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Message for Friday Jan 4

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Happy Friday to you, my friends. Yesterday I did a newspaper interview, and

the first question the reporter asked was, “How does one stay motivated? It

seems everyone has trouble with that.” My answer was simple. “A person can

only stay motivated by knowing his worth.”

I think you would agree with me. Unless you feel you are worthy, you will

never make changes in yourself. When I created the Project Me Passport

decades ago, the last of the 21 statements was “I am worth it.” For years,

I`ve been trying to show you your worth, and for many of you, it`s been


We are born into this world bright-eyed and full of hope. Things happen

along the way. We get hurt and disappointed, and our personal worth is just

stripped away, and that`s where many of you are today. You don`t feel you

deserve it, and when you don`t feel you deserve something, you simply never

give it to yourself.

Well, we`re in a NEW YEAR, and I need you to concentrate on getting your

worth back! I`ve told you that you are unique and one of a kind. I`ve told

you that you are a good person and that you treat others in a positive way.

I`ve always told you that I`ve loved you, and now it`s time for you to love

you more. How do you do that? By simply practicing!

I`ve asked you to sit down and jot on a piece of paper all the reasons why

you like you. Compliments to yourself nourish your worth! Doing nice things

for others increases your self-worth! You must stand up for yourself and

believe in you before you see any changes.

Somewhere along the line, someone has challenged your worth and has made you

feel unworthy of anything. Part of this journey to worth is forgiveness.

When people are hard on you, you become harder on yourself, and that can

only lead to a very destructive pattern. Today I want you to take the first

steps to find your worth, embrace it, and watch it grow.

Since I did QVC this week, I`ve planted a seed of worth in many of your

minds, and I`m proud to say, we have hundreds of new Club Members. I will

work hard, so hard, for you to see your potential and for you to start

taking better care of you! You`re worth so much to me, and I hope that my

love for you lets you feel that you can do anything in this world that you

want to do.

Try to plan out your meals today. You are worth it. Try to make time for the

exercise, because you are worth it. And try to think very positively today,

because, yes, you are worth it.


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