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AHA! Doxepin elixir/ Siniquan Help with dose please?

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Thanks Cindi and to all -

Here's what I found out so far. Please someone who does doxepin elixer let

me know if I have the approx dose right (2 - 3 drops?)

Doxepin is the generic name for Sinequan. Sinequan has some kind of Quinine

properties and bc of that an EKG is recommended.

Ok, now. Cheney seems to prescribe like 2 -3 three drops of doxepin elixir.

My med shrink never heard of this but pharmacist says he can get it. 10 ml

per ml. Usually one drop = 20 ml. If my math (god help me) is right then 2

drops of doxepin elixir = 1 mg. (Steve, I am getting better at this?!)

The going theraputic dose for Doxepin/Sinequan is 125 - 150 mg. Woaw. So,

he is prescribing a really small amount (gee, like alot of things we seem to

be able to tolerate/need very little)

Since doxepin is indicated in urticaria per the PDR (the grown up name for

hives). I am thinking maybe I can improve sleep and also s top taking the

zrytec/zantac combo I have to take now or else get really bad hives. I read

on another list - old transcript of Cheney's that he said it is one of the

strongest antihistamines known. Ok, wait. I'll find the quote. Here- from

Nutritionadvisor.com A Transcript of Cheney from Feb 5 - 7 1999.

" Doxepin elixir. An antidepressant with POTENT anti-histaminic properties. I

suspect that this is the most powerful antihistamine known to man and it

gets into the central nervous system. We use very small amounts of this. I

think it's adjusting the histamine receptors, which are the grand maestro of

the central nervous system, and downregulates it, which is beneficial. Small

doses at night. "

The weight gain? Shoot. That is one of the " side effects " of Neurontin

too. I'll just have to see how bad it gets. Such a trade off.

I got all this info from all over the place today - the pharmacist, the PDR

in the bookstore, the nurse at my docs.

Please someone let me know as soon as possible if I am wrong about how much

Cheney's usual prescription is of doxepin elixir since I am flying blind

here just asking the med shrink to fill it the way I ask. Thanks and I'll

let you all know how it goes.

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Hi ,

I'm a new Cheney patient. He put me on 2 drops of Doxepin elixir

(Sinequan trade name) about a month ago along with Klonopin,

Magnesium shots and Neurontin (which we have since dropped).

Anyway, you are right about the dosages Dr. Cheney recommends to

start with - 2 - 3 drops - of the Doxepin Elixir (10mg / ml). He

says this can be increased to 1/2 to 1 cc (5mg - 10 mg) as needed to

keep you asleep all night.

However, I am having problems adjusting the dosages of all the

drugs. He says if you're too " hung-over " you are taking too much,

but he also says that you must take enough to make you sleep all

night without waking up (which I do). I personally haven't been

able to find the right combination to keep me asleep all night

without significant hang-over the next day. My heart rate has

increased significantly when I increase the Doxepin dosages to the 4

mg and above levels, also. I don't mean to discourage anyone.

Lots of people seem to be able to get these drugs to work. I'm

still working with Dr. Cheney to try to get the right combination for


Anyway, you are right about the Elixir being 10 mg/ml. There are

about 20 drops per ml (or cc - the same thing). So 2 drops is about

1 mg. His recommended maximum dose (at least for me, was 1cc = 10 mg)

> Doxepin is the generic name for Sinequan. Sinequan has some kind

of Quinine

> properties and bc of that an EKG is recommended.


> Ok, now. Cheney seems to prescribe like 2 -3 three drops of

doxepin elixir.

> My med shrink never heard of this but pharmacist says he can get

it. 10 ml

> per ml. Usually one drop = 20 ml. If my math (god help me) is

right then 2

> drops of doxepin elixir = 1 mg. (Steve, I am getting better at



> The going theraputic dose for Doxepin/Sinequan is 125 - 150 mg.

Woaw. So,

> he is prescribing a really small amount (gee, like alot of things

we seem to

> be able to tolerate/need very little)


> Since doxepin is indicated in urticaria per the PDR (the grown up

name for

> hives). I am thinking maybe I can improve sleep and also s top

taking the

> zrytec/zantac combo I have to take now or else get really bad

hives. I read

> on another list - old transcript of Cheney's that he said it is one

of the

> strongest antihistamines known. Ok, wait. I'll find the quote.

Here- from

> Nutritionadvisor.com A Transcript of Cheney from Feb 5 - 7 1999.


> " Doxepin elixir. An antidepressant with POTENT anti-histaminic

properties. I

> suspect that this is the most powerful antihistamine known to man

and it

> gets into the central nervous system. We use very small amounts of

this. I

> think it's adjusting the histamine receptors, which are the grand

maestro of

> the central nervous system, and downregulates it, which is

beneficial. Small

> doses at night. "


> The weight gain? Shoot. That is one of the " side effects " of


> too. I'll just have to see how bad it gets. Such a trade off.


> I got all this info from all over the place today - the pharmacist,

the PDR

> in the bookstore, the nurse at my docs.


> Please someone let me know as soon as possible if I am wrong about

how much

> Cheney's usual prescription is of doxepin elixir since I am flying


> here just asking the med shrink to fill it the way I ask. Thanks

and I'll

> let you all know how it goes.

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> Hi ,


> I'm a new Cheney patient. He put me on 2 drops of Doxepin elixir

> (Sinequan trade name) about a month ago along with Klonopin,

> Magnesium shots and Neurontin (which we have since dropped).

> Anyway, you are right about the dosages Dr. Cheney recommends to

> start with - 2 - 3 drops - of the Doxepin Elixir (10mg / ml). He

> says this can be increased to 1/2 to 1 cc (5mg - 10 mg) as needed


> keep you asleep all night.


> However, I am having problems adjusting the dosages of all the

> drugs. He says if you're too " hung-over " you are taking too much,

> but he also says that you must take enough to make you sleep all

> night without waking up (which I do). I personally haven't been

> able to find the right combination to keep me asleep all night

> without significant hang-over the next day. My heart rate has

> increased significantly when I increase the Doxepin dosages to the


> mg and above levels, also. I don't mean to discourage anyone.

> Lots of people seem to be able to get these drugs to work

Klonopin w/ doxepin for me was great for sleep. I took 25mg. doxepin

in capsule form with 1mg. K. But, as Steve mentioned, due to slight

genetic differences in us, what works for one may not work for

another. It doesn't mean you don't have CFS/FM, it is just a

'gene thing'. There was a real good article in U.S. News and World

Report a few weeks ago that explained the genetic reason why some

meds work for some and not for others. It was a very technical

article, and even tho I'm not cognitivel impaired, I can't explain

it. It is a difference in gene (or chromosome?) arrangement.


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