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motd Sunday Aug 21, 2011

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Sunday, 21 August 2011

You'll never guess what I

watched on TV yesterday. I was flipping through the

channels and came across an old movie from my

childhood. It was The Incredible Shrinking Man.

Did you ever see that one? Some of you weren't even

born when it came out. Well, let me tell you about it.

This man and his wife were out on their private boat

sailing offshore. They were having such a

pleasant afternoon and then...it appeared.

While his wife was below deck, a mysterious mist seemed

to come from out of nowhere. The mist enveloped their

little boat while the husband was still outside on the

deck. He was, understandably, perplexed by this

unexpected phenomena. But as mysteriously as it

appeared, the mist drifted away. He told his wife what

had happened. But, since the mist was gone, they

assumed it was just a fogbank or something and thought

nothing more of it. But wait...

Back home, over the next few days, the man's clothing

begin to fit more lose on him. But that wasn't the end

of it. With each passing day, he got smaller and

smaller. He went from six feet to barely six inches

tall! His wife even had to buy a dollhouse

for him to live in. And oh yeah, the scariest part of

the movie for me was when their pet cat saw him as an

appetizer and actually tried to eat him! I

guess the kitty thought he was a mouse or something.

(Oh, my!) I'm telling you, if you haven't seen this old

back and white flick, you'll get a real kick out of it!

After seeing the

movie, I got to thinking. See, when you eat healthy and

exercise regularly, you shrink. Oh yes, you

do. (No, not like that man in the movie though. So

don't give away your kitties. LOL.)

Parts of your body will

begin to shrink as you drop the extra pounds. You go

from having a double chin to a single chin. Inches

shrink from your chest, your back, waist, thighs and

your legs. See, now you're The Incredible

Shrinking Person! And come on, those of you

who've experienced it know that this kind of shrinking

actually feels good!

Now as you shrink, what doesn't shrink are your

clothes. Hey, it's as if they're growing

because...they've gotten bigger on you! Lots of people

have told me how excited they were, having to buy all

new wardrobes because of their incredible shrinking

bodies. Yep, they got to say good-bye to the Plus Size

departments at Kohl's, Macy's or Dillards! Hooray!

Now let's get back to the

shrinking. See, one other part of your body shrinks,

too. And I'm testament to this. Your stomach

shrinks as you lose weight. It really does.

That's right, your stomach gets smaller and is able to

hold less food! (Now there's a good thing.)

That means, as you eat, you fill up on less food so

you're eating less of it.

And finally, one other

thing shrinks and that is your mental desire to

overeat. (Looks like you've retrained your brain.) As

your body shrinks, your self-esteem grows. You start

feeling good about yourself. And when you feel good

about yourself...you'll make better decisions about what

to eat. You begin making exercise a part of your life

that you simply can't live without.

Now, what you don't

want to shrink are your bones and muscles. And if you

don't eat and workout properly, you can end up doing

damage to your bone density and muscle mass. So please,

take good care of yourself while you're...shrinking.

Hey, did you see that movie, The Incredible

Shrinking Woman? It starred Lily Tomlin. Oh, it

was so much fun. And speaking of fun, I hope to see you

starring soon in your own version of the The

Incredible Shrinking Woman...or Man!


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