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Welcome to Life Lift! We're very happy to have you with us. You are so

right, Rashelle is a great inspiration to us all. I think you'll really

enjoy hanging out with us, we have a really great group here. Once again,

welcome and we're really glad that you found us.



In a message dated 3/19/00 7:57:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, rdc@...


<< Hi everyone, my name is and I also just joined this list. I've been

on the more oxygen list for some time, and too just recently found Lifelift

and really love it and Rashelle. She has been such an inspiration to me. I

did other breathing exercises for the past year with no losses and although I

am losing kind of slow with LL, I am at least losing and feel wonderful and

full of hope. I'm glad to be a part of this list.


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I love you too! I am so glad to have you here with us. You are going to be an inspiration to many. I am certain. All of your commitment and efforts will be rewarded in a big way. Day, by day, you will get better and better and we will all love sharing your success with you.

Take care, Rashelle

You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any others belong to distributors.join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

just joined

From: " Clem" <rdc@...>

Hi everyone, my name is and I also just joined this list. I've been on the more oxygen list for some time, and too just recently found Lifelift and really love it and Rashelle. She has been such an inspiration to me. I did other breathing exercises for the past year with no losses and although I am losing kind of slow with LL, I am at least losing and feel wonderful and full of hope. I'm glad to be a part of this list.

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, Welcome, the more the merrier.I think I always say that, so sorry guys if it get's boring. I too love all the love and support from Rashelle and the others. It's great. I was so impressed by the way Rashelle is right here in the trenches with us sharing what works for her and learning from us too!! Good luck to you and keep breathing! W

just joined

From: " Clem" <rdc@...>

Hi everyone, my name is and I also just joined this list. I've been on the more oxygen list for some time, and too just recently found Lifelift and really love it and Rashelle. She has been such an inspiration to me. I did other breathing exercises for the past year with no losses and although I am losing kind of slow with LL, I am at least losing and feel wonderful and full of hope. I'm glad to be a part of this list.

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Thanks , it's good to be here.

Re:Just Joined

> From: Michele <msheeran@...>


> Hi ! Welcome to the list. It's good to have you with us.


> Michele S.



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, I too just joined this group this week. I hate to hear that you

have been with the program for 16 weeks and don't notice any changes.

Surely you have some changes. Or maybe you were in great shape to

begin with! Me, I have a LONG way to go. I want to loose 85 lbs. I am

only 2 weeks into the program, and I already see a difference in the

way I feel. My strength has increased 3 fold! I hope you stick with it

because some of the messages I see here say that for some it takes

many weeks before changes are noticeable. Hang in there!

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OK. I give. What's a SAHM?

> Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a minute to introduce

myself. I am

> from land and I am a SAHM with 3 girls. I have been doing the


> now (faithfully) for 16 weeks. Although I am not seeing too many

results I

> am sticking with it. I want to loose 15lbs of body fat, honestly I

want to

> get into a bathing suit this summer, that is my ultimate goal. I

am very

> discourage though, because I am not getting the results.

Encouragement is

> definately welcomed!!


> Anissa

> *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

> Take a stroll through my garden....

> http://www.geocities.com/anissal

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Adrienne! I hope you will enjoy this list as much as I do.

I do all kinds of soaps and bath products etc. Fun,Isn't

it! :) I have many animals to! I live in FL. Lavender is

one of my favorites too. If I can be of any help, email me.

Again, glad to have you aboard!


--- amydumasfan200@... wrote:

> Hi

> My name is Adrienne. I love making homeade lip gloss. I

> live in

> Washington. I have tons of animals and I love to die my

> hair (I know

> it sounds weird). My favorite herbs are lavender and

> rosemary.


> Glad to join

> Adrienne





Problem Skin? Soap harsh! Try my soap....Natural Glycerin. What is truly unique

about my soaps and entire product line,is that I custom-design them just for

YOU! You pick-design, color, fragrance! And Pay ONLY for what you want in your

soap. I have a full line of Lotions,Glitter Gels,Lip Gloss,Tub Tea,Bubble

Bath,Candles,Potpourri! Check Out the Store -



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Hey there everyone!

