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Ampligen for CFS

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2 February 2003

Editorship : j.van.roijen@...

Outgoing mail scanned by Norton AV


From: Vogel_frau <vogel_frau@...>

Hello there,

This is the print story version of a piece that was broadcast on American

television this morning, CBS News Early Show.

Despite the usual misleading " Chronic Fatigue " in the title, it is overall

a rather balanced piece, better than the usual treatment " CFS " receives.

This is encouraging.

It is interesting to see this appear whilst the AACBT (..oh, I mean the

AACFS) Conference is underway in Chantilly, Virginia.

I see Trudie Chalder speaks twice at the AACBT conference. The agenda

reveals the bias towards CBT and the misrepresentation of ME as " CFS, a

Medically Unexplained Syndrome " . International solidarity in support of

the truth about ME is imperative as the propaganda efforts are forging

ahead worldwide to bury ME and bury ME patients, present and future.

For Justice and Recognition of ME,

Best wishes,



Hope For Chronic Fatigue Sufferers


NEW YORK, Feb. 1, 2003

(CBS) Were it not for an intravenous line and the drug it pumps into her

body, Joan Friedman would know no life outside her home. In 1994, she

developed what she thought was a bad case of the flu - but she never got

better. She was later diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between

500,000 and a million people in the U.S. have chronic fatigue syndrome.

Certain antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs have been found

effective in managing the symptoms of CFS, but there is no known cure for

this debilitating disease.

" You forget the meaning of common words. You are spaciously disoriented,

you don't know where you are, " Joan explains.

But things have changed significantly for Joan. She's now self-sufficient,

and she credits the experimental drug Ampligen for her remarkable

turnaround. The drug is now in the final testing stages here in the U.S.,

and so far researchers like what they see.

Dr. Podell, a chronic fatigue syndrome specialist, says that the

drug " seems to correct certain subtle metabolic abnormalities that are

seen with people who have CFS. "

CFS is more prevalent among women, but it also affects men, and people of

all ages and races. The cause of CFS isn't known, but scientists believe

it begins with a virus.

" The studies seem to suggest that the people who are more vulnerable are

those people that are doing a lot physically, a lot mentally. They are so

near the edge that the virus could be the straw the breaks the camels

back, " Dr. Podell says.

There is no evidence to support that CFS is contagious, as no outbreaks or

epidemics have been reported.

For some CFS patients, the exhaustion lasts for just a few months. But for

people like Joan who are sick for more than six months, it can take almost

a year for the positive effects of Ampligen to kick in.

" Getting rid of dementia, even if Ampligen did nothing else, would be well

worth the money, the needle sticks and the commuting, " says Joan.

The Ampligen study should be completed in about a year and a half. Then it

will have to go through the FDA's approval process, something many CFS

sufferers hope will be speedy.


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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

hi stephen. there are several people who have reported on their ampligen

experiences. just google " ampligen experiences " and you will get a lot of hits.

you can check the prohealth message boards as well as pheonix rising message

boards. there is also a group about ampligen.


good luck


From: M. <pumpstersteve@...>

CFS FM Experimental < >; CF Alliance

< >

Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 8:01:08 AM

Subject: Ampligen for CFS


Has anyone anyone here tried, or know anyone who has tried, Ampligen? It is

still in clinical trials, but has been submitted to the FDA multiple times.

I'd love to hear about everyone's experiences, or anyone's experience.


Steve M in PA, age 21

Married with 3 year old daughter

Duragesic 300mcg/hr

Actiq-600 (4/day)

OxyIR 30mg (6/day)

Grade II DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)


Probable RSD

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Guest guest

I spoke to somebody about 10 years ago who was pretty much cured by it (went

from bedridden to working full-time with travel), but I have also read about

negative responses. Like everything else, it's going to help some and not



Has anyone anyone here tried, or know anyone who has tried, Ampligen? It is

still in clinical trials, but has been submitted to the FDA multiple times.

I'd love to hear about everyone's experiences, or anyone's experience.


Steve M in PA, age 21

Married with 3 year old daughter

Duragesic 300mcg/hr

Actiq-600 (4/day)

OxyIR 30mg (6/day)

Grade II DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)


Probable RSD

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have you tried LDN? Might be a good mix for your Fibro!!

God Bless,



> I spoke to somebody about 10 years ago who was pretty much cured by it (went

from bedridden to working full-time with travel), but I have also read about

negative responses. Like everything else, it's going to help some and not



> Ellen


> Has anyone anyone here tried, or know anyone who has tried, Ampligen? It is

> still in clinical trials, but has been submitted to the FDA multiple times.


> I'd love to hear about everyone's experiences, or anyone's experience.


> Thanks


> Steve M in PA, age 21

> Married with 3 year old daughter

> Duragesic 300mcg/hr

> Actiq-600 (4/day)

> OxyIR 30mg (6/day)

> Grade II DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)

> Fibromyalgia

> Probable RSD



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