about everyday, from moms who

tell me, ,

I just don't have time to exercise! (Believe me, I

get a lot of them!)

But wait a minute. Sounds to me like Nickelodeon has the right

idea. Hmmm, 9PM to 1AM is Mom's "unwind time?" Well

hey, what

better way to unwind than to

get in your hour of exercise leading up to bedtime?

Sure, watching TV is a great way to relax. But,

believe it or not...exercise is even better!

After an hour of sweatin' to one of my workout DVDs or spending 30

minutes to an hour on your exercise bike, you'll feel

so relaxed. I

guarantee it! While you're working out, you'll

be working off the day's stress which is a really good

thing, too. And just think how great you'll feel,

having made time for that body of


A late night workout is

perfect for you in so many ways.

Okay, this is for all of you busy moms out there who

claim you have "no time" to get your sweatin' in. A

late night workout is perfect for you in so many

ways. No phones ringing, no kids to pick up at the

mall and everybody's had dinner already. Now...it's

your time!

And ahhhh, when you're all done sweatin', you can

relax even more with a nice hot shower. Now you can

sit back and watch an episode of The Brady

Bunch on Nick Mom before having

the most peaceful, restful night's sleep you've had in

a long time!


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