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MOTD Mon Aug 3, 2009

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Monday, 03 August 2009

Why did my parents have to love nuts so much? Oh, Shirley and Lenny were big nut eaters. Hmmm, I wonder if you can get a little nuts from eating so many nuts? LOL!

There was always a can of Planter's nuts sitting next to my father's chair in the living room. It had a little key on the side that you had to use to open the can. And yes, I cut my finger many a time trying to open that can too fast. Ouch!My father loved pecans and cashews. Shirley was a big fan of Brazil nuts and hazelnuts. And me? Well, I liked all nuts! I just loved pouring them from the can straight into my mouth. A "nutty" little side story for you...The only fish my father ever made in our house was Trout Almondine. I called it Almondine Trout because on my plate, there were a lot more almonds than trout!

My father garnished ice cream with nuts. And our freezer always contained a supply of Nutty Buddies. (Do they still even make those? Anybody know?) They were ice cream cones you bought at the store that were topped with a chocolate shell and sprinkled with nuts.When I worked at the praline store back when I was a kid, I loved watching as he put the pecans into the sugar mixture and created this New Orleans specialty confection. Oh, they smelled so-o-o-o good!Way back then, who knew that nuts were so fattening? I sure didn't! And, at the time, I wasn't even worried about it.

But oh, those nuts have followed me throughout my life. And I've always loved them dearly! But one day I sat down and educated myself about nuts and...I almost went nuts! I discovered that nuts were just filled with oil. And that oil, of course, is very fattening! But, in spite of that, it's a healthier kind of fat. And nuts, eaten in moderation do offer some health benefits.

But do you know how many grams of fat are in, say, just five cashews? Five grams of fat! Now, if you have 20 cashews, you get 20 grams of fat. And if you have 40 cashews, you're eating...well, you've figured the math out by now. That's right...40 grams of fat! Now raise your hands, all of you out there if you've had 40 nuts! Hey! I'm not talking about in your family! LOL.Remember, while they may be good for you, nuts should be used sparingly because of their high fat content. Finely chopped pecans or walnuts taste great in a salad. And a few almonds chopped and stirred into your brown rice dish will make it taste just yummy. I use nuts more or less as an accessory to many of my dishes.For instance, when I'm making stuffed bell peppers, I'll chop up some pine nuts and fold them into my turkey mixture before stuffing the bell peppers. Or I love to add chopped pistachios to my meat loaf. You just need a few and they'll add a fabulous nutty flavor. Just remember, when it comes to nuts, like with any foods, it's all about portions. That's what I've been preaching to you for years. A few nuts go a long way. Take it from your uh, nutty friend!Love,

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