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How I've Helped People Get (And Stay) Motivated Toward Their

Weight-Loss Goals

Oh, it's the question I've heard most often for the nearly 40

years I've been encouraging Americans to lose weight and get in

shape. ", can you motivate me to lose this weight?"

Well, truth is, I can try and motivate each of you on the importance

of losing weight until I'm blue in the face. (Maybe then I would

have gotten that role in Avatar!) But seriously, sure, I can

motivate you. But you know who your real motivator has to be? It's

someone you know...That's right, you also have to motivate yourself!

And now, I'm giving you a dose of what it's gonna take to


M: MEMORIES. Think of how you've felt in the past

about your weight. You've been put down and you've felt down. You've

been made fun of and I know that was no fun, was it? And be honest,

you're just tired of it all, aren't you? Well, it's time to move

past the bad memories and get ready to create some new happier

memories for yourself by taking on losing this weight. So, where do

you start? Here's where...

O: OWN UP. Yep. Own up to the mistakes you've made

in the past with your eating habits and lack of exercise. Every time

you reached for that burger, fries and chocolate shake, you knew

what the consequences would be, didn't you? Of course you did...a

weight gain. But the past is just that, past...as in over. Everybody

makes mistakes. Don't punish yourself because of the mistakes you've

made in the past with your eating habits. Forgive yourself. What

matters now is the now as in what you can do now, starting today, to

create a happier, healthier future for yourself. Know what else

you've got to do?

T: THINK! Use the miracle inside your head. That

brain you have is stronger than you realize. Inside your mind, God

has already placed the power you'll need to lose the weight, once

and for all. He's just left it in your hands to use that power. Are

you ready to use it? Remember, you are stronger than the

I-can-make-you-feel-good temptations of any food! Which leads to

these words...

I: I CAN DO IT! I've been telling people for nearly

40 years these four simple words...you can do it.

Now, I want you to turn those words and say them to yourself

everyday. "I can do it". And you know what? YOU

can! But you'll need to bring a few friends along with you on this

adventure, like...

V: VEGETABLES. Yeah, and lots of fruits, too! How

long have you mistreated your body with sugary snacks, greasy fried

meats and processed foods that this country's food manufacturers

claim we're just going to love? Oh sure, those foods lining the

snack aisles of your local store may taste good. But they sure

aren't doing your body any good. There are six major food groups and

you should put fruits and vegetables at the top of your list. The

rest: carbohydrates, proteins, dairy and fats should be eaten in

moderation. Now, let's get back to you and your...

A: ATTITUDE. I don't even want to tell you how many

people begin their weight-loss journeys with the best of intentions.

Oh, they start out great, for the first week, but then their

attitudes turn south. Before they know it, they've convinced

themselves that they "just can't do it." Oh, come on! That's the

most self-defeating attitude you can have. If you keep telling

yourself that you "can't do it", well sure enough, you begin to

believe your own words and...you won't do it. That's why you have to

recharge your attitude every morning when you get up. Believe in

yourself and remember what I said under the letter "I"...I can do

it! Hooray! You're on your way, your body is changing and that means

you've gotta...

T: TONE. As you lose weight, you want to build

those muscles of yours. Toning or strength-training will help you do

that. You want to keep your body tight, toned and keep those muscles

of yours big and strong as you drop that weight, one pound at a

time. That's where the toning will help. One more thing: -- well

actually, there are two more.

E: EAT & EXERCISE WELL! (Hey, I got two uses

out of the letter "E"!) Calories in...calories out. It's a one-two

punch and the formula is just so simple. Eating the wrong way is

what caused you to gain those extra pounds in the first place. Now,

it just makes good sense that eating the right way is going to help

you lose the weight. It seems a little ironic, doesn't it? Food

helped you gain weight and now food is going to help you lose it.

Only now, you've got to stay focused on what you eat and how much

you eat.

And I know I talked about it with the letter "T" for toning. But,

there's no way around it. Any well-balanced weight-loss program is

not good or well-balanced if exercise is not included in the plan.

Besides three days of toning a week, you should also include three

days of cardio/aerobic activity and, on the seventh day, take that

body of yours for a nice long walk. Use that time to dream about the

new life, the new body and the new you you're working so hard to

create everyday!

M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E: remember it. I'm telling you, the motivation you

need to make your weight-loss dream come true is already inside you

and I want you to remember one more thing: It's not too late to make

that weight-loss dream come true for yourself. It's just time!

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