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Newsletter for June 2011

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Well hello

there to all my clubhouse

members and website

friends! I am so happy to see you. Is it getting Hot, Hot,

Hot where you are?

Welcome to the sunshine month.

Ahhh...June! There wasn't a lot of sun everywhere last

month. Those April showers came late this year.

May ended up being a very rainy month in much of the

country. Many in our country were affected by storms, and

floods. But now the sun is coming back and the hot

weather is on it's way!

All the

sunshine and summer weather makes me think of vacations!

And that makes me really get excited about my Cruise

to Lose and all the beautiful places we'll be

visiting. I'm still working hard on my plans. Hooray to

Hollywood is going to be such a fun theme. And I just can't

wait for you to all come visit Slimmons

the night before we leave.

If you haven't visited my Cruise

to Lose page, you really should check it out. And

if you haven't booked your trip yet, now is the time to

book. We have less than 100 spaces left, and the sooner

you book the more room choices you'll have. And hey,

don't forget to grab that discount coupon off my website!

I'll be

teaching at Slimmons

a lot this month...and I'm also traveling some too. I'll be

taking a trip to Las Vegas to film a little piece with the

Miss America contestants. Won't that be fun!!! If any

other events come up that I need to tell you about, I'll be

sure to add them to my calendar.

And of course I'm spending lots and

lots of time working on my website, and visiting

my clubhouse. And I'll be doing my weekly chats

with my webbies. Our June Auditorium will be on the 6th.

And I'll be coming in 15 minutes early to chat a bit about

the cruise before our regular chat begins.

I'm predicting lots of sun in the USA this

month. It's June! The sixth month of the year and I don't

want to hear any gloom from you...do you hear me?

I want you to be happy this month. I'm talking happy as a

cherry on a hot fudge sundae!


day, I read emails

from people who're in gloomy moods. They write me and

say, "Oh, I just can't do this anymore!

I don't think I'm really worth it. I don't believe

I'll ever get all this weight off!"

Okay, so how's that for gloomy,

huh? Now listen, I want there to be no putting

yourself down this month! I don't want you saying that

you can't lose this weight or that you don't deserve it.

Where does that kind of negative thought get you, huh?

(Hey, not to your weight loss goal, that's for sure.) I

don't care how many times you've tried to lose weight and

get in better shape in the past. This month, I want you

to strive to feel good about yourself. And I want you to

know your worth. I also want you to believe in yourself

that you can lose this weight, once and for all.

Other emails I receive sound like this:

", my mother told me once, when I was in 7th

grade, that I would always be fat. And I guess she was

right because here I am, a grown woman now and I weigh

over 250 pounds! Not only that but my aunt once told me

that the handsome boys wanted nothing to do with chubby

girls. Now how do you think I felt when she told me

that? And can you imagine how I feel about myself

today? All I can think about lately is what my mother

and my aunt told me when I was young. My situation

feels so hopeless."

Well, I would certainly

call those gloomy thoughts. But come on now. I

don't want you wasting any more of your time thinking about the negative comments made to you by

family members who thought they were doing something

"constructive" telling you things like that. This month, I

want you to think about the nice things people have said

about you. And I know there have been many. I want you to

concentrate on the good things, the compliments made about

you for a change.

And some people who email me tell me they

were "born to be fat" now there's a thought that's gonna

get you nowhere. No one was "born" to be fat!

Hey, it's up to you whether you choose to be

obese or not. Please don't feed those kinds of thoughts

to yourself because they just ain't so!

Now... you know I

always have a recipe for you each month. This month I'm

sharing my recipe for Mango Black Bean Salsa:


Black Bean Salsa

Serves 8


10¾ oz cans black beans, rinsed and drained

2 chopped red peppers

1 cup chopped carrots

1 medium chopped red onion

2 ears of corn, husked

1 mango, chopped

½ chopped jalapeno pepper

juice of 2 limes

1 cup chopped cilantro

½ tsp salt (optional)

½ tsp pepper


Mix all

ingredients together.

Serve with baked

corn chips or over grilled meat, chicken, or fish.

Additional Tips

This recipe is great

at a barbeque. You can throw it on your salad, or serve it

with a burger, a piece of fish, or chicken.



162 Calories, 8.1 gm Protein, 33.1 gm Carbohydrate, .9

gm Fat, 0 mg Cholesterol, 364 mg Sodium

FoodMover windows

to close:

1 Starch ½ Fruit 2 Vegetable

I want you to make up

your mind that June is going to be the month you stay on

program. June is going to be the month you make sure to get

your daily workouts in. This month, I want you to make time

to spend quality time with your family and friends. I want

you to strive to excel at work this month and in every

area of your life.

If you're a clubhouse member, I want

you to stay

active in the clubhouse and make sure you are coming

to my chats. And if you're not a member, maybe you'll

think about joining. And ALL of you should drop by and

read my new Salute

to Success to get some extra motivation.

I want to thank you all for

reading my newsletters, joining my clubhouse, and for visiting

my Facebook page. It's important that we all stay

in touch.

Now one more time...no more gloom and doom. I want you to

have a HAPPY JUNE!

I'll see you in the



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