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motd Tuesday April 20, 2010

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Tuesday, 20 April 2010

When's the last time you were in a vitamin store? I'm telling you, it's astounding how many types and brands of vitamins are available on store shelves today. I was in a vitamin store a couple of days ago and with all of the choices available, you won't believe what I left the store with. One-A-Day vitamins. That's right!

The One-A-Day vitamin brand has been around for over 50 years. That little red tablet was always next to my glass of freshly squeezed orange juice at our house in New Orleans when I was a kid. And as you can see, I still take them today. (Only now I take the one they make for seniors. LOL.)But that vitamin is not the only thing I get one of a day. I also get in my one hour of exercise...everyday! Now I have to tell you that I didn't start out doing one hour of exercise a day. Are you kidding? I didn't have the stamina nor the energy for a full one-hour of working out. But I believed that if I started our slowly and carefully, I could go from five or ten minutes of exercise a day to that full hour.I remember when I began exercising how I huffed and puffed my way through my short workout sessions. Sometimes I would think to myself...this is just too hard! But after I finished those short periods of exercise, I can remember how good I felt! So I kept working out and soon, I was able to get up to 30 minutes, later 45 minutes and finally, I was doing my full 60-minute workout!

Today, I vary my personal workouts. Some days I go up to my gym and lift weights. Other days, I'll do cardio and play the music really loud! (It adds to my energy.) I get lost in my left lifts and all of the dance steps I do. And you wanna know something else? If I don't really watch the clock, I can easily end up doing more than one hour!When I'm not working out at home, I'm teaching classes at Slimmons or on the road. And when I'm on the road, I do my workouts in my hotel room. Oh, I just have to get my One-A-Day hour of exercise in. Truth is, exercise has become one of the most important chapters in the book of my life. It's like plugging my body in...I get reenergized with my workouts!Exercise also helps me look at life in a more positive way. And I want you to know, I pray to God, thanking him for giving me the wisdom to work out and for giving me the strength and energy to get through every one of them.

Are you just starting your own exercise program? Can you only do a few minutes of exercise right now? Well, build on those few minutes, just like I did in the beginning. Those minutes will add up and you'll be amazed at how long you're able to work out, as you keep it up. And oh yes, if you're trying to lose weight, exercise is truly your best friend. It burns the calories you eat and...sometimes overeat. Exercise gets your calorie-burning metabolism going full force! It improves your circulation and even helps heal your body. Oh, if I could only bottle it. You know, take one tablespoon of my potion a day and it inspires you to get your full hour of exercise in. Hmmm, what do you think I should charge for it? Well, truth is, if I did have a potion like that, I'd give it to everybody. You and I both know, that kind of potion will never be created. You don't need a potion anyway, the magic is already inside you!Hey, wait a minute, I'm your potion! Listen to the advice I'm giving you today and drink it up. Find time to do to get in whatever amount of exercise you can do right now, wherever you may be on your weight-loss journey. Maybe it's sitting in a chair and working your upper body. Maybe it's taking a walk or swimming. Whatever you choose to do, when it comes to your workouts, start out slow, even if it's less than an hour. Bu keep trying and, in time, get up to your...One-A-Day!Love,

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