I am new to this group and to bath and body creations

in general. I got started because I wanted to use

more natural products for myself and my first child I

was expecting. Because I am a migraine sufferer, I

began collecting some essential oils for headache

preparations to replace my usual medications while I

was pregnant last spring. I also have some carrier

oils. Now I am a happy stay-at-home-mom for my almost

6 month old son, Dante. I would like to start making

bath and body items for my friends and family, but I

am not sure where to start. Does anyone have any



--- amydumasfan200@... wrote:

> Hi

> My name is Adrienne. I love making homeade lip

> gloss. I live in

> Washington. I have tons of animals and I love to die

> my hair (I know

> it sounds weird). My favorite herbs are lavender and

> rosemary.


> Glad to join

> Adrienne





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Welcome! Congratulations! on your new addition. I love that

name! :)

Well I started doing soap and quickly progressed to other

items. I now carry a full line of bath products, lotions,

gels, lip products and balms. It is an obsession! :)

Start slow, pick one or two things to obsess on! :) Try

different scents and blends. Do ones you like...try them

out on family and friends. Learn all you can. There are

many, many sites and many great people to help you, if you

have a question. Don't be afraid to ask...we all started

somehwere and are grateful to many for help!

Again, Welcome aboard!


--- <iguanamama68@...> wrote:

> Hey there everyone!


> I am new to this group and to bath and body creations

> in general. I got started because I wanted to use

> more natural products for myself and my first child I

> was expecting. Because I am a migraine sufferer, I

> began collecting some essential oils for headache

> preparations to replace my usual medications while I

> was pregnant last spring. I also have some carrier

> oils. Now I am a happy stay-at-home-mom for my almost

> 6 month old son, Dante. I would like to start making

> bath and body items for my friends and family, but I

> am not sure where to start. Does anyone have any

> suggestions?


> Ria


> --- amydumasfan200@... wrote:

> > Hi

> > My name is Adrienne. I love making homeade lip

> > gloss. I live in

> > Washington. I have tons of animals and I love to die

> > my hair (I know

> > it sounds weird). My favorite herbs are lavender and

> > rosemary.

> >

> > Glad to join

> > Adrienne

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 9 months later...

> Hi there:

Welcome, Kimmee! Another early-bird.


> I just joined because I realized that I can not do this without some

> support.

You'll find it here.

I don't have a very positive enviornment where I am, people

> wonder why I haven't started sooner, & think that I can't do it. I am

Gee, aren't family and friends wonderful? NOT!

> 29 & weigh too much. My ultimate goal is to loose 150 lbs but I know I

> need to start small.

Ah, Grasshopper. You have learned much in your short time here.

Yes, start small. A lot of us have mini-goals, sometimes just plain old

daily or weekly ones. For me, I'm aiming to get in at least 3-4 days of

exercise a week and make sure I drink all my water. At age 48, I don't dare

drink lots before leaving the house and sometimes only get in half my daily


Notice neither of these is a " weight " goal - just part of changing a

lifestyle to a more healthier one.

Baby steps.

> weight loss. Today I actually went to the doctors & was subscribed

> Phentermine to increase my matabolism.

Isn't this half of the deadly phen-fen combo that killed or maimed so many

people? I hope you read all the side effects and warning labels before

taking any and are in perfect health!

Wouldn't it be healthier for you to drink a lot of water and eat a lot more

fibrous, low cal salads than artificially change your appetite? What's going

to happen to you when you *stop* taking the med?

Short term solutions don't work. You've got to change your eating & exercise

habits, not start a new one by taking pills.

*Do* you drink enough water a day? The formula we all agreed on from various

medical sources is the 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight rule, so if you

weigh 250 pounds you should be drinking at least 125 ounces of water a day.

*Do* you get in enough exercise? 30 minutes of movement a day, whether it's

slow walking or a strenuous aerobic video it doesn't matter. If you can't do

it all at once, break it down into 3, 10 minute segments, or even 6, 5

minute segments. Just walking up one flight of stairs for most of us is good

for 5 minutes right there!

Please, think carefully before taking meds thinking it's going to help your

weight loss. Long-term statistics prove they don't.

Sorry to be such a downer about it, but losing weight is hard work, and no

pill is going to be a quick fix and do it for you. Eat less, move more.

