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mots Sunday April 11, 2010

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Sunday, 11 April 2010

I received a letter from a lady named Beverly who told me she was very worried about her husband. He weighed over 600 pounds. She told me that her husband, , was a wonderful man but that he had given on ever losing weight.

Worse than that, even felt it might be best for him to die so that Beverly and their daughter could move on without the burden he brought to their lives. Reading her letter made me so very sad. Beverly wanted to know if I might call and offer him some help. Well, of course I'd call! I picked up the phone a few days ago and did get on the phone.At first, when I introduced myself, asked, "What's going on, is this some kind of joke?"I told , it was no joke, that it was indeed calling about a very upsetting letter I'd received about him from his wife. I then began reading Beverly's letter to him. And after I finished, there was a long period of silence on 's end of the phone. As I finished reading her letter, it started. began to weep loudly and almost uncontrollably over the phone.

After I managed to calm him down, we talked about his life and how he'd reached this point with his weight. During our conversation, he repeated to me that wanted to die because of what his obesity had done to his life. He was terribly upset about how his weight had affected his family. He went on to tell me about all of the past diets he'd been on and how he'd failed at every attempt to lose weight. also told me that he had been married to Beverly for over 20 years, what an incredible wife she was and that he was as in love with her as the day they'd met. He talked about their daughter and what a great kid she was. But, in spite of all the good in his life, just couldn't see a future for himself. Sadly, he had just about completely given up on his life.

The two of us talked for quite a while. I told that I was here for him. I let him know that I was ready to help him learn to take control of the food, to eat properly and to even begin adding exercise to his daily schedule. I knew exercise would be tough for him with but I reminded that...he had to start trying! He had to start slowly with the exercise and build on it everyday.As we began to wind down our conversation, had one more question for me: "," he asked, "why do you want to help me?"I explained to that my life was really about helping people. I told him that I loved helping people because, not only am I good at it but helping others makes me feel so good inside. Helping others add purpose to my life. And you know...God put us all here for a purpose.I have to say, talking to was really like talking to an old friend. He planned to talk to Beverly and tell her all about our conversation. I will stay in touch with him and I do believe he can turn his life around to become the healthy husband and father he wants to be and that his family deserves.

Now you all have known me for quite a while and let's face it, I'm a little "ancient." Hey, I've been around so long, not only may I have helped you but I may have helped a parent or even one of your grandparents! And I thank God for keeping me here on this earth for a long time now...helping others. Oh, I can't wait to get to my desk each morning to begin reading my mail and doing what I do best, offering help.I know that many of you have helped with your parents, a sibling, someone at church or a friend from work. So you know how it feels to help those who desperately need a helping hand. I applaud you all for giving the time and help to those you know and to strangers you may never know.Love,

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