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Re: Anyone try Ambertose?

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if you mean Ambrotose, i did and it made me feel worse, but others

have reported benefits from it

i think it may matter what phase of CFS you are in as to when one

should take what (all of which still needs to be sorted out)

as a segue, in both Western and Eastern medicinal practices, varying

approaches/medicinals are used to treat the same/similar illnesses

" no two patients alike " , even within the same illness



> Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

difference or make you worse?


> Thank you,

> Suzanne



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Ambrotose can cause a herx type response like other things we take

that detox our bodies. Other people taking this have said as much.

I actually developed itching from it after being on it for several

weeks and having increased my dosage quite a bit. I have liver

detoxification issues, and my theory is that it was helping clear

out some things that needed to be cleared out. The hives continued

for several weeks after stopping it. My physician said it was not

an allergic reaction, as they don't last that long. But it might

very well be an immune reaction to clearance of toxins which may

have created a temporary sensitivity.

Before the hives quite subsided, my nose began to drip one clear

drop every hour or so and gradually increased over a couple of

weeks. I did not sneeze, had no congestion, did not feel bad in any

way. This dripping increased, but never developed into a cold,

sinus infection, etc.

My original infection 10 years ago and the cause of my becoming

chronically ill (in my opinion) was a jaw infection that spread to

my sinuses. I'd like to think that the Ambrotose (glyconutrients)

is having a positive effect on clearing out something that needs to

be cleared out. My physician said he would like me to start at the

lowest dose after the hives are gone (they are) and stay at that low

dose for a month -- then assess. I plan to do this as soon as I

return from a trip. Will post again if I learn anything else.


> > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

> difference or make you worse?

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Suzanne

> >

> >

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I'm wondering what your dosage is. I am taking one teaspoon a day

and I feel it helps. If it were not so expensive I would take more.

I have a guy who sells it to me less expensively than anywhere else

I've seen, but it's still expensive (like $78 per 100gram jar). I've

wondered if my dose is enough to do anything.


> > > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

> > difference or make you worse?

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > > Suzanne

> > >

> > >

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That is a great price. Is that price available to others, or just a

friendship thing?

I'm certainly no authority on dosage, but have read enough and heard

enough that I think one teaspoon a day should be very helpful. Are

you taking 1/2 tsp in the am and 1/2 tsp at bedtime? That was what

I was taking when my hives began. Before that, I had started out

with the 1/4 tsp twice daily as is written on the 100 mg. jar.

I have a friend who has had FM for years and nothing had helped

her. (She is a leader with me in our support group.) In a very

short while on Ambrotose (though she is taking two more of their

support products as well), she is doing unbelievably well. We had a

birthday party with 7 friends last Wednesday at her home. She was

multi-tasking all sorts of things going on at her house, while able

to concentrate and play a board game. In the 5 years I'd known her,

I'd never seen this amazing side of her -- she definitely

is " back. " Before this, she never felt well and had to miss lots of

meetings, etc.

If you are tolerating it well and feeling better, you might want to

bite the $-bullet and take one tsp. am and one tsp pm to see if

there are any additional benefits. They are using this for autistic

children, etc. with good results so it is very safe. It has even

been put in large doses in the feeding tubes of desperately ill


I'm that " odd ball " in the barrel who developed hives (apparently

from sensitivity to dieoff). I will restart it when I return from

a scheduled trip, as my physician thinks I should. I don't want to

risk the hives again while having fun on my trip.


> > > > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

> > > difference or make you worse?

> > > >

> > > > Thank you,

> > > > Suzanne

> > > >

> > > >

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are you talking about ambrotose from mannatech? if so, i have been

on it since april. and no -- it hasn't healed me but it has helped.

if this is the right product, let me know and i'll send more info.


> Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

difference or make you worse?


> Thank you,

> Suzanne



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Hi - I'm just taking 1 tspn in the am. I will consider upping it

though. I'll check with the guy to see if and how you can contact

him to buy. I found him on ebay, but he stopped selling on ebay a

while back and now the ebay prices have gone way up once he removed

his inventory. He has sold to me again a couple of times privately.

Do you know what the other two products are that your friend is


Back when I was trying to start drinking ozonated water I had some

difficult detox stuff happen. I decided to cleanse my colon and I

chose to do it with oxy-powder. I thought a good colon cleanse would

help move out toxins so they would not be reabsorbed from my colon

into my blood. I had done many methods of colon cleansing and the

oxy-powder was the most effective for me, and the easiest. I am now

able to drink 1-2 cups of ozone water without any problems, and I'm

working on increasing the amount. We wrote about my experience with

oxy-powder here:


Have you done a colon cleanse? If not, it could help.

I'll get back to you about the ambrotose products.

> > > > > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

> > > > difference or make you worse?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > Suzanne

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Hi there - Regarding the guy selling the ambrotose and glyco

products, I contacted him and he is still selling at very reduced

prices and anyone can buy from him. He gave me an email address for

folks to contact him. He will email you a price list for all the

glyco products. I checked for myself and he has the best prices I

could find on the web including ebay. I've bought twice from him and

am reordering this week. Email him here: goodwillseven@...

Plus I wonder if I would be better off taking 1/2 teaspoon twice a

day, instead of the 1 teaspoon in the morning. Any thoughts?

> > > > > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really make a

> > > > difference or make you worse?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > Suzanne

> > > > >

> > > > >

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they recommend twice a day -- so it would probably be best to do

that. probably has to do with the " half life " or absorption of the


i take the ambrotose powder and AO capsules as well as the plus and

glycentials. last night i could barely function. and my

functionality went up about 3-4 weeks after i started just the

powder. and while i am not cured -- i have been under IMMENSE

stress this past year, and have still been functioning.

so i'm very pleased with it. annd when i forget to take it -- i

notice a difference.

from what i've been told, it does take time for it to affect ones

body as it helps rebuild the cells. so give it some time.

> > > > > > Has anyone here tried amertose? If so did it really

make a

> > > > > difference or make you worse?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you,

> > > > > > Suzanne

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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