Those are the *only* 2 things that will get the weight off. Believe me, I

know how bad a reliance on pills could be. I went through doctor prescribed

amphetamines back in the late 1970's, early 1980's as a " cure " for weight

loss, an appetite depressant. If they worked for the long term I wouldn't be

here at 256 pounds, a full hundred pounds *higher* than I was while taking


Sue in NJ

who wishes all diet pills be banned

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Welcome Kimee :)

I have alot to lose too.. I didnt have the money at

first to go out and buy healthy foods and so on..but I

got paid this week and now im going out this morning

to buy more healthy stuff.. I have alot to lose to and

right now Im just going to be working on 5 lbs at a

time.. Thats what i did last time and it seemed to

work ok, there was a tip that Sue in NJ had posted

awhile ago.. It has stuck with me.. Dont expect to

lose 5lbs a week, 2lbs a week is ok because after a

year that would total 104 lbs Now wouldnt you like to

be down 104 lbs by next year this time?? Dont rush it,

It will come in time :)


--- Kimee <kimee@...> wrote:

> Hi there:


> I just joined because I realized that I can not do

> this without some

> support. I don't have a very positive enviornment

> where I am, people

> wonder why I haven't started sooner, & think that I

> can't do it. I am

> 29 & weigh too much. My ultimate goal is to loose

> 150 lbs but I know I

> need to start small. I have already completed one

> New Years Resolution

> & I feel strong that I can continue to keep the

> momentum going with my

> weight loss. Today I actually went to the doctors &

> was subscribed

> Phentermine to increase my matabolism.

> I am very hopeful & hope to encourage others :)

> Glad to be here.


> Kimee




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Welcome Kimee... I am on a time schedule today... Won't be able to post

much but I did want to welcome you to the group

Kimee wrote:

> Hi there:


> I just joined because I realized that I can not do this without some

> support. I don't have a very positive enviornment where I am, people

> wonder why I haven't started sooner, & think that I can't do it. I am

> 29 & weigh too much. My ultimate goal is to loose 150 lbs but I know I

> need to start small. I have already completed one New Years Resolution

> & I feel strong that I can continue to keep the momentum going with my

> weight loss. Today I actually went to the doctors & was subscribed

> Phentermine to increase my matabolism.

> I am very hopeful & hope to encourage others :) Glad to be here.


> Kimee



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--- Kimee <kimee@...> wrote:

> Hi there:


> I just joined because I realized that I can not do

> this without some

> support. I don't have a very positive enviornment

> where I am, people

> wonder why I haven't started sooner, & think that I

> can't do it. I am

> 29 & weigh too much. My ultimate goal is to loose

> 150 lbs but I know I

> need to start small.

Hi Kimee!!!

Poopie on the unsupportive people!!! And you are

doing this for yourself...no one else!!! If you don't

do it for you then it won't work or last! That is

what I have found in my years of trying!!! It has

taken 33 (almost 34!) years to love myself and put ME


If you need anything just holler!!! If ya want to

vent, JUST LET IT LOOSE!!!! :)

Welcome and have a great day!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!





Cincinnati, Ohio

A Winner Never Quits and A Quitter Never Wins.

Feel free to add me to your Messenger: cincyporkchop


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> I don't have a very positive enviornment where I am, people

> wonder why I haven't started sooner, & think that I can't do it.

Kimee.. I am 41 & have struggled all my life. I have been working " hard "

for the past year and have not gotten anywhere. I have been doing it for my

husband & marriage. Though my husband is a good man, he is a pain in the

a@@ about my weight. It only makes things worse. I keep trying to loose

for him & our marriage. We just went through a very bad time... I am still

recovering... trying to pull my self esteem up... but I really thought that

I was trying to loose weight for me now... I stepped on the scale this

morning to see that I have not lost a pound again!!! I said out loud,

" Sorry Ali " . I am slightly angry at myself for that thought to even enter

my mind! I guess I am trying to tell you to fight for yourself..... Always

remember the thought that it is for you.... no one else..... I know I have

to battle this one.

> My ultimate goal is to loose 150 lbs

This would be heaven!!!! But I would settle for 170 right now... actually

200 would make me happy... no, 220.... or even...... LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the group, Donna! You'll find lots of great help here, and we'll

learn lots from you too!! What does it mean to " drip " your own lye?

Where are you in SW Missouri...spent much time in that area while growing up in

KC, because Mother's family is there in Crane, Galena, Shell Knob, Purdy,

Cassville, etc. And, my best friend just moved to Golden. We live in FL.

Just joined

Hi everyone I just joined your great site, We live in S.W. Missouri,

and I rasie Registered Nubian goats and great pyrenees dogs, Have a

great day, I have a few pictures posted of the dogs, the baby goats

{kids} will start arriving in the next few days and I will get them




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  • 1 year later...

Ian contact me off board



Clyde, Medic


Just joined

Hi all

Just a quick introduction from myself to the group, my name is Ian and my

interest in remote medicine comes from my employment in the offshore

industry as a medic.

My background is as RAMCas a CMTfor 13 years and now as a rig medic for

past 2 years.

just a short intro, enjoy whats left of the weekend wherever you all are in

the world



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.


Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

ALL list admin messages (subscriptions & unsubscriptions) should be sent to

the list owner.

Post message: egroups

Please visit our website http://www.remotemedics.co.uk


The Remote Medics Team

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 Welcome to the list Stan, Hope things are well on GSF Brittania.


-- Just joined 

Hi all

Just a quick introduction from myself to the group, my name is Ian and my

interest in remote medicine comes from my employment in the offshore

industry as a medic.

My background is as RAMCas a CMTfor 13 years and now as a rig medic for

past 2 years.

just a short intro, enjoy whats left of the weekend wherever you all are in

the world



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.


Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

ALL list admin messages (subscriptions & unsubscriptions) should be sent to the

list owner.

Post message: egroups

Please visit our website http://www.remotemedics.co.uk


The Remote Medics Team

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Hi Ian i have just joined aswell im still serving 4 months to push. I to

have 12 years Ramc background could use some of your knowledge on gaining

access to the offshore ind, tips n stuff , any way laters Lee O'shea

>From: " IAN BOARDMAN " <britmedic961@...>



>Subject: Just joined

>Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 11:29:29 +0000


>Hi all

>Just a quick introduction from myself to the group, my name is Ian and my

>interest in remote medicine comes from my employment in the offshore

>industry as a medic.

>My background is as RAMCas a CMTfor 13 years and now as a rig medic for

>past 2 years.

>just a short intro, enjoy whats left of the weekend wherever you all are in

>the world




>Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.





Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

Hi Mike.I got my hep from transfusions.I have genotype 1and got it in mid 60's but wasn't diagnosed until 89 and non A ,nonB

They finally called it hep c in 91.I had treatment of interferon and riboveron in 98-99 with 52wk treatment and fortunately am undetectable for a viral load since.So at least the disease can't do further damage to my organs.You are very new when it comes to this disease and no question is stupid so don't be afraid to ask anything and one of us will be able to tell you what you want to know.Welcome to our group.We are a happy crazy family.


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ]On Behalf Of MikeSent: January 11, 2006 9:08 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Just joinedHi!My name is Mike,and I thank you for allowing me to become a member of this group.I have to admit. The group name is kinda "catchy". I couldn't resist applying for membership.I am not here evry day. But,will try to keep up on posting when I do get online.As for my hvc history. I was diagnosed with hep c last summer.Or early fall.Was found out after giving the va clinic permission to test for it. I figured,"why not?" after knowing my history during my 70's military days. Ever since then,I have been awaiting my next appointment. I finally got an appointment at the local va clinic for the 23rd. I think it is.So,that's where I stand with it. Was either as air gun which was used for giving us our shots back in those military fays,or from another version of hep I had back in 1973.Anyways,glad to be here,and look forwardto the fellowship...Mike

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Mike! Welcome to our happy family. We love for it to grow! I’m

a/k/a De, in GA. Finished 48 wk treatment about a year ago. Clear so far,

more results next week. We’ll help you sort it all out if you haven’t

already. You’ve had time to do some research.


Just joined


My name is Mike,and I thank you for allowing me to

become a member

of this group.

I have to admit. The group name is kinda

" catchy " . I couldn't resist

applying for membership.

I am not here evry day. But,will try to keep up on

posting when I do

get online.

As for my hvc history. I was diagnosed with hep c

last summer.Or

early fall.Was found out after giving the va

clinic permission to

test for it. I figured, " why not? " after

knowing my history during my

70's military days. Ever since then,I have been

awaiting my next

appointment. I finally got an appointment at the

local va clinic for

the 23rd. I think it is.So,that's where I stand

with it. Was either

as air gun which was used for giving us our shots

back in those

military fays,or from another version of hep I had

back in 1973.

Anyways,glad to be here,and look forwardto the



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